FS22 Map Review: Frankenmuth Farming Map by Taylor Farms - Farming Simulator 22

FS22 Map Review: Frankenmuth Farming Map by Taylor Farms - Farming Simulator 22

Kederk Farms

3 года назад

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@dairydeereFS - 28.01.2022 22:33

Here's my silage map. Oh yeah, Midwest Horizon vibes!

@adamklein6690 - 28.01.2022 22:34

Is this for all platforms

@jvpol02 - 28.01.2022 22:57

Yes a Michigan map, I live about a hour south of there

@justinrisinger7506 - 28.01.2022 23:01

I live about 40 minutes from there, pretty accurate layout to the area

@dakotabogue6487 - 28.01.2022 23:03

Is this going to be on console

@juiceua76 - 28.01.2022 23:04

great review thanks

@dansiegel995 - 28.01.2022 23:20

First map with a train station. Awesome. Don't know why all other map makers are avoiding this new system, which is fantastic. I just wish the pricing was slightly lower, as on stock maps, 99% of the time, the train station is always the highest price by 10%. Yes, the train costs money, but I never spend more that $100 for $100-$200k of sales...so people basically need to learn how to use the train. Plus the destination towns can buy infinite product, unlike the production sellpoints on the map.

@dansiegel995 - 28.01.2022 23:22

Map makers need to start making custom geos and weather, especially northern maps. It will feel weird being 50 degrees all the time in November when farming in Michigan.

@dansiegel995 - 28.01.2022 23:28

The map fields seemsVERY blocky...no curves whatsoever. I know its mainly due to the fact of square areas around all of the placeable buildings, but just looks very strange and simplistic. I mean I'm not in anyway expecting Euro-style curves, but seeing something besides 0/90/180/270 would be nice. Of course, very easy for stock AI to farm :)

@simonsmit4005 - 29.01.2022 00:11

Is this map coming to PS4? Looks awesome

@brianrutherford3681 - 29.01.2022 00:56

Very cool he used a real-life town

@heavyicerx - 29.01.2022 02:21

I’m excited for this. Frankenmuth was one of the first areas I thought of when I learned we could make maps. 😂 Now I need to find another meaningful Michigan town to do!

@CRL77JAN - 29.01.2022 03:14

This is great....I live 30 minutes away from muth..

@briantaylor8439 - 29.01.2022 03:56

Very nice review video of the map. Thanks for what you do.

@scottlutterloh2364 - 29.01.2022 05:57

Alright a michigan , only an hour and a half to the west of there

@jesserowe9864 - 29.01.2022 07:31

Grandparents have a small blueberry farm in vassar about 10 minutes from Frankenmuth. Cool to see an area I’m familiar with.

@Rookietankeryanker - 29.01.2022 16:02

I was working for a guy pulling hopper trailers and had to go up to Michigan Sugar Co. in Bay City in the midst of harvest time. I’ve never seen that many beets in my life.

@chrisasst - 29.01.2022 20:41

we can't buy the extra lands ( forest, areas with house etc...) is there a way to do this in xml or it is more indepth in GE... hugh fail there.

@LoverBoy-z9c - 29.01.2022 21:41

Salut, când apare harta pentru a putea juca pe ea 🤝😌

@memphishill8882 - 29.01.2022 23:15

Will this be on Xbox

@westernfarms3885 - 30.01.2022 18:26

I was just up at Frankenmuth Michigan! This reminds me of it so much! Now I wish I had a PC

@farmsbymellenthin - 31.01.2022 00:42

Is this coming to all consoles?

@sgtk2735 - 31.01.2022 07:46

Hope this comes to Concle

@gaming_boomer3911 - 31.01.2022 16:36

Thank you for the review. Only one problem with the map is Courseplay combines some of the fields when creating a course. For instance, if you create a course for field 41, CP draws a course for both fields 40 and 41, if that makes sense. Does anyone know an easy way of separating the fields so CP can work with it? One last question, if you play the map, do you have to use "New Holland" equipment only? ;)

@CSX_7026 - 03.02.2022 04:17

i wonder if they mean frankmuth michigan...

@finalist1971 - 07.02.2022 00:53

I am unable to sell eggs anywhere on this map - can you give it a try and let me know if it works for you

@travelinman70 - 19.02.2022 11:43

Go Blue!!!!
I live in Lansing. LOL
Winner, winner.....Zenders Chicken Dinner!!!!
Seems to be missing mosquitos and roadwork.

@NorthCountryOutlaw - 21.02.2022 21:58

Is this PC only?

@NorthCountryOutlaw - 21.02.2022 22:00

I like how wide open it is, love the looks of the barns, nice road, this might be my favorite map if it comes to play station

@lieutenantdan9865 - 22.02.2022 16:35

Man the fact I live in Saginaw MI this is so close to me.

@GreatLakesStateProductions6708 - 12.03.2022 03:42

I live near frankenmuth mi too not exactly accurate but it’s a nice farming map !

@jonjones957 - 27.03.2022 17:36

Good map to bad they couldn't put in Bavarian Inn or Bronner's but still good map

@masonweiss5279 - 30.03.2022 18:41

I live in frankenmuth and me dad owns the farm equipment dealer there
