An Emotional Beginning | MASS EFFECT 2 | Episode 1

An Emotional Beginning | MASS EFFECT 2 | Episode 1


2 года назад

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Alexander Riley
Alexander Riley - 16.07.2021 06:44

Everyone gets chills when the second Normandy enters for the first time. "The Normandy Reborn" is the name of the track from the soundtrack if you want to catch a case of the feels again.
The bit with the strings just before the final build always makes me tear up a bit...I feel Shepard's momentary reluctance, uncertainty and weariness in that moment, knowing she's earned her peace and freedom and died valiantly saving others...yet, here she is back, putting herself between home and harm's way again, resurrected by an enemy.
I hope you enjoy playing the game.

Al_K_WIW - 17.10.2023 18:21

ты можешь просто не перебивать реплики компьютерных игроков?

A Wily Wolf
A Wily Wolf - 11.09.2023 15:39

Nails on a chalkboard watching her stuff around and laugh with manual teammate placement...

PaieLCitra - 21.08.2023 06:42

i know this is old but can you please stop lookin at the chat while story is flowing and focus on gameplay? if you wanna put it on yt and wanna streamin do this, so annoying to watch like this. i hope u got better on the newer playthroughs tho. And love you're reactions that is why i keep going even if it's frustrating sometimes. 😇

Nicolas Faryna
Nicolas Faryna - 10.07.2023 01:01

PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weary Wanderer
Weary Wanderer - 08.07.2023 00:16

That’s an ADORABLE mammal

jason arias
jason arias - 29.06.2023 02:45

Rank/Level 43, not age 43 👀

corp Azilum
corp Azilum - 16.06.2023 16:59


Cipher Gaming South Africa
Cipher Gaming South Africa - 07.05.2023 21:37

well if a character is called strawberry, they deserve to splatter

Jake Hamilton
Jake Hamilton - 28.03.2023 07:40

“What are they putting in me?”

Science my friend! SCIENCE!

Miss T 21
Miss T 21 - 26.03.2023 04:21

43 is the rank of your soldier but is shepards 29 when mass effect starts no matter what gender or customization you make. cannoned 29 😊

DGARedRaven - 05.03.2023 02:01

"Sic vis pacem."

Anonymous - 19.02.2023 12:35

Every. Single. Female. Gamer. Kills. Off. Ashley. I get it, she kinda sucks. But she is INFINITELY more interesting of a character than Kaiden EVER is in this trilogy.

Are females intimidated by her or something? Because Kaiden was the most boring ass person I had ever met and I didn't even have to think about it when this decision came up. Killed his ass off immediately. All the guys kill off Kaiden and all the girls kill off Ashley. Interesting.

Henrik Frederiksen
Henrik Frederiksen - 28.01.2023 01:49

LOL gotta love that controller aiming and how about keeping the focus on the game instead of chit chatting with your chat and missing out on vital info ... gezz

Joseph Rosario
Joseph Rosario - 14.01.2023 17:34

when she realized she can change the armor color, she sounded like she had 3 heart attacks at the same time ....
then she looked down

Troller - 05.01.2023 12:25

One thing that I was not able to understand, why she played as Vanguard and haven't used charge lol.

BlackSkullArmor - 23.12.2022 12:34

I tell ya after an entire game riding her around the galaxy, seeing the Normandy limping and bleeding like that when I first started was like a punch in the gut

Richard Flagg
Richard Flagg - 18.12.2022 08:04

Am a big weirdo and your a weirdo and I love it 💕😜😜😜💞

Richard Flagg
Richard Flagg - 18.12.2022 07:57

When your in your cabin or room tand next to your bed and look up

Richard Flagg
Richard Flagg - 18.12.2022 07:30

This game is Awesome on PS5 if you ever get PS5 try this game on it's so much better with the grafics 💕👍

Richard Flagg
Richard Flagg - 18.12.2022 07:21

Yes you can flirt with Kelly enough to get her to feed your fish 🐠🐠🐟🐟

Richard Flagg
Richard Flagg - 18.12.2022 07:17

You can also check on your crew see how there doing at anytime your on the ship as well 😜💞

Richard Flagg
Richard Flagg - 18.12.2022 07:13

Remember you can upgrade your ship and armor and weapons and you can customize your quarters or Room by buying things for your room yes yes!!! I truly love this game 💕 I truly love your streams keep up the great streams 🥰💕👍

Richard Flagg
Richard Flagg - 18.12.2022 06:58

Everything you collect can be used to upgrade your ship and armor and weapons

Richard Flagg
Richard Flagg - 18.12.2022 06:26

Hi Meg my name is Rich keep making great streams 💕💖

Richard Flagg
Richard Flagg - 18.12.2022 06:19

I truly love this game and your great streams you can upgrade your armor and weapons and your ship hell yeah yes yes!!!! 💕🥰👍

FatalRecall - 15.12.2022 21:37

It's healthy to be emotional I always feel better after a good cry

Scáthach - 09.12.2022 04:09

I know this is old...but you don't know Martin Sheen?? Like, Charlie Sheen's dad? I flipped my shit when I heard his voice. How did they get him to do this role?

R - 07.12.2022 20:10

I can tell she has ADD. She abandons audio logs as soon as she plays them lol

The egg that survived howtobasic
The egg that survived howtobasic - 26.11.2022 07:57

"Can you romance jacob"

No, and I'm glad you can't, he is the most boring one dimensional character in me2, just like kaidan is in me2 if he was the one who survived.

Joshua - 20.09.2022 20:56

Is that for Mass Effect: Legendary Edition?

Gabriel ivan
Gabriel ivan - 05.09.2022 05:51

NO SHEPARD DID NOT FREAKING DIE, (Either Gender) NEVER GOT RESURRECT FROM DEATH, JUST GOT REBUILED FROM 2 YEAR LIFESUPPORT COMA Shepard Survived, the Commander Most likely fixed the Suit's Oxygen tanks OFF SCREEN, When entering the Atmosphere getting some Heat Radiation The Kinetic Barrier shields would have protected the Commander and it did, had The Best Kinetic Barrier shield in all of 2183, Number One Greatest Durability, but by the time the Kinetic Barrier shied went down the commander was already out of the blazing Atmosphere or Exosphere.

(Not all planets have Atmospheres some have Exospheres like Mercury.) The Commander might have gotten a little fire, but not Totally with the N7 Armor + Plot Armor protecting the Commander, also the Commander would Have Put out the fire by either landing on the water or landing on the snow. Even if there was no water on that planet, the Commander still landed on the snow which made a soft landing. (Like landing on a pillow, heard that from Frozen.)

There was a Woman that survived 33,333 feet in the air with no Parachute, So Shepard could have used any Biotic Implants to slow down the fall, Survived by crash landing on feet, barely landing on feet, put out any remaing fire on the snow, but ended up with broken mangled arms, broken legs also a broken neck, Shepard was unconscious, then got comatosed.

Oxygen tanks were slowly getting wasted again, but the Commander's suit transponder was still emiting the emergency distress beacon, the Collectors already left that Galaxy, the transponder was not only emiting a signal to Military Personnel, but to anyone any ships in that Galaxy, close to that planet. Then shadow broker's minion's picked up the Distress beacon, rescued Shepard before the Oxygen Life Support tanks were emptied, put the Commander in to their own Stasis Pod, with Life Support, they were hired by the Collectors to bring in Shepard dead or Alive, then Cerberus with little help from Traitor Foolish Liara Idiot found the Commander, took back the Stasis Pod, She let them take Shepard even though they knew they use the Commander for their Purposes, she didn't see the body, she listened to Cerberus lies without even looking at the Comatosed body, she was a gullible fool.

Miranda said She wanted to Put a Control chip in the Commander to make the Commander a slave, but she didn't not cuz of the Commander's good looks, attitude, nor plans But only because the Illusive Man ordered her NOT to, she's An obdient dog, They hooked Up Shepard to their Life Support machine spent 2 Years to Rebuilt the Broken Bones, Mangled Skin, and fix some Damaged Organs, so Technically Shepard was Still Alive, Just Barely Alive needed to fix The Brain as well, But still Alive nonetheless. The Commander herself or himself said that she or he was in a Coma.

As for Liara... SHE DID THE WRONG DAMN THING, she gave up the COMMANDER To the Terrorist Enemies,, THE ALLIANCE MOST CERTAINLY WOULD NOT Give up on the Commander, SHEPARD is one of their Most Best soldiers, if that was me I would Never give Up on the Commander, Should have taken him or her to the ALLIANCE, Or to Salarian Think Tank Group, Salarians are one of The Most Intelligent Genius Aliens in the Universe, they would have found a way fixed broken bones along with ANY damaged organs. Instead that fool took the Commander to Cerberus.

For each Gamers that care about Shepard's great reputation along with not wasting precious time nor resources, do yourselves a favor, don't bother doing Jacob's Loyalty Missions, along with Don't do Miranda's Loyalty Missions, they are Absolute WORST COMPANIONS That are not much if any Help in M.E. 3

Another advice For those that Very Much care for Shepard's great reputation Don't bother helping Liara on hacking stupid terminals, along with don't help her small stupid vendetta on S.B. DLC Mission (Shadow Broker), we totally want the S.B. killed, but don't have time, so let Liara do it herself, she has committed mutiny. For that she is suspended from the battleship for unnecessary force ABSOLUTELY UNNECESSARY FORCE.

This is her Punishment, + her ways of making amends, she wants forgiveness get religion. But don't worry she is still a romancable option, just not an ally worth helping in M.E.2, she's even lucky to still be a Ally, she's lucky didn't commit Unforgivable Mutiny otherwise she would deserve to die in M.E.3, but she doesn't, she only gave the Commander's comatosed body to Cerberus Terrorist organization causing a small political storm, especially problems with Kaidan or Ashley, (depending who got saved) she just doesn't deserve help.

She can save her drell Feron, but is she doesn't, she fails, that's her mistake she deserves, she still gets the S.B. Killed.

Finally Another advice For those that Trully care for Shepard's great reputation just because Cerberus fixed Shepard's bones, organs when on Comatosed life support not Resurrected, making sure the Commander Survives from injuries, doesn't mean we're friends with Cerberus at ALL, not even Friends with Jacob, Miranda, not even Kelly, they work for Us Alliance soldier, also Council Soldier, we don't owe Cerberus Shit, not even that Stupid Collectors base, if the Alliance can't have it, Cerberus won't have it either.

Cerberus might have saved Comatosed Brutalized Shepard from Death, but that Bitch Miranda tried to put a control chip to make the Commander a slave, but only reason she didn't was not because of Shepard's good looks, reputation, nor actions, only cuz Illusive Man ordered her NOT to.

Other than Jack, and Jacob as worst Romance Options, Miranda is The Worst Romance Option as Well, When it comes to Jack, Jacob, and Miranda, We hold no regrets of killing, THEY DESERVE TO TO DIIIIIIIIEEEEEE.

Those 3 Are the Only Worse Companions, even Grunt is better than them. If Jack survives ME 2, then managed to save the Academy, when romanced she goes to either gender Shepard punches the commander says That's for leaving dumbass, not romanced, still punches says I told you not to trust Cerberus, don't upgrade heavy ship armor she dies first in final mission.

Jacob betrayed the Alliance cuz of his stupid impatience of the rules to join terrorist orginaztion, he's not much help if any help in ME3, Jacob's destiny is to promise you a beer that he'll never buy you and his most earnest wish is to give up a life of space adventure and start a family, don't do his loyalty mission then he dies.


Miranda she won't admit what Cerberus did to Jack, and other people was Wrong, doesn't tell the whole story when Cerberus attack Quarians. She's a Blood Thirsty Facist Pig Cerberus Cheerleader Bosh'tet Bitch, she doesn't care the Reapers have come, she just cares about looking for her sister, she barely even sees her sister, nothing she does redeems herself, so don't do her Loyalty mission, her life has been a waste, but her death will be a gift to the Universe, she don't deserve to be with her sister, hope Orianna remembers her, take Unloyal Bitch Miranda to fight New Giant Human Hybrid Prototype Reaper and when destroyed, the Platforms falls, they fall to the ground, debris fall on Miranda painfully killing her, then Gets Miranda BITCH KILLED. If an of you don't believe those details at all, If I can't change your opinion, You will never Change my Opinion, you stick to your opinion if you don't believe the truth.

Jacek Zapałka
Jacek Zapałka - 20.08.2022 20:48

Ok, I just noticed that you played my all time favorite franchise. Hello there, another big waste of time :D I mean it's a waste - but a welcome one :D

Arrow55 - 11.08.2022 11:45

was that a dog or a red panda?

Lord Voldemort
Lord Voldemort - 29.07.2022 22:43

Nuclear Bomb literally detonates right on top of Ashley
Meg : "Maybe she's alive."

Narutoanime16 - 02.07.2022 05:48

It’s pretty crazy to think how much dogs can grow in just a year but in their time it different. Yuna so cute Omg! I’ll rewatch this all day just for the Yuna love lol. Have to watch part 1 of Mass effect first tho so I’ll rerun to this!

Leo Nielson
Leo Nielson - 06.06.2022 15:54

I prefer the 'match the symbols' to the 'impregnate the box' minigame of ME1

Leo Nielson
Leo Nielson - 06.06.2022 15:16

If you pay attention, you'll see Ashley in ME3 ... Spoiler ...

... As an unused character model in the background of a scene where the Virmire survivor is being rushed into the hospital. If Kayden died, it would have been his character model like a ghost in the background.

Tamz - 30.05.2022 05:09

RIP Ashley, one of the better characters. Kaiden is boring af.

Zane Higgins
Zane Higgins - 22.05.2022 19:49

Mam, ashley isnt a racist, she is a soldier to the bone. Wich means she thinks like a soldier. If ur a noncom on board a US warship, and all of a sudden there are Russians & Chinese soldiers about ur gonna be a littlle suss too.

Gaming Cinema
Gaming Cinema - 08.05.2022 05:36

I feel like I remember you saying you were gonna play Fire Watch in one of your ME videos. Whatever happened with that?

Legatus Lucius
Legatus Lucius - 02.05.2022 08:41

Gen Z is so weird

Gamma - 24.04.2022 01:13

The illusive man does have the coolest office ever

NataliaNeeSama - 21.04.2022 19:28

It's interesting that see Tali more cautious if you didn't help her in the first game. I never saw that, since I always helped her, as such, she is always happy to see me.

Jake Richard
Jake Richard - 11.04.2022 15:42

Protip.... Don't read out loud, it takes longer

Ms_KB - 11.04.2022 06:07

Omgah your puppy 😍

Dreamy Bull
Dreamy Bull - 21.02.2022 07:32

Bro that puppy is so cute wtf.
