This Game Is Peak Ubisoft

This Game Is Peak Ubisoft

Asmongold TV

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@thePyiott - 27.05.2024 19:00

Irony is no one would have complained if they chose a white main character.

@thePyiott - 27.05.2024 19:08

In spite of the historical inaccuracies The Last Samurai was well recieved in Japan and they really like Tom Cruise. If the Japanese have problems with this its likely due to racism. If westernes have problems with this ita because of brainrot identity politics. If the game is good the game is good. The price is insane tho

@Teytheprophet - 28.05.2024 02:28

As a Black man… we didn’t ask for this

@sneferu8148 - 28.05.2024 07:13

I personally feel like most shitheads are obsessed with identity politics And personally, it’s not necessarily on the left Just my opinion

@samuelalselim6782 - 28.05.2024 07:56

and The main character is also lgbtq

@unitedkingdomoffiveeyes9765 - 28.05.2024 09:11

Good or not it will still be on the back of my mind for 30 hrs +. Im pretty nervous about whitcher 4...

@rhysjulian805 - 28.05.2024 10:36

People like Asomon and all the other people like him are just getting silly now, in AC odyssey you played as a God pretty much with a protagonist from Greece with a weird American/European accent. And now with this game they wanna complain about historical accuracy 😂😂 And then he has the Gaul to complain about the different editions when games have been doing that for years! Go boycott Activision for having MW3's vault edition at $200. This is just silly.

@fluffypuppy6914 - 28.05.2024 13:51

Im just staying happily with my guy Ezio. You have fun!

@officialpastalavista - 28.05.2024 13:54

"you get a lot dumb fucking fish" lmaoo got my sub for that

@sometimeclown5281 - 28.05.2024 14:33

This is Wokeness and D.E.I. through the lens of an activist's novel, not based on Historical fact.. Yes this man existed, but very quickly disappeared from history SOON after his master died, and he was NOT a Samurai.......

@aymartop - 28.05.2024 14:46

It gonna be a failure trust me as long as the story is apart from future it just gonna be boring asf

@pesmerga182 - 29.05.2024 00:46

Think the main argument about the last samurai, is that in a movie you need a well know actor to get people to go, and Tom Cruise was that. No Japanese actors would get people going to the cinema in America, but with a game you don’t need one

@Vic-qp1gk - 29.05.2024 01:41

I like how Japanese descendants are complaining about African Samurai. News flash, there was African samurai in service of Nobunaga Oda called Yasuke, the name Nobunaga granted him. However, Yasuke was not allowed to have a Katana, just a wakizashi. So this is somewhat accurate....

@ramblingvox - 29.05.2024 13:05

Could have made the girl a gheisha that uses her position to assassinate the people more hitman style or help in the shadows with the information she got from entertaining the higher ups. having to poison a general in the middle of a soiree without being noticed or stealing something from him to help out the guy. (and i'm a woman i wouldn't mind playing that character). instead of the girl is ninja trope.

@clay4012 - 29.05.2024 18:28

Hey guys yasuke did in fact reach the rank of samurai.

@djrandalruckus1 - 29.05.2024 23:40

Check the Japanese version of The Trailer it has like 10K like & Aroubd 130K Dislikes ! 😂

@Twix44 - 30.05.2024 00:35

Tbh majority of these players don't even care about if the guy is black or purple they just saw a few people hating an they just blindly hate as well it's crazy 🤣 like come on u think young American gamers care if the mc is black our white they just want to know that the game is great quality

@Twix44 - 30.05.2024 00:39

Also guys no one is forcing u to pre order it 💀 I i would never pre order it for that price but when it comes officially I'll still play the game because I'm a fan of the gameplay mechanics of all the assassins games Idc about who's white or black I'm just playing to enjoy the game if it's a bad gameplay well so be it if it's good then W for us

@TheRecks33 - 30.05.2024 02:50

The funny thing is, that people are saying he's not a real samurai. What if in the game he is given the title of samurai? The response would be well in real life he didn't get that title so it's already inaccurate. Then you bring up no one in the games that existed in history did any of it in real life. They'll say well they're not protagonists. Then you reply with well would you be happy if they made up a black AC character that went thru samurai training? They would blow a fuse and explain why that would be insane!! How there's no chance that a black man would end up in feudal japan and train to be a samurai. Then you bring up yasuke and it goes back full circle.

No one's seen gameplay, no one's said a word about naoe, and i whole heartedly feel that if they used a white man instead of a black man. Yea there'll be some push back, but not a dislike ratio that the game received as soon as they showed the black man. It's actually sad that people pretend like they didn't inherit either a genetic or societal personality trait to be racist especially against black ppl. If the assassin had been Tom Holland, it'll be lets give the game a chance. Smh

@Mori-ey8wj - 30.05.2024 14:16

Assassins Creed Andys will play game if its bad

@alekruberry2939 - 30.05.2024 15:28

Isn't it just weird how everyone seems to have their OWN story about yasuke? After combing through research for about an hour it seems that most end up concluding he WAS a samurai in Japan during the Sengokku war period. This isn't to say that many conflicting stories don't exist. There exists many theories, for example this entire comment section, that posit entirely different claims. One person states "The real historical Yasuke met Nobunaga for a year, then was sold back to the Jesuits and never obtained a rank as samurai". Some sources say that when he visited Japan, it was the 1550's, while other sources state differently. Someone else in the comments claims he was there from 1579-1582 (however their source is Wikipedia which is shoddy at best). Here's my problem, at the end of the day: This is a historical figure that existed ~500 years ago. So without doubt, of course there is going to be misinformation spread all over the place. I don't believe there is any one way to know for certain if he was or was not a samurai, I feel like people that argue in favor of him being a samurai have never bothered to read about him. Just as the other side who claim that he was never a samurai, cherry pick their evidence or don't research either. This whole argument is fucking stupid if you ask me. Instead of people just being like "oh hey, Ubisoft is making ANOTHER cash-grab Assassins creed game, a franchise for notoriously being dog shit? Oh hey, they either want me to spend $130 to pre-order it or pay a monthly subscription to play it? No thanks, I'll spend my money wiser", instead it's a melting pot of dumb ass opinions. We get it, Ubisoft is pandering, wanna know something crazy though, most people just ignore it and forget it exists, instead of shitting their pants about it on the internet. Vote with your wallet, instead of causing even more publicity for this dog shit series.

@jacobburrell613 - 30.05.2024 19:46

Your tone when you say “the game is $130!”, implies - at least from my perspective - that that’s defining price of the game. It’s not. That’s the ultimate price (no pun intended). Those inclusions are just DLCs No one needs the “ultimate” edition for it to be considered the full game. If those add-on’s made the game package complete, then they would’ve been considered “necessities”, and not DLCs

@Mdot555 - 31.05.2024 03:54

we waz samurai

@Voodoowatertv - 31.05.2024 04:15

Average cc debt is 10k and rising no one has money to spend but we keep charging regardless

@ozeald.7586 - 31.05.2024 10:40

I think the saddest part about this is that if this game sells poorly because of the black male lead and the female lead that video game publishers will use that as proof positive that people don't want black and/or female characters in their games and give us more and more stereotypical straight white muscle men. I understand the confusion behind the character, it is new and it is a source of debate on its historical accuracy on whether he was or wasn't a samurai, i also understand that Japanese gamers might be disappointed to see a black man instead of their own race being represented in their own country. However, talks like this can become toxic and borderline racist if we aren't careful and thoughtful in our expressions. I've researched and apparently, Yosuke was a legit samurai but even if he was not Assassin's Creed was never 100% historically accurate anyways. Yosuke is indeed a real character in japan in that era and that is enough. We complain about the lack of representation on gaming for different cultures then complain again when we get it. I agree this could have been done better... for example ubisoft could have crafted a game set in Africa with a black lead, Africa is full of culture and we are ignoring it!!! I just think that we all need to take a chill pill a bit because it is a work of fiction rather than a legit historical depiction that we are acting like it is. This isn't a historically accurate series, or a documentary. Why not complain about something far more relevant, like the greed ubisoft is displaying in their multiple pre-order and editions that cost far far too much for a game that has no gameplay... While we argue over skin color and historical accuracy we ignore the real issues that impact our pockets and developers livelihoods. This is odd, but ultimately it isn't that big of a deal. Let the black samurai be cool and sexy and badass. Ghost of Tsushima already gave us a great depiction with a Japanese lead.

@SenUchitana - 01.06.2024 02:39

I’m not gonna be Playing this even if it turned out to be a Good Game 😂 the Game Directors are probably Manipulated white women lol

@OurStL - 01.06.2024 05:24

I'd just play the girl character, but assassin's creed has been dead for a long time now.

@rumo4089 - 01.06.2024 17:56

i will get ubisoft+ for a month and then grind the game one month, u can buy ubisoft+ and cancel it directly it will stay until the end of the month this way u cant forgett to cancel it

@Josubeats - 01.06.2024 18:43

In the words of Gordon Ramsay: ITSS BLAAAACKK!!!?????

@rabbit07236 - 03.06.2024 13:43

Boycott the new game twisting historical facts of ours. A message from Japan.
That is all fictions that prove the UBI look us down, unlike when they made the series to ancient Egypt or other civilizations.
For fools mentioning Nioh. That looks a completely fantasy. there was no monster in Japan. And google William Adams. It is the end.

@varunthapliyal8960 - 03.06.2024 17:36

Sasuke uchiha would have been better 😂😂

@LornFortheForlorn - 03.06.2024 23:35

its a trash copy and paste

@smackm5724 - 04.06.2024 01:48

A highly trained woman could beat a completely untrained man but not equally trained

@jacobiban - 04.06.2024 12:52

Not that deep 😂

@AkasHYadaV-tw3zu - 05.06.2024 05:23

American who are confusing there identity if he, she or binary now a days .....

Cant understand what is wrong with black guy in Japan.😂😂😂

@dontribal739 - 05.06.2024 20:56

I figured they were using Yasuke was a cool legend to include in the story. True though that you could look at a list from the Samurai Wariors games and pick someone from there.

@chatreesaengsuk3784 - 08.06.2024 03:08

see today oh June 8 palworld now check
I see wow new cool

@limpwang8941 - 08.06.2024 06:42

New to asmond. Been on a 4 hour binge of his content. I wish he said the n word more :(

@DunningofKruger - 08.06.2024 14:12

Nothing says inconspicuous like being a minority so rare that you're likely the only individual of a kind many have ever seen.

9/10th of Assassination is going undercover and sneaking into where you're doing your assassinating so you can get close to your target. Then leaving without having anyone realise you were ever there.

An African Assassin in Japan is probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

"Oh, this random black guy, which I've never even seen a black man before showed up."
"Oh, that same week, a politician was found dead under suspicious circumstances."
"Oh, that black guy showed up to another town."
"Oh, a local businessmen was found dead under suspicious circumstances."

Foiling this "assassin" doesn't require any intelligence/counter-intelligence. You just need basic pattern recognition skills.

@Astartes-6969 - 10.06.2024 03:38

Guys you Yasuke was a real person in Japan. He was a Retainer trained.
And Assassin's Creed has never been historically Accurate.
The series is about 2 Secret Societies fighting over Ancient Alien Magical Technology.

@kamanha746 - 10.06.2024 08:11

An African in feudal Japan is an interesting event in history. There is the japanese woman they want. There is no problem. People without a purpose in life search for a problem in a video game's character. Ubisoft's monetization model is more worthy of discussion.

@vulcanviduus252 - 12.06.2024 01:24

The girl makes sense to me since they were often assassin's historically, I see no issue with that

@stemen1162 - 12.06.2024 06:57

Tom Cruise was not The Last Samurai, the name of that films refers to Katsumoto, he was the last samurai, not Tom Cruise's character lmao.

@shadowcouncil911 - 12.06.2024 14:17

my god this is cringey af lmao

@UniqueHash - 12.06.2024 16:52

WHEN will we be able to actually create our own character for these games rip

@erushi5503 - 13.06.2024 01:26

me pirating the older good obisoft games ahahaha

@AndrewSearaCanada - 13.06.2024 23:36

It's amazing how this a thing that is constantly happening, but it was never a problem... until now.
The Last Samurai (japanese), they pick Tom Cruise as main protagonist, no porblem
The Great Wall (chinese), Matt Damon as protagonist, no problem
Godzilla (japanese monster), main characters white, no problem
3 Body Problem (chinese), nearly all western cast, no problem
Tokyo Vice (japanese), main character white, no problem
Shogun (japanese), which was very recent, they pick a white guy (historically accurate) and NO ONE said anything
Why suddenly is a problem with AC?? Why is everyone complimenting SHOGUN when it's the same?

@simunator - 14.06.2024 13:18

lol imagine buying video games, spending real money, in current year

@DarthDre - 14.06.2024 13:30

Japanese people have used and made plenty of Yasuke media since the 1960's 🤙🏽

@nsr50rst - 14.06.2024 21:25

In the world, the reason for wearing armor in the first place is to avoid being cut down by sword and blades. Even Japanese swords are not designed to cut through metal plates head-on.
Even in Japan, the most effective and deadly weapons were the bow and long weapons such as the spear and naginata.
It is strange that a game studio cannot reproduce what every gamer knows.
Also, please stop with the exploding cars in other game series.
