Games That Push the Limits of the GameCube

Games That Push the Limits of the GameCube


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@riccccccardo - 27.06.2024 01:37

Love my gc I bring it out once or twice a year Mario party 6-7, def jam etc so many great games I’ve not played properly half my aaa games though to busy on my Xbox sx and 3ds xl.

@MoltoRubato88 - 26.06.2024 07:25

I'm surprised that Eternal Darkness wasn't on this list. It's also one of the many games that Nintendo likes to ignore. To this day, there hasn't been a single re-release or remaster of Eternal Darkness since it debuted on the GameCube.

@chrishorsfield9164 - 14.06.2024 14:08

Didn't know Michael parkinson reviewed games

@ShadeAnris - 10.06.2024 20:44

I still think metroid prime and its sequel are the best looking games on the console. which is funny because the remake is also far and away the best looking switch game

@kameoosama - 03.06.2024 15:15

The GameCube did get at least one GTA clone: True Crime Streets of LA. Which I'm actually a bit surprised clocked in at under the 1.8 GB of a GameCube disc. Unless there were secret double density discs or something

@hyakin7818 - 01.06.2024 15:58

Star fox adventures is impressive in it's own rights as it started developement on the n64 even and quickly had to switch
Metroid prime for a near launch title still looks gorgeous for today and wouldn't have needed a remaster graphic wise but the remaster still managed to look so good without very heavy lifting that some might call it limit pushing for the switch

@nintendogamer3227 - 01.06.2024 11:47

Yeah why didn't you mention Metroid Prime 1 & 2, Mario Kart DoubleDash (split screen) StarFox Assault, RE0/REmake & others. You dropped the ball mate.

@vino60121 - 01.06.2024 08:15

U forgot Simpsons hit and run my guy

@ianswift3521 - 31.05.2024 23:03

what happened to your voice, did you get sick?

@RazzRG - 30.05.2024 23:42

There is still tuns about rogue squadron that was ahead of its time even in today's games .
It still is such a marvel of a game.

@Animal_lives_matter - 28.05.2024 13:39

starfox adventures has the best graphics on gamecube

@nwmusic2010 - 28.05.2024 07:36

I loved the GameCube!

@zataritamods7499 - 28.05.2024 05:18

henlo, long time RE4 modder here!
The game is rendered in 4:3 and the bars are actually just an overlay to add the cinematic look to the game.

-The game has a limit of 6 lights interacting with one object at a time, and one of those lights is capable of being dedicated for dynamic directional shadows. The light system and camera system were built to work together. You would walk into trigger areas and that would determine the characteristics of the camera for that area. This would also toggle light groups on and off.
-It wasn't able to handle traditional transparency, and actually broke up the drawing of things into 5 passes. This simulated transparency. You can see the side effect of this as the developers messed up the hierarchy in some places like in the bushes in the farm.
-The game actually doesn't have traditional "collision" there is a collision mesh that is used to determine where the player can walk, and another collision mesh that determines where bullets can hit. This means if you happen to clip out of the SAT (the player collision area) you can just sorta wander around in the void no problem you won't fall into the abyss.
- RE4 had inverse kinematics where his feet would actually collide with the floor, and rudimentary DoF (like Windwaker)
-Another cool thing is the game actually used bones dedicated to cloth physics. You can see it on leon's jacket. This was part of the lighting system for some reason though?
This game wasn't very "dynamic" All of the rooms were hard coded. They had functions that were called when a room was entered (room_init functions), and once per frame while in the room (room_main functions). This was how they got away with a lot of what they did. This made it really difficult to mod :c
Another thing too is a lot of the levels had copies of each of the textures, animations, effects, etc in them. This kept all of the data close together on the CD reducing load times; however, it is one of the reasons the game ended up having two disks. Some things were shared between levels, but that was typically reserved for characters, enemies, etc.
I can pretty much tell you anything about this game if you're interested. I have reverse engineered most of the file formats and I have actually created an entire suit of modding tools for the game. In fact I have done so with GC, PS2, and UHD (Steam). Each of them have unique changes to them.

FUN FACT - A lot of the developers who worked on RE4 ended up moving over to platinum games and made NeiR: Automata. The game has a surprising amount of similarities to how RE4 systems worked. albeit significantly more refined.

@alexshadowfax1119 - 27.05.2024 20:35

Just found your channel, going through your videos now, and yes, I read the channel description, always.

@ThomasCassonActor - 27.05.2024 12:22

I remember at the time the Gamecube was just laughable to own, in the UK as a British teen it was all about killing things which the PS2 had in abundance. The cool 'mature' factor was with Sony. It didn't help its flagship colour was purple and its flagship games (Maio Sunshine, Windwaker and Mario Kart) although amazing were experimental in appearance and gameplay. Playing both now the Gamecube is misunderstood, it plays games with much faster loading times and is graphically superior.

@UchihaGamezz - 27.05.2024 11:19

a philistine? is that like an imaginary creature or something?

@billyhatcher643 - 27.05.2024 05:23

you should make a video that talks about games that push the power of ps3s hardware

@SianaGearz - 24.05.2024 19:09

ATI did not develop Gamecube's video chip, that was ArtX, a group of engineers that originally worked on N64's video processor at SGI, and then founded a new company when SGI started falling apart. Between the video chip being taped out, and the Gamecube actually coming out, ArtX got acquired by ATI. Of course ArtX then contributed to engineering of Radeon products.

@Setsuna_Kyoura - 24.05.2024 11:03

Too bad that the PS2 could also be used as a DVD player. If else, the GameCube would have outsold it to hell and back...

Better graphics, better controller, more compact design and great games. Almost everything speaks for the GameCube. But the part with the DVDs made the parents buy the PS2, hence it was the cheapest DVD player at the time that conveniently also can play games...

@stevethepocket - 24.05.2024 08:45

Of course a Star Wars game would be a pioneer in the use of bump mapping. It was Lucas's prop designer who invented the word "greebles" after all.

@niallmcardle7 - 24.05.2024 03:29


@matt92hun - 23.05.2024 18:11

The GC could have been bigger, Nintendo just decided to not make it able to read normal DVDs and play movies.

@iamjoehill - 23.05.2024 09:51

Had PS2 sweating most of the time!

@chrisgaines6369 - 22.05.2024 22:09

Where are Switch versions of all the Rogue Squadron games? Hey Nintendo, free money here for Switch ports, im ready to buy. You want me to Pirate, don't you? Ok then. Wtf?

@4g1vn - 22.05.2024 05:24

Stretched like a Philistine! 🤣🤣

@caioleite5579 - 21.05.2024 17:45

I am glad you remembered Rogue Saquadron. I was a kid when the Gamecube launched and my dad was a huge star wars fan, so he had the N64 Rogue Squadron game and also got the gamecube one. It was mind blowing how much of a massive upgrade it was

@Agent7300 - 21.05.2024 12:00

simpsons hit and run and true crime were open world games on the gamecube, but yeah it was slim pickings

@the.real.Deano. - 20.05.2024 19:16

The metroid prime games most definitely deserved a mention i think on of them actually won a couple best looking game of the year awards when they released.

@the.real.Deano. - 20.05.2024 18:24

That's not true about open world games on gamecube, with no e being like GTA, the GameCube had the true crime games that looked just as good as GTA games back then

@michaelsilveira3909 - 20.05.2024 03:00

Bro I can't tell if you're just trolling with that weird voice, or if it's natural lol. I couldn't stop laughing the whole time 😂😂

@chemergency - 19.05.2024 03:49

True Crime is an impressive achievement for Gamecube hardware. Closest thing we had to GTA on it.

- 18.05.2024 12:24

That's intresthing how Wind waker is here, but Twilight Princess not?

@TBoneTony - 17.05.2024 12:56

StarFox Adventures would be among those games on the list that pushed the Nintendo GameCube to it's visual limits.

@GreyWolfLeaderTW - 17.05.2024 04:23

Another game worth mentioning in terms of pushing the limits of the GameCube is Rareware's swansong for home console games for Nintendo, Star Fox Adventures.
That game is graphically gorgeous with fantastic visual effects, from reflections on polished stone surfaces to fur-bearing characters having detailed hair strands that react to momentum and wind, to its rain, snow, fire, water, and depth of field effects, all running at 60 FPS and stream-loading level and entity asset data from the disc without any loading pauses or hiccups.

@cutestkitten8453 - 16.05.2024 12:54

I never understood why resident evil 4 was thought of good it's just a bunch of homeless bums chasing you

@graysonpeddie - 16.05.2024 03:26

I do get the impression that GameCube is a massive upgrade in terms of graphics compared to Nintendo 64. I wonder what the graphics will be like if it is somewhere between Nintendo 64 and GAmeCube? Surely we could have just a fewest amounts of polygons like in Nintendo 64 but have the best graphics from the likes of GameCube, right?

And by the way, I did took Wind Waker for granted. I never thought this game could push the limits of what GameCube could do.

@simpson6700 - 15.05.2024 19:12

f-zero gx is still one of my favorites. it runs pretty well for me on dolphin, i beat all cups on the first 3 difficulties and i can count on one hand how many times my computer struggled.

@SnackCannon - 15.05.2024 16:53

No mention of Twin Snakes?

@bradleymcavoy3432 - 15.05.2024 01:18

Whoever is playing RE 4 when it is shown, is Totally SUCKING at It! 🙄🤦‍♂️

@_yadokari - 14.05.2024 20:21

Nintendo are the absolute masters of scalable art.

@rophgames - 14.05.2024 12:58

I was surprised that Starfox Adventures wasn't included, especially since Twilight Princess was.

@javierkiman8302 - 14.05.2024 01:02

Don't talk so much.

@zyxyuv1650 - 13.05.2024 06:35

I'm listening to you talk about how good F-Zero GX looks, meanwhile the video on screen looks nothing like F-Zero GX and there's low bitrate compression artifacts everywhere. Try pausing the video, it looks absolutely cheap and horrendous. Whoever is watching this will get the impression that F-Zero GX looks much worse than it actually does. If you upload in 1080p you get low bitrate imposed on the video. That's why you need to upload stuff like this in 4K or a bare minimum 1440p60 so you can use higher bitrate. I had to stop the video cause its hurting my eyes to look at this.

@Fuuntag - 13.05.2024 05:57

Gamecube had access to some pretty great Directx 8.1esque features. Rogue Leader aside I wouldn't say these choices pushed the limits...they just took good advantage of the hardware.

@mrgran799 - 12.05.2024 21:10

Gc >ps2

@carloscuello8814 - 12.05.2024 16:19

NFS Carbon wasnt by any means an impressive game on GCN. All NFS games on cube were quickports and do not take full advantage of Nintendo 128 hardware. Even PS2 versions look better, sadly. Also you stated there was no sandbox games like GTA on GCN and this was the most look a like, and you forget True Crime LA and NY are available for GCN...sadly those are Quickports too, but at least are better to nothing.

@cruxinc - 11.05.2024 11:02

i beg of you, please do a video on games that push the limits of the acorn archimedes!

@baulzzzzzzz2278 - 11.05.2024 03:21

It’s criminal that we haven’t gotten a remake of F ZeroGX one of the best racing games of all time
