Facebook Ads After iOS 14 | Powerful Retargeting Hacks!

Facebook Ads After iOS 14 | Powerful Retargeting Hacks!

Mei Man - Social Media Marketing

2 года назад

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@myradiantface5784 - 09.06.2022 04:28

LOVE THIS VIDEO. You helped me layout a FB marketing strategy. Will update you on results.

@camillabrandao6209 - 25.04.2022 12:34

Great video! How to target people who saved posts?

@superman3621 - 08.03.2022 03:44

Thanks for the content Mei. I tried to do what you said and did custom audience 3s View + click CTA

Question: for click CTA, i had to choose facebook page that was the only place i saw "those that clicke CTA" and then i saw instagram page didnt have that. Does my click CTA for facebook page not include IG then and only includes those that clicked CTA on a facebook platform?

@BaumerIt - 21.12.2021 12:22

Hi Mei, I have a small business that runs on Fb ads campaign. I Have a 3X Road on Fb ads, but I want to maximize my retargeting. At the moment I Retarget All the Cta, web visitors, and add to cart of last 3 days with a reach campaign, and all the cat, web visitors and add to cart from 4-7 days with another ads with an offer with reach object. This public came from a conversion campaign in the upper funnel. My question is... These public are like 1000 people, it's correct retargeting them with reach objective and have 3/4 frequency or I should move on conversion objective also for retargeting of this small audiences? Many people say different things so I'm a little confused. Thanks

@nasrodineelghalbzouri4849 - 01.12.2021 03:21

Hi! For 1 month i have been targeting whole country and 95% of my sales come from 1 city (country’s capital, where rich people live). Should i target only this city? Or keep the targeting broad ?

@blackleaves1443 - 03.10.2021 04:25

Proud to be the viewer n.23 and Like n.11 ❤️

@jesseharradine9861 - 02.10.2021 23:51

costs are up 200% ... it's a joke! 5.5mill revenue done in last 4 yrs for my ecom brand and CPA is legit 2x-3x cost post ios 14.5 ... brutallll. gonna give tik tok a whirl

@honestwafflesdatingcoach - 02.10.2021 20:10

Nice, but how is the purchase reporting going in the ads manager itself? How to you track purchases? Do you use Hyros?
