+75% FPS in Elite Dangerous Odyssey - AMD Fidelity FX

+75% FPS in Elite Dangerous Odyssey - AMD Fidelity FX

Down to Earth Astronomy

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@seva2814 - 10.09.2023 13:58

Wow. Downgrading graphics gives you more FPS...

@darthdude5122 - 22.08.2023 06:43

looks infinitely worse with fsr in vr

@jonathansaindon788 - 13.03.2023 17:58

If you need to set resolution at less than 100% in this game, you need a new video card. This was released in late 2014…

Ive got a 6800XT and I run at 4K max detail smoothly.

@CryptoTonight9393 - 27.10.2022 19:48

So when I select custom under quality the other options dont show up 🤷‍♂️

@domingez79 - 25.10.2022 22:28

What model graphic card you using ?

@xboxisgay23 - 11.10.2022 03:55

you look like a fish

@WeeganTV - 23.09.2022 12:55

Nice! I play RTX3080Ti at 4K and now i feel at that is good for me:)

@branjosnow6244 - 20.09.2022 13:49

Damn, I stayed away from that setting thinking it would just make things worse to use it.

I'm on a GTX 970 and I need every little bit I can. This literally doubled my frames on foot and made the game feel smooth.

I thought I was going to have to upgrade my GPU. I spent hours last night reading reviews on the 3050, 3060, 6600 etc etc.

Can't believe I missed this vid until now.

@user-vs6xh4hm7r - 18.06.2022 13:17

thanks, it helped even without reducing the sampling on the 3080 chart in vr, the miracle of the option, I didn’t know about it from me like

@gearsoldier2254 - 17.06.2022 04:26

Advertising expensive pc chairs when most of us are here, to see how to make odyssey run on our Nokia 3210 computers,lol!

@guily6669 - 29.05.2022 21:43

2x 1080P is not 4K because 4K is 4 times 1080P... Anyway it needs is FSR 2.0

@thomasmann3560 - 09.05.2022 03:23

The problem I have with fidelity fx is the aliasing on everything that has straight lines. It drives me f***ing crazy.

@ytaky - 30.03.2022 20:15

GTX 970 strix 1080p Ultra, solid 60fps in the black here, tried all kinds of combinations.. makes almost no Diference inside stations :(
Weird thing is sometimes walking inside gives me 60fps, other Times 25/30 :/
But the AA Issues are Killing me, way worse them Horizons

@jorkirasalas2726 - 14.02.2022 10:16

Only just found this video. Is this graphics setting still recommended now that Odyssey is up to Patch 10?

@na73604 - 05.02.2022 01:02

Wooooooow how the hell did i just get an average of 15 fps more even after increasing the settings still alot more stable than before.
Running a 1050 TI
Thanks alot CMDR 07 !!!!!!

@milordas - 25.01.2022 17:06

the most laging thing is night time with suit light on

@jesterM60 - 07.01.2022 19:44

I tryed it and it looked like a minecraft... Horrible.

@439sparky1 - 23.11.2021 16:53

In some games there's a 20 FPS difference between for example low and medium graphics settings. In odyssey the difference is almost negligible

@glasshalfempty1984 - 17.10.2021 05:58

What is your performance like in a settlement on a planet, walking around? I was testing up in a space station, from the exact place you are showing these tests and at 1080p (that's rendering at 1080p, no upscaling), my performance is about the same-ish as yours and I have a 2080 ti. Any ideas? It actually seems like NOTHING gives me a reasonable performance boost. Even with everything set ALL the way to low my frame rate doesn't increase by much at all.

@keyloh9386 - 11.10.2021 09:43

Hi, I've been using (insert random low tier graphics card here) and I keep getting shit on by start-stop animation frame rates. But now, by downscaling the game to minecraft levels of resolution I get a whoping 20 frames now. Thanks Frontier! (Insert overly excited face)

Fuck frontier, you ass wipes couldn't be bothered to fucking TEST this!? To optimize it!? The FUCK is that!? Have you not heard of de-rendering things that are not in view instead of rendering everything all at once!? I'll take this minor fix for now but if it isn't improved I'm telling everyone to NOT BUY THIS GAME. Avoid it like the fucking plague. No optimization, WE have to do their job for them. Will some smaller groups of devs pull their money together buy this IP and please make it good? I would if I had the money. Hell I'd go find all the old devs from Pandemic Studios and other companies EA (curse them with eternal torture by repetitive and slow disembowelment) drove into the ground, give them a chance to develop a game for the player base first, and NOT go public with the company. You like all the money we're making? Well you don't get any bitch! My company, my way of doing things. That's why everything has been so shit about this game and the decisions made. "You not making me enough money, me angy, pull out funding" and that's how outsiders take control without having to buy more than 50% of the shares of your company. If the let's say 40% that the outsider owns becomes super valuable, well now you're fucked if he decides to sell it back to you. Or Frontier is just a shit company full of shitty people who want nothing more than our money with minimal fucking effort. Fuck the market AND Frontier both. Rot in hell you lousy cunts.

@paulo5266 - 25.09.2021 09:23

The problem with subsampling on Odissey is that it's a workaround for the real problem: a poor optmized engine if we compare with Horizons, you can compare the first menu screen showing the hangar when the game loads (Horizon is twice fast for same graphic config).
I tryed this config on Odissey and agree with you that subsampling have a big impact in performance (including GPU ram usage) and some upscalling filters could improve a this loss of resolution, but Frontier should have to fix it's performance issues to allow us using a 1:1 sampling without low framerate (it's not usual to play a game using subsampling).

@tewam67 - 25.08.2021 07:03

Incredible, I was getting 14 FPS tops before on my GTX 660 before, now I'm running at 30 FPS on average in the station concourse! Thank you good sir!

@Michu0609 - 20.08.2021 16:58

I can't find this Option... Is this only for people with the Odyssey dlc?

@thehardman9379 - 19.08.2021 04:07

Kinda bullshit what they did, told everyone if you can run the game now as it is then youll be able to run odyssey, what a complete lie. i got 60 fps on ultra before odyssey came out now it lags like a mf and being on foot i get like 20-30 sometimes even lowing 15-17.

@lauranawatson5848 - 08.08.2021 06:16

Thanks for this video. It's good but it's tinkering and currently the new engine is still a piece of shit.

@Rapscallion2009 - 07.08.2021 01:08

My RX470 ought to support this, but even though i'm on the latest AMD drivers it refuses to work and is greyed out to read "normal"

@justmavi7999 - 03.08.2021 01:47

Why introduce CAS after FSR code went public?

@morisking555 - 30.07.2021 21:12

wow you are genius!🤣😂🤣65% downscale and you sponsorized fidelity fx? 😂🤣😂

@davidslachta - 26.07.2021 12:37

This really works best only on 4K monitors. Simply because when we talk about a standard 27-32" inch display, your eyes can't tell much difference between 4K and 1440p. While your GPU counts every little pixel it has to draw. Hence the big FPS improvement with minimal visual loss. CAS is helping only slightly here.

For people with FullHD or 1440p displays, dropping supersampling to .75 will reduce the visual quality a lot. CAS or no CAS. When FSR comes to play, that will be a vastly different song...

@boructomek - 23.07.2021 23:02

Doesnt work. Doesnt matter if i set low or ultra graph i have ~20fps

@MrZlocktar - 22.07.2021 14:31

That's not how it work i am afraid.. It's not FCR.. it's just sharpening technique.. You are confused, and now confusing everyone. They lowering their resolution now, and simply don't know how FCR is working, so they look at FPS and think it's better, while the picture is 10 times worse than with FCR.

@pseenazloy6409 - 21.07.2021 12:27

It would be nice to see more extreme examples of upscaling, as some people (including me) struggle to play even at 1080p and have to drop the resolution down to 720p. The lower the native res, the worse upscaling techniques perform. So after watching your video I'm not really sure if it's worth re-downloading the game or not.

@krugec23 - 15.07.2021 16:33

downscaling to 0.85 on 1080p improves performance. Graphics are slightly worse with AMD CAS,its passable. But after playing for a while I turned it off because its ugly and hard to watch. The constant effect of blur/sharpening starts to wear your eyes and brain.
There are some planets with shitty terrrain that drops your fps,the only fix is to get a 2070 or better until frontier fix these huge leaks. Consoles cant even run odyssey. You would have 1-30 fps even on a ps 5 atm.

@senyaak-5637 - 12.07.2021 01:59

The fack itll work -_- I have drops under 30 fps even on low preset with my rtx3080

@willard73 - 11.07.2021 12:12

Best improvement to FPS I had happened after I uninstalled ED Odyssey

@leeebbrell9 - 10.07.2021 23:52

Shame it doesn't work on planet settlements. You end up with gpu running at 74% and fsp at 33. Shame gpu doesn't get used fully at settlements when fsr cas is turned on

@legislatrice - 10.07.2021 04:06

This little tip may have changed my experience completely. The game managed to stop crashing after a minute. I only play tested 5 minutes, mind you, but it's a way better result than i got since the release of Odyssey.

@fureimu_64 - 10.07.2021 00:36

I dont see any good difference on your screenshots. Just more aliasing. Which is expected for sharpening shader :)

@MuttleyGameTube - 08.07.2021 14:34

Alway good stuff from this channel. O7

@GrindeCity - 06.07.2021 19:25

do you know what the main joke is? changing the settings does not help to change the fps in conflict zones and does not spoil the constant drop in fps

@Jento. - 06.07.2021 03:36

Yea much better for a triple 1440p monitor setup. Horizons had a good stable 60fps on ultra but in some many places in oddysey it quickly drops to 10-30fps. This fixed it.
Super sampling to 0.75 and AMD up scaling on a Nvidia card, everything ultra on a 7780x1440 resolution.

@rodolfoccorrea - 05.07.2021 19:33

Well, ED is a Very Nice game that we all here love, but it's graphics always were from generations ago. Don't get me wrong, they still beautiful and more than acceptable for the purpose of the game, but when we compare ED graphics with other games, with much more complex and hardware demanding, and that runs with more than 10x faster than the cobra engine, I Cam definitily say that change the quality isn't the answer for the lack of performance um Odyssey...

@AlexKaduk - 05.07.2021 14:47

Does it work on GeForce cards?

@cetifoxproductions - 05.07.2021 05:32

I only play ED in VR, so are any of these adjustments helpful in the case of VR? I don't use any of the on-foot aspects of the game, I only fly or use the SRV. FPS is abysmal when in the SRV or flying above the ground.

@estoncala - 05.07.2021 01:08

thank you so much for the info :)

@spacefarer1 - 04.07.2021 22:31

Just checked this out and found that mine was already set to fidelity FX so when I down scaled to 0.65 the quality went from bad to terrible. My pc is a little below minimum spec sadly.

@1chefadam - 04.07.2021 15:42

Holy shit! It’s sad when somebody who has nothing to do with your game makes it’s better than you can for free

@marcussVRLinux - 04.07.2021 13:46

For the sole purpose of testing this feature I will re-install Odyssey. If it works better I might occasionally play again.

@handle1928 - 04.07.2021 09:36

This is not a fix. Fdev are a bunch of lazy nerds

@AgentHobbes7 - 03.07.2021 23:56

FDev hookin me up with 12fps now?! They spoil us.
