The "How To" Show: How to Speak in Tongues (Ep. 9)

The "How To" Show: How to Speak in Tongues (Ep. 9)


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@chadnedohin - 13.07.2024 07:45

Yeah... You're taking 1 Corinthians 13 8 to 10 completely out of context. And this is why the Lutheran church is dying.

@annep.1905 - 28.06.2024 17:16

Paul also said "where there is knowledge, it will pass away..."

@annep.1905 - 28.06.2024 17:07

"And this flood symbolizes baptism which now saves you, not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God."
Sounds to me like the baptism that saves you has nothing to do with water.
Now, back to the issue of speaking in tongues: Pentecostals take the idea of speaking in tongues from 1 Corinthians 13, without cross-referencing it to find out what it really is. They then justify babbling by saying that there are tongues of angels which we do not understand, but can speak if the Spirit gives us the gift. And they neglect the admonition of Paul, shortly thereafter in the same book, that tongues should be utilized in the church by only a few, that there should be an interpreter, and that everything should be done decently and in order.

@dscottplays4700 - 03.09.2023 17:00

This was funny... but are you admitting to being a cessationist?

@onehungrypanda316 - 23.05.2023 14:33

Please do another c3po video!!!!

@hezekiahthomas837 - 17.03.2023 02:04

So all pentecostals are wrong all the gifts have ceased and the only true church is Lutheran got it

@russedav5 - 17.12.2022 20:34

How conveniently 1 Corinthians 14:39 [ωστε αδελφοι [μου] ζηλουτε το προφητευειν και το λαλειν μη κωλυετε γλωσσαις] is ignored and disobeyed. So much for Lutheran Satire claiming to be biblical when it's inconvenient for an anticharismatic agenda, opposing what God's apostle says not to forbid. There are many Lutheran charismatics that wouldn't agree, and the notion that baptism gives assurance of salvation too easily conflicts with God's Ephesians 2 sovereign gift of justification by faith alone apart from works (τη γαρ χαριτι εστε σεσωσμενοι δια πιστεως και τουτο ουκ εξ υμων θεου το δωρον 9 ουκ εξ εργων ινα μη τις καυχησηται) and 1 Peter 3:20-21's main focus is not on baptism or water but Christ & his resurrection (δι αναστασεως ιησου χριστου).

@kencoleman7762 - 06.09.2022 23:38

My wife and I attended a Full Gospel Business Men's Association meeting where we were instructed how to obtain the "gift" of tongues. We were instructed to just babble and make strange noises until we received the gift. It's good no one was standing between us and the door as we beat it out of there.

@tonijoncevski8607 - 30.08.2022 05:24

Do you do this in your sermons? :-)

@joshuapearson9950 - 29.06.2022 14:08

As a Pentecostal who really likes a lot of the stuff on your channel because it is thoughtful even though it’s satire 1 Corinthians 13:8 doesn’t say tongues ceased at the completion of the canon. 1 Corinthians 1:7 already showed that the gifts would continue until the Lord’s return. The context in 1 Corinthians 13 also shows it’s when we are “face to face” with Christ that the gifts will cease because we will no longer need them. The gifts are for edifying the body of Christ. They can be for edifying yourself in the case of praying in tongues. As far weird neo-charismatics who “teach people how to speak in tongues” I would condemn their behavior as heretical foolishness.

As far as church history: There have been people throughout revival movements even prior to Parham who experienced ecstatic utterances they could not explain. Johnathan Edwards talked about signs happening in his meetings. Don’t create a picture that the gifts have stopped operating.
Also, just because a lot of people believe something doesn’t make it the case it is true- it matters what the Bible teaches more than what is theologically popular. Luther didn’t go far enough- he tried to reform Rome when he needed to go back to the book of Acts.
Also, as a Oneness Pentecostal I believe baptism actually washes away sin and we feel the Spirit very powerfully in our foot washing and communion services. While I think we could take communion more often, we most definitely haven’t abandoned the sacraments in the broad brush way you described. The way our local church practices communion is that we have 13 chairs at a table- 12 for the disciples and one set aside for Jesus. We go as families to the table. The ministry will come and pray for the people at the table after they have taken the bread and the wine. We do all of this after having washed one another’s feet and praying for each other.
We don’t hold to transubstantiation- but God’s presence most definitely moves at the communion table and in foot washing.

@robertszontagh1297 - 16.03.2022 16:15

I’ve enjoyed the Lutheran satire videos till I saw this one. Other videos seemed to be strong on being saved by the Blood of Christ. This video seems to be saying you’re saved by Baptism. It’s the “ like figure” whereby baptism saves. It’s a picture not a sacrament imparting saving grace. That is a heresy. If Paul condemned trusting in the rite of circumcision for salvation, what makes you think that the rite of baptism plays an important part in the salvation of your soul? For by grace are ye saved….

@TrackedHiker - 30.11.2021 17:55

This is funny and I take the points made. But there are still some theological problems with this video.

@davidward5225 - 09.11.2021 18:18

When will tongues go away?

@andrewtallman1867 - 12.09.2021 18:34

As a Catholic, I love this

@samuelrosenbalm - 10.09.2021 07:46

The baptism to which the New Testament refers in a salvific sense is Holy Spirit baptism - this is the baptism that saves. Baptism is an outward reflection of the inward truth. The Lord's Supper is also an outward reflection of an inward truth. We are to eat the flesh (the Word was made flesh) of Christ. That is, the bread of life. We must consume His Word daily. And drinking the blood is to be filled with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Life. The natural man does not receive the things of God. The true Lord's Supper is to worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. Again I say, the true Lord's Supper is to worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. This was the supper of our Lord. Crackers and grape juice will not save you. Neither will immersion in water. God is Spirit, we must be born of the Spirit. Spiritual baptism, spiritual communion. Baptism and communion in the physical sense are done regularly to celebrate, represent, and remember the Truth that saves us. Lastly, it is hypocrisy for a Lutheran to appeal to church history as an argument, considering Luther likewise broke with over a millennia of church practice on many issues. I am not a charismatic, I am reformed. But that is still a very poor argument, and you err in your teachings.

@tomharmon6567 - 30.05.2021 21:17

Your misunderstanding of church history and Pentecostal doctrine is almost criminal and and completely ill informed.

@LaboratorioBooleaFilipina - 17.05.2021 11:08

Am I not saved if I am not yet baptized?

@horehoundbasedcandy8736 - 03.04.2021 03:38

It is not the act of ourselves, but the acts of Jesus Christ. That is what is most important, what He did is what does the “saving”.

@ThereforeGo - 30.03.2021 04:47

I caught the 3 amigos reference!!!!

@dadbodfolkpunk9433 - 19.01.2021 17:41

Love the cheesy animation, what software is this?

@justanotherbaptistjew5659 - 16.01.2021 06:54

What’s sad is that there’s actually “tutorials” on how to speak in tongues made by Charismatics.

@jimscaggs2422 - 01.12.2020 06:40

I always thought we look to Jesus for our assurance of salvation the author and finisher of our faith........

@gregb6469 - 26.08.2020 06:43

That Catholic broad is twisting Scripture.

@slaveofchrist6325 - 21.07.2020 10:51

We still do what the apostles did when they laid hands on the Samaritans and called down the Holy Spirit on them in the laying-on of hands. It is expected that converts should speak with new tongues." This quote is attributed to Augustine of Hippo, but it is not. Yet I could not find any article exposing it as fraudelant, can you help me?

@Emper0rH0rde - 12.04.2020 01:50

"I have a friend who can answer that question. He's a schismatic weirdo with no theological education who rejects countless clear biblical teachings, and his answer to your question is something that nobody else in the entire history of the church ever thought of before. So he obviously knows what he's talking about." Harold Camping?

@TickedOffPriest - 02.01.2020 04:44

There have been some preachers that go to relatively unknown parts of the world and the people there can miraculously understand them.

@JosefFurg1611 - 29.08.2019 15:32

>Salvation through baptism.
You are so unsaved, hope you repent.

@BloodBoughtMinistries - 03.07.2019 21:59

Baptism does not save you. This is utter garbage.

@weeperman6659 - 15.04.2019 05:21

I noticed something when I read 1 Corinthians chapters 12 to 14. No expiration date was given for the ceasing of the gifts of the spirit, just like the fruit of the spirit. Just saying. Since the scripture says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He is the one who "will baptize you in the Holy Spirit" maybe all you deniers of this fact have missed something.

@gyinagal - 06.02.2019 08:21

I met someone who was a missionary in Haiti after the earthquake. Shortly after arriving, she met a girl out there and asked her what she was doing. The girl replied that she was a slave (a restavek) to a family that lived nearby, and she was out doing errands for them, and they had a conversation. The woman found the girl later, and it turned out that she didn’t speak any English at all. The woman had spoken creole to her without realizing it, a language she had never known. She ended up rescuing and adopting her from that family.

@loksterization - 13.11.2018 18:46

You're comfortable with blasphemy of the Spirit? Brave man...

@Skipadyboi - 07.11.2018 11:37

In 1 cor 13 8 it also says that knowledge will cease. Will you be consistent in your theology?

@Skipadyboi - 07.11.2018 11:35

You're not believing in baptism regeneration are you...

@pursuingpeas8236 - 31.10.2018 07:37

When the perfect comes” is this Jesus? When is he referred to in this way in other parts of the Bible?Could Paul be speaking about the Bible being the perfect or completes what that actually means
They didn’t have the full revelation of Gods Truth as we do now
Why did he pick these 3 particular gifts? Because they are how they got their information from God
Supernatural knowledge and prophesying and tongues (which are for unbelievers he says) is no longer necessary and therefore ceased because we now have the perfect or the complete.

@carisaf7729 - 19.09.2018 14:14

I love watching your videos, but John MacArthur can totally dismantle the false doctrines of baptism for salvation and transubstantiation.

@Clarinetboy82 - 08.06.2018 14:08

So "The Marcels" song "Blue Moon" they were speaking in tongues? ;)

@travisbrienen6505 - 01.06.2018 00:54 for tongues, they will cease... Were you going to speak in tongues all day, or go out and meet people once in a while? Seek Christ, you know you want to(:

@ikejackson5742 - 24.05.2018 15:46

What is the name of the song at the beginning of this video?

@Beastinvader - 07.03.2018 13:01

"But I love Jesus way more than those losers did" LOL

And good work, though. I'm gonna look up Lutheranism.

@1951kvk - 09.02.2018 14:11

I once attended an Pentecostal service where someone in front of me spoke in tongues. After laughing I asked a friend about it and she said it was an unknown language which promoted me to ask, then how can anyone be sure it isn't just made up?

@anonymousperson6462 - 31.01.2018 09:28

If one reads tyndale, he has a note in the beginning of the next chapter (1 Corinthians 14) that says that "prophesying is here taken for expounding". And another in the same chapter :
"to speak with tongues or with the spirit, is to speak that others understand not, as priests say their service. To speak with the mind is to speak that others understand, as when the preacher preacheth."

@theanarchonazbolinquisition - 14.12.2017 04:17


@IrishEddie317 - 11.05.2017 06:52

He's a schismatic weirdo with no theological education.....

So he obviously knows what he is talking about.


@AnonYmous-xp1ym - 04.05.2017 21:32

I think there are some less-than-sound Biblical ideas here, but there's also some pretty sick burns against Pentecostalism haha.

None of the verses you brought up say that baptism saves you, and most of them don't even mention baptism. 1 Cor 13 very clearly has nothing to do with cessationism, with even the mildest dose of exegesis. But yeah, the "judgemental grandmother" thing, the "making up stuff not in the Bible" thing, etc. is pretty spot-on.

@MarkusGhambari - 30.04.2017 11:19


@brianrinz5586 - 08.04.2017 00:26

Always love kicking back and enjoying the irony of Protestants debating truth. Good times!
