The Wasted Potential of the Far Cry Franchise

The Wasted Potential of the Far Cry Franchise


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Anonymouscommentor99 - 03.10.2023 05:32

Never underestimate the hubris, arrogance and over-confidence of French Canadians.

asd dw
asd dw - 03.10.2023 03:33

That Far Cry 1 footage has to be bugged or something. I played it and the eye sight distance was nowhere near as egregious and I can't recall them seeing me through walls like that.

Chase Z
Chase Z - 02.10.2023 06:14

I think the best "Far Cry Game" will be not be called Far Cry and will not be made from Ubisoft....or Microsoft, or Sony, or Bethesda...oh that's MS now....oh well, anyway, yeah, the best "Far Cry Game" will be made by some weird people with too much time on their hands and/or fantastic ideas driving them to press on. Most of the AAA game franchises are controlled by big companies that aquired the Devs who made a game or two out that appealed to players at some point in the past. Those original games were innovative and new. They were also made from a place of passion and love in most cases. Applying market/focus group data and corporate committee to those games over time will always result in a bland trash. Like with nearly everything else when the wealth addicts get involved.

Chase Z
Chase Z - 02.10.2023 05:38

I'm surprised you didn't bring up the horrible spawning of enemies in 5. I found it to make the game unplayable. I had it on PC with a system capable of playing at 60fps, full blast. I would constantly come across a multible people floating in an invisible vehicle materialize in front of me followed by the vehicle forming around them not that far away. I also ran into areas that would have say a couple guys and a caged animal. We wpuld shoot, I would back up a few steps and thwy would disappear. I would walk back towards them.a few steps and it would be a completely different group of people. Or I would clear a building, then walk like 100 yards away over a hill, decide to go back to get something, come right back (like 5-10 seconds later) and there would be like 6 guys in a flatbed who have apparently already unloaded 4 or 5 barrels. Lots of NPCs at stores, etc, just vibrating and reciting all of their possible scriped nonsense one after another over and over until you walked far enough away for them to desilolve and be replaced by someone else when you walk back. I actually have some pretty funny videos of that. There just wasn't enough to the game to get me past that stuff. I skipped 4 and primal.....I think I'll skip the rest. I am glad I waited for 5 to be $15 bucks though. Although I think I would have rather kept the $15. At least I know better moving forward.

bquick94 - 28.09.2023 18:11

Aesthetics of Far Cry 2 is a much better analysis of that game.
Clearly if you like to rush through games like an anxious weirdo it’s not for you

inovade - 25.09.2023 18:14

it feels the "same" because it has mostly the same, gunplay, ui, sfx, just different polish.

Seft2 - 23.09.2023 17:50

In 2, you are able to shoot through different materials, sheet metal is one of those

BWMagus - 22.09.2023 07:05

Yeah, the problem with NOT cheesing FC5 is that you then have to deal with it's BS; enemies spawning everywhere, all the time, in every direction. You can clear outposts, and that might give you the points you need, but it does fuck-all to help you gameplay wise, as enemy patrols (including, for the first time, air patrols), will still constantly spawn, random groups of goons are everywhere, etc. I remember killing 2-3 guys at a barn, and starting to loot the barn, when I saw a deer outside; I shot it, ran over to loot it, came back, and suddenly there were 2 bad guys with two NPCs tied up on the ground, standing outside of trucks. They didn't drive up, they fucking appeared the moment I got 75 feet away. I've attacking outposts only to have numerous more enemies pour in from random directions, but I've also finished a loud gunfight and walked literally around the corner to suddenly find a new group of enemies who apparently didn't hear the 154 rounds of ammo and 3 grenades that were just used 15 seconds ago. I understand the complaints about tagging enemies and the minimap, but here, outposts can be so large, with so much hidden inside space, that there is no feasible way to plan an attack--you can't tell how many enemies there are, where they are, what their LOS is, or even what the geography you will have to navigate will be like. So you shoot a few outside until shit hits the fan, then just start a murder spree.

TL;DR They added the cheese in FC5 precisely because they removed the previous cheese people whined about, and because they brought back the spawning of FC2. They removed good features (that needed nerfing, not eliminating), brought back bad ones, and then realized the end product was annoying so they had to make up new ways to make it fun again. FC5 was a great example of why and how you shouldn't listen to the fans.

Edit; I shouldn't even need to mention how the story and setup are simply ridiculous, unbelievable nonsense, that takes itself WAY too seriously, is unsatisfying as it removes all player agency for no real reason and interrupts the game's flow, all set in a boring-ass world (maybe it's exciting to non-Americans, but I have to imagine they've seen enough "small town America" in our movies alone, to say nothing of the repetitive stereotypes). I mean, the first game to give you aircraft to fly, is also the first game that could easily be resolved with access to an aircraft--fly the fuck out, get the Feds, and roll in. Anyone familiar with Ruby Ridge or Waco knows it takes FAR less than this to get lethal law enforcement involvement. And even besides flying, FUCKING WALK. Civilization is a few miles beyond the edge of the map! It took one of the main issues in FC4, not letting us just do the intelligent things, and amplified it.

BWMagus - 22.09.2023 05:22

I can be pretty harsh on the series, but I think you're picking on some silly stuff. Don't get me wrong, I never say criticism is invalid so long as it's factually correct, but at the same time, it seems strange to me that you find sometimes janky AI to be more immersion-breaking in Far Cry 4 than the story itself. Like, you clearly went out of your way to focus on the goofy stuff, and that's fine, but the story and stupid characters FORCE you to deal with it, for WAY too much time. This is especially annoying because technical problems can be understandable due to time and budget restraints or even tech limitations, but writing problems are almost always simply mistakes with no excuse. I also personally think you really underestimate the story of Far Cry 3; it's actually a great story, the best one in the series, and one that is fairly unique (I said "fairly" unique, not entirely, before someone throws Heart of Darkness or Lord of the Flies at me). I think that if Far Cry 4 had simply had another banger story, or at least something that isn't frustrating and insufferable, combined with everything it tweaked and improved and the additional guns and so on, it would have been a masterpiece.

PeterAJB - 18.09.2023 19:11

Far Cry 2 is 100% is my favorite, its far from perfect but it was really special.

The problem with the game is the way your playing, it becomes amazing once you embrace that your guns will degrade, you will run out of ammo and getting into firefights along the route sucks. The way to play and have fun is too plan out your attacks - the world is a hostile place, so pick your route. Drive round the desert edge of the map, take a boat on the river (pretty much undefended) etc. Visit the gunstore to get fresh weapons+ ammo at frequent intervals, plan these trips. Go to a base to save at night. This game was just so immersive. Having to plan was a great thing for me, and made for a unique gameplay element. The game was a long way from perfect, i think the tutorials sucked and failed to show how to play the game well. Many other problems, but Far Cry 3 abandoned so much and never made me feel the same.

Kasádý - 14.09.2023 21:31

Far cry 2 if modded, it can be a true masterpiece. Without mods its the second best in the series.

Defy - 13.09.2023 21:26

Far Cry 3 is still my favorite! Primal was a let down for me personally and I found the game tedious, but I do think some people could enjoy it

Legionary recruit
Legionary recruit - 08.09.2023 14:02

far cry 3 was the peak and you cant change my mind

Fine Mouche
Fine Mouche - 08.09.2023 03:53

i hope devs watch this video

SCP 049 Bro
SCP 049 Bro - 05.09.2023 13:53

the definition

Axu - 03.09.2023 21:17

I love Far Cry 2 to bits so I'm obviously biased, but I never got the moaning about having to take malaria pills. I think it was a fun little additional 'challenge' which was relatively easy to keep in control.

Daniel - 29.08.2023 13:43

Can somebody please tell me time code where he is talking about "Wasted potential", because to me it looks like just a simple game review.

Peter - 24.08.2023 22:56

you just dont get it. Only high iq gamers get fc2

anders - 22.08.2023 16:04

That beginning gives me goosebumps

Alex - 22.08.2023 01:59

I really liked the zombie DLC on FC5 )

osuk - 21.08.2023 07:43

farcry 5 has the best snot physics tho

TheTeeWorldsfreak - 20.08.2023 19:32

For me personallz> thez should take it like thez tried with Far Crz 3:

take the points people liked and don't overblow the game
+ it would be really nice to see a more focused game, but we are talking about ubisoft, who prefers to make good dosh then a good game

Albert - 20.08.2023 11:34

Wow, I had a much different experience with FC6; I absolutely loved it! The setting was beyond gorgeous, the mission settings/buildings wrere curated and the characters memorable. Im sure it's personal preference, but I think FC6 is the best so far.

You created a great video! A very detailed summy of the frsnchise thus far. I look forward to seeing what's next.

Lone Wolf WEED
Lone Wolf WEED - 19.08.2023 18:47

That shows us not to buy Ubisoft games. Hell dont buy on any AAA studios games. Just wait Indie devs do better jobs.

Timothy Torigian
Timothy Torigian - 16.08.2023 09:51

You did such a good job, Me thinks your brain must have many wrinkles.

General Grievous
General Grievous - 15.08.2023 15:18

I’m a huge farcry fan and I think Farcry 3 is the most overrated out of them all. The story isn’t good. Not even for it’s time I’m tired of people claiming it is.

Superwaffle 6883
Superwaffle 6883 - 15.08.2023 05:04

during the early days of covid, i ended up getting the platinum trophy for far cry new dawn, without ever really realizing it’s glaring flaws. i guess i liked that it had more post-game than far cry 5.

Satherian - 14.08.2023 19:15

That 'forced kidnapping' part of Far Cry 5 is what really hurts it for me. It's just so....bad. Being forced to quit whatever I'm doing to interact with some crazy, annoying assholes is just so frustrating

Mizticall - 14.08.2023 02:35

I first played Blood Dragon on my PC a couple years ago. I definitely remember having to mod it slightly to get it working properly (it tried to connect to servers that don't exist anymore and the ugly red filter really put me off the game) but besides that, game was definitely a good few hours of unserious fun

Kars - 12.08.2023 22:59

Awsome review and video!
- very educational!

Garian9 - 09.08.2023 07:21

I'm one of the 1 in one million that enjoyed the Malaria minigame.

ZenitH - 09.08.2023 06:07

The original farcry was amazing! I liked that my character had primal powers and I loved the map/ level design. 👌

Zadye - 08.08.2023 19:28

Farcry 2 is the GOAT

BlitzBreaker07 - 08.08.2023 12:33

Man I miss playing Farcry 3 and 5 the narrative was great and fun. But Farcry 5 had one of the best weapons in the game, a freakin shovel so much they made a rocket shovel and just had a blast wacking people with it and throwing it like a freakin spear almost instakilling enemies.

Jared H
Jared H - 07.08.2023 06:17

I totally forgot about that mars dlc.

Fakers - 07.08.2023 02:45

In Far Cry 5 you don't even need to climb all the way to the summit during the Jacob Seed fight. I found this out during the climb up, because I did the exact same thing as you did and just tried to shoot him with the 50 cal only to see him get back up. It was about halfway up however that he was trying to snipe me down as I was fighting his troops and wolves that I got frustrated and wanted to stun him like before by shooting him with the 50 cal again, only for the fight to be concluded and watch his death cutscene play.

I will say though that your criticism about diversity in Far Cry 6 doesn't make much sense or is too vague to the point that it sounds like a non sequitur. Over the top characters that care more about partying than all of the killing = diversity bad? I would argue that something like that has nothing to do with diversity and everything to do with bad character writing, which is not uncommon in Ubisoft games.

DizzyUpTheFool - 04.08.2023 08:43

Far Cry 6 was an abomination. The only FC game that I uninstalled before completing.

Ombra 711
Ombra 711 - 04.08.2023 04:16

Aaaaand I unsubscribed. "Diversity Agenda", its a fucking Latin Country, they are ALWAYS DIVERSE, you sound like a right wing influencer. You were doing so well with this video too.😒

Ombra 711
Ombra 711 - 04.08.2023 03:33

Far Cry 5's endings are all trash. Great game in a lot of ways, but the forced encounters and the shitty ending bring it down.

pappermcflapper - 02.08.2023 13:31

Tbh i didn't use the air vehicles a lot in fc5 I've been wanting to replay it so maybe ill put them to use this time around

Kiran Reddy
Kiran Reddy - 01.08.2023 22:01

how did you make me watch a 2 and half hour long video while the attention span of a person these days is mere seconds.

Antilysis Gaming
Antilysis Gaming - 30.07.2023 17:47

The worst part of the Far Cry franchise is that the fankids have gotten used to the mediocrity. Some say Far Cry 5 is their favorite game lol.
