Why Women Test Men & 5 Ways To Respond To Her Tests of Your Competency Skills

Why Women Test Men & 5 Ways To Respond To Her Tests of Your Competency Skills

Entrepreneurs in Cars

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@jigga9770 - 25.01.2024 07:05

W can you explain why she would say it’s not going work out after a sex? The booty test possible. The sex was good she admired that too.

@Ben77788 - 17.01.2024 18:59

I get the cheating question every week from the wife 😂 Anytime I get a phone call, text, or email…it’s always which woman is that? Even though it’s never another woman 😂

@tomk2926 - 11.01.2024 04:32

Passing a shit test accomplished one thing and one thing only:

It lets the woman know that you’ve accepted her frame of “woman = boss, man = employee trying to qualify himself to the boss.”

This is why most men end up in relationship where the woman craps all over them. It’s the man’s fault for accepting this frame.

The one guy I know who is consider an “alpha” deals with these tests by EJECTING IMMEDIATELY. He only dates women who agree to HIS frame, which is “I’m the boss, you qualify to me.”

@ElGringo_de_la_Chiva - 07.11.2023 00:01

I love Richard's videos. They have litterally been life changing for me. But I gotta tell you, if some 304 threatens to go bang Tyrone, that is an automatic Hard Next.

@cdrmt3229 - 31.10.2023 16:47

Competency tests are targeted on your values, frame etc. example: if you like to be on time she will be late to see how you react and see if you have the balls to set an expectation/boundary. Best way to have a chance to past a test (and NO one passes every test) is to: know your value stream, never take it serious (laugh, smirk, smile make a joke about it).

Example: I like to be on time. If I see her jamming up the ability to be on time or being disrespectful, I might cancel the thing or go by myself or when we show up she finds out it starts 1/2 later than I said it did.
Recently I went to a wedding by myself. Yep. I had an empty chair next to me the entire reception. And I had a good time!

@cyberlip666 - 24.10.2023 19:14

the worst kind are the ones that get turned on by being put in their place, so they play constant games to get their vaj tingles lol. The games will never stop with these types

@mohammadqbbani501 - 01.09.2023 03:47

this video with comments is high valuable course

@patrick-ho5kc - 30.08.2023 03:21

Is there compentacy tests for women 🤔the same way they test men 😁

@MasterEggroll - 28.08.2023 22:45

The only time you need to play these dumb games is in the beginning. Everyone will test people in the beginning. Don’t act all crazy. Most guys do this. The thing about women is they don’t show their true colors until they wrap you up. Then you just need to make the decision if you are going to stay or bounce.

You can be the perfect alpha male and the woman will still cheat on you. It doesn’t matter. You need to find someone that loves you for you. Good and bad. No one can be perfect or good all the time.

@MasterEggroll - 28.08.2023 22:34

Once you get emotions for a girl good luck with anything hahaha

@CoastLifee - 04.08.2023 17:44

This is straight truth by a modern day scholar Rich Cooper

@Paul-ue7fo - 11.07.2023 09:08

Her: I met an old boyfriend the other day
Me: Okay, good luck with that

@TheDonFBA24 - 05.07.2023 00:36

Just experienced this a few hours ago. My wife of 7 years got upset at me because I told her I couldn’t help her do laundry. She told me it was messed up I wasn’t helping her. I listened to her feelings didn’t fall into her frame stayed strong like an oak tree 🌲. She was still a bit upset but what happened next I will never forgot. She subconsciously did this. I was putting on my clothes to go out and she looks at me tells me the pants 👖 I’m trying to wear look ugly on me she didn’t like them. I knew what she was doing so I replied respectfully “ thanks for your feedback but I like them that is what matters I’m still gonna wear them” she looked at me smiled turn around and walked away. The tested my frame she didn’t know what she was doing but I did. I went out with my “ugly pants” after we was in car she told me she liked the color of my pants. Guys don’t let your woman dress you. Be a man and stand your ground they will get turned on afterwards!

@stevenjustice105 - 06.06.2023 13:19

Crap test get old fast after about a year. If she keeps it up tell her f off.

@fredslayton - 31.05.2023 20:21

Just remember that they are all just little girls and you’ll be fine. Every little girl tests their Daddy to make sure he is wrapped around her finger until he reminds her that she, in fact, is wrapped around his. Sh!7 tests come when they feel like they’re not wrapped tight enough. Because it’s a feeling, and in their minds, feelings come from outside causes, she blames you and sh!7 tests you for you to help her cling a little tighter.

@303Lyons303 - 02.05.2023 22:03

Current girl is ST right now and i just sent her this vid..😂 💯👑

@15davidford - 28.04.2023 08:15

This is amazing! Thanks!!!

@jaydunstan1618 - 19.04.2023 14:36

Incredible information.

@S.J.L - 14.04.2023 02:29

Joe South, "The Games People Play."

@dnahaller376 - 01.04.2023 22:01

Why do women look at whether a guy can fix things as an alpha thing. As a woman, i got my guy who could do car maintenance but not able to fix anything else which i was fine cause that was who he was. The big turn on for me was his ability to remember phone numbers cause i suck at that. If she's testing you like that i don't see any reason why you don't have test questions of your own. That is so high school.

@Chris-um3se - 12.03.2023 02:07

Love the comment " Alpha seed Beta need.,"

@Robert10075 - 09.03.2023 02:27

Went on my first first date since obtaining a red pill lens the other day, and I must say…when you bowl in with mystery and frame then trust, the shit testing is real!!

@IanocityReacts - 10.02.2023 22:17

Any tips on her viewing me as alpha and is all hot and bothered by me yet will make excuses to not meet up or answer a call?

@mwilliams82684 - 05.02.2023 01:47

What kinda woman are you guys dating lol 😂 I’ve never had woman talk to me like that. Level up boyz!

@johnnyzeee5215 - 31.01.2023 23:06

As Rich, and others have said: It's called " s-h-1-T testing", and guys, any woman who does it, has no respect, and is not worth your time, energy and resources.

@aquilinelockheart7578 - 31.01.2023 16:36

Lmao have you guys even talked to a women, this is hilarious, you've come up with such far fetched conspiracy theories and a complicated system for this. Any girl or women worth her salt wouldn't be an asshole like this, and if you honestly believe all women to be like this, you're either sexist or need to broaden your horizons when looking for a potential partner. I never did any of these things to my soon to be husband because we see each other as equals intellectually and emotionally. Maybe call me crazy and Autistic, but I've gotten through life and found a satisfying partner that encourages me to grow by us not treating each other like this. Yall are mad and acting like rabbit teenage boys, grow the fuck up. Actually engage with people, forget this whole "tricks" bs, and actually learn to know them, make it a two way street of giving and taking, and support one and other to grow through interesting experiences and activities, read a good book together, ugh just something that isn't this brainless shit. If you want to get laid, stop overcomplicating it, people have a right to say no, get over yourself. Love and relationships are not a game, they are genuine connection that takes hard work, time, commitment, and honesty. But you're too lazy and soulless to ever understand what that means, so why bother, keep this up and you're going to die some lonely old men envying everyone who got to end their lives the way you wanted it.

@alexj1897 - 17.01.2023 04:00

Good words

@charleshunt3806 - 29.12.2022 04:20

Yeah, I guess for me if a girl said why can’t you do ex male thing that you should be able to do I would be like why can’t you fix me lava cake? What the hell because I do like lava cake chocolate lava cake yeah

@georgevossen3846 - 30.11.2022 00:24

Apparently I forgot a year ago I forgot to fix the online banking for the woman I did after being reminded recently the thing is nothing stopped her from fixing it herself she just wanted to play the game

@apontutul - 18.11.2022 07:53

Why do you even need to think of answers? if you don't like their mind games just ignore them,walk away

@Danash2013 - 30.10.2022 12:35

Check this one out. We had a Halloween night planned with the kids, it was a drive in cinema. I assumed it was the evening, so I was also planning on going out to watch the football with my dad. She knows that this is something that I cherish and love to do. We were talking the day before and I turns out that both events clashed. I was a bit disappointed seeing as I haven't been to the football much this season due to working more. I didn't kick off or make her feel bad for it and I was honoring the Halloween event. Anyway, the next morning I'm driving to my parents to give my dad our season tickets and I received a text off my gf saying, it's OK if you want to go to the football with your dad, I know how it means to you both. I immediately thought shit test, so I called her - she didn't answer. Then I thought maybe she means it and that it's her displaying a loving action for me... WRONG!!! Holy fuck did she blow up! I didn't lose my cool, but now I had to go because I had the tickets and I thought fuck her for playing a shit test game with me. I felt it was a cruel move for her to play. Until she text me I was going out with them and I was cool with that. Now she's not talking to me. I don't appreciate that kind of shit test and I've called her out on it. I'm digging in on this one and this is the hill I'm going to die on! Nice vid bro, you just earnt a new subscriber!

@jedisentinel1499 - 11.10.2022 19:16

This sounds like female narcissism. Best way to win is not to play. Being the best version of yourself is the best way to shield against toxic females

@GlobalMiles - 31.08.2022 13:58

Spoiled for choice? Sounds like an eight year old talking to grandma. Strange.

@blthetube1 - 23.08.2022 03:08

What if the woman that claims she loves you, nonchalantly tells you that she doesn't find you attractive but finds every woman beautiful in some way but claims she's not a lesbian?

@northtexan95 - 12.08.2022 16:04

Do you want good practice for these types of tests? Raise a few teenagers. You will get lots of tests from them and lots of opportunities to call their bluffs. It's really good practice.

@straightcashhomey1261 - 02.08.2022 20:26

My gf has tried to shit me recently. I’ve withdrawn my time, attention, effort and finances. Now she’s chasing me. Made her give me half the money for our vacation and haven’t bought her Jack shit, including meals. Her last ditch effort is to withhold sex. I’ve said nothing about it. The next step is to tell her we need to date other people. If you’re gonna act like a skank, that’s how you’re getting treated.

@summmmmmable - 30.07.2022 01:58

You’re such a champ! Thank you so much for coaching men to be better of themselves

@freakshowfilmfestival3591 - 24.06.2022 11:26

Women like drama. If it's stale they like to start $#!+

@patrickjordan2233 - 21.06.2022 14:52

Accept shit testing for what it is? Quality testing. I've found that women who do too little testing are making lots and lots of poor life choices? And fellas/brothers, who wants a train wreck? Quality does testing. And water is wet-...👍👍

@jaytpaul - 13.06.2022 20:36

If it's a direct insult like "youre into yourself, arent you?" I feel like straight up ignoring (if it's text) is the strongest reply. If its a call, I change the topic and I gotta go. That's the only way to end that shit. I'm not trying to get into sassy back-and-forth with a bitch who does this. If she's at all interested, she'll realize her comment didn't work out for her and she'll correct it. If she doesnt, I'm not spending any more time on it, so having a slick comment lined up is irrelevant. Replying with counter shame in that scenario comes off as weak in my opinion.

@whitepaleguyhere - 04.06.2022 12:43

I don't do tests. I leave and find another btch.

@Gus.59 - 25.05.2022 02:11

A classic: flirting with other guys in front of you to see your reaction.

@DG123z - 22.05.2022 19:12

Spoiled for choice? Choice of what? A bunch of girls that have sex with other men?? How are guys okay with girls they like getting pounded by other men???

@joanneceo6523 - 14.05.2022 02:47

I loved the scripts for competency testing.

@QuoteFarm - 01.05.2022 07:13

One compliance test I remember, it was before I even knew about tests but thinking back I know I answered correctly. Although it was easy. We were watching TV and she asked me to give her the remote. It was closer to her though. I said no you can get it. She said but I can't get it. I said, well, you're gonna learn today.

@bprime4930 - 27.04.2022 17:47

Just came for the Storys from the comments ... can somebody give me popcorn ?

@adamgorski8725 - 24.04.2022 01:47

I was just tested by my wife of 20 years if I could do basic carpentry I don’t think she new she was
