Eurasian woodcock : daylight flight : RSPB Otmoor

Eurasian woodcock : daylight flight : RSPB Otmoor

Rob Cadd Photography

55 лет назад

19,705 Просмотров

Eurasian Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) flying over Greenaways at RSPB Otmoor nature reserve. Early afternoon.

Not often seen in flight during daylight hours, I believe this woodcock may've been flushed by one of two foxes which were hunting in the vicinity at the time.

Location: RSPB Otmoor nature reserve, Oxfordshire, UK
Date: 16 December 2022

Clip is one fifth-speed slomo.

Filmed using an #iphone12pro attached to an Opticron field scope -- a technique sometimes known as #'phonescoping, a subcategory of #digiscoping


#Scolopax_rusticola #Eurasian_Woodcock #woodcock #bird #flight #flying #nature_reserve #RSPB #UK
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