Canada's Dark Secret | Featured Documentaries

Canada's Dark Secret | Featured Documentaries

Al Jazeera English

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JohnDoe - 07.11.2023 18:10

This was all fake news. They just assumed there was mass graves, and the media ran with it. They never did any digging after checking with the ground penetrating radar. Now that they have dug, surprise surprise, theres no mass graves. Just rocks and nails, and glass.

Lazarus Yellowhead
Lazarus Yellowhead - 01.11.2023 08:49

Ain't no secret 😢

69dawber - 29.10.2023 21:12

No bodies found. It was bull. Taking them from families was wrong but there are many that speak the opposite. They enjoyed their time at school and said they finally ate well.

Bob Bob
Bob Bob - 29.10.2023 09:07

American, Canadian , Austrians are killed the most of natives in the land. Even they’re children,
That’s the fact .

John Doe
John Doe - 27.10.2023 18:45

and now candian government taking money out from college "school system" from "foreign students".

Mark Lomax
Mark Lomax - 20.10.2023 06:32

Since examination of what was claimed to be graves turned out to be a hoax, will Canada apologize to the Pope?

David Fines
David Fines - 17.10.2023 16:25

It's been 3 years and NO BODIES. 3 years and NO SECRET GRAVES. 3 years and NO PROOF OF ANY KIND! Ha ha ha on Canada. SUCKERED YOU into paying MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dollars! LOL

Ingeborg Grosse
Ingeborg Grosse - 07.10.2023 13:05

Another episode of the genocide the „honoranble“ western „culture“ has committed with these really honorable people.

Zee Nee
Zee Nee - 05.10.2023 21:52

are yu like the rest of the media that just wants to keep the narrative going of mass graves, it's like they just want to keep the lie going . No human remains have been found.

Bob Nordstrom
Bob Nordstrom - 04.10.2023 20:17

No one can make every thing right . Stop milking it . Move on and be glad you can read and write and speak English .

Veronica Brown
Veronica Brown - 03.10.2023 04:41

I was raise catholic, I left that dirty church when I found out about the war orphans after WW2. How they work children to death building a catholic buildings. Starving the children, and burying the dead children in the stones. I was so shock. When I shared this with other Catholics, I was and still Surprise they continue to be apart of Satan's church. I have no respect for devil followers.

Veronica Brown
Veronica Brown - 03.10.2023 04:34

I found out about the schools as a young adult. Later I found out about te school were force, its been 10 years about some murders.

Junior Laurent Thorkelson
Junior Laurent Thorkelson - 02.10.2023 21:45

Great. Now do a story of how Qatar is treating their migrants lately

Shanay Laderoute
Shanay Laderoute - 01.10.2023 14:09

Born in 1992 and me and my family are largely affected by this to this day. I was also taken into foster care a few times growing up. It broke my moms heart and made her go deeper into addiction. Not only that but it affected my whole family. And yes it makes you feel very very lonely. My mother passed away from overdose from a long long battle with alcohol and drugs in 2021 and have family in active addiction. This is what they wanted, for it to be passed down to the next gen and so on. It took me many years to figure out I am living this generational trauma. When ppl say "oh get over it, it happened a long time ago" they don't understand how it's affecting us in the present. Not only this but the many many ways in which the government and colonizers committed genocide and has and is still oppressing indigenous in this country in 2023. I am still healing from my childhood. But I am proud to say I know my culture and was fortunate to learn a lot. And it has helped me in my healing journey. Indigenous ceremony, family and community is all about love and learning how to be a good person, how to heal emotionally so we can be emotionally intelligent. They tried to break us but WE ARE STILL HERE.

All indigenous ppl want is for actions to come now. We heard enoigh talking aboit how they are "going to make things right". Start by helping FN people and community who needs it the most. There are reserves that don't even have running water in a 1st world country. It breaks my heart

Edward Nugent
Edward Nugent - 01.10.2023 12:50

This exercise in national self flagellation over alleged wrongs suffered residential schools students has been going on now for 3 years. GROUND PENETRATING RADAR HAS LIMITATIONS. "ANOMALIES" DO NOT EQUAL MASS GRAVES. ONLY A DIG WILL DETERMINE THE RESULT WITH CERTAINTY. WHERE IS THE HARD EVIDENCE FROM THE KAMLOOPS SITE? The perpetrators of this fraud need to be charged, tried, convicted and and thrown into jail.

K Rou
K Rou - 30.09.2023 23:12

🧡Every Child Matters🧡💔

We hear a lot about Residential schools and the lingering generational traumas caused by colonialism then, now.

TRUTH: since 2010, September 28th has been National British Home Child Day in Canada.

But do most Canadians (including Indigenous, Métis, and Inuit) know about the Home Children?

Has a seemingly endless amount of money, time, focus, and — in the resentful opinions of some (including Canadians of all faiths, cultures, and creeds) who are unaware of the Home Children — PANDERING to a specific group, seeking/demanding reconciliation — have these ALSO been directed to and upon those who were British/Irish Home Children or their descendants?


100,000+ children shipped to Canada from Britain and Ireland—many suffering abuses, enslavement, rape, starvation, malnutrition, dehumanization, and death. There are unmarked graves for these children, too. (Just like there are for Barnardo Home children and unwed mothers/babies/children at homes for unwed mothers in Ireland—babies left in the cold to die, disposed of in septic tanks.)

AWFUL and HORRIFIC things happened to caucasian children, too. 100,000+ children were sent to Canada basically as slave labour—removed from WORKHOUSES and SLUMS of Britain and Ireland—orphaned "street rats" or ... ALSO taken from their POOR, low-class families ... SENT OVERSEAS, often without the permission or knowledge of parents (who'd thought government-run homes for destitute children were better than starving in slums or the brutality of Victorian workhouses).

Separated from their families, siblings and friends; isolated. Thousands of miles away from home, living in Canada. Thousands of other British and Irish children were also sent to Australia and New Zealand, too.

There was unspeakable trauma that influenced generations of people whose families stemmed from the Home Children system. Add wartime service to the traumas = PTSD, alcohol addiction, abuse of spouses and offspring; dysfunction, pain, FASD, homelessness, suicides ...

10% of the Canadian population is a result of the Home Children. Likewise, the growth and development of Canadian agriculture and industry.

The TRUTH of the painful past isn't exclusive to Indigenous, Métis, and Inuit peoples of Canada.

But, like the harms of Indian Residential schools were swept under the carpet (for MANY years), leaving Canadians ignorant of what their gov't and churches did to Indigenous people ... the story of the Home Children has ALSO been swept under the carpet, with millions of Canadians in the dark about atrocities committed upon non-Indigenous children (and their families), too. (something similar happened to my Grandad in England)

Different, but the same.

Every🧡💔Child🇬🇧🇮🇪 Matters🇨🇦

Learn your history, Canada.

A lot of pain, suffering, trauma, sacrifice, loss, and HARD WORK have influenced the building of this country. The TRUTH is painful and horrific. ACCOUNTABILITY for everyone affected by politicians, churches, and societies: is important.

At times, it appears seemingly exclusive to Indigenous peoples/Residential School survivors. (How about those affected as Home Children? Japanese Internment Camps? The Komagata Moru ripple effects?)

Should others disagree with how the gov't reconcile$ and focuse$ on Residential School horrors and the legacies perpetuated (sometimes viewed by some as seemingly coddling, in some instances) ... having a different opinion (not agreeing with the focus on financial directives of the gov't) = "racism", "ignorance", perpetuating/supporting genocide, or other negative connotations, fuelling the neverending blame game.

How is RECONCILIATION truly possible, if ONLY a seemingly exclusive group of Canadians (who were terribly mistreated and affected!) are focused upon — ad nauseam at times, in the eyes of some/others (including non-white Canadians), breeding resentment FOR those focused upon, seemingly pandered to?

But the painful, gross, shameful histories of others in Canada (who ALSO experienced atrocious treatment by the same governments and churches) have not received nor expect ongoing acknowledgement of or reconciliations for acts and decisions made in the past.

And I say this as a person who's worked with/for Indigenous non-profit agencies and their projects to improve circumstances in the community/region we live. This includes working and having sincere friendships with some who are survivors of Residential Schools in BC, as well as their families.

Lady Honor
Lady Honor - 30.09.2023 02:35


Danni - 28.09.2023 02:59

It's crazy how violent Christian Europeans were

Scobie - 23.09.2023 16:24

A classis cases of White Europeans genocide the Asian Tribal living in Americas, and they are got away.
