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@ENZEED - 18.10.2023 20:37

Skyward trust is great at dunking flyers like the rath family,malzeno and astalos

@undertaker2766 - 27.07.2023 01:56

Lance in sunbreak feels great, you have multiple layers of options to always keep the offensive, from instablock (that I LOVE to spam) to shield dashes, to anchor rage, to simple counters, if you play well (and have a good sharpness managment in your build) you just never have to sheathe or withdraw. People saying that lance is a defensive weapon have it all wrong and sunbreak shows it better than any game. Btw, you deal fairly good damage with lance, nothing to be jealous of other weapons, I run a damage meter on sunbreak and I always do at least 25% of the damage on a four man hunt.

@VultureXV - 12.06.2023 01:39

I think you have a better I-frame window on hops. Or so it feels like to me.

@DehmaginatioN - 30.05.2023 16:47

Im at my 30s and ive played monster hunter for while my favorite game being in fact world since you know I've been locked out of monster hunter after mh3 but THIS YEAR out of nowhere I've got interested in lance again (the first time being in monster hunter 1 when I was a child and just enjoying the idea of using shield and gigantic lance and getting frustrated because it was very limited and not edgy) and now I'm like all the way main lance. Lance is too fun is ridiculous. I think it takes a player to first understand the game to chose something simpler and more consistent like the lance

@thegenjutsuuser - 17.05.2023 16:23

from a Gunlance main here to the other Lance players out there, whenever I team up with Lances, I feel we cover each others defenses and weaknesses UwU

@earlheady3242 - 03.05.2023 18:49

The only weapon I can't use well is chargeblade I absolutely destroy everything else but charge blade I totally suck with

@Zfanesque - 18.04.2023 14:54

Nothing beats the clutch counter, it’s too good.

@DESMal - 23.03.2023 02:11

they gutten shield advance... it covers no distance what so ever now...

@Joker22593 - 24.02.2023 17:43

My lance brothers and sisters need to build to gasoline mitsuzune armor! It lets you play guard lance and evade lance at the same time! Never have my damage numbers been higher and more efficient because I have infinite options to attack non-stop.

@GoldenXShark22 - 17.02.2023 15:13

I'd really have to shout out spiral lance here. yes it does feel so out of place at first but it has 3 major points:

1. the low cool down and the speed makes it an amazing mobility tool, monsters can't really get too far from you

2. the damage on the two possible thrusts (can do only one if you want) is pretty good! not only that, after the second thrust you can press a normal attack to do a surprisingly powerful quick thrust. OR you can smack behind you for the same damage if you overshoot. all in all 3 strong hits.

3. the startup is actually a mini insta-block! not only that, it gives you a hefty damage boost. and that damage boost? only one possible level that is simply stronger than anchor rage's boost. lasts less and harder to pull off but that's the fun of it. with some guard skills slotted in, it can reliably block and counter almost anything.

I absolutely love rise Lance, and everything it has (except twin vine, fuck that) but I hope I made a good case for this amazing silkbind.

@oBnJe - 07.02.2023 10:33

Harassing the monsters constantly, tanking like a mountain with 0 F given that's why Lance became my main since MH World.
100% agreed

@zolozoro58 - 18.01.2023 01:15

lance main here

i started playing lance just like this, with shoulder tackle and anchor rage, it was fun and all but i would get hit a lot to follow up attacks after anchor rage
then i switched to shield tackle + skyward thrust, it was really great as well, skyward thrust deals lots of damage to most of the monsters
then after watching some speedruns i gave hop lance a chance (guard dash + stab) and boy is it fantastic. sure i don't get the KO's but i am dealing damage even more aggressively now, guard dashing through attacks is very satisfying. now i almost never get hit, if i do (thanks to instablock which does not nullify the damage from special beams etc ) i use sheathing retreat and heal. you can also chain sheating retreat to shield dash, which is really useful

@H_Kazuhira - 06.01.2023 17:43

Used Lance a lot in FU, Tri/P3rd/3U and base World. Recently the hype around Sunbreak Lance is making me want to pick it back up. It really does look like the culmination of all past games. It's time.

@itsrin868 - 23.12.2022 15:40

played lance a ton, hated it. really don't like how precise you have to be with your blocks. especially when you can just play longsword and do the same thing but better

@DraytonManor99 - 02.12.2022 14:20

Im knew to the Monster Hunter franchise. When I started Rise i instantly went for the flashy weapons such as CB and SA. I settled with Hammer all through up until Sunbreak TU1. I started getting bored of Sunbreak so tried other weapons. Great Sword was fun but was hard to nail down the TCS! Tried Gun Lance and that was ok .....But then Lance....WOW! The last blade master weapon i tried and man is it fun. Lance in Sunbreak can KO, Cut Tails, Break parts, and Tank almost any attack with ease! And with the write build it deals crazy damage! I feel like a beast now!

@trevinsingh9390 - 03.11.2022 20:00

Honestly lance needs specific skills to boost its damage/moveset. My guess is a Lance + decoration or a buff to offensive guard. Also as a personal gripe, I wish that the lance charge and its running jump attack got a damage buff. That and a wider hitbox on the shield bash lunge would of made it my main weapon.

@ExWhizzy - 29.10.2022 01:51

Dude I hate you from the bottom of my heart. Really no lie. I tell u my story. MHW was my 1st MH ever. I am a PC player and when I started MHW (I was already late to the party since I started after the release of Iceborne) I went the typical beginner route. Sword & Shield. Then into LBG. But then....I saw ur video. The master class race. The one and only holy grail of hunting. The allmighty doot. I switched and it was my true love I would even cheat my wife on. Such a majestic piece of art. The battle dance gave me the thrills of my life. Never before was I so complete and happy with my life decisions. It was the deepest connection between a human being and a doot.

I started rise 4 days ago. Wanted to wait for sunbreak and some updates on PC. I instantly took on the doot again and though the dance was kinda crippled it just keeps filling my lungs with fresh air, it keeps boiling my blood, it gives me all sensations when smashing the CRAP out of a monsters head...truly passion....

....and now. I am sitting here. Watching this. U using the lance. Fk. I guess its time to have an affair. xD Fk u man. xD Much love <3 Keep up the good work as always haha

@athos9293 - 25.10.2022 06:07

i can't wait to try out extreme style lance

@Jaywill12beast - 21.10.2022 04:55

Can u post your lance builds on here

@Ganmorg - 20.10.2022 08:40

One thing about Lance you didn't touch on but is very useful is sheathing retreat. So many carts as a lance player comes from its slow sheath time, so the ability to quickly escape and sheath a weapon with i-frames is a very nice tool. If only twinvine didn't blow mondo chunks...

@DapimpBDSD - 20.10.2022 03:36

I like doing power guard pokes as punishes, not the most efficient but something about feels good after tanking a stronger move.
Also if yall use any status weapons, Foray is a must. I've been playing with armor mostly skills and foray on sleep with some chargemaster, really crank up the dps, think I average 115-130 per poke.

@Kage02 - 19.10.2022 10:46

Bro isn't gaming no more 😔

@nekomancer4641 - 19.10.2022 10:40

There's probably no weapon more interactive with the monster than Lance.

Coming from a traditional lance background, I kinda still likes guard dash more tho. I like that feeling of free relocating to headlock a monster to death.

And yeah fuck spiral thrust/ skyward thrust.

@felixhuynh2667 - 19.10.2022 05:01

I switched up from dual blades and bow guns to lance and i love it

@gaming.all.summer - 19.10.2022 03:49

Ever since MHW, lance has been one of my favourite weapons to play. Gunna be honest, been playing since PSP on MHFreedom, back then it was too clunky (or at least too complex for my wee-little mind to understand) but I think the modernised version from MHW onwards (especially on Iceborne) has taken the lance to new heights. The counter(claw)-lance playstyle was so good and really good fun to play

@NavajoNinja - 19.10.2022 01:45

If you shield tackle and the press the heavy attack, u'll jump and poke. It'll hit like 4 times. Didnt see u do that move during the video.

Nevermind. U had a good reason. Great video

@aaronperkins2880 - 19.10.2022 01:02

Yo, what song was in that intro? It slaps

@frankallen3634 - 18.10.2022 21:55

Evade little bitch lance you mean. World was the best version of the lance. I went from 7 thousand in world to couldn't be done quickly enough in rise. In world I tanked fatalis and in rise tanking is shit and I hate rise. I only play one weapon and the rise version is trash and the silkbinds are garbage. Guard 5 and guard up are not even close to worlds and you know it. Ultimates were a joke to me but weak in rise

@sage_morei - 18.10.2022 20:43

had me in the intro

@anheiru - 18.10.2022 18:27

Your scripts are always so good

- Peach

@Linklay - 18.10.2022 15:53

One of Us. One of Us. One of Us. One of Us.

@That-No-Moon - 18.10.2022 04:28

I played Lance in MH tri and went to Gunlance in World. First build for Rise was Bow, just so I could try it, but my second character I went to Lance. I like the Lance, but for me, its hard to get that instant block down since trying to figure out when a monster is bluff attacking or actually attacking was getting to me. Played thru the base game and haven't really touched Sunbreak, but will see.

@undeaddanzig3818 - 18.10.2022 03:12

Ok. You sold me. I'll give it a shot. I feel the same way you do about IG. It feels like you're doing a crazy aerobatic dance with the monster. And it can pull off some crazy damage numbers. It feels like nothing I've ever played in any other game before. I'm definitely obsessed

@sirith9157 - 18.10.2022 01:05

I started with World, tried Lance and didn't liked it. Iceborne came and I tried Lance again. Still didn't liked it until I picked up what was going on with Guard Counters. I don't play Rise but God damn it, Lance is most loved weapon. Dashes, Guard Dashes and countering everything is just special. Lance is not a weapon, it's a live style.

@boogieofbnt3192 - 18.10.2022 00:13

I feel ya man, Lance is incredible

@thechugg4372 - 17.10.2022 23:44

God like intro

@Ninj3ff - 17.10.2022 19:49

I friggin' love playing lance. I gave it a shot after hours of Long Sword and Charge Blade in World, and even though I still enjoy those weapons, I always come back to lance. Sunbreak has really given the weapon some awesome tools to work with.

@rainbowkrampus - 17.10.2022 11:51

I'm glad the MH team made every weapon a little bit like Charge Blade so that everyone can know a little bit of what it's like to experience true joy.

@skeletonmors2109 - 17.10.2022 09:49

welp, guess im making a lance build

@Raisera - 17.10.2022 01:58

Now if only Shield Tackle would not amount to ~10% less DPS than Guard Advance. Not trying to be snarky here, it makes me sad that cool options like Shield Tackle are just too weak to be considered. That being said, I don't think I would replace Guard Advance too often anyway. Spamming Triple Poke or rotating it with Charged Slap is a wonderful feeling, too.

@theMisfit81 - 17.10.2022 00:30

finally a shield tackle enjoyer. i love that move, even if you lose a bit of damage. so much snappier then guard dash.

@skybluebrad2781 - 17.10.2022 00:11

Look Handi I just started figuring out Rise HH, WHY!? Why you gotta tempt me with Lance!

@minoumimi626 - 16.10.2022 21:08

if only the lance had the same sideways strafing thing as BDO valkyrie it would be amazing

@Jaycan - 16.10.2022 16:37

Lance is so fun in SB. I enjoyed it in base Rose but the small tweaks it got in SB really change how much fun it is even though the changes are small. Awesome vid my man!

@SpacedogD - 16.10.2022 16:01

I love lance in sunbreak. Absolute fun to play. I like both guard tackle and shield bash, as they both have very different pros and cons. I am so glad they fixed everything wrong with rise lance in sunbreak, making this easily one of the most fun lance kit in monster hunter.
