She thinks thank god😂
ОтветитьWhy is it always people who are too young OR too old and single calling themselves dating coaches?
ОтветитьIt's obvious that if she doesn't reply, she's just not interested, so move on. The only problem I have is that if she contacts you back after a while, making up a story that's she's been thinking a lot about you lately. Be genuine and just don't make up stories. If she had been interested, she would have responded and not waited for weeks/months.
ОтветитьI can't even land a date. I get rejected after a lady asks what I do for a living, how much money do I make or my education level. All ladies ask these questions in the first three minutes after meeting you. On dating sites it's the very first questions.
ОтветитьCongratulations on the your new book and thank you for another insightful video Coach!
ОтветитьWhen you stop texting FIRST: "Ugh. Finally that creep is leaving me alone. I can't believe he sad it was good to see me."
ОтветитьThis happens with a girl from my work who isn’t interested in me but when I stop talking to her and ignore her she always is more active on my social media and way more flirty with me to get me back paying attention to her it’s wild!
ОтветитьSounds like my coach Corey Wayne lolol
ОтветитьSend her a hand written letter in the mail
ОтветитьHad a girl stop texting me for 3 months. Then I posted a picture of me and another girl with my arm around her. Just friends. Suddenly. The next day she text me and invites me over. WTH? I'll never figure out women.
ОтветитьHow do i make sure women never talk to me again ??????
ОтветитьI accept the rules to her games after she showed her ass, and now she is a stalker
I dont say nothing to her unless she talks to me and even then its very little
I label her is for the sheets nothing else
Thank you. I really want to talk to personally. 😊
ОтветитьHi. I think you are really good after watching your videos.
ОтветитьExciting video, A year ago i took the no contact route, well i wouldn't say it didn't go well, but i missed her and sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone and go for what you want, Without knowing and having a huge ego, we might actually miss out on our soul mate all in the name of not settling for less, I know who i am, and at the same time i know what i want for me, so i did all i could to get her back, and I must say, it was the best decision i have ever made, we have been together again for over 7 months, yes marriage isn't always Rosey, but i am lucky to have her, just as she is, to have me, we compliment each other
ОтветитьAll these men need to stop, the only power you have is to walk away. If a woman likes you she will make it easy for you cause she wont want to lose you.
ОтветитьI went on a date with a woman who told me about a man that was pursuing her. The man was fed up with being in her friend zone, became angry and cursed her out. He eventually began pursuing her/contacting her again.
When I realized I was also in the friend zone with this woman, I cut all contact. She still sends me birthday texts/happy holiday texts. I never respond to any of them. She taught me exactly how to treat her with that initial story.
My ex is a fearful avoidant. So it's all over the place. No contact in over 5 months
ОтветитьTo quote a great stoic philosopher, "Why are you complaining and lamenting about trivial things that were never yours?"
ОтветитьKinda crazy. This woman looks exactly like my first ex that basically ruined my life. They say you get over them.. but that's not true. She's married with kids. I hope she's happy.
Ответитьi'm not sure, but im under the impression that christine dates a girl. is that true? i dont have anything against that , i just want to know.
ОтветитьCaring about a woman in any way is weakness and it must be mastered, she is using you for your utility, you should be using her for her body and that's it
ОтветитьToo busy for me? Yeah
I found a beauty Mexican beauty, half your weight and age
But you are talking about logic, and what does love have to do with logic???
So she will act differently than logic says (love is madness).
It's so simple...
They don't think
ОтветитьThanks for the valuable info British girl.
ОтветитьI do not want her, she wants me. Your message is onesided because you feel that you are convinced that men want just any woman. Consider the fact that men stop texting her because he does not want her.
ОтветитьLads, Women are like cats , notice how when you call your cat it doesnt come yet when you go do something else like write a book or something they magically appear on your lap.
ОтветитьThere's a thing called blindness in every love
Ответить🎉🎉🎉🎉We love your Videos Real Alpha Advice😊😊no Simping
ОтветитьGood, now tell me how do I attract you 😈
Ответитьwomen lie about everything
ОтветитьMaybe so if there interest in you if not this doesn’t apply she knows all the above
ОтветитьThis doesn’t always work case in point a female coworker . Her loss .
ОтветитьBut she already have someone to text and talk 🥺. What shall I do?
ОтветитьWomen live in a fantasy world where they think they can call all the shots and someone the man is supposed to be grateful if she pays him some attention. Call it what it is narcissim. If she wants an adult relationship she should act like an adult.
ОтветитьI love the advice you give. Thank you
Ответить" really annoying creatures . . . " That struck me ❤😂
ОтветитьYOUR SO LOVLEY I THINK GOD FOR YOU YOUR TRUTH BOMBS ARE SO real your the light of my day,
ОтветитьShe thinks: What a blessing! Now I can be happy and have sex without distracting me.
ОтветитьStay free and strong guys 😂
ОтветитьWell a real red pill man never texts a girl first. That’s the issue. You let her pursue you. You don’t pursue a woman. That’s blue pilled behavior. A true red pill man has no or very little interest in a woman. He’s on his own path. Showing interest in a woman is losing a woman. You are the prize not her. Most men are incredibly blue pilled and are consumed by sex and getting a woman’s attention. That’s not how a real red pill man works.
ОтветитьAs a true Pansexual I’ve lost faith in all feminine nature (women or submissive /feminine gay men.) Men watch some CASEY ZANDER. Feminine nature optimizes for hypergamy love for a man doesn’t exist and it’s not supposed to. It’s all about evolution and survival. Love is an illusion of human existence.
ОтветитьREALITY CHECK: FEMININE NATURE ONLY LIKES AND WANTS THE MEN THAT DONT WANT THEM. You both are biologically wired to look at relationships completely different. I’ve noticed this with women and submissive / feminine gay men.
ОтветитьOnce you snap out of it realize how many people watch these videos with such low self respect.
ОтветитьDid she say my wife?