A Submarine Went Missing & Body Parts Were Found A Week Later In The Water

A Submarine Went Missing & Body Parts Were Found A Week Later In The Water

Rotten Mango

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Medical_news_ib - 22.09.2023 17:19

there was a miner error that was made according to the death of report who are female to male. female make 20% of the reporter death well the males make the other 80% yet you are correct in a way as nearly always the most violent death is female one were it torture then death

yet in general female are more likely to die than a man in case of violence , torture kidnapping ..etc so it understandable where the confusion come from.

also here is my resources

- [Gender-related killing of women and girls], United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), 2018
- [World Health Statistics 2020: Monitoring health for the SDGs], World Health Organization (WHO), 2020
- [Journalists Killed in 2020], Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), 2020
- [10 Most Dangerous Countries for Journalists in 2020], Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), 2020
- [Women Journalists and the Frontline], International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF), 2018
- [Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media], International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF), 2017
- [IFJ Global Report on Gender Equality in the Media], International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), 2018

in all situation keep up the good works and counties telling as the story from the victim perspective

Maria Conchita
Maria Conchita - 21.09.2023 23:35

He took her by the bay and they were waiving at her friends at the restaurant where they were gathered to say goodbye to them. Also, The reason why she has a dress and was dressed as if she was on a date is because that was the night of the good bye party and she was supposed to go to the party after the interview.

Word Life
Word Life - 21.09.2023 07:35

This channel is off the chain

amisha kohli
amisha kohli - 20.09.2023 21:22

The way you explain stories is just wow.. i felt goosebumps for all of your podcasts.. and the part that you are explaining and controlling to cry is just soo heartbreaking.. like it takes soo much courage.. hats off girl❤️

Anne-Christine A C Petersson
Anne-Christine A C Petersson - 20.09.2023 17:16

Maybe they should check missing women in rest of Scandinavia. What say he stayed in Denmark.

Anne-Christine A C Petersson
Anne-Christine A C Petersson - 20.09.2023 17:02

Östersjön (ostersea) also flowers during summer, all marinplants and algea during warm weather. Vision is better during cold season.

WhiteHair Rules
WhiteHair Rules - 20.09.2023 11:03

How can you be so "clever" and dumb at the same time. As a woman living on this earth, you should know that you cannot trust the kindest man for your life. If I am alive today, it is because I accepted the fact that mistrust is better than getting murdered.

Zarlasht Khan
Zarlasht Khan - 19.09.2023 19:22

Peter sounds like an absolutely medicore man that in his heart knew what he was. And Kim sounds like everything he actually wanted to be. He sounds like a failure that probably blamed his failure on the incompetence of everyone around him. I hope reporters let his story die in obscurity so he never gets the recognition he craved for.

Sisselin - 19.09.2023 15:26

I'm swedish and i remember the news about a sub going missing! But I am not really following the news so I never knew how that ended and now watching this video I'm just in shock!

Ayur Amu
Ayur Amu - 19.09.2023 12:21

Women are not safe anywhere are they? This amazing woman traveled the world, some of the most dangerous places on earth so called 3rd world countries but she was tortured and k*lled brutally in the safest countries in the world. Why ?

Norma Grimmett
Norma Grimmett - 19.09.2023 06:52

You are so good this, girl! You must know this and I just want you to know I just really enjoy you. I bet your IQ is pretty high. Rock on lady!

Deborah Dishington
Deborah Dishington - 19.09.2023 03:22


Kerrie Lou
Kerrie Lou - 18.09.2023 23:26

Im a true crime buff, i love 60 mins australia, 48 hours and mr ballen, every documentary under the sun, but in the first few minutes of your discription of kim I a. Feel so proud of her b. Feel so angry her life was stolen from her (im literally in tears before we have even begun) c. Feel extraordinary angry at her killer, more so than i would at most videos i watch. Kim’s life was extraordinarily in and of itself but also, the way you tell the narrative is extremely engaging and humanising and she seems to be someone who deserves that, given she humanised and told the stories of so many herself - bravo!

I really hope her killer suffers so much for the rest of him miserable pathetic life… grrrrrrrr i hate that monster

Elijah - 18.09.2023 22:24

I remember when this happened.
I live in Sweden and my whole country was talking about it. Everyone was so angry and the support we all tried to give to the family and her boyfriend was more than most we've ever seen before.
Speaking of, could you do an episode of the school attack in Sweden? It's so interesting and, as someone who lives close to where it happened, it was terrifying.
There have only been one attack like it at least in my lifetime.
It's not much compared to Americas school attacks but it's so bizarre when you read into it and seeing the cctv is spine chilling.
edit: there is also a picture that two teens took with the attacker, which also has a story in and of itself

H8erfisternator - 18.09.2023 21:08

"She was literally an unstoppable human being."

Helped by everything that can possibly help you in this world. Two well established parents, proverbial "wheelbarrows" everywhere, and no limitations in regards of health or finances. Yeah, that will create an unstoppable human being. Not that hard when there isn't anything to actually stop you.

Rashi - 18.09.2023 18:30

He's right, his mom was stupid. Poor woman's only mistake was bringing this piece of shit into this world and trying to raise him when she should've left him to die like the rodent he is.

Rashi - 18.09.2023 18:25

It's truly mindblowing how some people would find just ANY reason to blame women. Haven't we established it already that attire has nothing to do with sick intentions? I feel like we've been fighting the same battles for centuries and there's always that one IDIOT who goes "but look at what she was wearing" like that justifies anything.

Pumpkin Patch
Pumpkin Patch - 18.09.2023 14:59

I'm so sorry I'm late, idk if you're going to read this or not!
I listened to this on your spotify and found a few things to be untrue and you usually ask people for corrections when that's the case, so that's what I did ~

Peter Madsen really wasn't that famous. In fact, most Danes had never even heard of him until this case
The place he and the submarine was found wasn't in a small village, in fact is one of Denmarks bigger cities (and where I grew up, yay)
A life sentence in Denmark isn't 16 years, it's 18 though many does get out after 12. It's still far too little, as I like to say "that isn't a life, that's a childhood"

I'm sorry if it's rude for me to just come here and correct, you just often ask in cases that's not central to you for people to correct you and those things lowkey bothered me when I listened to the podcast

camilla - 14.09.2023 18:44

iam 23 min in, dont know where you have your info from, but your facts are so roung, its from my contry, so know the storey, iam thinking now if you can go so roung here, what about your other vidios???

camilla - 14.09.2023 16:25

my lord your all over the place snuff movies was cartons.. elon musk... you must be out of your mind

PoemJunkie - 14.09.2023 08:21

Suggesting she was careless getting in the sub with a man is bizarre to me…she literally let a third party (her boyfriend) know where she was going and with who, and there were multiple witnesses to her going off with this guy. If something happened to her, he would be the literal only suspect, so why would he try anything? Seems like she did everything reasonable to ensure her safety.

☆ 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐢 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 ☆
☆ 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐢 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 ☆ - 13.09.2023 17:58

I just love how Steph will always do the most to find out the victims full story, it’s just so respectful and thoughtful because if she didn’t nobody would ever know how great of a person Kim was to unfortunately loose. Keep up the great work ❤

Rest in peace Kim 🕊️

Hayley Calassa
Hayley Calassa - 13.09.2023 17:39

No because I was on a submarine called the Nautilus literally in July

Kishauna Weber
Kishauna Weber - 12.09.2023 13:49

That's almost my childhood to a T. 1 difference is, I'm a good person because I would never do to someone else what "family" did to me.

low vibration
low vibration - 12.09.2023 08:39

the fact that andrew tates family story is so very similar- abusive father, caring mother but ended up becoming the biggest threat to women

Brianna Nicolee
Brianna Nicolee - 11.09.2023 07:44


chels x
chels x - 10.09.2023 15:10

that's so so sad

zippy blessed
zippy blessed - 09.09.2023 11:27

Wowwww....be careful people 🎉

darealdemz - 09.09.2023 03:37

i just want to make something clear, i, as a dane, had never heard of Peter Madsen, until after this case went viral, and even then, no one i knew blamed kim

Homeofgoldrush - 08.09.2023 11:26

I don’t feel sad that he got all those beatings from his dad when he was young. Maybe his dad should if done an excorcism on him instead; to cast out his demons because this demonic being just snuffed a life. Women everywhere, never EVER fully trust a man regardless if you’re married to him or it just a stranger that is a man standing next to you.

Adrena Line
Adrena Line - 07.09.2023 21:47

I get really bad man hating vibes from you in this video. Not all men are rapists and murderers.

J P - 06.09.2023 21:36

I know this case well. But I absolutely love the way you tell stories and always have every single detail in order perfectly that I’m as excited to watch this as I would be if I knew nothing about it.

Lady Kaya
Lady Kaya - 06.09.2023 19:43

"6 years ago in 2017" wtttffffffff 😢 thats SO crazy. Time is literally just flying by

Christine Marie
Christine Marie - 06.09.2023 15:55

The fact he was willing to murder innocent random people is the worst part, it wasn't even a revenge murder... Not that it's better but would make more sense but I can't understand how anyone could feel sympathy for this cold blooded killer, I don't think he will ever change and should never be allowed out of prison. Also it doesn't matter he has a wife, there are plenty of crime stories where men have wives and children and they rape and murder random women and the family never expects it

Anam Tariq J
Anam Tariq J - 06.09.2023 09:09

One wrong choice and ... feel very sad for the girl. Pathetic insan human being I mean how could he do such a hinderers murder for stupid reason very lame

MadMike Foetwenny
MadMike Foetwenny - 05.09.2023 03:28

If life in prison with the possibility of parole in 8 years is all you can get for such a grotesque crime then I am not surprised that it doesn't happen every day. In the United States we would be guaranteed that this guy would never see the light of day except on the prison yard where he would likely be the victim of gang gratification before bleeding out from numerous puncture wounds.

Heliana Banes
Heliana Banes - 05.09.2023 02:11

I feel so so horrible that she was trapped, underwater, with a weak, gross, pathetic, greasy, yucky, psychopath. He thinks he is so profound; he is not! I hope she hurt him.
His statements from prison were just more deflection: not his fault, any human pushed could commit this kind of crime, which is totally false. I believe anyone can be violent, and even murder, but this was not someone being pushed to his edge and exploding. This was a cold, calculated, sadistic, torturous murder. He is so full of shiz.

roro - 04.09.2023 21:10

don't make everything about women

snedler - 04.09.2023 19:37

I remember this..
I live in Denmark and the man who killed her was called Rocket Madsen bc he was building a 1manned rocket...

Wong Tan
Wong Tan - 04.09.2023 14:02

They just dont want Kim to find out the truth about China

Rico SWAGGER - 04.09.2023 07:21

Everyone is in danger while doing their job men are the #1 victims of death on the job. Saying that women still arent safe while doing their job, is completely false. Men will make more effort to save a woman if he can. Women are given priority during rescues. Your the best story teller ever, I just wish you would have kept it to the story instead of trying to make some point about women still not being equal when they actually are the only ones with more rights then men in the United States. They earn more(wage gap is a miscalcuted myth when properly calcuting same work done they actually earn more) and are given less time for crimes committed, and they aren't even prosecuted for some crimes paternity fraud false rape allegations, that even when proven false mens lifes are destroyed and recieve no compensation. Woke lies are not really needed for a great video, the story was bad enough by itself. Please keep woke politics out of your videos or I'll stick with with Mr Ballen and Jack. Pretty please with sugar on top.
RIP Kim Wall.

Maybilene - 03.09.2023 21:33

Ok the carbon monoxide story excused was stupid, even if that did happened he would’ve died too. But this guy is such an evil narcissist jerk he didn’t think that.

Trash Cubby 😔
Trash Cubby 😔 - 03.09.2023 19:25

When I heard the backstory of Kim I just kept praying that it ended with her surviving SOMEHOW. I have big dreams and sometimes I sit and think “that’s impossible haha.” But I hear how Kim did it. All before she made it to 30. I just got so motivated so touched I felt moved. My heart aches for her and her family. RIP Kim, we love you.

Inter Net
Inter Net - 02.09.2023 20:05

Just a small correction. One does not have to invent something "brand new" to be considered an "inventor". Innovation comes in two forms, "fundamental innovation" and "incremental innovaton".

The rocket was "invented" over 1000 years ago in China, but nobody would deny that Robert Goddard (or Werner Von Braun) invented the modern rocket. What's the difference? Same principle as 1000 years ago. Mass goes out the bck, rocket moves fowards. The fundamentals were known centuries ago, and further explained by Newton.

Same goes for Elon Musk. He didn't invent a damn thing. He hried engineers to develop vertical landing systems and reusable rockets.

So this is why Masden was compared to Musk anyway. Not because of his inventiveness (which is redundant for both Masden and Musk anyway), but because they were involved in innovating in rocketry. Clearly it was not a financial comparison.

Melissa Diaz
Melissa Diaz - 02.09.2023 11:26

Why are the best people always the ones lost. This is so heartbreaking.

Alexandra Stefanescu
Alexandra Stefanescu - 02.09.2023 09:36

Hello guys !I'm new here,she has more yt channels ?

Elizabeth Bower
Elizabeth Bower - 01.09.2023 20:58

How many channels does she have? I've found 3 so far. I love your channels!
