Immersive HUD (iHUD) - Official Release Video | Fallout 4 MOD

Immersive HUD (iHUD) - Official Release Video | Fallout 4 MOD


7 лет назад

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@everythingapocalypse6045 - 05.05.2018 19:01


@CRUSTYDUSTY1776 - 04.09.2017 02:31

wнaт'ѕ тнe мod тнaт caтegorιzeѕ yoυr ιтeмѕ ιn тнe pιp вoy lιĸe нow ιт ѕнowѕ cнeмѕ, ғood, drιnĸѕ,eтc wιтн a lιттle ιcon neхт тo тнeм?

@Astrocreep2046 - 24.04.2017 20:41

Hey Gopher,

Just want to say great stuff! I've been following your stuff for some time now. Really love your videos. They're comprehensive, clear, concise, and really fun to watch. I am wondering if you have any incite on something I am having trouble with. I am trying to achieve a similar dynamic to Skyrim if you had INeed, Frostfall, and Camping mods installed. I know Survival mode exists for FO4 which gets me part of the way but I'm kind of thinking I still want to Fast Travel and Quicksave. I am already using your Quick save mod as well as Survival Options... But Something seems to have happened with my Needs meters where my thirst and hunger doesn't seem to work (I dont get hungry or thirsty) where as my fatigue seems to be in overdrive. I get fatigued within 30 seconds from fully rested. Point is... I have a suspicion that one of the mods I'm using like, Survival Options, may be responsible for throwing that stuff out of whack. Do you have any suggestions for an ideal optimized Mod list for Survival mode that you find works well with little to no bugs that would achieve what I am looking for? I apologize if you happen to have a video covering this and I have missed it. Thanks in advance for any and all help!

@readmedotexe - 07.03.2017 20:43

Thank you so much for this! It's worth it to me to disable achievements to have these options, and I love me some achievements!

@gothicwigga - 18.02.2017 01:58

Any way to make the HP/names of enemies in VATs still show?

@BantersM - 13.02.2017 03:15

What is that sorting mod he is using, it is exquisite!

@frodo5047 - 08.02.2017 00:18

What inventory sorting mod is he using it makes me moist it looks so fucking good

@maddog6974 - 27.01.2017 11:20

brilliant stuff, should market your ihud mod to all games..

@BrainInJar - 24.01.2017 02:12

Do you need Def UI core and hud framework?

@lucianomontesino1235 - 07.01.2017 06:17

se que no deberia preguntar pero que enb tienes

@griftingnightmares - 02.01.2017 05:46


@tomje7024 - 01.01.2017 20:15

How do I remove the ammo counter?

@StormCrownSr - 01.01.2017 20:05

Two days into Christmas, nice!

@ChthonianGames - 31.12.2016 07:21

Awesome stuff Gopher, iHUD has always been a must have mod for me since New Vegas and I'm glad to see it for Fallout 4. I was also wondering if you are planning on making a version of Cinematech for Fallout 4?

@gameingwarlord69 - 30.12.2016 23:17

hello sir i have always loved your work and videos, so i have a question if you can help i am trying to make may first mod for skyrim se. i am trying to make a follower mod, so i can the npc and git it into the game world, but when i load up the game and approach it and activate it i get on " follow me " dialogue. so if use can can make a video or send me some link on how to that would be grate.

@DaemonShake - 30.12.2016 10:55

This mod is pure gold.

@bedford1941 - 30.12.2016 07:27

how do i get my bitboy like yours

@aw8897 - 30.12.2016 04:41

This game came out like 2 years ago though....

@nichyaru - 29.12.2016 01:31

always nice to see immersive mods :)
wondering how long more till we get the immersive first person body i waiting long time ^^

@Dylankobe24 - 28.12.2016 23:54

Is it compatible with Def_HUD?

@gamerscircle - 28.12.2016 21:00

I am currently using Def_UI and when I got to install the required HUDFramework, I am asked to overwrite a file. Am I going to loose how I have that setup?

@rhysblack7000 - 28.12.2016 15:12

Will there be a compatability patch for Def_UI users? or because this one is reliant on HUD Framework will it work without a patch?

Thanks for your great mods, Gopher! You never fail to make mods people don't realize they need :)

@carlosabatini8256 - 28.12.2016 14:59

Gopher my suggestion, your mod is not available on nexus if we don't tick the "xbox one available" option, and this can be a mess cause me couldn't find it on default preset of options available.

@ZheIncFox - 28.12.2016 13:06

Hi Gopher! Loving this mod, works like a charm. Am wondering what you are using though for sorting your inventory items with all of the little symbols? :)

@TheJay815 - 28.12.2016 05:47

When I activate iHud in game it crashes, any idea why? I have DEF UI installed also but I don't get why that would cause issue. I'm on xbone.

@kinkyfella1994 - 28.12.2016 03:23

Hi, would you consider removing the [Hidden] sign on the top when sneakin? I tried every toggle and all that it still doesn't work. Not sure if it's my side or urs. Please let me know

@rj5561 - 27.12.2016 20:42

I'll definitely install this when I start playing FO4 again at some point

@mrblue415 - 27.12.2016 19:43

Thank you for releasing this Gopher! Hope you can solve the HUD issue when in PA as well.

@erwinzyx - 27.12.2016 18:49

Looks good. When I get back into Fallout 4, I'll definitely have a look.

@LightK_I_R_A - 27.12.2016 18:46

jesus i love ihud i hope to see it for elder scrolls 6

@caloss2 - 27.12.2016 16:39

And straight to nexus to grab this essential mod

@olololo4807 - 27.12.2016 16:24

finally. thank you very much gopher.

@MassKill3R - 27.12.2016 15:09

What sorting mod do you use?

@Krongfah - 27.12.2016 14:04

I know you said to leave suggestions on the Nexus page but I'll leave mine here too.

I want an option to turn the weapon crosshair into a dot crosshair. Meaning the dot appears when you have your weapon out instead of the dynamic crosshair.

Also, I noticed that there is no customisation for the sneak meter. I'd also like a bit of options on the part.

@Indomitable92 - 27.12.2016 13:30

Gopher strikes again with god tier content. All hail High Lord Gopher \o/

@Arkayas0 - 27.12.2016 13:01

It's simple yet amazing mods like this that make me regret getting a ps4.

@poopikins - 27.12.2016 08:43

What inventory mod are you using for your pipboy? looks very useful

@poopikins - 27.12.2016 08:42

Hey Gopher, great work first of all, could you add the ability to change the dialogue text color/saturation separate from the rest of the HUD, or know of a mod that does that? I like to have a semi hidden HUD even when it's displayed, but then I can't read what anyone is saying. It's also hard to read inventory text as well.

@rex7579 - 27.12.2016 08:29

I always question why Bethesda never let you customize the hud in the settings, most games let you do it nowadays.

@monavicat7281 - 27.12.2016 08:22

Thank you for making this mod Gopher i downloaded it before i finished watching the video

@JamesDeal1982 - 27.12.2016 06:03

He's baaaaaaaaaaack.

@MrJbedo - 27.12.2016 05:55

Hey gopher do you ever plan to make a series for stalker: call of pripyat?

@nooskids007 - 27.12.2016 05:30

Great :)

@awkward.6889 - 27.12.2016 05:20

Been so long since I played Fallout, been really digging Skyrim SE.

@Amvienttz - 27.12.2016 05:07

Awesome! An essential mod for me in my Skyrim days, glad it's got a full release for Fallout 4 now too!

@jeffreylane - 27.12.2016 04:15

Woohoo! been waiting for this since the day Fallout 4 was released.

@solesurvior1115 - 27.12.2016 03:57

any chance you can get rid of the sneak indicator...i hate the bloody thing

@Some-wr7mi - 27.12.2016 03:50

Does it work with DEF_UI?
