The Best Hikes in Acadia National Park

The Best Hikes in Acadia National Park

Traveling Robert

2 дня назад

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@arisvanmazijk1 - 16.03.2025 19:23

Calling that a trail is somewhat of a stretch 😅

@stormbugg - 16.03.2025 19:27

Hola! To you and Mrs. Ily. Love Maine ❤ I love all your videos, but absolutely, Maine is the best. Hiked your behind off. Great! Did you see how many steps you got or mileage? Thank you for taking us along with you all the time. Take Care.

@Sabra-m1e - 16.03.2025 19:54

Keep up thegood work

@sandraaguirre1906 - 16.03.2025 19:59

Beautiful place ....I admire your energy.

@christopherlands2706 - 16.03.2025 20:03

Spectacular video. One of the most comprehensive videos on the Bee Hive trail that I have ever seen. It really gives the viewer an idea of the experience and whether or not it might be for them. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

@philzail2532 - 16.03.2025 20:56

If you slip on those rocks, you'll do the lobster roll! 😆

@fatboywine - 16.03.2025 21:26

Great job ascending the Beehee Robert! Much enjoy your videos!

@olivierdevries01 - 16.03.2025 21:32

Robert - Looks like you got your exercise in on that day. 🙂

@Gillespie5150 - 16.03.2025 21:44

Sketchy? You are certifiable.

@karendevries8219 - 16.03.2025 21:57

Nope nope nope

@andreloshon3344 - 16.03.2025 22:26

love the video .....what a hike....that first hike is not 4 me.robert did ur wife join u on the hike??

@AdventuresofMomDadGirland3Dogs - 16.03.2025 22:44

Wow! We did the Beehive hike 3 years ago, but it looks harder than we remember. 😜🤣 Acadia National Park is extra wonderful because so many trails and areas are dog friendly. 🐾
Trenton is my second favorite lobster 🦞 on Mt. Desert Island. I think The Best Lobster 🦞 is Rose Eden Lobster!! 😁 🦞 I may have tried 6 different lobsters while we’re there. 😜😂

@stancass1063 - 16.03.2025 22:54

HIKE thats mountain climbing. How many people get injured or die on that sort a trail???

@Sue-Anna - 16.03.2025 23:27

Wow! I'm very impressed with you hiking that trail! I know I wouldn't be able to do it.

@debbiewerner7124 - 16.03.2025 23:33

Oh My…. Those views 🥰 But the hike…yikes. I admire how you can do those High places. Thanks for this Awesome video ❤

@RadioChief52 - 17.03.2025 00:04

I figured you'd be heading for a good IPA after a hike like that, Robert.

@barbarabladen8963 - 17.03.2025 00:04

Admire your stamina! Difficult trail! 😮

@drivinghorizons - 17.03.2025 00:07

As someone of a similar age….I am glad I enjoyed it from my arm chair!!

A question… does Illy feel about you taking on these challenges?

I know my wife would try and talk me out of it!!

Kudos for taking on the hike!

@thebes118 - 17.03.2025 00:37

Wish I had made it there when I was stationed at Loring AFB back in 81-82.

@thetripod7 - 17.03.2025 00:53

You are brave Robert, I wouldn't do that hike in a million years.

@stevegiblin270 - 17.03.2025 01:09

The water in Maine is always cold . Warmer in Martha’s Vineyard and Rhode 🏝️ Island! Be careful hiking and have fun!😅

@Martinarigney - 17.03.2025 01:09

I would panic, but there’s only forward to go

@LindaOrr-d2e - 17.03.2025 01:10

Visited here from Scotland in 2011 but did not do that hike🥴. Maine is beautiful.

@stevegiblin270 - 17.03.2025 01:11

Boy due you have guts walking that trail? The weather and views were awesome!🇺🇸☘️⚓️

@stevegiblin270 - 17.03.2025 01:15

I would prefer to be on the water 💦 than hiking ? You are a real DIEHARD and a Real Hiker

@bryanh_yjg - 17.03.2025 01:16

We stayed at the same campground at Schoodic maybe 15 years ago, that is one of the best campground experiences we ever had. Thanks for bringing back such wonderful memories!

@stevegiblin270 - 17.03.2025 01:17

Me too🇺🇸😎⚓️☘️

@Floridiansince94 - 17.03.2025 01:37

Uff!!!! The hike on this one was right up there with the Angel’s landing one!!! You are very brave, Robert! Thank you for the amazing views! God bless you!

@oliviaviers4112 - 17.03.2025 01:41

Beautiful views but I was gritting my teeth for you. One of your best videos. You did great!!!

@rlucerin28 - 17.03.2025 01:55

That's crazy that they allow kids on there!

@cesarmarx - 17.03.2025 02:02

Amazing videos as always Robert.
We`ve been there a few times and always love it.
Bar Harbor is Amazing. Great food , Great beer and great people.

@catherinesargefield1732 - 17.03.2025 02:09

We are from New Brunswick originally you are making us homesick lol

@nestorabaya7908 - 17.03.2025 02:44

You should try the 8 wheels motorhome beast truck by Mercedez Benz. Its all equipped. With drones to scout the area 😉 You can search it on the internet for the details. 😉👍

@randygardner2231 - 17.03.2025 03:44

Loved hiking the BeeHive in Acadia National Park. Was scared at first but what an adventure. Was so proud of myself I was skipping on the way down ahead of my friends and stepped down and twisted my ankle! Yikes, got back to Bar Harbor bought ace bandages, and kept exploring Maine. Got back to Florida after 7 nights went right to the urgent care,,,,, I broke my ankle. Thankfully I didn’t need surgery but had to wear a boot for 8 weeks. My friends could not believe I walked on that ankle and even rented a bike and peddled around Acadia on the carriage roads, which was a beautiful experience. Fun in Maine. My advice wear ankle high hiking boots.

@brendawhisenhunt8444 - 17.03.2025 03:51

I'm proud of you! The views were amazing!

@latishacarver4213 - 17.03.2025 03:52

That is an impressive hike!!!! Hiking sticks probably would not have been useful. Have you thought about wearing a looser style of pants instead of jeans, for ease of movement with climbing.

@moe9730 - 17.03.2025 04:00

Everyone just relaxing like they aren’t two feet from falling down a mountain 😅great video! And no way..

@Runningoncoffee05 - 17.03.2025 04:37

Good job on the hike! That would be a hard no for me, though. We will hike this vicariously through you!

@michaelmcdonald6727 - 17.03.2025 04:52

I hate that everywhere you go now days is so crowded. Just not that enjoyable. I remember hiking in the late 70’s and early 80’s and most of the time you had places to yourself. Thanks much for the videos of Maine.

@sandym198 - 17.03.2025 05:10

That trail should be restricted to seasoned climbers if at all. It is crazy. Please never do it again. Not worth risking your neck. Hope mom didn’t watch! Bless you.

@JoeRosaFarinha - 17.03.2025 06:41

Robert!… Well done climbing that Angels Landing like Hike!… Especially after not doing so well @ the “Q”… Glad no major issues!!.. Beautiful views!

@Twobarpsi - 17.03.2025 12:35

I've been watching you for 10 years Robert! Excellent adventure!

@karenfromNH - 17.03.2025 17:05

I did the Beehive and was so proud of myself. That trail is no joke.

@lauraslanesvanandphototravels - 17.03.2025 17:54

I'm so happy for you that you got a sunny, clear day for filming! Always nice when that happens as a content creator.
Amazing hike and yikes! I got a little scared for you, like many others have commented & yea, you can keep those trails, I will just live vicariously through you lol...and yea, walking sticks help, not sure where you would put them or one on a trail like that at the "sketchy" parts, they don't fold that I know of. I started using one due to my back issues, definitely helps for balance too! Another GREAT and adventurous video Robert!

@beng2427 - 17.03.2025 20:14

Thunderhole is nothing if not unpredictable.

@almag6723 - 17.03.2025 21:08

So tankful for such a gorgeous places caught on your video. I´ve been following your videos some four years ago, now it´s part of my sunday afternoon routine. It´s like visiting an old friend. And as a bonsai lover, enjoyed so much those beautiful little pines growing on the rocks. Great work.

@calledtojourney - 18.03.2025 07:47

Good job, Robert! I hiked the Precipice Trail nearby in September of 2022, and there was virtually nobody there at 8 a.m. It was probably even sketchier than the Beehive Trail though, and my wife and daughter chose to stay behind. The views at the top were similar to those you saw at Beehive. Good times! 👍

@rutheiermann3476 - 18.03.2025 08:39

Wouldn't catch me on that trail. Surprised that trail is open to the public. Very dangerous looking. Couldn't wait til you got to the top, lol.

@nm4523 - 18.03.2025 19:55

Thanks for using your 'Hiking Boots'....... Beautiful Scenario but....."Thanks....NO... THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!.......

@marecee1054 - 18.03.2025 21:21

After breaking my right ankle a few years ago, I don’t think I’d attempt that hike—but I’m glad you did! I love experiencing your adventures vicariously!
