The Jesus Deception: The Greatest Lie Ever Told | Dr. Nicholas Peter Legh Allen

The Jesus Deception: The Greatest Lie Ever Told | Dr. Nicholas Peter Legh Allen

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@eximusic - 25.09.2024 23:21

Jesus as the Good Shepherd 250 BCE?? The Good Shepherd, from the Catacomb of Callixtus, is mid 3rd Century "CE".

@berglen100 - 25.09.2024 23:57

Visions hide timelessness in time parables get secular time historic blindness about repeats for natural eyes demand allegories not riddles or dark sayings parable need to keep flesh and blood confused about time in times run aways from timelessness has times waxes away from vanities Adams put to sleep dreams but freaks what can all things mean imaginations blueprints by good and evil are balancer both feed each other for images school yards life and death till mysterious wakes Adams then time disappear.

@timmacwilliam9519 - 26.09.2024 00:04

Jesus/Yeshua is not the problem, the dogma of the church is. Jesus' teachings were suppressed. The New Testament is mainly the gospel of Paul and he was a heretic

@Pigpigpigpigpigpigpigpigpigpig - 26.09.2024 00:04

Jesus was a man
He was a dragon man
Or maybe he was just a dragon

@spankflaps1365 - 26.09.2024 00:09

Jesus the Jewish yokel, who looks and talks Greek!
Parallels to when an American actor played Robin Hood.

@alexcastro7339 - 26.09.2024 00:09

Both of you sound like you were
Um, um, um, um,.....Zzzzz

@kellydavid7408 - 26.09.2024 01:11

You should Dr. Ammon Hillman to your courses of study.

@zainiabdullah621 - 26.09.2024 02:05


IF the first Jewish-Christians(the earliest disciples and followers of Jesus the Prophet) lived in and around Jerusalem during the 1stCE and then vanished from history at the end of the 5thCE as historians believe, how could they be linked to ISLAM, which appeared in early 7thCE Arabia with a new call for ISLAM Faith, Repentance, and Salvation ?
[James D. Tabor/Robert Eisenman]

@zainiabdullah621 - 26.09.2024 02:07


Was Simon of Cyrene the one crucified in place of Jesus, as Jesus was able to shapeshift and making himself appear and disappear at will, as proposed
by biblical historian and scholar Prof Dr Morton Smith ?

Prof Dr Morton Smith's Proposal :
In his book "Jesus the Magician" (1978) :
*Jesus possessed magical abilities, including shape-shifting.
*Simon of Cyrene was crucified in Jesus' place.
*Jesus' post-resurrection appearances.
*Divine providence, not magic.

Prof Dr Morton Smith's theory remains speculative.

Referencing Jesus' remarkable abilities described in the Gospels.
*Jesus Appearance and Disappearance :
- Luke 24: 31 (Jesus vanishes from sight)
- John 20: 19, 26 (Jesus appears and disappears in a locked room)
*Shapeshifting or Transformation :
- Matthew 17: 2, Mark 9: 2-3, Luke 9: 29 (Transfiguration)
- John 21: 4 (Jesus appears as a stranger)

Interpretations :
1. Divine Authority :
Jesus' abilities demonstrate God's power and by God's Permission
2. Spiritual Significance : Emphasizes Jesus' prophetic nature.
3. Miraculous Events:
Showcases Jesus' ability to control over physical reality by God's Permission.

Theological Perspectives:*
*Omnipotence :
God's power working through Jesus.
*Mystical union :
Jesus' connection with the Father.

The Quran and Hadith describe Jesus' miracles as Signs of God's power and authority.

The Qur'anic Miracles of Jesus Christ son of Mary :
1. Virgin birth (Qur'an 3: 47, 19: 20-21)
2. Speaking from the cradle (Qur'an 3: 46, 5: 110)
3. Healing the blind and lepers (Qur'an 3: 49, 5: 110-111)
4. Raising the dead (Qur'an 3: 49, 5: 110-111)
5. Creating birds from clay (Qur'an 3: 49, 5: 110-111)
6. Table of food from heaven (Qur'an 5: 112-115)

Hadith(Prophet Muhammad traditional narratives) Miracles of Jesus Christ son of Mary (pbuh):
1. Bringing clay birds to life
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 644)
2. Healing a leper
(Sahih Muslim, Book 26, Hadith 5593)
3. Restoring sight to the blind (Sahih Muslim, Book 26, Hadith 5594)
4. Raising the dead
(Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 38, Hadith 4393)

Qur'an Prophetic Titles of Jesus Christ son of Mary(pbuh) :
1. Eesa ibnu Maryam (Jesus son of Mary, Peace be upon him)
2. Al-Masih (The Messiah)
3. Kalimatullah (Word of God)
4. Ruhullah (Spirit of God)

Islamic Perspective of Jesus son of Mary(pbuh).
Jesus' miracles demonstrate :
1. God's Omnipotence
2. Jesus' Prophethood and Messengership
3. The Truth of Absolute Monotheism of GOD (Tawheed)

Similarities with Christian Accounts :
*Virgin birth
*Healing miracles
*Raising the dead

Differences :
*Islamic emphasis on God's Unity
*Jesus' role as Prophet, not divine.

Scholarly Insights :
1. Historical Context :
Understands Jesus' abilities within 1st-century Jewish thought.
2. Literary Analysis :
Examines narrative purposes and symbolism.

Similar Events in Other Traditions :
*Torah/Old Testament:
Elijah's ascension (2 Kings 2: 1-14)
*Apocryphal Texts :
Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles

Explore Further.
Research and Investigation of apocryphal texts and traditions.


@rogerlunde8668 - 26.09.2024 02:15

Are lies better than truth?

@davereese6614 - 26.09.2024 02:20

I like Jacob's style. He makes the show about the guest and not him. Its cerebral and not emotional. Its refreshing.

@corbentaylor7825 - 26.09.2024 02:41

I like this guy. Very consistent with his logic

@ang3lbr4t - 26.09.2024 02:43

Kolbrin bible, known as the bronze tablets, an interesting read.
Brtt 3.1
Jesus was the son of Miriam, called Mary, by Joseph. His brothers were Jacob, Joseph, Simon and James. He was born at Bethleham. In the days of his youth, the land rang with the exploits of Judas the Galilean, who preached that there was no ruler but God; he was called the teacher of Righteousness in his day.
Brt 3.2
Joseph, Jesus' father, died when Jesus was sixteen. Mary, his mother, did not like His inwardness. His long silences and His solitary habits. She rebuked Him for being a tardy breadwinner, but this was unjust, for He excelled in His craft. She could not understand her strange son who was unlike the others, and she wanted a practical man, not a dreamer and preacher.
Brt 3.3
Jesus had spells of rapture, and His male kinsfolk declared He was out of His mind, so they sought to have him put under restraint. But the womenfolk said He was harmless, and in cases such as this, their words coloured the law of the land. Jesus loved his father, who had taught Him His trade. He consoled Himself with the scriptures which said, " I will become His father and He shall be My son."
Brt 3.4
Jesus early became a wandering carpenter and then joined the Nasarines. There was excitement in the land because it was said that the prophecy of Daniel was to be fulfilled in these times. The conditions of the times fulfilled the predictions.
Brt 3.5
Then Jesus went into the wilderness beside the Jordan. He joined the Society of Saints, which was beside the Sea of Heavy Salt. When he came back to the Jordan, He no longer retired within Himself, but was a man of direct and forceful speech. He was decisive and commanding.
Brt 3.6
The people called him the Galilean because he was raised in Galilee, and they sought to name Him the Man of Messianic Hope and the Suffering Just One, when Judu's the Galilean was dead. Some thought he was the warrior Messiah, but He rebuked them, saying, " I am He of whom it is written ' He shall judge the poor rightly and reprove those who oppress them. He shall smite the Earth with the rod of His mouth and slay the wicked with the words that issue from His mouth. '"
Brt 3.7
He wrought cures, as did many others in those times. The Levites put out that He did not as they, but by the power of the Prince of Darkness. But Jesus said that such was blasphemy, as the healing spirit of God was strong within Him. Therefore, such an accusation was a sin, but they mocked him.
Brt 3.8
He was a true man, a good organiser, strong, alert, resourceful. He had determination and courage, though withal, He could be gentle and compassionate. He was inflexible in purpose, yet He could bend before the storm and survive where the stubborn man would go down.
Brt 3.9
He stood firmly against the holy men of the Jews, whose seeming holiness was but a cloak, for it was something that flourished only in the public eye. It was woven with self righteousness, lined with intolerance and sewn with threads of sadness. Good men do good deeds out of the sight of others and gain merit from their selfishness and sacrifices.
Brt 3.10
One came to Jesus, saying " Lord, I give many gifts and alms to the poor, I am ever giving to the needy. I am a rich man, but my riches have come by lawful means, I have traded with ships, and encountered dangers to accumulate them. Having gained wealth, I live in moderation, supplying only my moderate needs. I give the rest to the needy poor, and I am ever ready to serve the deserving, Am I then a sinner".
Brt 3.11
Jesus said, " No, by giving with discretion and making such sacrifices, you gain merit, and there is no harm in seeking riches for worthy ends. It is the love of money for its own sake that is productive of evil. The evils of riches arise from their misuse. If a man gains wealth in a lawful way and does not live in luxury, supplying no more then his moderate needs, serving the poor and deserving with his surplus, then he does no wrong."
Brt 3.12
A teacher of the Jewish way said to Jesus, "If God is so great and all knowing, why does He not strike down the wrongdoer? Why does He withhold His justifiable wrath when the wicked man swallows up the the man who follows the path of goodness? Is he not the God of justice?" Jesus replied" Justice is not a thing of the time. Though the mills of God grind slowly, they grind to perfection. Life itself metes out justice. The justice of God adjusts the justice of men. Were this not so, I would not have come.
Brt 3.13
Jesus was then asked if He was one with God, and He answered, " It is not in Me to state that, which I know to be untrue, and truly there can be but one God alone. Because I have been granted visions and insight into things unseen and unknown to other men, what manner of man would I be did I claim equality with God? I have spoken only that which I am bidden, I have said, ' Worship God why is My Father and Your Father.' Does this then raise Me above other men? I have proclaimed all men My brothers, and if I have said I am even as God, then truely I have raised them up also. Yet, this they cannot see, or is it that they fear the burden of their own godhood?"
Brt 3.14
Jesus came and was like a slasher, which clears away the useless undergrowth in the forest of life. He uprooted and burned that, which was unproductive. He planted good trees, but the undergrowth returns. It is a time for the activities of good men. Jesus found pearls by the seashore. He sowed the good seed in the hearts of those who followed Him closely. For His sake, many of the rich became poor.
Brt 3.15
He came and separated men out from the errors of the world. He brought men a mirror, into which they could look and see their own divinity. He opened a door now open to all, and those who choose to pass through stand on the road to the eternal. He raised up the fallen and healed the afflicted. He woke those who slept and reminded those who had forgotten. He enlightened the righteous and gathered in those who were lost.
Brt 3.16
To what can He be compared? To the great sun that shines down, giving joy and life to all living things. To a great river giving gladness to men and the waters of life to beasts. To the good husbandmen who cherishes his fields and tends his flocks. To the men of the forests who care for their trees and thankfully gather the fruits thereof.
Brt 3.17
The sun shines today, and the air gleams with light. The Earth puts forth blossoms, and the seas are calm. The waters flow clearly, the birds sing and the gloomy Winter has gone. Hope dawn's, and so it is with the Son of Man.
Brt 3.18
The tree of glory has been planted and will survive, for it is well serviced. It's servants are dutiful. So let it be like the holly, whose leaves are not shed in Summer or Winter, which stands with weapons ever ready in persecution or freedom, in good days and bad.
Brt 3.49
It came to pass, at this time, that many said that Jesus was the Messiah, but this was a manifest falsehood. Jesus, the son of Joseph and Mary, was an inspired prophet, a teacher who held the hand of God and there had been others before Him. His mother was a decent woman; both ate food as humans do. Mary did not set herself up as a goddess, neither did she preach.
Brt 3.50
It is of no moment to those who are not Jews whether Jesus was the heralded Messiah or not, so believe as you will, but we're He born of a Holy Ghost and not of Joseph, then He did not fulfil the prophecy. Men step outside the bounds of truth in their beliefs, but this, too, is of little moment unless they impose their beliefs on others.

@TheManicMan-p6l - 26.09.2024 03:12

You should have this guy on again, Jacob. Very interesting!

@krzysztofciuba271 - 26.09.2024 03:39

Thanks for exposing already at 2:OO the fallacy of the author of Fallacy of Jesus. Where do such Morons come from?

@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 - 26.09.2024 03:43

scratching the top of the skull with both hands - looked like it triggered his memory! Cool.

@ThroneofDavid8 - 26.09.2024 03:58

Is Jesus (Joshua) Christ a major part of Judaism?

@lindseyjohn4789 - 26.09.2024 05:12

Where can i find information on 7 Laws of Noah?

@riley02192012 - 26.09.2024 05:19

This was a fun discussion. I like some of the ideas and concepts of Gnosticism. I love the Gnostic texts. ❤

@juiceytee - 26.09.2024 05:35

Excited about this one 👍

@garymensurati1631 - 26.09.2024 06:07

Jacob, your guest ROCKS !! 😄

@mewsez - 26.09.2024 07:02

you're wrong, it is possible to be ressurrected from death after you're already destined to die, by GOD itself, it can interfere in the process of death, like it happened to me 25 years ago, and moreover, if you were poisoned to death like I was, your body will not be able to function normally anymore, so GOD gives part of its supernatural powers to you, that let you do supernatural things, this is true, and I know this firsthand, 100% without shadow of a single doubt!

@mukhlimkurowo - 26.09.2024 08:30

this is true his-story

@iwilldi - 26.09.2024 10:56

Where would one even describe the cut between gnosticism and metaphysical speculation?
So the assertion that gnosticism precedes Paul or the gospels does not come as a surprise.
But in the same time is see Mark much more interested in greek lore, than metaphysical speculation.
I see him much more interested in down to earth geography than intangible realms.

Yet gnosticism and christianity could surely have more airtime.

@henryschmit3340 - 26.09.2024 11:12

'Seven arguments against christian dependence on the mysteries.
... seven points that undermine liberal efforts to show that first-century Christianity borrowed essential beliefs and practices from the pagan mystery religions.

Arguments offered to prove a Christian dependence on the mysteries illustrate the logical fallacy of false cause. This fallacy is committed whenever someone reasons that just because two things exist side by side, one of them must have caused the other. As we all should know, mere coincidence does not prove causal connection. Nor does similarity prove dependence.

Many alleged similarities between Christianity and the mysteries are either greatly exaggerated or fabricated. Scholars often describe pagan rituals in language they borrow from Christianity. The careless use of language could lead one to speak of a Last Supper in Mithraism or a baptism in the cult of Isis. It is inexcusable nonsense to take the word savior with all of its New Testament connotations and apply it to Osiris or Attis as though they were savior-gods in any similar sense.

The chronology is all wrong. Almost all of our sources of information about the pagan religions alleged to have influenced early Christianity are dated very late. We frequently find writers quoting from documents written 300 years later than Paul in efforts to produce ideas that allegedly influenced Paul. We must reject the assumption that just because a cult had a certain belief or practice in the third or fourth century after Christ, it therefore had the same belief or practice in the first century.

Paul would never have consciously borrowed from the pagan religions. All of our information about him makes it highly unlikely that he was in any sense influenced by pagan sources. He placed great emphasis on his early training in a strict form of Judaism (Phil. 3:5). He warned the Colossians against the very sort of influence that advocates of Christian syncretism have attributed to him, namely, letting their minds be captured by alien speculations (Col. 2:8).

Early Christianity was an exclusivistic faith. As J. [Gresham] Machen explains, the mystery cults were nonexclusive. A man could become initiated into the mysteries of Isis or Mithras without at all giving up his former beliefs; but if he were to be received into the Church, according to the preaching of Paul, he must forsake all other Saviors for the Lord Jesus Christ…. Amid the prevailing syncretism of the Greco-Roman world, the religion of Paul, with the religion of Israel, stands absolutely alone.
This Christian exclusivism should be a starting point for all reflection about the possible relations between Christianity and its pagan competitors. Any hint of syncretism in the New Testament would have caused immediate controversy.

Unlike the mysteries, the religion of Paul was grounded on events that actually happened in history. The mysticism of the mystery cults was essentially nonhistorical. Their myths were dramas, or pictures, of what the initiate went through, not real historical events, as Paul regarded Christ’s death and resurrection to be. The Christian affirmation that the death and resurrection of Christ happened to a historical person at a particular time and place has absolutely no parallel in any pagan mystery religion.

What few parallels may still remain may reflect a Christian influence on the pagan systems. As Bruce Metzger has argued, ‘It must not be uncritically assumed that the Mysteries always influenced Christianity, for it is not only possible but probable that in certain cases, the influence moved in the opposite direction.’ It should not be surprising that leaders of cults that were being successfully challenged by Christianity should do something to counter the challenge. What better way to do this than by offering a pagan substitute? Pagan attempts to counter the growing influence of Christianity by imitating it are clearly apparent in measures instituted by Julian the Apostate, who was the Roman emperor from AD 361 to 363.'

@clayjohn228 - 26.09.2024 13:08

Jesus was a victim of Jewish hate speech laws.

@HHasan-of2vi - 26.09.2024 13:29

Jesus Christ and his Desciples nothing to do with Gentile(Pagan) Christianity founded by Paul and early Church fathers.

@thestonerpreacher - 26.09.2024 16:06

the correct understanding of the new testament is it was Jews trying to explain the psychology of trauma to uneducated traumatized people

@blkhistorydecoded - 26.09.2024 18:23

If someone said they had a VIRGIN BIRTH or resurrected from the dead, we wouldn't believe that person because it is NOT POSSIBLE.

@blkhistorydecoded - 26.09.2024 18:25

He couldn't prove that he was the son of God when he was on trial or anytime....FRAUD!!! Plain and simple. Prove it, oh u can't, CHARLATAN!!!

@JC-vq2cs - 26.09.2024 20:19

One of the best basic short intro explanations of the "gnostic" theological framework, most appreciated. Will get the book!

@JC-vq2cs - 26.09.2024 20:33

Dr. Allen's interviews remind me of why mythicism remains a valid hypothesis. The earliest Christ followers had radically different views of what or who he was. There was no single early "church" founded by Jesus (sorry, Mormons). There is no independent info or attestation of a human Jesus outside Paul & the various gospels, muvh of which is simply GrecoRoman elite lit with a Jewish core. Josephus passages overwhelmingly look 100% interpolated. Crestos v Christos is a problem. Pretty much every surviving text is corrupted or variant in various ways. The magical healer wonder worjer Jesus is all myth, common to con men of the day (and still now!) Any human Jesus who was an antiRoman-collaborators as described as leading various actions & drawing massive crowds would have been noted in Josephus & by other Romans of the day. Instead his rebel actions all seem copies of Josephus' portrayal of Judas the Gallilean & followers. Coincidence? Artwork & inscriptions show syncretism as Allen shows here.I personally don't care either way because any human Jesus was so heavily mythologized its a distinction without a difference. I just don't understand Jacob's recent militancy agsinst mythicism. Maybe we can just never really know & that's OK. Live this one life we are sure of to the fullest as an ethical good person as best we can, that is the true gnosis.

@realLsf - 26.09.2024 23:09

The disciples stole the body of Jesus & smuggled it to Rome where it still rests in a secret chapel in the Vatican. Then they suppressed the secret Gnostic teachings of Jesus to gain control over the masses. The Catholic Church is demonic

@neronine8679 - 27.09.2024 02:44

.. there is no such a guy named "jesus" or "muhamed"! It is HOAX!
Just ask yourself why satanic scumbag in illuminati 🇻🇦 Vatikan - Epop = Pope, have a few millions of us dollar 💵 worth Mercedes G wagon and bunch of bodyguards around if he, piece of satanic scumbag - Epop, "present" - who? What? "jesus"? ha ha, ha, ha, ha ‼️ Bunch of monkey hybrids from 🌏 planet Earth, they lied to you thousands of years for their own reasons and goals...
The piece of satanic scumbag showed on the cross with the long hair and beard is not "jesus", it is scumbag named Cesare Borgia from psychopath roman family Borgia. They draw the scumbag on the pictures because NOBODY ON THIS PLANET 🌏 did not know how idiot named "jesus" looked.............

@muzaffarshaheen1473 - 27.09.2024 08:50

Paul would have not even dreamed of what was going to happen with his religion of catholic christianity. Undoubtedly Yeshua wouldnt have that corruption.

@HisMessenger-wf5qd - 27.09.2024 09:12

Did Jesus keep the moral law?

@josephsorce2543 - 27.09.2024 18:38

" ... 'Technology', was Left out of the Christian Bible' ... 'God', would've known what was to be in the 'Future' ... Why, is this Manuacript so Limited to it's Own Archaic ... Era ?!"

@josephsorce2543 - 27.09.2024 18:41

"Since, the Romans Popularized 'Christianity', ... It makes Sense, What this Man is ... Saying"

@josephsorce2543 - 27.09.2024 18:51

"If, 'Christianity' Originated with the Roman Era ....and, No Religions had Existed Prior to it ... The 'Bible' and other Stuff Presented, might give it Important Credibility (maybe), ... But, ... 'Religion' Pre-dates these Dogma by Thousands of ....Years !"

@integrationalpolytheism - 27.09.2024 23:09

No resumé at the beginning, no welcome to the show... That's an interesting diversion from the usual format.

@mickeydecurious - 28.09.2024 19:26

Christianity is fake! The evidence and the fact that what sin did God commit against Humanity that God had to do a sacrifice to a tone for God sins to humanity🤔 Now if you take into account Paul is an admitted liar, hypocrite, and murderer makes sense that Paul would build a false religion in order to make money.

Jesus was a strict apocalyptic Jewish teacher; the scriptures Jesus told you to turn to where the Hebrew scriptures, and God said if you ask him to forgive you he'll forgive you remember your sins no more providing you repent there's no blood necessary...🤷🏼 Peter would have been correct in what he told paul, was Paul who rather make money and become famous than to follow God; just like the Christians are today.

@clabianco1 - 30.09.2024 10:14

The Flavian Fsmily of Rome, ruling family, crested the stoies, gospels, in order to stop the rebelious Jews of the lands, by giving them a peace oriented Mesiah. This is afact produced by the website, THE PISO FORUM, which I discovered in 2009 to 2010.

@Hemocracy - 30.09.2024 13:56

God Almighty says :
*And because of their saying (in boast), "We killed Messiah Jesus ,
son of Mary , the Messenger of Allah," - but they killed him not, nor
crucified him, but the resemblance of " Jesus " was put over another
man , and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no
(certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely;
they killed him not ( 157 ) Rather, God raised ( Jesus ) to Him ۚ And
Allah is Mighty, Wise (158)*.


@muzaffarshaheen1473 - 30.09.2024 18:06

He has some logical discussion.

@PoppyPoppy-n4h - 10.10.2024 02:55

Nothing in Christianity is verifiable.
