Mailbird, A Highly Customizable Email Client

Mailbird, A Highly Customizable Email Client

The Blind Life

1 год назад

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Graham Scholton
Graham Scholton - 21.09.2023 08:05

Why did you compare the workspace pricing instead of the Google one plans? Makes less sense in this comparison for personal use

Chris Ford
Chris Ford - 24.07.2023 19:35

Very good review thank you and the price is a perfect one time deal. I like that!

Keppela1 - 21.07.2023 07:41

Will it import and open emails from Windows Live Mail? Thanks for the video!

female hobbit with hairy feet
female hobbit with hairy feet - 27.02.2023 13:01

I'm shocked that you didn't mention the "read / opened" reports or tracking that MailBird has. It's literally the only reason I'm considering paying for it

tbaymyhome - 26.02.2023 22:28

Does mailbird add pin Taskbar?
I am tried do Ecosystem Microsoft 365 for samsung galaxy book. My MS365 exchange won't sync mail app [calendar]. Have you know about that?

Cem Kaya
Cem Kaya - 02.12.2022 18:39

have you tried the meta quest 2 or do you know of any one with low vision who has tried it ? i also have stargardt i would like to purchase a meta quest 2 but not sure about accessibility

AN ODYSSEY OF STEVEN - 27.11.2022 07:55

Hi Sam

What is the best subscription for mail bird

Adam Guymon
Adam Guymon - 21.11.2022 09:23

I love the "You Got Mail" feature. I wonder if this will work on my Android phone and how much is it per month or do they have a yearly fee?

Jonathon Perino
Jonathon Perino - 20.11.2022 06:47

This is no better than Gmail and I HATE the setting being in white when you are in dark mode as I can not see black text on a whote background anymore which is why I hate itunes and icloud as they are not accesible either...I did not watch past the custom settings as you can do all that in Gmail anyway so why pay?.. I am shocked you had your email address no longer supprted and maybe you could contact the Google support to Cttl Z that move on your address. I use MS Edge as it has a nce screen reader for the browser which is not Narrator but it is clunky to use but I have got used to using it for long emails as I can no longer read more than a fre words of text these days and thankfully I learned to touch type 40 years agp... but I hate Windows 11 because of that idiotic night light that I can't get rid of nomatter what I do, evem had a tech reinstal and configure it with no success on my ASUS i5 15 inch 11th gen intel Laptop and HDNI to a 32 inch Samsung monitor and ZT20 won;t fix that issue either so the cure is? yep windows 7 Pro that is not stymied with stupid features that you can't opt out of and can;t change the account for 30 days? whose secutiry is this anyway? MS change for sake of change that is not a improvement is just plain stupid business preactice and limits my accessabiliy... Change for the sake of my sanity is good... up yours MS !... Windows 11 is VISTA all over again....some people never learn from theirr mistakes.
