The Tragic Tale of Twitter

The Tragic Tale of Twitter


2 года назад

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Free weekly essays written by Moon -

Why did Twitter become so toxic?

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00:00 - What happened to Twitter?
01:32 - The Origins
04:50 - The Consequences
06:07 - Hijacked Twitter
09:19 - Censorship
11:23 - Political Control
12:40 - Masterworks
14:15 - Twitter Today
16:15 - The Future of Twitter

Twitter is really bad because the business of Twitter relies on making money and billions in investments through censorship. The economics of Twitter is truly bad, and that's why Twitter is so toxic and destroyed society.

#TwitterRuinedSociety #Moon


#twitter #twitter_is_bad #twitter_is_cancer #twitter_is_toxic #twitter_business #economics_of_twitter #the_money_twitter_makes #how_twitter_makes_money #twitter_bad #jack_dorsey #parag #parag_agrawal #twitter_censorship #twitter_censors #twitter_trump #twitter_joe_rogan #twitter_censored #the_story_of_twitter #the_tale_of_twitter #the_moment_twitter_ruined_society #Twitter_Ruined_Society #twitter_toxicity #toxic_twitter #twitter_drama #double_standard
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@AndreRosario-zm8pf - 06.02.2024 17:03

🌏🙏🙏🙏 Twitter behind sex trafficking kids on the internet

@travisprice1325 - 04.01.2024 10:39

I don't agree with your assessment of Trumps ban. Trumps ban was due to him inciting violence and trying to overthrow an election using the platform.

I like a lot of your content, but I think there's some intellectual dishonesty in why Trump was banned.

@Thatguyoverthere606 - 10.12.2023 02:53

Trump was banned because of term of service, once he was out of office Twitter no longer had a reason to keep him.

@rolloxra670 - 05.12.2023 05:32

Ahh Twitter, the Internet’s cesspool

@user-frek2023 - 20.11.2023 22:11

twitter is finally dead to me. just hate on their

@nobodyinct2013 - 11.11.2023 07:02

Twitter also banned Trump during the pandemic for spreading misinformation and added fact checks. Also banning him after January 6th. Saying that the Hunter Biden issue was the only thing censored is blatantly false.

@Hollowdude15 - 29.07.2023 06:53

Twitter is so has alot of toxic and bad stuff on there to the point where I don't even use the app because of the problem on there and great video man :]

@Justads - 22.07.2023 07:57

Dog eat Dog at Twitter is sad

@Justads - 22.07.2023 07:56

Now Joe Biden is the tweeter president jk

@Justads - 22.07.2023 07:54

Reddit is hijacked by censorship to this day. It’s run by dictatorship principles.

@thomasmills339 - 12.07.2023 16:45

stopped watching after 2 minutes because of the music

@bluewaves1137 - 04.07.2023 09:11

its the government censoring the information

@poorvavm - 14.06.2023 02:38

Excellent editing. I've seen ever

@sheltonchang9220 - 27.05.2023 23:24

twitter is a private business so not bound by the first ammendment.

@sheltonchang9220 - 27.05.2023 23:23

I don't like Twitter but trump broke a lot of guidelines. Noone talks about how much leeway they gave him before he was temporarily banned.

@Betonoszlop - 17.05.2023 00:21

Too bad Moon picked a political side. From that point the while topic lost its objectivity

@smellyfinger684 - 15.05.2023 20:28

This should have caused riots. Why do we put up with this crap?

@quitpmoforgood687 - 07.05.2023 06:06

Its a piece of shit platform end of story.

@biggwash708 - 04.04.2023 18:12

Corporations are not “woke”, they just don’t want to be sued. And, for example, If every black person stopped using Twitter as soon as they were called “the N-word” by a white person on it, Twitter would just rapidly lose all of its customers (because that happens to other minority ethnic groups too). In fact, social media typically gives an extremely long leash to members of majority ethnic groups in their countries, much longer than that of members of minority groups. Every business has to have rules, or they couldn’t exist. That’s the tragedy of the commons. That simple. 🤷🏾‍♂️

@kevinmcqueenie7420 - 24.03.2023 08:26

Still don't get how a site with such low engagement, relatively small user base and with 97% of posts from a vanishingly small number of those, could become so significant. My only thought is lazy mainstream media building clickbait articles off controversial tweets.

@thomasfan645orthe_thomas_fan - 21.03.2023 02:53

The whole reason why:
Fandom discourse

@cherubin7th - 18.03.2023 21:11

Rule: If the rich can buy it, they will buy it (unless it is useless and no danger to them).

@theyfukenwmesubliminally - 20.02.2023 16:51

I feel like your channel is representing a certain side of the propoganda machine and a certain side of the rivalry between big forces in the background. Theres two sides in any war and none of em are entirely innocent, everyone is looking out for their own interest, and these videos have a sinister tone concealed with "the real unfiltered truth" image when theres clearly a certain narrative behind it as well, much like the narrative being criticized by it. You are serving someone elses propaganda as well is what im saying. Idk how aware or purposeful it is...

@nikhilpandey2618 - 20.02.2023 12:09

I hope Elon Musk destroy twitter

@myrnaavalos6 - 16.02.2023 05:34

Bidens dick picks are profanity not a civil discussions. Its porno.. go look for Hunter Biden Dick picks elsewhere 😅🤣😆😂

@blaze_745 - 05.02.2023 17:37

I thank myself for not downloading Twitter 😅

@BjornJohnzon - 05.02.2023 04:31

On Twitter the hashtag "k*ll all men" trended.

@OfficialToxicCat - 22.01.2023 13:21

Gonna be honest, I’m glad I deleted Twitter. Twitter use to be a place to just post random things and memes. Now it’s a political messaging board for people who won’t shut up and make politics their entire personality. Can’t even follow certain topics without politics popping up. Not to mention how people will just attack you over the dumbest littlest things. And thanks to Elon Musk trying to make it a “free speech” (put that in quotations cause he’s charging people 8$ a month for some stupid checkmark and idiots are buying it Ofcourse) platform, had gotten worse. I’m sorry but, I would rather use TikTok than be on Twitter.

@digitalshoes5520 - 20.01.2023 22:58

this video is wack yo, dude who made it really went like "twitter cured cancer and solved hunger but later revived Hitler and created Skynet" 💀💀 go outside

@the_0_man - 07.01.2023 09:43

Farmers Protest against Modi has more it than just banning people against Modi. Twitter banned many of so called Modi supporters too.
Farmers protest was a staged, well funded and politically motivated protest.
Surprisingly most of the farmers here in India were actually not in support of the protests.

@pinataparty - 04.01.2023 11:00

@MarkJay - 26.12.2022 23:44

It seems like Moon is trying to push an agenda

@artesianglitch1652 - 23.12.2022 16:10

Can we get a part two please

@Deriv44 - 20.12.2022 17:36

Twitter is like a real-life game of thrones without the actual killing

@ericcuevas7539 - 17.12.2022 19:21

Twitter was the impetus for authoritarianism.

@drawyournameproductions-au8824 - 16.12.2022 18:25

Hunter Biden and his laptop as well as his business was a GIANT NOTHING BURGER 🍔 filled with d pics of him smoking crack …. And nothing more. Literally

@johnhague5155 - 15.12.2022 20:29

Twit to Elizabeth Regine instead of the Who Night Owl.

@The_Platinum_Realist - 11.12.2022 02:32

“What went wrong?” It exists….

@savedawretch - 09.12.2022 21:18

How does moon know everything lol

@spookskeley - 07.12.2022 05:13

At least Elon is killing it :/

@Dantezonzo - 07.12.2022 05:11

I’m inpressed with his sponsor being art
Because in 2018 art and wine were the best performing assets and it’s wild thinking art and wine made more than the stocks annually

@kuch0301 - 02.12.2022 16:14

The pendulum swings both ways, keep cleaning house Elon!

@slavic573 - 01.12.2022 05:38

Censorship of an entire political spectrum? Moderates don't exist? I wonder why? You're mind thinks trump is the only Republican.

@germanpoweractivated - 28.11.2022 05:05

Well it changed a bit... 😏

@ameykulkarni8165 - 27.11.2022 13:04

First of all, Narendra Modi is Prime Minister of India and not the President. The current President is Draupadi Murmu which is from tribal rural area.
Now coming to the point about Indian farmers protest. You said the accounts were banned because they were opposing the Government. But that's not entirely true.
The accounts which were banned, some of them were linked with Khalistani Protest.
So many Khalistani Protesters were hiding in the name of farmers because they wanted to protest against the government anyway, they just wanted an excuse which they got in the name of farmers. It is even told that that protest was being funded by Khalistani group from countries like Canada. And as the protest grew opposition parties Saw the opportunity to blame the government as well.
The Government's plan was simple, to give the MSP ( Maximum Selling Price ) to the farmers by cutting the middleman so by that,they can get the maximum profit and they call sell their crops or products directly to the customers.

But that didn't go well with the farmers because farm leaders and opposition parties brainwashed innocent farmers that if they will support the law then your land will be grabbed by the big corporations. And without much knowledge and awareness about it, they believed in the opposition and joined the protest.
The Government's only mistake in this was they tried to impose the law without the consent of the farmers and without their knowledge. The idea was good, but it didn't match with the implementation.

Even after when the Government realised the mistake, they held 12 or more rounds of discussion with the farm leaders to soften the issue. But that didn't work out because farm leaders were adamant about their stand. They wanted the government to take back the law.

Coming to the point of Twitter, Indian government banned Twitter accounts because to stop spread the misinformation about the laws and the protest. Because the support was getting worldwide and People who had very little knowledge about what is actually happening right now started to support them on twitter. It included Indian as well as international (woke)celebrities like Rihanna, Mia Khalifa, John Cusack, Greta Thunberg,etc who had no idea what was going on ( or even if they knew they wouldn't tell because it didn't suit their agenda). Imagine Rihanna and Mia Khalifa giving lectures to Indian Government about farming. So laughable. Greta Thunberg even mentioned on twitter that she even have a tool kit to spread the protest worldwide. But she was publicly exposed and she took out the related tweet.
Not only from the opposition but because some leaders from the government were also banned on twitter because they spoke against the policies of Twitter.
Also when Government could not convince the farmers about the law and it's profits, they took it back for further corrections.
I don't know if you're going to read this or not, but the reason I wrote this long post because from this video it is being portrayed that Indian Government is kind of authoritarian rule which tries to mute the voice of masses. But that's not correct. Otherwise they wouldn't have taken down the law by listening to people's voice. ( That could have been other case in China). I agree with your point that twitter is just a garbage. In India, it is just filled with leftist and liberal People who with their rotten mindset try to harm the harmony of the society. It is a complete bullshit.
Also I felt sad because your channel does political commentary which exposes the plans of governments , banks and big corporates about their plan rule the world. But, spreading wrong information without having the knowledge about it to the full extent, I didn't like it at all. You should have gained more knowledge about it because I like your channel and I don't expect this from you. I won't blame you then if you're following Western media which is completely biased towards India showing it always as a poverty stricken piece of land and not the entire image.

@upjake45 - 27.11.2022 01:23

Moon you need to add a new CEO to this list lol
