Let's Build an Encounter: Doppelgangers | D&D Quests | D&D Encounter Ideas | TTRPG

Let's Build an Encounter: Doppelgangers | D&D Quests | D&D Encounter Ideas | TTRPG

Hidden Nerdy Side

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@jeremysiregar9742 - 07.02.2024 10:18

hope you come back soon man

@AlexiaFitoterapia - 24.08.2023 09:19

wonderful video¡¡ this weekend i will be a dm for the first time and this is helping me a lot, thanks and ill let you knoe the results


@mayhem_64 - 18.07.2023 20:56

Cool ideas. I made an entire town of doppelgänger’s called Mirrorpool. The adventure took the party there to retrieve a extremely useful NPC who was rumored to be in jail there.

@AparoDedaro - 07.07.2023 21:53

The way this guy pronounces his Ts 😅

@VorondiI - 02.06.2023 22:06

I'm quite new to DnD, so maybe someone can help me out here.
We're playing in Forgotten Realms. What kind of holy church would work in this quest? There are so many deities :S

@Balin93 - 04.05.2023 14:53

Please stop speaking like that. Just speak normally.

@pontusvongeijer1240 - 05.04.2023 17:19

Im loving this dopelganger episode, Ive actively been looking for inspiration to do something with doppelgangers as setup for a later twist in the campaign. The idea is having my players unknowingly being subjected to having several clones made of them, and a period of time where they think hey are using certain magical tools as a last resort to escape, but what really just happens is they die and resurrect.

I figured the first couple of clues to having been cloned would be thrown off in a fun way if the party had previously had some trouble stomping out a doppelganger infestation. Starting to meet people who have seen the players dead bodies seems like a fun spectacle to observe from the DM seat. :3

@chefsg591 - 16.03.2023 19:04

I've just started my 1st campaign as a DM and you're giving me so many ideas to work with. Thank you for your work mate!

@BigDaddyMegs - 26.12.2022 19:39

Eradin just can't get a break in these videos

@hoshiokashi - 13.09.2022 20:14

This will be PERFECT for my campaign I'm so excited >:)

@NezukoChan123 - 24.08.2022 10:30

I'm suprised this channel doesn't have more subscribers, I have been binging your videos, and I love this one in particular

@phobiawitch835 - 30.05.2022 03:15

ABSOLUTELY STEALING THIS! Just gotta change a couple things (namely, well, the Name of the Town, lol) to fit into my homebrew world. Podry the Doppelgänger would absolutely be perfect since a part of my campaign I’m writing is a cult that worships Tiamat (name changed in the homebrew world), trying to tear down worship of Bahamut (also changed) as the church of Bahamut is the source of most judges and law makers, and the cult is often unable to believe in Bahamut’s church. As an example of why, a leader is a Tiefling Bard who was FORCED to become a Lich by a cursed magic item (one of several keys to releasing Tiamat from her prison), and when he went to the church for aid in reversing this curse, the clergy instead tried to capture him and SMITE. He escaped with use of illusions(which now act like actual creations, and have solid form because of how the curse enhances his bardic magic), and began to despise the clergy, for every church of Bahamut has tried the same. Other churches have turned him away, but never so violently. So the cult found him and his powerful magics made him one of the 5 Heads under the Crown.

Having this encounter as an early game situation is going to be amazing!

@Zenas521 - 10.05.2022 06:23

Deviant 😈😈

@justinjohnson2802 - 03.05.2022 02:10

Oh my god! You just helped me bridge a creative gap I’ve been having for weeks in my campaign about what to do for a fire elemental that has taken up residence in the elemental plane of water in a city that was built in an air pocket. Totally using this as a quest in that city, it fits perfectly for another reason for the city's denizen's to distrust him despite the obvious reason😁 Thank you so much and keep up the great work!!

@IdiotinGlans - 07.03.2022 20:45

A video idea: Challenge a 10-15 level party with bears.

@JakeConrad666 - 02.03.2022 02:11

Another way to run it is if the coroner is a well known citizen, and then the party finds his dead body hidden away.

@Lordbuttermilk876 - 24.02.2022 01:52

Awesome video I've grown really fond of the doppelganger monsters. Would you ever consider doing an encounter for a rakshasa?

@MobBossSchaub - 21.02.2022 08:31

How to make a lizard folk encounter

@stupidfakename5661 - 21.02.2022 00:53

Matts is just a name you give your child to set them up for DnD now. Oh my god 😂

@rineraanakiir - 20.02.2022 19:04

I am so stealing this. Tho I have to rebalance it a little, as my players are lv 16.

@Forgemaster-ob8yz - 19.02.2022 20:30

I feel like once you introduce the concept of Changeling/Doppelgangers then most people would have the paranoia that any and all strange happenings could be caused by a Changeling/Doppelgangers.

I imagine that there would be specialized magic items that are used to detect the presence of any Doppelganger within the area.

They would either be hunted to near extinction or some of them may be employed by governments to serve as spies together information from neighboring countries.

So either they're all dead or some of them survive and are hired by powerful authority figures.

@nicobuehne9489 - 19.02.2022 20:25

But how does Podry do the fire damage on the corpse and where is the roll for the player's most intelligent or preceptive person to notice that the fire damage inflicted couldn't be of a firebolt or a smite? Nevermind that smite needs a bruise, slash or piercing damage, since a divine smite means a paladin hit someone with a *weapon*...

@davidu8283 - 19.02.2022 19:56

Wow, excellent stuff Matt! Keep up the great work! 😀👍

@ethanmitchell4500 - 19.02.2022 19:00

Love these videos! I get allot of inspiration hearing your encounter ideas, thank you!

@toa_zohaku6 - 19.02.2022 17:45

This is absolutely amazing! I am so using this in my campaign!

@simonkennedy6116 - 19.02.2022 14:42

I had a Doppelganger in my campaign, it had been the party's housekeeper but they managed to chase it out of town. It moved to the next town and became the captain of the guards

@aguy4124 - 19.02.2022 10:13

How do you come up with these ideas?

@levihankenson3801 - 19.02.2022 08:12

I said the real Raven.
No new suggestions from me. Thank you for everything

@Skrighk - 19.02.2022 08:07

"What's a doppleganger?" "An echolocating mafia member?" "No, me." Munch

@bluedragonguild - 19.02.2022 03:58

I’ve seriously been sitting here thinking I’ve been subscribed to your channel when in fact, I have not been 🤦‍♂️

@Ch8seMe - 19.02.2022 02:11

Just gave them a shapechanger particular sword and the next day this… fantastic

@MattygFTW - 19.02.2022 02:06

Another excellent vid

@anthonydefranco295 - 19.02.2022 01:55

Ayyy thanks for the encounter, this was awesome! You sir have earned a subscriber!

@Tricsterfull - 19.02.2022 01:34

Wow, amazing 5D-chess level plot with one of my favorite monsters! The meta aspect of the encounter is also mindblowing. But if I want that they solve the mystery, what sort of clues i can provide? All I can think of is something about real identity of Gregor. Like it is not even his real name and he never was a good speaker or thinker.

@officedeldro4509 - 18.02.2022 22:55

Perfect timing

@Latejune27 - 18.02.2022 22:43

Oh my pelor, this is incredible! This honestly may be my favourite doppelganger plot I think I've ever seen, it is SO much more interesting than the classic "Surprise, this person you rescued is a doppelganger, they'll attack you next room before you beat them" I've come to expect, this is beautiful!

I can even picture Podry posing as members of the clergy or the school, arranging meet-ups so they can "confess" suspicious activity they've seen, and all manner of similar shenanigans ~
Amazing video as always, keep up the fantastic work!

@artmanxp - 18.02.2022 22:25

I was tempted to do when idea with a double ginger. Will I think it works with changlings.

Challenge, a changling has taken the place of a dead man or woman not for any malicious intent but at most because they know the person but can bring themselves to tell their love ones there dead and think this is a good idea and at least live a better life and improve the life's of others

@nikitasnikitakis7529 - 18.02.2022 22:23

Excellent video ! I would love to see a Demogorgon video it would be epic and help avoid the classic blunt lvl 20 fight

@reidgabert3211 - 18.02.2022 21:41

Well well well. . .if it isn't another inspired quest idea.

Great video as always!

@kevindaniel1337 - 18.02.2022 21:36

Oh man. That's some good shit. I already know exactly where in my world this would happen too.
