Switching from Architecture to Tech Career - I Quit My Dream Job

Switching from Architecture to Tech Career - I Quit My Dream Job

Joann Lui

3 года назад

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Joann Lui
Joann Lui - 09.07.2021 03:57

Have you ever considered switching from architecture to tech?

khaleesi on fire
khaleesi on fire - 16.08.2023 05:36

i just moved to another country again and I'm really thinking of shifting to a new career.. I've been an architect for years and I'm not happy with this field but I know I'm good at it, and seeing this video is like a sign for me.

meraki - 16.07.2023 19:37

I cant imagine changing a career after spending all those years in school😭

jomar sanpedro
jomar sanpedro - 28.05.2023 20:14

Im currently 5 years in college of architecture and still have 2-3 years because of failing subject. I dream this job before but i think, its not for me coz im very tired and dont think if i can survive it. I want to change my course but im ashamed from my parents and feel worthless. Based on what i research tech is in demand and pay more, and in our university the only tech course is information technology. It is too late for me at age 24 to shift course?😭 Im very ashamed of my life and feel no purpose.

Andrei Dan Gabriel
Andrei Dan Gabriel - 23.05.2023 17:50

I have given up my 3D Archviz job in order to switch to start my jewellery business, I felt that this the best choice for me, since I still wanted to use my 3D software skills, enjoy much more freedom than a 9 to 5 job and still be able to pull a good income.
Sadly, I think many of us will have to make this choice before architects will be valued once more.

Mehnaz - 05.04.2023 05:36

Thank you for making this video. I am thinking to change my career to Cyber Security. Done with architecture. One/two year more, then I will leave architecture for good 🙏

H Shar
H Shar - 04.04.2023 21:46

I switched to a tech job after 6 years of architectural work with a master degree in architecture. My second master was CIS. However, 10 years working up to a senior system engineer's title, I hit the bottle neck. There were younger newcomers with CS degrees who could do better and faster than I do. I had a midlife crises. I quit my tech job and went back to architecture. I had a chance to lead a design studio in Shanghai when the building boom was going on many years ago. When that job dried out in 2016, I was back in the States. Now I am self-employed working in the design field doing residential only and making much more than I used to make. My advise to everyone out there is that architecture values experience. The older you get, the more reward you receive. The tech field is the opposite. You get outdated very quickly.

Valeria Belén Cerpa Salas
Valeria Belén Cerpa Salas - 02.04.2023 23:32

Hi Joann, I can relate to your story. I pivoted from Architecture to Software engineering in Peru. Here, career changes and pivots are still not so common and the advice I received from some college advisors was that I had to study again college if I want a software engineering career. Hopefully, the pandemic had changed many people's opinions regarding that and now we have virtual study options as well as self-taught. Now, I am a trainee in a swe role which makes me so happy every day. My conclusion and I loved you mentioned this, is important to always believe in our instincts. We have that instincts and opinions because we have done research on that, we have listened to testimonies and we have seen the pathway regarding that decision to pivot. In that case, we have valid arguments to pivot and make a career change. I would like to advise people to not fear that. Life is way more beautiful and better when you find passion and joy in your work, you have lots of projects and ideas to do and you find balance in life. I would call that.. you are in one of your best versions. Thanks for sharing your experience. I followed you on Insta, and wish you many successes in your career.

Airplane Towards the Sky
Airplane Towards the Sky - 30.03.2023 01:56

I work at a firm that doesn't even have high work load and for the most part I get to be a part of every step of the project. I'm starting to do a little more design and not just construction documents but I find myself still not being happy or motivated. Ive been at my job for over 2 years and do not hate the people there or the projects I work on. I just am so bored with doing the same thing over and over but that is just what architecture is. You get a new project and you have to do the same steps. I keep telling myself that I am working on becoming a licensed architect and that it's my goal but I think I'm just lying to myself. I don't think I want to be an architect. I just say that because I feel like it is what I am supposed to say and that that is the only way to make more money in this field even though its not much for how much work you have to put in to get there. I'm 25 and feel like if I don't give switching to tech a chance now I'll regret it forever because every time I try to imagine my job as an architect in the future it is so hard an unmotivated.

Harsh Gangwani
Harsh Gangwani - 23.01.2023 01:46

I am so glad I just searched for videos on this transition and I was nervous that I might not find much, but then I saw your video and omg this is so much relatable to each line.. that is what has been going inside my head. I don't know how and where I might land but this video is definitely helpful. Also, I would really like to connect with more such people and talk this out more. Thank you 😊

Safar with Sadaf
Safar with Sadaf - 13.01.2023 01:34

Whoever is switching please comment here and let's make a group on some platform? Whoever feels frustrated and alone like me please I need you all 😔

G S - 05.01.2023 04:12

Im a Junior Architect....yet i'm not happy in my career...thinking of switching the career in tech/IT.

ABD - 30.12.2022 19:49

@Joann lui can you do a video on your after transition to tech

Maria Beatrize
Maria Beatrize - 02.11.2022 11:55

I'm a graduate of Architecture and I am on the verge of transitioning to tech hopefully I will be better this time next year.

Essa Al Mahmoud
Essa Al Mahmoud - 17.09.2022 16:34

Bruh why as soon as I started my Architecture degree these videos started popping up :(

Gold Sand
Gold Sand - 08.09.2022 22:12

This is what I want to do and I’m so scared. I’m literally on the fence about it

Poonam Tembare
Poonam Tembare - 02.09.2022 06:54

What are the tech field to switch for architects ? Could it be data science?

JiaJun Liu
JiaJun Liu - 19.08.2022 09:49

Great video! I'm at the moment now where I feel like I'm not growing at all, doing the same repetitive thing over and over. Having many thoughts besides architecture... About to quit my job in 2 week and follow my instinct to see where it land.

Vaishnavi K
Vaishnavi K - 15.07.2022 07:29

I was trying to join the Archie techie community but the link is not working. Can you please invite me?

Abhilash Panda
Abhilash Panda - 05.06.2022 11:39

I am an architecture student i now feel like quitting architecture right now. And switch to tech career right away and also ux UI design , and block chain

Kelenie ngaluafe
Kelenie ngaluafe - 04.06.2022 05:17

Equip yourself and run your own firm!!!THANKS for sharing 👍

Luthando Lumarcho
Luthando Lumarcho - 22.05.2022 10:36

Hi everyone. I am a recent civil engineering graduate. I have always had a passion for architecture and interior design and I was really considering doing a degree in architecture. But after watching so many videos and research of people quitting architecture due to the low pay, it is very dissuading. I am stuck in the middle of trying to fall in love with engineering and practicing more or just quitting it and doing architecture. The thing is, I am not a fan of physics, maths, and all other complicated stuff. I just love design. I am not interested in working long hours and getting low pay. Good salary matters, there is a lot I need to take care of so I need the money. Your advice would be appreciated.

M1989 - 11.03.2022 15:40

Thank you for sharing this! I’m in a point that I want to change from Architecture into Tech and I feel like letting me down because my passion was always Architecture, but actually seen your video and also the comments that I’m not the only one, makes me have hope and look forward of what has been in the back of my band for very long time.

aditi - 25.02.2022 20:21

It takes a lot of courage to convince our mind😢

heki koka
heki koka - 16.02.2022 03:50

By the time you quit you realised it it wasn’t really a dream job. It was once a dream job. An architecture degree won’t make you rich. An architecture “business” will though. Like any business you might have the personality and talent for business or you might not.

Mark Wiley
Mark Wiley - 12.02.2022 22:55

Thanks for sharing your story. When starting to look for a tech job, where did you even start? How did you know who to talk to and what to search for

David Peng
David Peng - 24.01.2022 09:44

Your better off. Most people in the architecture field are snobs

Luísa Cavalcanti
Luísa Cavalcanti - 16.01.2022 16:53

I'm an architect and I was very unhappy in my career. so I did the same as you. Moved to tech career. Good Luck 🤞

Ermias Abera
Ermias Abera - 27.12.2021 09:30

Architecture is very very demanding field. Working 80hrs/week becomes the new normal. This can not be living.

DAVID PACHECO GARCIA - 12.11.2021 08:06

Architecture is extremley prone to cult like mentality and def thrives on being a "lifestyle."
That is not what i want out of a career.
Architecture is a "safe" choice and good backup plan because the industry is extremely slow.

If things don't work out nothing will have changed in the field.
Good on your for taking the risk.
My biggest hurdle was getting past "i wasted 6 years getting 2 degrees in something i don't want to do anymore." The education you get in architecture is one of the most flexible and has deg opened so many doors vs other degrees.

Melissa Andrea peña roncancio
Melissa Andrea peña roncancio - 04.11.2021 07:38

Hi Joann, I'm having the same situation.. I'm in construction and want to go to tech. Do you think uou can answer some questions? I need help :(

Jamie Stephens
Jamie Stephens - 14.07.2021 15:57

So much great and helpful advice here—even for those not considering transitioning! Looking forward to seeing all you are able to do with Monograph! Excited to follow your journey. Best of luck! ☀️

Ricardo Kuri
Ricardo Kuri - 11.07.2021 23:50

you are inspiring, thanks for the amazing video, currently I'm transitioning from architecture into becoming UX/UI designer, thanks for the inspiring words!

Steven J. Miller OFFICIAL
Steven J. Miller OFFICIAL - 09.07.2021 17:40

Well done! There is nothing better than doing what you really, really want to do.

English4 Architects
English4 Architects - 08.07.2021 22:49

Go, girl!!! Somehow I feel you will not regret it. It was so liberating for me to do the same :)

pamela falzon
pamela falzon - 08.07.2021 22:22


Marc Falzon
Marc Falzon - 08.07.2021 20:42


Saritza Martinez
Saritza Martinez - 08.07.2021 16:30

Congrats Joann! :) Thanks for sharing your story!
