Yeti Streams OpenXCOM: XCOM Files Mega Mod part 1

Yeti Streams OpenXCOM: XCOM Files Mega Mod part 1


4 года назад

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@ClosetYeti - 01.08.2020 12:51

ATTENTION: Some parts of this playthrough are currently BLOCKED in most of the world due to music copyright claims. I'm doing what I can about it, but it'll be a slow process. Sincere apologies.

@karry299 - 13.02.2024 19:03

Oh no, this mechanic is too unfair, the game is too hard, i'll turn it off !

...what a coward.

@simonfrederiksen104 - 08.02.2024 16:06

You can custom the base setup at start in options before the start of a game - and the game has been improved these past 3 years - maybe do another play through?

@oneandy2 - 01.01.2024 23:40

lol "The Kludge" = Taurus Judge.

@mattmattmattmatt. - 01.02.2023 06:00

I revel in the thought of that red dawn gangster sharing a prison block with a straight up humanoid owl.

@murdercubes4968 - 23.01.2023 05:57

The forst time i played this i bought a second car just to get more stuff done

@gufftroad77 - 30.09.2022 18:14

The first two XCOM games (UFO defense and TFTD) are tied with Jagged Alliance 2 for my favorite games of all time. My background with them is backwards from Yeti's I had a PC Gamer disk with an "extended demo" of UFO Defense, never even knew about TFTD until after I played Apocalypse.

@MundaneThingsBackwards - 25.08.2022 01:16

How do I adjust the damage scale from 0-200% to 50-150% in X-Files? I know you figured it out later.

Loving the insanity of the playthrough btw. LOL

@HelmutKohlrabi - 30.07.2022 05:02

toycar.jpg is not amused

@ThyMajesticOne - 17.07.2022 22:46

Dunning-Kruger effect

@0kisshun0 - 03.04.2022 14:04

alright... this lets play gona take some time to finish watching :D

@AlexKasper - 31.07.2021 01:53

Suggestion: Play X-Com Files (XCF) and then Play X-Com Piratez. The former is this stream. The latter is the "continuation" 600 years in the future if the war has been lost.

@diegowilliams7115 - 04.06.2021 22:50

Update: watching this series in 2021, and the playlist is actually 91 videos long! Looking forward to digging in to this gradually over time throughout the remainder of 2021!

@mandyogilvie686 - 17.05.2021 00:49

257 Like

@imperatorbeard - 06.05.2021 10:11

How were you able to turn off the Cqc? pretend im 5 years old mentally. i googled but none of the top results and slight digging lead me to the right direction then stumbled on your videos passively and you shown me its possible.

@Gilmaris - 07.03.2021 00:43

Terror From the Deep was my first XCOM experience as well. Played it to death before I managed to find a copy of the first XCOM, which in Europe is called UFO: Enemy Unknown. So for the longest time, I referred to the first game as UFO, and the second game as XCOM.

@endersblade - 20.01.2021 02:14

"Wood Wall"

It's a fence, Yeti...

@kraizmerentertainment2121 - 15.01.2021 14:55

Cqc is the best system

@titytitmk2738 - 02.12.2020 23:46

What always makes me annoyed but also laugh at these games is the situation they put the initial soldiers in.

"You need to fight supernatural creatures, aliens and god knows what else. Here, take this 9mm pistol, a tazer and a few stun grenades. You'll have to buy ammo on the way there"

@towarzyszbeagle6866 - 24.11.2020 06:26

To really pull off an Australian accent you need to shorten Australia to Straya when you say it.

@nicedayright4064 - 19.11.2020 08:28

This might be a bit late to help out Yeti, but for anyone else trying out the mod, be aware that a 0 doesn't necessarily mean a low roll. It can also mean the shot was completely absorbed by armor. A lot of enemies in early game XCF have armor and resistances to kinetic weapons. Modding your game to the TFTD damage scale can seriously fuck you over, as those 200% rolls are sometimes the only way to hurt something.

That also means you need to check the "stats for nerds" on most weapons. Some might offer you a higher damage, but have a penalty against armor. Armor penetration is often more important than raw damage. The counterpart to that is with armor types: resistance% is a lot more important than raw armor.

@whitefox25 - 19.11.2020 08:05

i hate how he is afraid of everything he wont even finish his first turn in 90% of the battles he just runs lmao

@ryancronwell6368 - 12.11.2020 07:25

I was honestly yelling at him in my head to look at all the weapon stats like the crossy

@ryancronwell6368 - 12.11.2020 03:11

I came here because of Ben&Lewis's xcom series, I have an itch to scratch

@Razorwire882 - 03.11.2020 17:17

God damn he retreats from like every mission, understandable though if he didnt he'd probably have a huge casualty rate. Haven't seem xcom files before so prob the norm

@Schrimschrim - 17.10.2020 20:40

why is he always talking about dogs and zombies like dags and zambies? i dont understand

@rottenpoet6675 - 11.10.2020 15:45

where to disable close quarter combat? I dont see the option

@Thekentuckyrebel - 27.09.2020 14:17

Whats wrong with E-town, I live there? No body wants to say the whole name all the time. Also yeah, Louisville's name sucks.

@mrhailstone1810 - 24.09.2020 00:09

a buddy of mine recommended your channel. and especially this playthrough. im in. just ehm.. some hours to catch up

@diegowilliams7115 - 18.09.2020 00:21

Can’t wait to catch up on this series after TFTD wraps up. Might just start it now to scratch my itch for XCOM between TFTD episodes though!

Good luck with this mod pack! It’s super long and I’ve never gotten more than 40 hours in before quitting hahaha. You’re the best of us, Yeti!

@trunk_slamchest - 14.09.2020 06:27

X-Com Files is easily my favorite openXcom TC mod. I love how it starts you out as The Men In Black driving around in shady vans investigating urban myths and weird pop culture shit. Then aliens show up in the mid game like 'Yea, lol surprise btw it was us all along. Now you're fucked.' Modern X-Coms are great, but they only dream about having as much depth and style as X-Com Files. So much awesome stuff about it, really glad you're LPing it Yeti, this is gonna be amazing.

@cubbucca - 21.08.2020 03:44

These videos seem really short!

@Vermoin - 16.08.2020 19:20

It's unlikely you''ll respond to this but how did you add TFTD damage rolls mod to XCOM files? I tried to copy and paste the TFTD damage mod that comes with OpenXcom into the user/mods folder but it doesn't show up as an option I can enable.

@Quilly_DM - 13.08.2020 06:34

How did you disable the close quarters blow crap? I just had my agent just blow his team mate's head off when I went in for a shot gun blast, but some EXALT dude made him do a 360 and shoot his friend.

@bozzutoman - 09.08.2020 07:17

In over two decades of playing this game, or watching others play... I just now noticed Mythos/MicroProse incorrectly calls ammo magazines "clips".

@dcgp4649 - 05.08.2020 21:20

Oh boy, we're gonna be here for a while.

@Tuulos - 05.08.2020 14:22

Honestly I love that sort of start. Maybe it's just me but even in original UFO: Enemy Unknown I preferred the early game where there are only the small scout ufos around.

@Tuulos - 05.08.2020 11:08

I agree that the game you played with your wife was most likely Dungeons 3. War for the Overworld is another similar title and they're both based on the good old Dungeon Keeper franchise.

@sgtsarge2617 - 04.08.2020 07:11

They loaded a live shambler in there crown vic in the middle of nowhere in the artic LOL

@sgtsarge2617 - 04.08.2020 06:52

Im sorry for my incompetence but i seem to have miss the name of this mod?

@sgtsarge2617 - 04.08.2020 06:08

What is this thing they call a crossbow?
No idea but the guy also had these 3 pointy stick, do you think both can be related?

@stackopancakes - 04.08.2020 05:48

Finally, a good way to spend my new lockdown life

@JMetal_enjoyer - 04.08.2020 05:07

Hey yeti! Wondering how you disabled Close Combat as its been really annoying me and I'd like to as well.

@thefirestarter14 - 03.08.2020 21:45

I love these 5 hour stream vods, especially when its xcom! i hope to see more!

@matthewlaw3763 - 03.08.2020 08:10

these older x-com games would be super fun as an SCP conversion.

@SolidReader - 03.08.2020 04:13

I really wish the guys from OpenXcom would remaster/modernize the UI, but I have no idea if its even possible to change it! I play PirateZ for 100s of hours, but how many of those hours were spent goin from menu to menu? When u have 30 soldiers, all with diferent equipement, on 8 different bases, with 6 diferent aircrafts...
