Why Christian Movies are BAD | The Problem with Christian Media

Why Christian Movies are BAD | The Problem with Christian Media

Josh Keefe

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Elizabeth McCormick
Elizabeth McCormick - 26.09.2023 01:15

Kirk Cameron is NOT a good movie maker!

Elizabeth McCormick
Elizabeth McCormick - 26.09.2023 01:10

One of the major issues that I have with Christian movies is that they make atheists out to be evil as a whole, when nothing could be further from the truth!

Amé V
Amé V - 25.09.2023 22:11

As a Christian, all I can say is religion is one of the biggest poisons of this world. It hurts people and just drives them away. Even in the Bible, religion is what killed Jesus. The church needs to come back to the truth of who Jesus really is, the one and only Truth, not someone's measely little interpretation of the truth, whatever form that might take. Things in this world are becoming very black and white in the moral sense, and people trying to live in the grey areas are gonna find it impossible to stay there.

Alex V
Alex V - 23.09.2023 08:31

The greatest weakness of Christian movies, I've always found, is the inability to accurately capture the apathy of non-religious people. They grapple with opposition to God and to faith, but they seem almost intellectually unable to comprehend God's irrelevance in the lives of non-believers. Christian movies are basically always given from the perspective of the in-group, to reaffirm existing views and opinions.

This is part of a broader struggle among Christians and of other religions as well to find answers to the challenges of modern information-age life. I've never been faithful, but many in my family were when I was growing up, and even going back even to my childhood it was always this inability to see outside the Christian bubble that more than anything else turned me away from faith. An atheist or agnostic person does not hate God, they don't think about God at all, and would never have any reason to imagine that there is a God in the first place without Christians to tell them, something evidently beyond Christian movie makers' understanding.

Yacov Mitchenko
Yacov Mitchenko - 21.09.2023 08:55

I agree with you. Still, one of my all-time favorites is "Jesus of Nazareth" starring Robert Powell. That's a freakin' masterpiece.

Christ Forever
Christ Forever - 19.09.2023 12:30

This is so disgusting

Kenimer Lewis
Kenimer Lewis - 15.09.2023 06:33

Okay I 100% agree, but just recently, what I would say is the best modern Christian movie came out, and that would be Jesus Revolution. Saw it in theaters, and as someone who likes very little Christian media, it was pretty incredible

Bono - 12.09.2023 21:30

It’s the nature of this fallen Satan ruled world to mock the gospel. Christianity will never be mainstream because men love darkness.

cariocajin - 10.09.2023 13:32

That's what a movie is. It is a story, a parable (and Jesus didn't speak in any other way ). They call it "movie magic", it makes you feel something. It shouldn't be considered as "ministry."

J Way
J Way - 08.09.2023 17:02

Lmao you gobble up capeshit. Your opinion is meaningless, redditor.

PhoenixDowner - 07.09.2023 13:46

I am a Gnostic Christian, so i already have problems with the Orthodox Christian god as it is.

PhoenixDowner - 07.09.2023 13:37

I think the problem is the result of how much Christains isolate themselves because everyone but them is going to hell. They just don't understand a lot of things about the world and as a result they also have the most warped solutions to problems. There is also the issue of many Christains lacking any introspection. You have the Catholics and theirs sex scandals that barely lifted an eye brow among the congregation. It's almost like its either normalized or its so foreign to them they dont know how to react. My experience is that Christians are sheltered and afraid of the world, but instead of admitting it they blame others. I'm sure when these movies perform badly they dont blame their own skills, but others lack of commitment to god.

Captain Skyhawk
Captain Skyhawk - 06.09.2023 21:22

If I had a Christian production company I would call it "Sucking for Christ Production"

matt smith
matt smith - 30.08.2023 21:54

religious people need mental help.

59SpadesOfALife - 23.08.2023 23:02

Bruh these are such specific examples I know lots of great Christian movies that I could name. Of course there are a few odd ones out that are just odd more than likely from lack of passion from people who are just looking to make a quick buck.

Andrew Price
Andrew Price - 22.08.2023 22:10

Where has your 'Christian music' video gone? I remember you making great points in that, and you've long removed it. I tried scraping the internet for it, but no trace.

Joe Richardwad
Joe Richardwad - 22.08.2023 01:16

Being a Christian and believing in the infallibility of the canonized scriptures requires a Herculean suspension of disbelief. Christian filmmakers take advantage of this. It’s similar to what happened with Christian music. There was a time when christian art attempted to explore human weakness, fears, and even (gasp) doubt. Once the slick, cookie-cutter, non-adversity version of Christianity took over, mega-church theology became the norm, realism went out the window. The rise of “In Trump We Trust” demonstrated once and for all that most Christians never really believed a word of their own doctrine anyway so this new Christian-lite formula is the safest way to go from a commercial standpoint.

John Patterson
John Patterson - 16.08.2023 06:09

Have you noticed how these movies get the has beens/never weres/never will bes like John Schneider;John Ratzenberger(Cliff Claven"Cheers");Christy Swanson(the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer);Kirk Cameron;Kevin Sorbo among others.
Recently John Schneider announced he was leaving Hollywood because he was"tired of woke culture" even though 99&44/100% of most people wouldn't know "woke culture"from Wake Island.
Okay.Wake Island,in case some of them are History buffs who know a lot about WW2,was one of the first major battles after the Pearl Harbor attack.

raquiolinha - 13.08.2023 00:40

I don't have any problem with Christian films. I've seen The Ten Commandments and The Prince of Egypt, as well as The Young Messiah, and I liked them all. What I have a problem with is films that seem more concerned with preaching and forcing its beliefs down people's throats than to provide a compelling story, whether you're Christian or not. I'm not religious, but I do believe in God as a force of nature. One Christian movie that I hate (and probably the only one I hate because I haven't seen many) is God's Not Dead. That movie is a self-righteous, offensive and mean-spirited piece of shit. They give very bad treatment to non-Christians (unless they're converted).
The purpose of Christian films (as well as any film) is, in my opinion, to make people feel. To think. To make people laugh, cry. Christianity, as well as any other religion, is supposed to promote love, tolerance and acceptance, not to force people to believe. Films like God's Not Dead only give Christianity and God a bad name.
I really hope that one day we will be able to love each other, regardless of religion, color, sexual orientation, regardless of anything. All identities are valuable. All beliefs are valuable. Love is the most important thing in this universe.

Nikolai Evans
Nikolai Evans - 10.08.2023 00:10

veggie tales is the only good Christian movie

Batgoateditz2 - 07.08.2023 08:47

Kingdom of heaven?

Cheezy Chez
Cheezy Chez - 02.08.2023 05:27

Religion is purely evil and sick. But i believe these people are actual christians and they are evil.

The people who claim to be Christians who hate these movies realize the folly in the upstanding tenants of religion. Theyre not actually christians, theyre deists that believe in their own version of the christian god with a few caveats that the Bible disagrees with. By the Bibles own statutes, most so called Christians would be bound for hell. Nit that i agree with that since A. Hell doesnt exist and B. The Christian religion is evil, but real Christians are evil blood thirsty wretched scum who have no place in modern society.

Its time for these so called christians to realize they arent actually and just mainly secular deists. The only hurdle after such for them is to realize there is no actual God. Only then will humanity reach its mental peak.

Robert Holley
Robert Holley - 30.07.2023 22:17

You are right , somewhat. You are too myopic in your analysis.

Trav Kenn
Trav Kenn - 24.07.2023 15:49

The problem is these Christian movies are not designed to be artistic expressions, they are propaganda and propaganda only. Christianity does not promote creative free thinking so this is the cringey crap you get.

Hay-yo-Bebsy-yo! - 24.07.2023 03:55


TheEnderSlayer - 23.07.2023 15:42

Christian movies are actually pretty good. How do you explain Angle studios? The Sound of Freedom

William Handy
William Handy - 20.07.2023 13:04

It's more about a why, people keep forgetting that most these movies are done for purpose, no large budget so no mainstream actors, no publicity. These movies are good if you are looking for a message not entertaininment.

How about you talk about MAJOR movies.

Hacksaw Ridge
Passion of Christ
Cries of Freedom
Prince of Egypt
Ten Commandments (70s)

Bella Chi
Bella Chi - 20.07.2023 12:24

A-MEN!! The world of Christian movies is, for the most part, a very thin, sophomoric, two dimensional, unrealistic one. There is no depth of character or plot and very low production values.

Lukas 54CZ
Lukas 54CZ - 15.07.2023 21:33

Egyptian prince was good though

TT White
TT White - 14.07.2023 06:06

I'm Baptist Christian and I didn't grew up watching God Is Not Dead and the other Christian movies that gives me and other Christians a bad reputation though I remember seeing their trailers on TV.

I hate the fact that these movies make atheists out as these villains that want nothing but make Christians and other religious people crumble and fall.

Are there atheist that are toxic? Yes. I have met some in my life. Are there atheist that respects others and doesn't berate those who have faith? Yes. I've met those too. This also goes for religious people.

There is nothing wrong with being religious and there is nothing wrong with not being religious. What is wrong is to make your self out as better than everyone and that you're always right because you have or don't have faith.

Caolán O'Chearnaigh
Caolán O'Chearnaigh - 13.07.2023 15:42

If God existed, he'd be absolutely HORRIFIED at what these so called "Christians" are doing.
Every fan club has it's psychos, after all....

Caolán O'Chearnaigh
Caolán O'Chearnaigh - 13.07.2023 15:32

As a Hellenist, (someone who believes in the Greek pantheon,) can say that Prince of Egypt is the best movie ever made wen it comes to Christianity.
No propaganda, no bullshit, just pure awesomeness.
The Plagues song is forever ingrained in my memory.

Prepper Jack
Prepper Jack - 13.07.2023 09:07

"Wasn't Jesus against the whole us versus them mentality?" He said he came to bring the sword, not peace, and to divide families. He also stated those who lead Christian children astray should be given the ancient equivalent of concrete shoes in a deep body of water. He whipped the money changers in the Temple, and ultimately doomed Jerusalem to utter destruction. It seems you have stopped at "Jesus is love", when Jesus says he is the truth, and the word of God, and to find him. Love, in that context, is not endless compassion for wicked people. That is weakness, and God is not weak. Of course, that is not to say these are good films, or particularly effective beyond further propagandizing particular flocks.

Sаtаnic Gооglе Employее
Sаtаnic Gооglе Employее - 13.07.2023 01:53

Catholics make good movies. Scorsese, Gibson…

Svela Nikolova
Svela Nikolova - 12.07.2023 15:32


tmack034 - 10.07.2023 21:45

What really ticks me off about the God's not Dead series is that the 3rd film was a basically a retort of the previously two films and actually questioned how Christians treat atheists from an atheist perspective. (Pastor Dave and his brother) It also advocated for peace, forgiveness and acceptance.

That one did the worst at the box office so in the 4th one they went back to the same ole same ole from the first two films.

Winnerman Francis
Winnerman Francis - 10.07.2023 13:16

I don't agree with everything say. and i understand you are only speaking from your level of understanding and probably meant well. So the aspects of this video that i agree with has personally brought me some insight. Thank you

VirtualAlias - 07.07.2023 21:58

Christian movies fail precisely the same way modern identity politics/woke/new Disney films fail. They're too overtly focused on education and ideology. They don't focus on "show don't tell"... good storytelling, character development, character arcs and using themes to communicate deeper meaning. Don't tell me it's bad to steal. Show me someone who steals, gets what they want, and suffers immensely for it. That's way more effective and (I think) the reason the Bible "embodies" its lessons in a narrative format in the first place, rather than stopping at the ten commandments and calling it a day.

Justin Douglas
Justin Douglas - 05.07.2023 07:56

This is going to sound ridiculous, but African American Christian movies are timeless. Hell, Tyler Perry became a billionaire off them 😂

Jan The Animator
Jan The Animator - 04.07.2023 14:54

(cough cough) Jonah... (cough)

Hugo Sinclair
Hugo Sinclair - 29.06.2023 22:45

my relationship with god goes as follows: you're not real, some schizo 3000 years ago wrote about his visions in a book and was found and copied by other schizos later and now a story of a 13 year old girl that was engaged to a 40 something year old man having an affiliate with the milk man went out of control and we're all paying for it

MegaFlynn 64
MegaFlynn 64 - 29.06.2023 14:30

This honestly makes me want to create a good piece of Christian media, despite me not being a Christian myself.

Dallen Malna
Dallen Malna - 28.06.2023 02:08

Hi! I dont mean to be a bother but can i ask why you removed part one? I loved that video. Is there any way you could share a link to it? I appreciate both oarts together a lot. Thank you!

WhyrenGP - 23.06.2023 08:54

i grew up in germany and one of my history teaches bend the law somewhat to show us the old propaganda videos and banners, explaining and disecting them.
And since then every time i see anything advertising any religion i feel like someone took the same class, slept throu most of it and is now getting payed for trying to replicate it.

Alex Matraszek
Alex Matraszek - 17.06.2023 09:41

Was expecting a knowledgeable video about how most modren Christian movies water it down and play it safe with their message and act all lovey-dovey with it. That is what i kinda got; but you really should've left it at that. That last part literally felt like it was just a bunch of reddit drivel all made up by a spiteful redditor who hates Christians with all his heart and has a MASSIVE persecution complex. Fuck off with that, man. Just, fuck off.

Trent Landwehr
Trent Landwehr - 16.06.2023 18:27

I don't watch many Christian movies but of the ones I've seen a can count the good one on one finger 🤣👍🍻.
