The OpenSUSE Install

The OpenSUSE Install

Titus Tech Talk

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Michael G Benk
Michael G Benk - 30.10.2023 09:19

I moved to OpenSuse Leap more recently myself. I have been using it solid for 2 months, and so far I am happy.

It is funny that you mentioned about moving away from OpenSuse, as I did the same myself. But since coming back, I am very happy with it.

You are right about Yast, I was struggling to use CUPS for the Toshiba e-Studio, but Yast made the printer integration much easier.

Fingers crossed that OpenSuse can keep impressing everyone.

Helisomniac - 29.10.2023 14:49

A sudo -s on Suse will prompt you for the root password by default!

ryd3v - 28.10.2023 03:54

Serial distro installer here hello xD

Pedro Barreto
Pedro Barreto - 27.10.2023 05:52

Why not Slackware?

matthias urankar
matthias urankar - 26.10.2023 04:27

Im right there with ya. Debain or Arch. Been on Arch daily driving for the first ever. Been dailing for almost 6 months now. Steam and Epic run just fine.

Sharp931 - 25.10.2023 15:08

I can only select text in w3m, if i'm in edit mode. Obviously. Why didn't you installed the flatpak package is beyond me.

Diner50 - 24.10.2023 22:24

Holy. This is the kind of long winded install that makes Arch Linux... I mean. I run FreeBSD with OpenZFS on a dedicated machine to store spinning disk drives. Sure. Leaving Windows on a modern laptop and Android on the mobile phone. Sure. Like you can be OS flexible with good reasons. Just the OS you acually care to do stuff with should not be in your way and take hours to set up.

Have tried using Debian and Arch. Done the BSD stuff. Tried stuff in general. Debian is perfect on my book sized Lenovo laptop from like 2013. But it just feels wrong running old Debian on the main rig. And Arch is like this video. Even using installs to help you it takes ages to install and use. And it feels daunting to trust it and YOU to keep it working when it needs to work.

I like KDE. It is not perfect but it is far superior to Windows that is for sure. KDE is powerful. Linux Mint is also a good one. Even non Linux people can figure KDE and Linux Mint out. Trying to find a distro with good KDE support and up to date turns you into Arch/Fedora/OpenSuse. Trying OpenSuse (living in Europe) is sure a learning curve. It feels kinda like your using a OS made by a Microsoft making a IT/Server OS. But man.

After being burned by Leap ones. It took me a few months to give Tumbleweed a try. After a few installs of learning and trying to use it as it was Windows for Linux? I have just kept using it... Moving away from Debian to OpenSuse. Like if you are after KDE and just a bloated Windows like? OpenSuse and Fedora has to be the best ones out there. Arch is Arch. Debian is Debian. Sure. But OpenSuse seems like something you can actually forget being Linux.

OpenSuse is for the last year turned out to be about as messed up I myself can tolerate my main OS to be. You have to learn the console. You have to deal with Linux messy crap. But the biggest complain I got about OpenSuse is how small the community is and just how difficult it is to get involved. This distro using KDE is as close to flawless I have yet found Linux to be. That is if you want a usable desktop to rely on working. Debian slowly gets better but eehh. Like Suse is made for companies and working people. And it just feels right.

It is called a rolling distro. Yet OpenSuse Tumbleweed you can quite easily shut KDE up and use Yast for most things. BTFS for snapshots. And then zypper dup ones a month or so to keep up with the distro that is moving. Or do it as soon as a new release is out. The point is that it is bloody as stable as Debian. But with a fresh KDE and kernel with flatpack/appimages making life even more easy. Not like Debian life is any better where you are even more forced to do it that way. You can think of the OS being Windows 14. But knowing that it is not going to get in your way but also not hand hold you into doing the right things.

Debian Stable has failed to install and even update for me many times. On new and old hardware. Like Debian is staying on my book laptop since I love what it stands for. But OpenSuse is the Fedora/Ubuntu/Arch distro. Agen the biggest problem I got with OpenSuse is how small the community and difficult it seems to get involved. There is no one talking about it. But just the confidence of using it as a computer OS made in 2020+ that actually can be deployed in schools or just in the real world is.. Impressive.

Like Linux Mint is not a joke in any way. It seems like a better Debian with such a easy going community. But it still is Debian. Just easier.

Suse as a company seems like the only company ran Linux OS I dare to get attacked to. Since what else are you going to do? Use Arch and what Debian?? On a machine you are meant to do something? Or what install Windows and get forced updates or whatever nonsense Windows do? Ads in the file browser? NO.

Or say with Arch where so much time can be spent just pissed away like this video is doing. Like that is what OpenSuse seems so good at. Just being a OS to actually do things on. Like Fedora and Linux Mint. Agen OpenSuse after all distro hopping is the one togheter with Debian/Mint I can actually imagine myself installing on a fleet of computers at a school or workplace. If only Suse and OpenSuse was not so unknown about. Sigh. Instead it is Windows/Apple or for kids Chromebooks.

Point is. If there ever was Linux distros deserving real recognition it is OpenSuse and maybe Fedora. I do not trust Fedora and Suse can completely turn out to be awful. But if there was a Linux OS to replace Windows? Like purge the awful OS out of our lives? I bet Suse to do it in Europe with some actual funding and attention put on the problems we got with Microsoft.

Was a happy camper with Windows XP/Win7. Went to IT school when Windows 8 and 10 rolled around... I can not imagine every putting my hands on a Windows server OS ever agen in my life. Like for real. How bad dose it have to get.

SteamDeck I only care for due to Arch Linux it uses. If not for SteamDeck Steam and Valve have been dead to me. It is the only use of a Linux distro that actually has merits outside of Android and Chromebooks whatever. It is the only device you can point to using Linux and being mainstream known about. We need Open OS. DOS even seems preferable to Mac/Windows. :c

Neumah - 24.10.2023 15:45

This was a pretty informative video. Being sort of a linux noob it was nice to see the thought process of someone who knows linux and troubleshooting things in real time. That's something I've rarely seen before. 👍

replikvlt YouTube
replikvlt YouTube - 23.10.2023 22:17

Can't wait for FreeBSD!

Cheeba Digga
Cheeba Digga - 22.10.2023 22:19

When you first executed make on dwm, it already had cached every build artifact that needed Xlib devel packages due to copying your home folder previously (you've probably compiled it on Arch once before). When you changed the config source code, that one probably needed Xlib as a dependency and the build system ignored the cached files for it because of that code change. Hence why you needed Xlib all of a sudden. Nothing to do with installing GCC at all. Nothing odd, nothing strage with that. Just how make works and ensures sane compilation artifacts.

Mohamad20ZX - 22.10.2023 21:18

Thanks for your opensuse tumbleweed installation mr Chris i have always wanted to switch from Fedora after the ibm crisis

Cheeba Digga
Cheeba Digga - 22.10.2023 21:04

Ideas for next poll: Gentoo vs. Void vs. Solus (if and when they release a new version with the new SerpentOS base) vs. SerpentOS (if a stable version has been released by that time)

LFS was also a great suggestion. Get Yocto or Buildroot and build your own Linux distro. However not really practical for a "moving" system where you have to update packages every now and then, since you'll have to rebuild your whole Linux each time. Although you could write your own package manager, that would be fun lol

Cheeba Digga
Cheeba Digga - 22.10.2023 20:55

A separate home partition is much easier than moving things around.

ja nup
ja nup - 22.10.2023 19:28

OpenSUSE - does not enable Bluetooth on login screen. I have connected my BT keyboard and mouse to PC via USB and installed another distro 😅

Chris Jackson
Chris Jackson - 22.10.2023 04:27

do netbsd next :)

Junior Almeida
Junior Almeida - 21.10.2023 23:29

Que saco hein

anas ouardini
anas ouardini - 21.10.2023 21:52

Even debian-"stable" is not that stable.

Xperience Evolution
Xperience Evolution - 21.10.2023 19:17

"Sudo zypped dup" to update Tumbleweed.

Marlen Guma
Marlen Guma - 21.10.2023 17:01

LFS would be cool to see next time. Thanks a lot

Netrunner - 21.10.2023 16:01

Switched OpenSuse and liking it so far
