Why did house dancing leave the club? | Resident Advisor

Why did house dancing leave the club? | Resident Advisor

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Jay Love
Jay Love - 12.09.2023 01:00

It left the scene because the White men abolished it and bought out the owners and a change was about to take with wealthy gentrification. As far with house music it’s origins was in the Bronx and Frank Knuckles took it to Chicago and a new club was opened called: “The Warehouse” and the dance moves All Origins Are From BRONX NY✔️ I am from that generation and know my history and I’ve been to all the Clubs in NYC. BRONXHIPHOPNATION4LIFE 🇵🇷💪🏻💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿🇺🇸where it all started Soulful Dancing 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️🙏🏼

o Del
o Del - 23.08.2023 06:36

I went to ibiza the worst dancing I have ever seen the people are drugged out and have no rhythm they have no soul

sanjit saha
sanjit saha - 23.07.2023 00:03

That is how it works

M - 01.07.2023 04:00

If I had a time machine, I would go back to the era of House Music in NYC. I had a blast at the Sound Factory, Underground, and Red Parrot. There will NeVer be another era of House Music like the 1970s and 1980s.

M Fn
M Fn - 29.05.2023 06:26

Yts stole it and drowned blacks out.

L R - 11.05.2023 17:19

Also great that this video acknowledges the dance culture in NYC clubs before they started calling club music “house”,many young kids starting at 15 or less used to sneak in to clubs,(the Funhouse was notorious for this,hence the name kiddieland,that the older heads would say)😂,The underground still around ,just got to find it.Louie,Francois,Danny(both),Joe,Spinna,Timmy ,Tony T ,etc still throw parties mostly in BK

Udo Sievering
Udo Sievering - 07.05.2023 22:25

Glad to be a part of the german House Dance scene as a DJ. It started around 2000 with events like Funkin' Stylez and Global Skillz when french and US dancers came to Germany. The scene evolved not only with battles. We also have regular House sessions and events especially in the bigger cities with some important people who created it: House Roots Germany (Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, etc.), House Mates (Berlin), Houseaholics (Frankfurt), Housedance Meeting (Nuremberg), My House is your House (Cologne) and more..

Eleni Theoharis
Eleni Theoharis - 17.04.2023 05:11

House dancing needs to be protected and preserved at all costs ❤❤❤❤❤

DJ Ari3s
DJ Ari3s - 15.04.2023 20:13

Do you really not know the answer??! It’s pretty obvious!

Comment Post
Comment Post - 15.04.2023 02:35

People just dance by thrusting one hand in the air like GTA NPCs

O'Haimark Productions
O'Haimark Productions - 29.03.2023 00:31

I found the ravey side of 90s NYC partying to have the same level of dancing, just different moves. There was lots of arm movement, whether liquid (especially with glow sticks), popping locking, and then some footwork. People seemed to practice all week in the mirror before putting on their phat pants and going out. Whether house or rave, NYC had both a competitive and communal nature. Like, "I'll support you, but I gotta show everyone what I can do, too."

Kenny Carpenter
Kenny Carpenter - 18.03.2023 21:10

I don't like the term House Dancing but as a DJ who played in NYC in the 80's some of the best dancers used to come to my events.

Carloscda40 - 18.03.2023 19:35

Going to the college parties where it was House and a little bit of dance hall mixed in like Bobby Konders use to do on BLS. We didn't have fun unless we were drenched in sweat!!

Cybron - 12.03.2023 16:10

As a late 80s kid I grew up in times when clubs were synonymous with dancing. The music there was mostly house, trance, eurobeat and techno and the atmosphere was inviting and relaxed - a total freedom of expression! People loved letting themselves go and dance to the beat how their bodies felt it, the others would notice someone's cool moves and try to copy them - that's how basically everyone learned to dance and move back then. I never cared much about professional house dancers or their special events. Glad for them that their community is thriving more than ever. That doesn't change the fact, however, that people still do not dance in clubs anymore. I even know a bunch of professional dancers myself who never dance outside of their studios and events. The only places where I can still see some of that freedom spirit are techno and psytrance parties. At other venues the crowds are standing still trying to look cool and not do something "weird".

Miguel Angel Irizarry
Miguel Angel Irizarry - 05.03.2023 00:45

Don’t forget Gotham’s on Franklin Ave we used to take the 1train

Miguel Angel Irizarry
Miguel Angel Irizarry - 05.03.2023 00:43

That’s how I learned how to house dance I used to watch karate films

Miguel Angel Irizarry
Miguel Angel Irizarry - 05.03.2023 00:41

I love dancing back in the 80’s it was epic free style dancing and floor dancing

Muswell - 21.02.2023 21:08

Love this.
Yes, back in the day, it was about the music & dancing. Not about drinking shots & taking selfies.

Martin Zelaya
Martin Zelaya - 14.02.2023 03:11

Back in the 80s there was no label for people who went dancing. But, I remember once being at a club called Ones with my brother and their was one guy dancing quite uniquely. At the time the popular dance was " the webo". My brother tells me that the guy dancing was a lofter. I had heard about the loft because my brother had a seasonal invite to the party. Soon I went to David mancuso's loft ( love party) , saw it for myself and my brother sponsored me for an invite. Such a humble place yet down stairs ( 99 prince st), they were breaking their backs and bouncing off the walls. I never left until it was over because David went through transition. And someone mentioned bringing a change of clothes, that started at 99 Prince st because there were showers downstairs. In addition, David's vision for the love party was a non profit situation. It stemmed from the hippie ashrams of the 1960s. The punch bowl was the eucharist ,love ( L) saves (S) the day (D). David was a hippie and he looked Jesus on the turntables. Truth be told, that is what the scene needs. Back to the roots. Paradise Garage ( inspired by the loft) was a private social club. No liquor in either place. But there was the punch bowl for those who dared.

William Baker
William Baker - 20.12.2022 12:14

Boiler Room killed a good bit of this culture with attn seeking white kids doing their 2 step sway behind the delays and the Drugs are virually fake.

miles dee
miles dee - 19.11.2022 05:24

I'm soooooo blessed I caught the tail end of that era which stopped around 2006..and I miss it dearly ❤️❤️

professionaldistort - 03.11.2022 21:20

We need more of these! Please.

Obligatory Soul
Obligatory Soul - 02.10.2022 12:05

i believe that labeling it 'house dancing' isn't really accurate, i really think, that what has become known as house dancing is just one of the forms of dance that the house scene has spurred off over the years, and if anything it gathers with it that little bit of snobbism which i despise when it comes to appropriating a style/genre in the house scene in general, dancing to house music was initially really about doing 'your own thing' and i still believe that to this day - trends and fads will always exist and crop up, but the main message within the ethos of house music and its scene is still and should always remain: be true to yourself.

Beastly Theater
Beastly Theater - 13.09.2022 06:28

The bottle service phenomenon also put a dent in the scene.

Nancy Uwedo
Nancy Uwedo - 25.08.2022 08:11

House music is alive here in Melbourne Australia including Afro house

Rene Chang
Rene Chang - 28.07.2022 04:25

Great documentary. Can't stop what's organically created.Good to see it's still alive.

Josh Kerr
Josh Kerr - 10.06.2022 19:28

I gotta say a big part is the music. If the music has no backbeat, no swing, no groove... the dancing just isn't going to reflect those dynamics.

Mike D
Mike D - 09.06.2022 07:58


El Buay A
El Buay A - 09.06.2022 03:29

I used to house

Tanzanight Studio
Tanzanight Studio - 15.04.2022 03:28

Thank you for creating this.

JeKo - 01.04.2022 17:37


Johnny Matteis
Johnny Matteis - 12.03.2022 13:16

It's not totally dead. Not in Chicago. If there's room, the house heads get down. I still dance that way. I'm not good, but I house.

Youtube Stats
Youtube Stats - 06.03.2022 11:23

Top (see our About):
1. house
2. dance
Use our website to find more (see channel's 'About')

Martin Andersson
Martin Andersson - 26.01.2022 03:18


Michael McDade
Michael McDade - 21.12.2021 19:06

Giuliani might have taken heed of the purpose of Kevin Bacon's character in Footloose before shutting it all down.

Joe Madonia
Joe Madonia - 21.10.2021 00:42

The Dance scene did not come from Disco

quay hall
quay hall - 20.10.2021 21:11

So iconic!!

Kater Casimir
Kater Casimir - 30.09.2021 14:38

The youth are boring, today there is no longer fun, in discos and clubs!

Ace Equality
Ace Equality - 29.09.2021 09:09

It's all about letting go...

Thando Masekela
Thando Masekela - 29.09.2021 08:29

Come to South Africa.

Dena Cook
Dena Cook - 28.09.2021 18:01

Every summer and every weekend NY and NJ have free outdoor house music parties. Cooney Island boardwalk is still one of my favorite spots. Usually held in certain parks. If visiting do a simple facebook search. The parties start dying out mid October. KEEP DANCING PEOPLE.

School of Tony Humphries
School of Tony Humphries - 28.09.2021 04:46

Music these days just doesn’t move the human spirit like it used to, that’s why people don’t dance like they used to. Music now is overly computerized and overly commercialized. Singers are signed record deals for their mass appeal not vocal ability. The internet disrupted the business model of record companies, this is why record companies are so risk averse now. Technology and capitalism y’all.

Matrix21 - 28.09.2021 02:39

America and the rest of the world just need to say..... Thank you black man.
I was watching a break dance competition where people from different continents came to battle. It created jobs for thousands. Thank you black man.

boricua is life
boricua is life - 27.09.2021 08:59

Because it creates energy and freedom something that isn't fashionable anymore, they want passive, useless morons looking at a screen!!! All day instead of using his mind and body!!! It goes against status quo!!!!! Basically!!

Michael G
Michael G - 27.09.2021 04:08

I blame commercial pop EDM... Changed the scene, made only the drops important, and made DJs into asshole superstars just making edm for money and social media clout. I guess it was inevitable, but unfortunate all the same

Loud lorne robe di kappa king
Loud lorne robe di kappa king - 26.09.2021 23:34

Or hold a phone and stare at the dj .. what ysll want the dj to do buss out a dance routine

michael truthson
michael truthson - 26.09.2021 20:25

People don't dance anymore because the music is 💩 now that's why. RIP to the memories of Frankie Knuckles, Larry Levan, Vaughan Mason, DJ Omar, Paul Johnson, Erik Morillo,Mike Huckaby, Angel Moraes, K-Hand and so many others.
