THE LAST OF US 2 All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K UHD

THE LAST OF US 2 All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K UHD

Gamer's Little Playground

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Gamer's Little Playground
Gamer's Little Playground - 13.02.2023 22:20

If you enjoyed the video please hit the like button, drop a comment and subscribe to get our daily notifications. Its helps the channel a great deal. Thank you and enjoy your day.

chrisanthony144 - 08.11.2023 02:13

thanks for the video man. I dont have a ps5 so great to see how this game is and what a masterpiece !

Yom D
Yom D - 26.10.2023 15:59

Idc what my manz did he didn't deserve that ,it might just be me but I went full niegen (pre redemption) and rick (iky what i mean) from twd when I was playing this game ,f wlf

Obito xshinobi
Obito xshinobi - 09.10.2023 06:06

asian joel

cheesy_potatoes234 - 03.10.2023 01:42

The lyrics in "Future Days": "If I ever were to lose you, I'd surely lose myself" are a perfect match for the story because Ellie lost Joel and committed atrocities she never would have before as a result. She lost herself.

ThatFoo - 15.09.2023 19:14

They better not fuck the 2nd season up like they did with the first

Bob Jerson
Bob Jerson - 06.09.2023 04:14

RIP Joel Miller

william reasor
william reasor - 01.09.2023 21:25

I just realized when Ellie's about to put the beat down on Nora you can hear the Rat King and Abby fighting.

average rdr 2 player
average rdr 2 player - 31.08.2023 00:32

Is it just me that came here only for the Tommy vs Abby and Manny fight but then I try to find it and se the most replayed part🤨🤨🤨🤨

Libs - 24.08.2023 04:12

Why is the most rewatched part that 😥

orangesunsetss - 23.08.2023 05:07

The most replayed part : 💀

LaFlare8thGen - 22.08.2023 03:04

Can we talk about how fucking swole Abby was? Got damn I for sure thought she was gonna kill Ellie

Painter Lava Lamp
Painter Lava Lamp - 17.08.2023 06:13

The reason I loved the game was because it introduced to modern audiences the concept of TRIBALISM!!

As well as our need for closure.

Tribalism is about identifying with some people more than others because they are from your group. It gets its name from the historical concept of a tribe or clan - the tight knit groups of family and friends that make up hunter gatherer groups and eventually evolved in different societies to have a million different layers of complexity built on that - but refers more to a cognitive group than one forged with ties of blood: your coworkers, your family, your friends, the viewpoint characters of a piece of fiction and those closest to them, members of political or religious or social organizations you're involved in, people with your specialization at university...all of these are your tribe. So, if you have played the first game, Elly is part of your tribe. Joel is part of your tribe.

When Joel killed the doctor and all the rest at the end of the first game, he was doing right because he was protecting Elly, protecting the tribe. When Abby killed Joel, while we can understand that it while it was a revenge killing for the death of her father, it is also an attack on the tribe. Abby is somehow less human than Elly and Joel are, because she is not part of the tribe, less worthy of empathy.

So, it is natural to continue the cycle of vengeance. And several characters do. Not just Elly - Tommy is another member of their community who bets it all on a bid for revenge. The immediacy of empathy is one problem - it makes short range ideas of trying to help feel more valuable than they are. But when it comes to disputes between groups, it is tribalism that really ruins things, because the people who are a part of your group mean more than the people who do not. That is the instinct that helps us survive in harrowing situations - it makes us cooperate with other members of our group to work together to overcome odds that individually would be impossible to beat. But it is also the instinct that drives us to terrible things. And it is an instinct that leaders can harness to make us do truly despicable things. (See Kristallnacht for one noteworthy and very well documented example, see the Rwandan Genocide for a relatively recent example...there's thousands of examples spanning history.) And that is the thing The Last of Us 2 suggests, at least to me.

That tribalism is dangerous, and we should not be so willing to just dive headlong into it. (Certainly, a message that needs to be said in current times, what with various internet communities forming all sorts of insular tribes with very specific world views, various political factions around the world and their rivalries.) Tribalism is useful to a point, but in a society as complex as the one we have built, we need to recognize that it is a very simplistic and instinctive viewpoint, and that there's more complexity to the situation than what that viewpoint alone indicates. Roughly speaking, it is the same message - that it is better to look at the big picture, but the example of an empathetic response to a family not having the money for Christmas being to buy a toy for their child does them no harm, it just does substantially less good than devoting time to reducing/eliminating systemic poverty would do. Tribalism can be outright harmful. Even one person who is acting purely based on tribal instincts can do so much damage to everyone around them. As Elly does by hunting Abby. As Abby did by hunting Joel. As Joel did by opting to save the one girl, he knew rather than letting the doctors sacrifice her to save humanity. It is worth noting, however, that empathy is also the building block of all this big picture thinking. Without empathy, why should someone go out of their way to help someone else? There's enlightened self interest - if I help you now, you might feel the need to help me when I am in your position, that kind of thing. But that only goes so far. Why does Bill Gates donate money to help with sanitation projects in the developing world? That is not enlightened self interest - there is no rational argument that Bill Gates will ever be forced to live unrecognized in, say, rural Kenya and thus be in a position where he will want some foreign billionaire to fund a sewer system in whatever town he is in. It is empathy - the recognition that the people of these far-off places are still people, still worthy of help, regardless of how far they are from one's own comfortable life here in the comfort of our nice, western homes.

Da D
Da D - 13.08.2023 14:17

W Tommy wife

Venkateshinamurti - 03.08.2023 16:19

lmao woke ass bs. narrator voice She curses like a sailor, smokes weed, and is gay, she hulk killed her not dad...

Tin men
Tin men - 02.08.2023 06:25

After watching the whole game I kinda get it a little bit you gotta let go of things in life
