Counter Clipping Ep190 | How Many Wargames Are Enough?

Counter Clipping Ep190 | How Many Wargames Are Enough?

Ardwulf's Lair

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@robertmoffitt1336 - 17.09.2024 06:23

I saw Cody Carlson's "purge" video a few weeks ago, just as I was in a "purge" of my own. I count my games by stand alone games, and I was north of 254+ games. Started a CABS donation/Noble Knight trade scale down in late June. I decided I would go with Tom Vassals strategy of 100 games. Once at 100 games, if I wanted to add a game, then I've got to lose a game. An abundance of riches problem I guess. Currently I have it down to 96 games. Took many passes through the collection to scale it back 10 to 15 games at a time, but I got to the goal that I wanted. Oh yeah, btw, watching the show after the live stream, after work for me. Just received Herman Luttmann's "Into the Whirlwind, Tattered Flags" series game No. 01, by Blue Panther. Blue Panther exceeded my expectations as far as component quality. Herman Luttmann always exceeds my expectations on ACW games!👍 At one point, I was counting series games as one game. But that was just artificially lowering my total game count. Eventually I switched over to counting games by, if it was a standalone game, it counted as one game. If I counted the expansions that I had along with the games when I was at 254+, I was well north of 600. I do keep a game list now, in order to keep control of the size of the collection, and keep it at 100 or less. Space is definitely limited here, and I'm very fortunate to have an air conditioned basement.

@rhlm95 - 17.09.2024 06:43

I love all my wargames, good or bad , and can never part with any of them. I have been collecting and playing wargames for more than 50 years. Through different careers,relationships and experiences wargames have been my 1 constant. At the risk of being made fun of I have 4256 wargames.

@clarkcommando1983 - 17.09.2024 06:47

I still have 800 down from 2500 plus. I would not be slimming down but now have to. I have no inventory except what’s in my head.

@mattiassundqvist7007 - 17.09.2024 07:44

One more

@seanmulroy6897 - 17.09.2024 09:02

another top show/topic , i have only 200 games , i love military history so i buy Roman to vietnam and everything in between

@unpaintedleadsyndrome - 17.09.2024 18:24

How Many Wargames Are Enough?

@GregoryMumm - 17.09.2024 19:47

My ‘solution’ for controlling inventory is subject-matter based; but even that’s not working that well (being of an age where my ophthalmologist told me I might never need cataract surgery and I no longer purchase bananas that are too green). With few exceptions—2 games of France, 1940, one WW ll North African theatre game, and an AH Waterloo game—my collection is ‘limited’ (?) to operational scale East Front (WWll) and American Civil War simulations. It’s just a pleasure to be in the presence of these games, even those unplayed.

@markherman50 - 17.09.2024 21:35

Great show last night... I wanted to confirm a few things. For The People is sold out, but Rebel Fury still has a small number of copies available. Talk soon.

@thomasbandy - 18.09.2024 00:45

Great show again! I’m at about 60 games - plus quite a few Euros that the kids like to play.

@rockhopper01 - 18.09.2024 02:47

Whoah, Fitchburg WI is literally half hour from my in-laws. I guess I have a reason to go to Wisconsin now.

@killstefani - 18.09.2024 04:26

I hope you enjoy Federation & Empire! I got invited to a game a few years back, wanted to give it a try since I love Star Trek and Starfleet Battles. My two main gripes were the battle system (felt like Axis & Allies taken to the Nth degree) and the scripted nature of the game. I am sure if I was more invested in the Starfleet Universe lore I would have enjoyed it more.

@chinapoliticsfromtheprovin6133 - 19.09.2024 11:06

I always learn from these videos. In this episode, I discovered that there are roads connecting Ohio and Wisconsin. I suspect that this is a relatively recent development, one largely unreported by major news outlets. So I'm very grateful.

@bibleboardgames - 21.09.2024 18:09

The Next One After the Next One is Enough 🙂
Space, Budget, Time, Family, Playing Group, Genre, History, Mechanics, Complexity, Strategy, Artwork, & Time since last played are some factors.

@flaviusbelisarius3240 - 26.09.2024 16:31

Probably have 600 games or so, mostly war games. I do like to deeply explore titles rather than just taste them with 1-2 plays. Currently exploring Wilderness War thanks to Rally the Troops website.
