6 Types of Women To Avoid.. NEVER Date These Girls!

6 Types of Women To Avoid.. NEVER Date These Girls!

Courtney Ryan

3 года назад

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@jesse399 - 29.01.2024 20:50

You have to include the girls you bring on this show.

@kekevlogs3208 - 01.01.2024 03:43

the redbound seeker was she left for another dude because she wanted attention like flowers and wanted to get spolier a lot is red flag!

@JosephLalbiakmuana - 28.12.2023 17:38

I will remember your words

@user-fm3tu6gu4r - 25.12.2023 06:48

I agree with Courtney 100%.

@josephgadoury1057 - 19.11.2023 14:44

You are such a value. Thank you for your unfiltered opinion.

@cheetavontiebolt9971 - 12.11.2023 07:48

Stop putting down instagram models i love kim kardashian and tammy the realtor

@whiterabbit5707 - 11.11.2023 16:43

Love your work! Thank you

@chadr4013 - 10.11.2023 13:58

Those are the only women out there. Thx for telling me to go secluded n be alone.

@timokuusela5794 - 04.11.2023 22:56

7.Addict of any kind. Drugs, gambling online, etc. "Not using drugs any more", "I used to gamble online but not any more". At least you will know where all your money will be going if you start dating her... "Only a Devil can kick out the previous Devil", as we say here in Finland. But there will be the next Devil to make things bad. Addicts will be addicts. Burned my fingers before learning that.

@OPCollectingHabits - 03.11.2023 18:34

I just got out of a relationship with a girl that fits 5 out of 6 of these. I wish I knew the signs of a narcissist before I got involved with her. The first major flag was her telling me she loves me not even a month talking to each other. I should have left her then instead of staying over a year hoping things would change.

@ian8084 - 28.10.2023 16:55

Lol these are all the same girl: the girls with daddy issues

@saviokad - 24.10.2023 10:28

This woman is a natural treasure....we need to preserve her!

@SolitarySoldier - 24.10.2023 06:06

Attention seekers too on snapchat. They behave promiscuously and crave attention. Typically alot of those girls have parent issues and probably didn’t get much as a child. That’s why they act out

@Snuffymcgee - 09.10.2023 13:20

What about emotionally unavailable women? Have you done any videos on attachment types Courtney?

@user-fx9bw2hw1y - 08.10.2023 20:04

😢 thank you for remind me. Yes, immature girl will ruin Man life's..

@TheHutchhickersGuide - 27.09.2023 14:20

I once lived with a Rebound girl, in High Wycombe (UK), in a house share. She was sleeping with guys in Wycombe, Reading, London... it was bloody ridiculous. At the same time of all this, she was in a "relationship" (so the other person thought - as in the fact they thought they were in a serious relationship with her) ... I have known this girl for over 13 years (let's just say she was a good person once, but eventually went off the rails, big time).
She told me that, every time she shags someone, she thinks of them as her first boyfriend - whom dropped her like a brick, years ago... she's married now - even though they were only together for less than a year before they got married - she only married him so she could have a bed to sleep in and roof over her head. I have never met the guy, but I feel sorry for him. He's been poisonously manipulated by a psychopathic nymphomaniac.

@fritzmuller8761 - 20.09.2023 13:26

Fuck...i had one that had all these characteristics...

@vynaltheworld4092 - 18.09.2023 20:40

How do i make new friends that are not from work. because of covid nobody wants to go out any more. any ideas just looking for a way out. because my last life long friend turn out to be very mean and is not some one i want to hang out with. also gets very defensive when ever i ask about it

@darshannn7001 - 18.09.2023 12:55

It is not true that the girl with no girlfriends can't maintain a relationship. Maybe she is too picky and is highly selective. Her level is so up, but that doesn't mean she'll eat u up or she'll keep sticking to you all the time!

@DrRobGilles - 18.09.2023 04:18

Also the girl that has a lot of guy friends. And that includes gay guy friends too.

The straight guy friends part is obvious. If you’re a guy you know intuitively that no guy hangs out with a girl with having the intentions of sleeping with a girl. At minimal he’s open to it so it stays in her orbit. Guys often deny this because they are either naive or they secretly know and use it as leverage in case something goes sideways in her relationship.

The gay guy part is harder to see. If you’re a conservative guy it’s clearer because you’re most likely against that lifestyle. Perhaps you’re fine with people making their own choices as am I but intuitively you know that a woman whose around gay guys all the time naturally become more sympathetic to… let’s say not normal behavior and choices in life. They start to assume that the exception to the rule is on par with what’s normal and that in turn filters into your house and rubs off on your kids.

The hidden thing that you don’t realize (I didn’t until I dated a girl with a lot of gay guy friends). Girls with a lot of gay guy friends use gay guys as supplemental boyfriends/ utilities.

Fix my car. Help me move. Invite me over for a holiday. Etc. at first that seems harmless but having guys in her orbit applies a similar issue as straight guys minus the sex part.

As guys we hate the idea of guys around mostly because of the potential for cheating. However when a girl has a lot of guys around they still provide her with too much leverage when shit goes wrong in your relationship.

You cannot be everything to a woman in a relationship… but you have to be the male presence in her life in order to motivate her to want to stay and build with you. If she has you and 10 gay guy friends she’s still getting male needs met in other ways which devalues you

And again when shit goes sideways in her mind she can always say shit like, “I don’t need a boyfriend… I have a gay best friend”. I’ve seen it. It happens.

Is it true. No. But women are notorious for making emotional decisions when things feel off.

I’m telling you… outline a boundary with guy friends. Both gay and straight. Gay guy friends aren’t as harmless as most people think.

The more masculine gay guys are used as a utility/ secondary boyfriend or husband.

And the more feminine gay guys are used as an emotional outlet and they tend to be even more toxic and emotional than her emotional girlfriends. Think about it. If you’re a very emotional gay guy how much trauma and confusion have you dealt. All of that drama is being filtered into your girlfriends head constantly when she’s not with you. How does that effect her when she shows up in your relationship.

These are the women who go batshit crazy in your relationship like check your phone and blame you for cheating because they have ultra emotional, trauma filled guys feeding them doubts daily.

@davidbakko6082 - 03.09.2023 22:33

Good video courtney

@TheShadowlord148 - 03.09.2023 00:59

The rebound girl. Yeah I fell for that. She is a co worker who admitted she been with numerous guys and of course cheated on my with another Co worker. I left a pretty good relationship to be with her bc she offered something I wasn't getting from the other girl...huge ass mistake. But I learned from it and learned alot about myself and am working on better changes.

@srky2104 - 30.08.2023 16:39

And what about girl who have strong connection with her mother and sister? And in relationship you are on third place!

@Irwin923 - 29.08.2023 23:22

Thank you Courtney, I had a relationship with a woman about a year and a half ago who had three of these qualities.

@dhanrajmohan701 - 29.08.2023 18:16

Public comment. God bless you Ms Courtney. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. Fact about what you said about relationship.

@vincecoker2221 - 27.08.2023 19:56

Stay away from a women who has a lot male company …although while it’s only you she loves …

@davidsisson2026 - 24.08.2023 17:46

So many times over and over. Thank you Courtney. Hindsight is 20/20 even at 65. I hadn't dated in years now seeing a lot of these things from the last two love interests. I would really liked to have had a major relationship. And I know I've been too nice , to people pleasing. Even though with best of intentions , it's still a bad habit.

@John-op5vi - 22.08.2023 05:41

I can think of two more but they also nay fit in your analysis. The show off who starts up with you to impress her also shallow friends. Next the stuffed animal addict whose heart is also made of cotton batting.

@chiefs3xsbchamps161 - 18.08.2023 20:11

Last one!

@Great_WesternTVFan - 11.08.2023 23:04

Basically 100% of modern girlfriends.

@JohnnyinCLE - 06.08.2023 14:22

Thoughts: Great list.
1.) Insecure: This was one of my biggest challenges w/ women. It always led into problems that led to breakups. This is catalyst for ending the relationship, in so many ways.
2.) Materialistic: I don't mind a girl that likes nice things. I do mind "gold digging", however. If she's driven, and hustles, and is independent? It's understandable. But if she isn't? Then she's a liability. Plenty of pretty AND driven women in Cleveland.
3.) No GFs - Insufferable, most times. My only exception? If she works a lot, but then I look to her work-friends.
4.) Lazy: -- I work in healthcare AND charitable works. -- I require a better half that is as dedicated to making the world a better place, as I am. Laziness need not apply with me.
5.) Attention addict: I don't mind extroverts and socialites. But the over-attention-addict does leave me wondering if they're hollow on the inside. I don't mind SocWebbers (Cleveland gets boring in the Winter), but I prefer a woman who owns her own affirmation. I love confidence in a woman. It's an underrated strength.
6.) "Homie Hopper": She's the biggest red flag. That's only good for FWB (something I believe is like walking through a minefield of sorts), but for those into that? BE CAREFUL. She can also end up being like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.

@gamingrubiksliam9065 - 22.07.2023 03:00

I was actually with someone that was all 6.

@zook5849 - 20.07.2023 02:52

What would you recommend, if a girl you have met before writes you and she is 6 months pregnant, but she is no longer in a relationship? And she says she wants to hang out?

@urgadurga - 16.07.2023 20:42

I dated the lazy girl for 2 years... The woman I dated previously was toxic as hell, much more then lazy girl, but I could enjoy my time around her more often. The lazy girl, with NO interests just sucks the damn life out of you. I'd constantly encourage her to try to pursue something, anything, anything at all for the love of god. Scrolling on tiktok and instagram is not a hobby. It's like talking to a gray person who just turns the whole world gray when they're around, who can literally infect you with boredom and apathy.

Eventually due to a constant oversaturation of bizarre social media content, her only real personality trait she developed was "miserable/angry political extremist" and oh my is that insufferable.

@drunkenmmamaster419 - 14.07.2023 21:41

Number 1 describes my ex wife to a tee , so GD insecure and clingy. If i didnt hand all over her every second of the day she'd think i didnt love her anymore and than thats where the cheating accusations came constantly going through my phone the min i left it unattended. Couldnt hold a job down because she was so worried about what i was doing unsupervised its like she was my baby sitter it was always my fault that she doesnt feel good about herself, we were married for 10 years and the min we got divorced she jumped into another marriage and got pregnant by a deadbeat who ditched her the min she got pregnant than she came crawling back to me expecting me to take care of her and her kid 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ women are hella complicated

@artisticsolace3424 - 13.07.2023 19:15

My ex was super needy only had guy friends was an addict and constantly needed attention caught her sexting guys on snapchat 😢 ngl still feel bad for her and miss her

@goosegoose3970 - 05.07.2023 18:18

I’ve only ever met the materialistic girl I feel like and it makes my perception of women fucked up, it sucks for finding new woman idk if there gonna like me for me or not

@shadowymist1314 - 28.06.2023 02:04

After watching this I avoid girls like her because she is lieing first of all pay attention to what she said she is a girl dissing other girls a immediately red flag she has underlying issues she's not being honest about let alone telling you to avoid these girls when she is one of them you all know how a girl is asking for a commitment the ones I've met take off screaming because they don't understand what commitment is need I say more

@donaldmackerer9032 - 18.06.2023 02:46

thank you once again Courtney for a very enlightening blog . I think I last recently had a relationship with a girl that always came to me on the rebound I finally got tired of it . I just quit having anything more to do with her . no regrets so far .

@joseabad2552 - 16.06.2023 13:17

What a outstanding video keep up the great work ❤

@hutbookclub - 15.06.2023 13:08

This applies to both men and women. It's perfect.

@JR-Canada - 13.06.2023 19:27

The hot materialistic (gold diggers) are also very hard to dump BECAUSE the guys don't believe they will find anyone HOTTER.... Courtney please talk about HAVING OPTIONS AT ALL TIMES for guys. And thanks.

@claisen0995 - 10.06.2023 13:45

Wow,i like your conclusions

@Vlad_RedNeck - 10.06.2023 01:25

Wow, words of wisdom, I liked a lot this video! So TRUE ! Bravo 👏🏻

@DrSoapp - 04.06.2023 06:09

So 90% of women

@hh-yc2qc - 03.06.2023 12:12

I'm only attracted to red flag women...

@Zefa2213 - 31.05.2023 22:42

That girl on the thumbnail literally looks 90% like my ex. Yeah I’mma kick back with some popcorn for this one 😁🍿

@welestardkhar5442 - 25.05.2023 03:44

I'm literally wanna go on a date with you 😂

@3DSteezyOFFICIAL - 14.05.2023 01:03

A girl not having friends mean nothing . That was so stupid . People elope all the time and leave their entire family and friends behind ….. and those marriages are usually successful

@pureheathen1720 - 14.05.2023 00:44

Stop dating period gentlemen. It's become a complete joke these days and you have no hope unless you meet their impossible list of their standards. And the second you try to have any of your own or you call them out on garbage behavior they do the only thing they know how and try to shame you for it. See below...
