Living In the Barracks

Living In the Barracks

Today's Military

4 года назад

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@shelbylytle2420 - 27.12.2023 18:08

I like how they panned above the furniture to try not to show how shitty they are

@MarcusGondhai - 25.12.2023 09:55

at fort hood other than a shared bathroom and closet there are no doors, not every base had nice barracks like this. I can only dream to get actual privacy like this. 800 billion dollar budget and yet many of us soldiers are still living in barracks from world war 2.

@zach8969 - 17.12.2023 02:55

"As soon as i showed up here I felt so welcomed I was even shower around" showing up as a new Private in a POG unit is very different then showing up as a new Private in an Infantry unit lol.

@lunden28 - 26.11.2023 18:47

They chose the best barracks in Stewart to make this video

@MrCory757 - 12.10.2023 08:03

Don’t fall for it this place is ass 😂😂😂😂

@user-tv2wr4jt7o - 04.10.2023 00:02

can you decorate it how you want?

@drewbruckner1189 - 01.06.2023 22:55

They need to seriously reevaluate who they force to live in the barracks. There should be a cutoff age, or as soon as you become an NCO you can move out; whichever one comes first.

@averygaston9937 - 29.05.2023 03:01

Don’t forget the mold roaches and shit leaders banging on your door at 2am on a Saturday hooah go Army fuck the Army stupid fucking Organization.

@Printer-001 - 25.05.2023 06:29

When the fuck did we start allowing ovens in barracks rooms? My 1SG would stroke our if he saw that

@manhalen7046 - 21.04.2023 21:11

How's life in the barracks? In 1999 at Ft Campbell our barracks were so shitty that 3 of us E-4's put our money together to get the f-k outta the barracks. Our gdamn 1sgt and company commanders offices/orderly room were on the 1st floor of the barracks and our d-bag 1sgt LOVED working late during the week which meant you were up close and personal with those two guys monday to friday and our 1sgt, when he was working late, would just walk upstairs and wanna talk with all of the soldiers.
I think the f'ing guy hated his wife and kids.
We had communal bathroom on each floor which sucked.
My son is now in the Marine Corps at Lejeune and his barracks is really freaking nice, has his own bathroom, sink and a badass closet for all his gear.
I think Bush, during the war on terror, gave the military big pay raises and did major base improvements because the 90's under Clinton were horseshit, we had no money in the 101st.

@engchoontan8483 - 13.04.2023 04:35

Year 2023, year of the karens as commanders and troops. Scientists as nutritionists and doctors as nannies. Sports-medicine. Training techniques of physiotherapists and gymnasium trainer and ... live ammunition in hand. Resign upon B*-fest.

@simbamukandatsama6333 - 21.03.2023 21:35


@yavin99 - 10.02.2023 03:11

Doesn't the Army do PT anymore because people are looking out of shape.

@andreslopez7413 - 27.12.2022 06:49

The pool on the roofs were the shit too

@Jblast252 - 23.11.2022 22:55

Marines out side in the dog house

@eazye088 - 14.11.2022 23:48

What about the drunken parties, the verbal abuse and beatings at the barracks? Hmm.....

@hamzacroucdal5514 - 06.11.2022 21:28

It’s like I won’t go. If I get accepted anyway lol

@ts-maddog4639 - 10.10.2022 07:50

This is a barracks back in the day had a stove, refrigerator, etc...or your own bathroom for any E5 or below, because we had the DFAC and we had shared shower/bathrooms in the hallway...THIS generation is spoiled and entitled.

@thatisemtile1314 - 29.09.2022 16:10

Plot twist: these are college students posesing as soilders

@freddiefalseflagger7545 - 28.09.2022 05:23

Let me just say this… once we got back from deployment, those barracks were awesome until peeps got kicked out for a signal unit.

@xan8123 - 25.09.2022 10:52

So basically I’m supposed to be grown as hell living in a dorm room

@IckyStickyOils - 30.08.2022 06:50

To update you know all the dinosaur aged vets uh welcome to the modern world... Where rooms are being renovated through the early 2000s and adding cooking tops etc .

@oldvet7547 - 17.08.2022 07:46

I loved my military job. I was very good at it. I hated living with idiots. I finally got out of the army for that reason. It’s one thing to work w the idiots. That can happen any where, but is quit another to have to live with them.

@elijahgeorges1341 - 11.08.2022 16:27

The lies

@TexasBestGamer - 30.05.2022 18:46

I like how y’all don’t tell them the bad things about being in the barracks! GI parties, not all barracks have stoves/ovens, you could have a nasty roommate, DPW never fixes the issues with your barracks room in a timely manner etc. stop the 🧢

@alexandergregorov9694 - 17.04.2022 22:01

It is a perfect life, to live in the barracks of a military base and perfect place of growth for individuals.

@xtrydelta7596 - 31.01.2022 09:58

They won't tell you about all the PIPE that you be hearing at night when you trying to sleep 😂 or the barracks parties at 3 AM or people stealing your clothes from the laundry room. The room inspections, the heater don't work, no privacy
It's bad these are 1000% acting

@barke27barker19 - 26.01.2022 19:21

Back in 1990 our battalion had a meeting with BG Wesley Clark (at Fort Irwin). He went on for 5 minutes telling us all how great he was for providing all this new housing so married soldiers didn't have to live in town. He then asked, "How are things in the barracks?"

A soldier responded: "The barracks are overcrowded, sir."
Clark: "...get married and move out."

Of course, all the married soldiers thought that was funny.

The barracks remained overcrowded. They packed 3 of us in rooms designed for 2.

I could go on and on with endless examples but, in a nutshell, barracks are degrading and dehumanizing places where you are continuously treated like dogshit. And the people in charge, who can change it (like Wesley Clark) don't have to live in the barracks. Hence, they don't give a shit about you.

I wouldn't recommend any unmarried person sign up unless they have no other option for improving their life.

@Rome1sixteen - 19.01.2022 23:24

While the barracks can (to a certain point) be what you make of it, this video does not accurately show what the barracks and Single Soldier life is like

@stevetatum4169 - 11.11.2021 05:36

HAHAHAHA! LIES! ALL LIES! What kinda propaganda is this?

@jamesvzfighter - 10.10.2021 04:12

I hope we dont have to stay there... lol

@chrisle2674 - 26.09.2021 04:43

the Army trully changed if this video is true. cooking and watching movies eating pop corn? in my day you had a bunch of drunks yelling and screaming all night or until they passed out

@ericvicenty5866 - 02.07.2021 17:50

Lmao y'all made a video about the good barracks 😂 My barracks has two people in one room, and we don't have the luxury of stove or oven. Yet somehow we are expected to cook healthy. Thanks Army🖕The barracks at Ft. Gordon are absolute 🗑️

@carlcolvin8320 - 26.06.2021 09:24

A Stove !!? are you kidding me !! ?
Did 14 years Army 78-92 ,10 of it in West Germany. I hated stateside. We had 6 to 12 man rooms for the Cherries ( new replacements ). 4 and 2 man rooms. You had to be an ol' timer to get a 2 man room. Rooms were broke down by platoon and squads. The ol' timers rotating back to the World would pass of the fridge for the beer.
Yes we Shakedowns at 0300 with the K9s.
All most all the Kaserns are shut down and are in disrepair.
Most of us didn't like stateside cause of all B S.

@jaegermann4170 - 20.06.2021 17:24

THINK MARK!! The reality is that the barracks are held to a lower health standard because you have no other choice but to live in the barracks! Regardless of how well you try to take care of your room, you’ll live to seen your stuff crumble to dust and get stolen away!!

@Dat1AsianKid07 - 28.05.2021 15:43

Is this fort Stewart 😂

@anthonybutlerblume8718 - 22.05.2021 23:24

Y'all forgot to mention those room inspections

@gtrkuro2644 - 17.05.2021 04:41

80% of Army barracks do not look like this.

@warrenbingham1230 - 06.05.2021 20:09

Booooo fort Stewart trash

@lost6672 - 26.04.2021 18:35

“I felt welcome as soon as I got here. All these e6s taking me out to eat and inviting me to drink! I’m not even 21! I love the army”

- every female lower enlisted

@bobcobb158 - 22.04.2021 00:11

e5 living in the barracks.. trash as fuck

@00zero11b - 17.04.2021 02:16

You have a kitchen? Wtf?

@shanehooper8430 - 04.04.2021 20:18

ya and all your bah and bas is taken to pay for a shitty chow hall and moldy barracks the barracks are a ridiculous place to make adults live

@knightchef - 31.03.2021 23:59

The barracks, ah yes. Enjoy such amenities like rolling black outs,no hot water, black mold.
And my personal favorite a shitty NCO who got nothing better todo than fuck with the lower enlisted.

@user-rh8tf5ms5w - 04.03.2021 03:58

Fort Polk needs to be shut down bruh some soldier killed another soldier and then there were other soldiers that just died there from something

@anthonybisantino - 03.03.2021 15:55

What if you are married do you still have to live in the barracks

@TruthfullyBogus - 28.02.2021 17:23

As someone who came from Fort Stewart, that's a bald-faced lie. This was back in 2016-2019 (minus a rotation) they had us 4 to a room in the reception with no dividers/separation and when you got to your actual unit, they stuck you two to a room with only two wall lockers separating you and your roommate in some rundown barracks. The messed up thing is that if you were an NCO and you elected to live on post, you got one of these rooms without a roommate, taking up space that they needed for incoming soldiers. HELL GO BACK TO REYES IN THE VIDEO, pay attention to her background when she's in the room. imagine that, but on the other side with some random s.o.b doing god knows what and you can hear him/her from your side of the room! (Also, the racks there do have a stove...but it's communal on the first floor that, hand to god, hasn't seen a good cleaning since they erected the building. So you're on your own to make a kitchen.)


@smokeypuppy417 - 23.02.2021 23:25

Here's a run down on living in the barracks. 2am you wake up to your roommates girlfriend which spent the night and has to leave. 555am barracks inspection. CSM is pissed and has everyone in the battalion clean the barracks to its spotless. T mins later, someone takes out their trash and it leaks across the entire hallway. Friday night, weekends, and 4 days, the barracks can get rowdy with a dozen plus dudes drinking and smoking until a fight occurs. Random health and awareness inspections at 430 am and your rooms are stripped and dogs come through. Nco's find weird things like 20 used condoms on drawers, s3x toys and handcuffs. Then you have the guy who thought it was a good idea to play his drums at 1am on a Tuesday night and he didnt think anyone could hear. My 1st barracks room was infested with bed bugs, my 2nd one a week later had pule stains on the wall and obvious piss stains all over the mattress. Glorious

@skeleguns10oooooo10 - 18.02.2021 07:41

My cousin served in the Army, he trained in Fort Jackson. Actually Fort Jackson is the first military base I’ve ever visited.
