Slowdown Perk analysis & comparison | Dead by Daylight

Slowdown Perk analysis & comparison | Dead by Daylight

not Otzdarva

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@tsunamic84 - 28.05.2023 05:45

I think there is an important distinction between passive slowdown and actice slowdown. I think there is a strong benefit to perks like thanataphobia and dying light where you can constantly apply pressure and still have your slowdown. Ruin can be great for that too, and even forcw survivors to go cleanse it. But if cleansed early, is useless of course. So from match to match, it is less reliable. I think sabotage speed slowing is great too because without it, a survivor can get smacked and still get the sabo afterwards if they're brave. With slowdown, you can down them before they do and still get the hook. I've had this happen a lot. And last thing to note in this analysis is the nurse's decisions and actions, perceptions, thoughts, all of it, can be affected by which perk she had. I think analyzing a single game provides incomplete results. But that being said, the in depth analysis is great for sure. When I run dying light, I don't shy away from the obsession. I get my stacks regardless. I take the easy hook to apply that pressure anyways. Just had some thoughts here.

@stanosbourne8825 - 13.11.2022 05:26

Sorry Otz, but this "guide" is a garbage. First of all, all of your "analyses" are based on pure imagination and got nothing to do with the actual gameplay situation. Second , the perks Pop and Ruin were debuffed, and barely useless now. And there lots of other combinations, that will work even better to slow down the game.

@aldegarvermundjankovic206 - 04.10.2022 17:17

Dbd mobile is unbalanced

@MagiconIce - 21.06.2022 19:17

I don't really like using Hex Perks, simply because they're unreliable, I'm dependant on the game spawning them in a favorable location for me.
So they need a backup, either a non-hex perk filling the gap (so for Ruin that would be Pop) or Hex: Undying to really work well.

But I guess that will never change and is the trade off, since most of the Hex Perks are fairly powerful in their own right, so they need the counterplay of survivors being able to cleanse them and take them out of the game.

@aussenseiterfanXXL - 17.12.2021 14:31

Is Thanatophobia and Dying Light stack?

@theotheory7586 - 05.10.2021 00:24

I wish with dying light that hooking the obsession would also provide a token

@Mytea1 - 29.09.2021 15:12

definitely interesting calculations though the outcome was kinda obvious despite the fact my ruin only lasting 10 to 30 seconds into the match for 99 % of the games even if i also used undying to protect it. additionally i kinda dislike pop cause you exactly need to target these gens with most progress and be fast enough to be even able to kick them still before survivors can rush it. for the most part i'm either to slow, forget about these gens or can't get to kicking them cause i found other survivors i have to chase and down at that moment.

@KyeEnzoden - 29.09.2021 05:16

I think they're fine. Fairly even and built for certain playstyles. That being said, those who like to gamble go for Ruin.

@invisiblejesus - 25.09.2021 07:21

Interesting stuff. I'd be very interested to see how Surge and Oppression compare as well.

@somacringe9637 - 23.09.2021 08:49

Thanks for the build idea otz >:)

@wesleyrowe957 - 15.09.2021 15:07

What if instead of ruin tiers going from 100 percent regression up to 200 percent at tier three, it instead started at 50 percent regression speed and went to 100 percent at tier three? I feel that would make the perk a little more balanced. It wouldn't be a perk that can hold a game in a stalemate forever, but still has incentive to make survivors want to get rid of it.

@Iddy267 - 15.09.2021 13:10

Also hooking a survivor takes longer than injuring them. So if you take them both into a comparison, thana is less work that translates into more result. In dead by daylight there are things that save you time and other things that loses time. And dying light has a major flaw where its supposed to save time, but it does this by losing some in the process, so the end result is not what it seems.

If you now take ruin into the picture, it literally does 3 times the work by doing things that you're supposed to do. Its a perk that rewards you for playing well and does nothing if you play away from survivors. But what this essentially means, is that when you actually do play well, you smack 2 flies in one go because it doesnt change your gameplay.

@Ryfari - 14.09.2021 13:44

How does pop work when ruin is active? I can't kick a gen that is affected by it.

@LKenjiF - 14.09.2021 01:34

From my experience so far ruin is really overpowered. You lose a ton of time if you don't cleanse it. Once in a while you get lucky and find the totem quickly, but in many games it can take a while, and honestly it's one of those things that just makes the game really unfun when you're on the survivor side. I wouldn't mind so much, but the majority of killers I go up against run it. All this video really does for me is confirm how unbalanced it really is.

@joshakins4923 - 13.09.2021 16:44

I think these perks are fine but as a killer main its almost a requirement to bring at least one of these in your 4 slots or you just get gen rushed to oblivion. Im currently leveling nemesis and i do not have any of these so matches go sooooo fast.

@xARMM4G3D0Nx - 13.09.2021 15:58

What about surge tho? I love it and it at least feels like it gives me the most for my perkslot

@jetlagjack2925 - 13.09.2021 06:41

What’s up with the ruin totem? Like did you all intentionally ignore it? Did someone try to find it and give up? What happened and why was it up for the whole game?

@coolytreeman - 10.09.2021 02:12


@darkeclipse9828 - 09.09.2021 04:55

Ok so can you tell me the amount of times ruin actually stays active for more then 10s? In theory it’s good but maybe 1-15 games it’ll stay up mostly half game if you’re lucky

@treedle2909 - 08.09.2021 05:28

I think gen hate perks in general shouldn't exist. Having a stable gen time would probably make the game much easier to balance vs having perks that can have such an enormous impact on the game. I'd be interested to see the time efficiency of non-gen defense perks like brutal strength to see how much they end up saving killers in a match

@johnrawley8321 - 08.09.2021 05:17

Isn't Plague another person who uses thanatophobia effectively?

@SupremeEnlightened - 07.09.2021 15:34

I would like to say that ruin is that good, but it never isn't because its always cleansed instantly. Very annoying when playing killer...

@nyukjustacommenter857 - 06.09.2021 17:50

I love how even when a perk isn't the best, perhaps even just straight up bad, one answer is:
"Hm, well... there's always Legion."

@_Kalfy - 06.09.2021 10:23

The ffxv music behind it , nice :)

@ShanxShadow - 05.09.2021 20:51

You can also combo Thanatophobia with Sloppy Butcher which gains more value

@vincentkiwikowski9960 - 05.09.2021 14:40

What about huntess lullaby?

@TheInsanityBeing - 05.09.2021 04:19

You should definitely make a video with the perks in the thumbnail.
(this is a joke)

@cobalteclipse1178 - 04.09.2021 16:33

When im survivor
Hex ruin totem: in a safe under a rock in a bush on the edge of a volcano on a different fucking map

When im killer:
Undying in shack,
Ruin under a tree visible on the start screen rotation

@animusrare - 04.09.2021 07:05


@Makofueled - 31.08.2021 19:39

Interesting to think how thana fares as a slowdown in tandem with ruin since it affords more leeway for gens to be affected by ruin by leaving a wider window for you to interrupt progress.

@Matt-hl2ks - 30.08.2021 08:54

My go to standard build on any killer is BBQ, Dying Light, Sloppy Butcher, and Hex: Ruin. Ruin to help slow gens down early game, and hopefully enough DL stacks before it gets cleansed.

@suicydekyng8612 - 28.08.2021 06:52

I dont think theyre overpowered at all. Particular Ruin being meta.. Survivors have their own innumerable perks and add-ons to speed up the game and they can stack them X4 against the killer. I dont feel any sympathy for people who get butthurt because their meme build got trashed by a better player.

@libertyprime9307 - 26.08.2021 22:48

It's a bit more complicated than this, for example if it happens that a Surv end up looping you for a bit near a gen you hit with Pop, the other Survs will just do other gens regardless meaning it's possible you get no time saved from that Pop.

Also something like Ruin gets way more value on Killers with good patrol due to constantly forcing Survs off gens.

Anyway I still think it's a useful analysis.

@ozaarka - 25.08.2021 12:29

ah yes so i run all 4

@snek9320 - 24.08.2021 05:44

"The average killer will usually bring 1 or 2 perks to slow things down..."
cries in Wraith Adept

@MrSodaH - 23.08.2021 00:02

i hate ruin i always lose it >:c

@brianmidkiff5408 - 19.08.2021 08:13

Would have loved to see some info about Oppression. I use it with surveillance and it’s worked pretty well for me

@xXBenutzer235Xx - 16.08.2021 23:44

So according to these numbers you could basically double thana and still be on the safe side balance-wise ? Goes to show just how weak some perks really are..

@FF-pv7ht - 16.08.2021 13:36

but... what about the new perk called oppression? i mean the one where you hit one gen, and three random other gens either start regressing or the ppl on them get a hard skillcheck? it seems to me like a "lighter" version of hex: ruin that cannot be cleansed, would synergize with pop goes the weasel, and im very curious to whether its useful or not on its own. i wonder if you could get a consistent timeadvantage with those two

@etourdie - 16.08.2021 00:21

My idea to make dying light better is that for each non obsession hook ups get one stack, each stack slows the same amount, but instead of a flat 33% bonus to obsession's altruistic speed, they get a small bonus per stack. Also if the obsession dies you lose 4 stacks and can't gain more

@Xodis99 - 10.08.2021 23:10

I doubt anyone will see this, but I honestly feel the safest using Pop despite how good ruin is proven to be. I just feel as though the game is at the point where people with experience are just assuming the killer is using it every match and are actively trying to shut it down. Yes that might mean one or a few survivors waste some of their time trying to get rid of it, but the extra time taken to remove it outweighs not doing it. Unless you use the one hex (I forget what it's called) to protect ruin, those 100+ seconds saved can go out the window, unless you then fill 2 perk slots with both Hex's when you could take something more reliable and constant. Yes pop has the restraint of needing to hook to use, but I feel like it would be more consistent since survivors can't necessarily just turn it off like a hex. It just kind of feels like Ruin of course is good, but maybe too good to the point it's overused and shut down far too quickly to be useful in some matches. But that's just my thought, everyone has preferences of course. The other two I'm not sure since I haven't used them yet.

@yamez6482 - 10.08.2021 01:33

I'm not expecting a reply but why weren't Eruption and Surge calculated as well?

@kyronix560 - 08.08.2021 16:53

Welcome to galdin quay!

@ShockinglyLiterate - 08.08.2021 08:33

Given how dominant pop and ruin are, is there a case to be made that basically every killer's best generic build is BBQ, Pop, Ruin, Undying? Do some killers get varied amounts of value from pop/ruin to the degree that they might not be worth taking?

@hjtomi_ - 05.08.2021 13:48

I don't know man after playing games that has a very great balance and everything feels right to use/play this seems so baaad
Every time it's the same perks, some are just garbage, if the garbage perks were buffed the variety would be so much better and the gameplay would feel so much better

@DEFRaven - 02.08.2021 06:50

So if anyone can answer I would appreciate but (not) Otz runs pop goes in a ton of videos on his channel even after this video. Why is that? Didn’t he prove that, while riskier, hex:ruin is better?

@tuvieja6947 - 01.08.2021 22:34

The girl in the miniature gives me the scaries

@Radbug11 - 01.08.2021 16:06

