Cumulative Totals Deep Dive - Power BI & DAX Formula Review

Cumulative Totals Deep Dive - Power BI & DAX Formula Review

Enterprise DNA

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jabrillo - 25.08.2022 19:13

Can you do a video on reverse cumulative totals?

Jai Koshta
Jai Koshta - 10.05.2022 17:31

Great Video, but it seems like its not working for me. I've also an coumn with the date when the issue are reported and then another column when the issue are closed and for that I would like to create the running total (i.e. on 06/21 --> 16 issue, 07/21 --> 61, 08/21 --> 21 and so on... accordingly I would like to have the running total but its seems I'm doing something wrong, can you please help me ?

Wzx - 31.01.2022 15:09

Thank You.I really don't understand what ALL does in this example. As when You don't use ALL, there is still filter (Take all dates before the date in a row and sum sales),so for my logic it should still sum all dates up to particular date in a row. Why there is a need to clear year and quarter filter (with ALLSELECTED or ALL) if it does not influence the date in a row. So for my logic if there is a date in a row 1.1.2020, the formula takes all dates up to 1.1.2020 and SUM. I do not understand the logic behind "take ALL dates'

H. Hagedorn
H. Hagedorn - 19.11.2021 14:09

Cumulating by hand would be done differently (and with less effort) just by adding the n-th element to the sum of the last n-1 elements. DAX is recalculating sums again and again for every date. Isn’t that inefficient? Can it be done like I would do it by hand or in Excel?

Jason Rymer
Jason Rymer - 06.11.2021 17:18

Thanks for sharing Sam, great video clears up an issue I was having analysing construction programs.

dafran500 - 27.10.2021 22:59

Hello! Thanks for this video. I like how you explain formula per formula, it is very helpfull. However I am having an issue and sadly haven't found the solution. For example, when are two equal values on the sales, the cumulative measure stop adding and It repeats the same value until the valueis different. I am trying different ways to do this calculation but this keeps repeating this result. What can I do? :(

Professor DR ABHIJIT SAYAMBER MD withme##Pulmonolo
Professor DR ABHIJIT SAYAMBER MD withme##Pulmonolo - 21.09.2021 23:45

Om shanti k good day please

Daniyar Berik
Daniyar Berik - 23.08.2021 16:15

Thank you so much. Great explanation!

Ulduz Mammadova
Ulduz Mammadova - 17.07.2021 11:19

Hello! I kindly ask your help. Is it possible to do dynamic abc, xyz analysis in power bi? But i should use slicers for categories a,b,c. Pleasee help(

Knud Knudsen
Knud Knudsen - 02.03.2021 22:43

This doesn't work if there is no value in total sales for a specifik date - in that case it displays an empty cumulative revenue for that date. How do handle empty values?

Devanshi Tandel
Devanshi Tandel - 23.12.2020 09:15

Thank you for the video but I have a que that in my case "MAx_date = MAX('Date'[Date])" is giving me the largest date of the column, if you can help.

Astha Tripathi
Astha Tripathi - 25.05.2020 09:57

SUM (COUNT(app_id)) OVER (PARTITION BY date, Type,categories ORDER BY Months DESC) AS RunningAppCount Total how do i achieve this sql query in power bi?

Peanut - 03.04.2020 11:40

pls dont whisper

Gian Madrid
Gian Madrid - 01.04.2020 22:55

Thank you very much! I'm Brazilian and there isn't enough content in Portuguese. You helped me so much.

Neil Ruttley
Neil Ruttley - 19.02.2020 20:27

This is really smart. I have a cumulative report in excel that I want to put into power BI instead. You are looking at total sales but how can i change the interactive graph to break down the cumulative sales by a particular region or sales person for example?

BI Moji
BI Moji - 05.11.2019 04:40

Great Explanation. Thanks for making this video.

jana car
jana car - 31.10.2019 15:38

Thank you so much! you guys are the best! S2

Ajitesh - 09.08.2019 13:28

Why Does the ALLSELECTED not remove the Row context for MAX() function?

Kieron Mullan
Kieron Mullan - 27.07.2019 00:12

Great video, but please SLOW DOWN, some of us need to follow what your doing by repeating it in our PBI examples to build knowledge. Cheers

Claire - 29.06.2019 01:43

Thanks Sam, I have been thrown in the deep end with power BI at work and your vids have made me look way smarter than I really am. Cheers!

Max Novotny
Max Novotny - 14.04.2019 17:49

Thank you very much!

Tamir Basin
Tamir Basin - 28.09.2018 10:22

Great video Thank you.
How would I go about if I would like to have the Running Totals based on the Values shown in the table (and not from the original data table)?
I have months as the first column and a numeric score measure on the second column. The score is a complex formula. I need to show how the score evaluates from month to month by adding each score to all its previous scores.

Thank you, Tamir

sourav sen
sourav sen - 27.09.2018 18:52

what is the data you want to cumulate is not a measure and a column

zxccxz164 - 26.06.2018 21:49

nice but how do you do a cumulative total in dax based on a category?? (NON Date or number) The MAX value gets an error on the text field

Salvatore Scofano
Salvatore Scofano - 20.05.2018 17:12

Very good !

Nir Robinson
Nir Robinson - 18.05.2018 14:58

Very good explanation! Thanks.
