Recreational gold digging at Tankavaara, Finland

Recreational gold digging at Tankavaara, Finland

Sep Huh

8 лет назад

13,794 Просмотров

Recreational gold digging using re-circulating water in a highbanker-style system.

It had been sunny for a week, so not much water in the nearby ditch. It seemed necessary to re-circulate waters needed for gold recovery. Disadvantage seems to be that with murky water the use of "indicator mats" and "gossiping plate" is not as easy as it would be if using clear water only. Pump has cast iron insides so perhaps it can handle turbid waters for a while.

Apologies for not recording clean-up and finish panning routines at location. I know it would be cool to see new gold, so sorry for that.

Voicefromabove: "How can I find or recall my horse"
(made entirely with Jeskola Buzz)


#Gold_(Chemical_Element) #placer #mining #Reindeer_(Animal) #camping #tankavaara #Finland_(Country)
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