Is Nukaworld Really That Bad?

Is Nukaworld Really That Bad?

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@sigurdhelgesen9990 - 11.02.2024 02:25

Nukaworld was bad enough to make me stop playing my 100% intelligence building

@hardcoreotakuvibes - 10.02.2024 00:06

i actually like nuka world
worst would be wasteland workshop on account that it literally doesn't work

story is bad tough depravity a mod does the same thing i.e let you be evil and for some reason while not being official integrate better into the main story then the actual dlc that is wild

@jaimefillertext3516 - 09.02.2024 18:32

i didnt even watch the video and just commenting on the title.
yes it is bad due to level scaling. yeah sure mods fix it but damn i went in with 8k rounds and left with negative whatever number here.

@dianatalida - 09.02.2024 13:28

I really like the Nuka World DLC, I am playing it currently.

@eduardoenrique7152 - 09.02.2024 03:01

you either forcefully accept your role as the raider's boss or absolutely obliterate all of the dlc content and experience nothing. there is no inbetween. its pointless.

For a supposedly story driven rpg, Nukaworld feels more like a nexus mod big overhaul that might appeal to some bored players in their 40th playthrough rather than a fully worthy dlc that everyone will find something to like in every run.

@ethanparks3905 - 08.02.2024 19:54

I love settlement building

@rinfal3337 - 08.02.2024 17:04

Because the shovel museum was where the raiders got the shovels for their handmade shovel grip rifles (x

@reddeaddude2187 - 08.02.2024 06:11

I really liked it for what it was, new awesome weapons, locations, lore and follower.

@steakslapn9724 - 07.02.2024 13:40

Nuka world itself is cool. Exploring it is entertaining. But it's very shallow mission wise. If you aren't a pure evil character then it's over in less than an hour. Fallout as a whole suffers from one huge problem ever since FO3, Bethesda. Bethesda is lazy when it comes to mission design. They depend on the interesting world to attract players while they forever push the boundaries of crappy game design.

@papajohns9595 - 07.02.2024 11:53

There should be a massive netch, like karstaag

@Daveyengland - 07.02.2024 03:37

I enjoyed it 🤷🏻‍♂️

@5thMDGENWOOD - 06.02.2024 15:03

Thank God for the modding community. Fixing Bethesda mistakes is doing God's work

@oxylepy2 - 05.02.2024 18:16

Go through the main questline, side with the BoS. Do With Our Powers Combined. Go to Nuka World, take all Wasteland Settlements for the Raiders. Enjoy being the Overboss. No more Preston Garvey bugging you, Warlord Chests all over the place. And you never need to go to Sanctuary again, since you use the 3 settlements up there as factory farms.

@nonyabusiness5607 - 05.02.2024 02:31

i like nuka world the best and didn't care for far harbor at all

@fizz2151 - 04.02.2024 17:17

Thing that bugs me the most with this dlc is raider settlements and how broken they are, but also how backwards it is with invading

If you dont buildup every settlement in the commonwealth then you're stuck building a couple up just to come back the next day raiding them. If you do spend all that time building settlements up, then you're throwing out progress you carefully made while also locking any further construction for those settlements iirc. Like, cmon. Would make more sense if you could raid some caravans with a group of raiders, or attack some guards around diamond city. Eh idk, its just lame and weird how the raiding you do is done, would've expected to be raiding from random containers instead of raiding your own closet lol

@billyomoss - 04.02.2024 16:56

Nuka World was my favorite. Far harbor felt out of place for the setting, Nuka World is an arid location and it has the fallout wackiness I expect. IMO it fits much better into the setting and I like how much they shook up the fallout 4 monotony of siding with the same factions from main story in the dlc too. Plus AK47

@sorryshiina6264 - 04.02.2024 07:15

I like this DLC but I'll also be the first to say that the story fuggin blows. Weak narrative (especially if you came straight from Fah Harba), settlement-focused radiants (again!), clunky implementation of roleplaying elements? The only reason I enjoy the DLC is because one of my guilty pleasures in RPGs is going against the intended path and the way I play Fallout 4 would make Bethesda writers angry.

Nuka-World immediately introduces you to the position of Overboss, three shiny and distinct raider gangs and a companion who doesn't have their head shoved thoroughly up their ass so naturally I jump at the opportunity to kill all of them as soon as I'm able and 'finish' the DLC within 30 minutes. Unessential NPCs? In Fallout 4? Sign me the fuck up!

Alternatively, I get to be a raider, pillage the Commonwealth and actually FEEL like a bad guy if I'm doing an evil playthrough. And the Minutemen narrative issues sort of mean nothing to me because in over 1500 hours of Fallout 4, I've saved Preston Garvey a total of 2 times.

For me, you can look at this DLC in two ways. As an 'evil playthrough' opportunity or as a very difficult late-game combat challenge. And in true Bethesda fashion, there's really no in between.

@1OldWriter - 03.02.2024 19:15

I agree more with your first statement. The contraptions DLC was the best. I hated both nuka world and far harbor, as they were just tedious. I killed Gage as fast as I could and happily killed every rader I could find. If it wouldn't break F4 I'd uninstall the DLC's but when I tried it wouldn't run, so I put up with them, but I haven't played completely through them since the first time. Starfield could be F4's latest DLC, since its quality is about the same quality as F4's DLC's. Oh, and one other thing, I hate mazes. Did I mention how much I hate fucking mazes?

@jagofjokester1127 - 03.02.2024 15:21

Nuka world and far harbor might actually be better then the game itself

@EccentricGentelman - 02.02.2024 16:58

What I don't like about about Nuka world is how cheap the design of the park is sometimes. Like using the stock red wooden doors on the arcade, I seriously doubt any arcade would have doors like that. And there's no way rollercoaster would be laid out like that with no banks on the turns.
Secondly I liked that Nuka settlement at first but it's right next to a super mutant base, they keep spawning and starting fights with my settlers. And as it's a new area it takes longer to answer distress calls.
Thirdly I liked the idea of a paddleball weapon but I never got to really experience because you have to replace the string each time like ammo which is STUPID but even STUPIDER is you can only get them from the arcade which is a long trip around!

BUT I do like the new power armour, settlement items and Nuka World itself. I like how the park is a parody of Disney Land but it's a more subtle parody then what you'd normally expect. They even parody what happened to Mr Walt Disney. And I think it's kind of a symbol of how far America has fallen that it's "favourite vacation destination" is now infested with each and every kind of horror in the wasteland. Mutated shellfish, mutated insects, mutated zombies, rouge robots, genetically engineered monsters and ruthless raiders.

Also personally I do the World of Refreshment first. I know it's hard but I want to get that Nuka-cola armour before the Nuka-Quantum armour makes it obsolete.

And I think it would have been better if, in the story, the whole park was colonised. Think about it, it has planet of space and standing structures, surrounded by walls, a working power plant and it might be possible to convert the old bottling plant into a water purification plant. With those, Nuka world could be a major metropolis!
And I would have liked it if you could have built Nuka world rides in settlements.

@obombomattatetrahondamog1461 - 02.02.2024 16:39

Can't remember the name of a single character from this dlc

@EccentricGentelman - 02.02.2024 16:14

I just realized, downloadable is just one word. So really the industry term should be DC.

@ryanrusch3976 - 01.02.2024 23:02

The thing is that the Raiders do not replace the Minutemen, they are blocking the minutemen which is essential as it is the yesman faction if the game.

@catboy7125 - 01.02.2024 14:45

I like it more than Far Harbor tbh. Far Harbor is mostly liked for its setting imo. The story is good though I’ll give it that

@0dirt068 - 01.02.2024 08:09

Ehh far harbor isn't even that good either

@MrROTD - 01.02.2024 07:53

I love Nukaworld.

@CyberWay2.0 - 31.01.2024 20:52

I usually save nukaworld for endgame. But damn i hate the pack. You cant hear a damn thing because of the dogs...😊😊

@daisyprayers - 30.01.2024 20:43

I love this DLC, I think the map is brilliant, the new creatures, costumes and weapons are great and the rides are super fun but as someone whose main Sole Survivor finished the game with the Minutemen it’s super disappointing that you can’t rehabilitate the parks after wiping the raiders out. The first time I played through it I was expecting Nuka Town USA to be repopulated with settlers, drifters and the like… but it just stayed empty. I know the DLC is made so you can be evil but it really feels like it punishes you for being good. That said, it’s super fun to play through on an evil/raider character.

@izeckmeier9795 - 29.01.2024 04:52

Solution to Open Season (doesn’t break Preston): Simply don’t build Raider Outposts.

Clear all of the parks, wait for the 5th or 6th proc of Amoral Combat. Then you can get the Aeternus. After this, begin Open Season when ready. You don’t need to secure the plant WITH raiders, simply going up and hitting the button works. You’ll miss out on maybe 10 quests (including radiants) over all, but you’ll not break Preston, and can attain all of the Unique items and weaponry not associated with the NW gangs.

@colbyjaquays5648 - 29.01.2024 00:37

Nuka world has the jest poi in any fallout game in the shovel museum

@unknown97428 - 28.01.2024 22:38

Are there any mods to fix this dlc? If so I'd probably use them

@imsusanov2287 - 27.01.2024 22:32

Strange how in the previous Aka Far harbor You can summon BOS and institute to deal with the problem
But in here Raiders, that are basically sitting on a Gold mine of tech and pre war structure, none of the main factions try to conquer it and to destroy raiders, that every faction dispises in the main game

@JezielProdigalSon - 27.01.2024 16:27

Nukaworld is a great dungeon. Gage is a great companion. The rest is meh.

@knicksprop - 26.01.2024 17:26

I think this is a fair critique and I say this as someone who enjoys the chance to play as a Raider. I consider it in terms of how I have more mods that change up Nukaworld than I do for the other quest based DLCs. I have just one for Far Harbor (to skip Dima's minigame) whereas I have mods to add more settlements to Nukaworld and/or make it so you can complete Nukaworld's MQ without annoying the Minutemen or raiding settlements (for those playthroughs where I am NOT being a Raider).

That said, as I write this, last night I did Open Season and it just feels...underwhelming. I already had the two raider perks I wanted, but Bethesda really should have had a 4th perk for players who do vanilla and help the Traders. In Far Harbor, each faction gives you a perk, whereas in Nuka World, sure you can get two perks, but the one faction opposed to the Raiders offers nothing. And the world just feels so...empty afterwards. Bethesda really should have had another chain of quests to do for Traders, especially after Open Season, to make up for what the player loses. Maybe quests to recruit people to re-settle the park so they can protect against future attacks. More settlements, the mod I use "Nuka Parks Plus" essentially turns all the parks and other areas into workshops. Some I don't really use (the area by Bradberton), but it's the best mod IMO for making Fizztop a home.

My main critique is more on bugs. I always have strange issues with Nukaworld. Admittedly this could be due to mod conflicts, but from the Pack entrance disappearing, to being stuck in an endless loading loop after killing the bloodworms in Mad Mulligan's Mine, to Gage not speaking to you after unlocking all the parks, thereby making completing "An Ambitious Plan" impossible without the console, this one DLC has so many things to address that the developers should have.

The storyline could have been better. One simple change would be Colter recognizing your strength when you come to Nukaworld and offering you a chance to get rich by helping him out. The player then having the option to join and/or refuse thereby starting open season. Or maybe each gang leader has a specific park they want and they offer assistance to help take it.

One caveat you failed to mention. Unlike New Vegas, the rollercoaster in Nukaworld DOES work (after Powerplay, and I am referring to the one in Nuka Galaxy).

Also, I hope there is a video on building outdoor vaults, like the one by the Nukaworld Red Rocket, because I do enjoy that as a sidehustle.

@Little-She-Devil - 26.01.2024 15:55

I wish the nuka world dlc was something similar to point lookout.
Nuka world is alright but i miss those hill billy type enemies from point lookout.
If they made nuka world similar to pripyat Chernobyl.
With mystery and creepy ambience.

@benjaminhamrick8612 - 25.01.2024 18:53

Nuka World is my favorite DLC… the idea of becoming a raider boss is amazing, and being able to raid settlements is fun. My only problem is that if you haven’t progressed far enough in the main storyline Preston will give you major issues. I think that is more of a fault on the writers for not allowing a different path to the institute without needing Preston.

@genericscout5408 - 25.01.2024 14:24

Nuka world was pretty fun, the problem is just that you can't replace the raiders with an actual quest appropriate race of people.

@bobslackey1456 - 25.01.2024 07:06

Personally, I really liked the overall aesthetic of Nuka World.

@Wordweaver166 - 24.01.2024 03:00

I may just have a thing for deserts in video games, and I don't know Fallout 3, but I really like the atmosphere of Nuka-World, and keep coming back for a stroll. I do agree with the gripes about only one workshop; it would have been great to get to build raider camps in the parks. And taking down the raiders, which I always do, could have been handled like the raids on Arcadia in Far Harbor, so at least Bethesda seems to have realised that this was an issue.

@PLUTONIUMCONSUMER - 23.01.2024 18:25

I never cared about the factions as much as I cared for the equipment. Nuka power armor, and the Nuka weapons was the only reason why I got the DLC.

@grandmasterharo9571 - 23.01.2024 16:44

Yes is that bad i fell sorry for playing it for real the story is shit

@zangetsu56 - 23.01.2024 09:29

Im on the opposite side of the spectrum far harbor is the worst

@vonshroom2068 - 23.01.2024 02:07

The main issue with this DLC is the same issue with Fallout 4 in general and why people still like the BoS and Far Harbor DLC.
(The railroad could have been on par with BoS if it wasn't for the redirect towards the minutemen)

You are not some random guy showing up to help out people and with some people realising you've been tricked and unknowingly aided a good or bad guy.
You are the boss! Like with the minute men any quest that comes after that makes no sense!

The Minutemen could have been fixed with you simply partnering up with Preston and trying to find the former leaders to rebuild the minutemen.
With him as your guide you learn of all the good and bad they've done so there is actually something to care for.
So when you start looking for the former leaders some might be dead or others sold out like Clynt until you hit the castle and from there on out either you or preston can run the minutemen.
Making it look like you actually earned the title and any subsequential quest seem meaningfull.

With the Nukaworld DLC its the same issue. You walk in and immediatly own the place and then get religated to the fetchquest lapdog you've been accustomed to.
The story isn't bad but the weird idea of being the boss and the guy who has to do everything your lower ranked "minons" tell you to do defeats the whole boss thing.
Instead have a little civil war with infighting mainly increased by your actions and from there on out get the options to either kill or recruit them.
The companion and the slave lady could have been both companions and be like the angel and devil on your shoulder convincing you to do one or the other.
Resulting in one of them dying depending on what choices you've made.

I mainly blame Yes Man from new vegas for the you can run your own show kinda thing.
Any other faction since and before that simply had a random vaultdweller join up and achieve victory for that faction.
The mythical appeal of Yes Man's you now own the strip probably lead to the idea of "What if you had a Yes Man scenario" but its so poorly executed and botched it became a meme.
As for New Vegas fanboys out there... Fallout 3 is the better one simply because not everything redirects you towards the main plot.
If you don't like the main story you're essentially out of luck with New Vegas where as with Fallout 3 there is still 70% of the world map to explore and interact with.
This is what made Fallout 4 and 76 the confusing mess it ended up to be. They tried to tie in everything towards the mainplot with no guiding narrative.
But even if they succeeded the appeal of em would still have literally been : Do you like the main story because everything else is either a plothook or a mainstory filler arc.
Its the funniest thing i've been seeing since the game came out. "The most railroaded game gives you so much choice!"

@joegarcia4550 - 22.01.2024 22:06

Can i just add a thank you ive been looking into it for the longest time and i always wondered why it felt so off like i was 90 percent done with main story decided you know what ima wrap up this dlc real quick then boom my story and a few other things dont work now i understand not to mention a good stealth perk was in this dlc and well honestly needed it to max it out but the cost was my story 💀

@chazzx1018 - 22.01.2024 12:00

This guy thinks open season is hard! Just like Paradise Falls, power armor, fatman and plenty of rifle ammo. Bingo, you have your own park!

@chazzx1018 - 22.01.2024 11:55

I always fealt far harbor was extremely overrated. I just never cared to finish it. What do people hate about nuka world? FO fans are wierd. Nuka definitely fealt like Fallout. Raiders are drugged up and I wouldn't expect dealing with them to be normal. Just wiping them out is fun though.

@bigjohnsbreakfastlog5819 - 22.01.2024 06:04

What really cheeses me about Nuka World is how Fallout games (or rather, any game) under Bethesda railroad you into being a good person, and then suddenly there's this DLC where you have to be evil, you just have to be an asshole. It doesn't play nice with the general scope of the rest of the game, and considering that being good locks you out of most of the DLC's content, it defeats the purpose of actually having it.

Ideally, the perfect solution to this would have been to have followed up on the questline Open Season, where you had just murdered every raider faction in that place and freed the slaves, which would allow you to either clear out the attractions for them (as they would be the ones requesting it), or allowing them to fill them after the fact. It would turn Nuka World into a new settlement for people to visit again as a safe haven, but instead, they just walk around with collars still on, as if nothing changes. A role reversal of how the DLC actually works; where instead of having the raiders invade the Commonwealth, you have the settlers invade Nuka World.

Boom. This gives you that lasting consequence of your actions on both ends.

@WizardOfAtlantis - 22.01.2024 00:27

While I could schizophrenically enjoy the 'story' (for a bit), I don't know what the hell Bethesda were thinking. And "here's your chance to be EVIL" just doesn't cut it when you're cookie-cutter'ed into being a good guy for almost the entirety of FO4. I love the park itself, but it seems they blew their coherency-load in Fah Habah.

@bradhudson4111 - 21.01.2024 22:57

On a side note Shank will only give you those quests if you tell him which one your interested in doing Preston on the other hand all you gotta do is just be near that prick and boom another settlement needs your help god I’m glad I threw him at outpost zimonja and joined the raiders

@fredhurst2528 - 21.01.2024 10:30

Props to the teams that designed the Galactic Zone and Oswald. Good stuff. And I actually like bringing the nuka raiders into the Commonwealth. It adds chaos just like when the Brotherhood arrives. Then again, played the game enough that I usually just run around killing, looting, and building, and ignore the story focus.
