you forgot mention the huge cost of heavy water in the candu
Ответитьi love your economics explained format. subscribed!
ОтветитьCould we put one of these reactors in a home grown nuclear powered submarine for our Royal Canadian Navy? If yes then let’s get on with it.
ОтветитьHow much are advantage of the can do reactor is fuel flexibility I can take thorium fuel as well as American used fuel. Nuclear should be used in Alberta for oil sands development how to replacement of coal fired power plants process heat can be used as well. Using natural gases expensive the long-term natural gas supply in Canada is not assured
ОтветитьI would like to ask an honest question as someone who has no vested interest in any side of the argument:
Why is nuclear energy presented as being ‘clean’ energy when the end result is nuclear waste that we can do nothing with aside from burying in a hole somewhere?
There is a growing global stockpile of nuclear waste - definitely not something that by any metric could be considered ‘clean’.
While claims of newer, more efficient technology is being developed, the reality of it likely being the costlier option means it likely won’t be the option that gets implemented.
While there may not be air pollution coming out of a nuclear facility, the nuclear waste remains a huge, ignored problem that isn’t being discussed.
Rating the nuclear share a 4 based purely on how much nuclear power is generated seems asinine and stupid. For several provinces Hydropower makes the bulk as you mentioned, why is it bad that alternative carbon neutral sources are used? What you SHOULD be rating is how much share of LNG and fossil fuels could be replaced by Nuclear.
ОтветитьPersonally I think we should do district heating with nuclear
ОтветитьPolite??? Here, we give zero me, we're not as polite as it seems.
ОтветитьWhere have all the insects gone?
ОтветитьAs a Canadian I can say that if you are heating with electricity you are going broke. The only reason rural and remote areas heat with electricity is because the gas network does not reach them.
ОтветитьHydroelectric is so common in Canada that in much of Canada people will call electricity "hydro", like "I have to pay my hydro bill" meaning paying the electricity bill.
ОтветитьWhoaaaaa! Go easy on the maple syrup dude. You have work your way to that much maple syrup at a time.
ОтветитьSo have the smart folks figured out what to do with the radioactive spent fuel rods? Last I remember, no one wanted them buried in their back yard; certainly not the members of the indigenous / first nations.
ОтветитьAs I understand it, Candu reactors are expensive to build compared to other designs. So while they have operational advantages, it takes a big hit on the wallet.
ОтветитьCanada should be cautious of relying on foreign corporations for power generation. We currently have no means to enrich fuel and would have to rely on foreign help, which can be stopped at a moments notice. CANDU doesn’t need enriched fuel and has worked well for 50 plus years.
CANDU technology has room for improvement as it has languished for 30 years since Darlington was built. Maybe it’s figurative wandering the desert will leave it ready for a renaissance.
The ever increasing needs of electrical power may benefit CANDU technology as it can produce base load power reliably and in large quantities. Let’s hope it is picked up by Alberta or BC for once instead of being almost exclusively Ontario based.
Wrong. As per Stats Canada, 25% of Canadians get their heating from Electricity.
The CANDU system is gone. Sold off by Govt. Years ago. Big part of that system is safety, non enriched uranium, which requires expensive Heavy Water to function.
Canada should go Natural Gas for further electricity plants.
Canada's biggest problem is the enviromentalist telling us carbon is a pollutant .
ОтветитьAs a Canadian I feel obligated to distinguish this myth that we are friendly. There is passive aggressiveness beyond belief, Canadians are just mean in other ways.
ОтветитьThe east? The west bc produces more hydro power than it could consume and exports power to the states as well.
ОтветитьNova Scotia has uranium reserves similar to northern Saskatchewan, but mining it in the province is illegal
ОтветитьEnergy is not a federal jurisdiction in Canada. All the individual provinces have their own plan on how they want their energy sector to work, with different regulations in each province. A Canadian nuclear plan doesn’t mean anything in that context. Quebec for example is fairly opposed to nuclear power and decommissioned its only nuclear power plant after fukushima
ОтветитьYou say one thing and then say the opposite. Shitty video. 😊
ОтветитьI worked a single fuel channel replacement at OPG Darlington. Working on the face of the reactor was pretty cool
ОтветитьI would like to add that you are actually wrong, most people heat their houses with gas, I’m not sure how true it is but many people say that gas heating is better at dealing with the cold
ОтветитьCanada has NO enrichment technology. That means unlike with CANDU the fuel would need to be imported from the US or France.
ОтветитьGod I hate capitalism. Government giving up its tech to industry. Ugh.
ОтветитьCANDU can do. One of the best nuclear power technologies available.
Ответитьthank you, prevent effect of global warming, New energy from sea will change world soon, minerals and temperature of water and air from sea are huge source of energy, reduce more than 50% using fossil fuel, fresh water, fertilizer(minerals+O2,N2,C), zero pollution by using power magnet of machine as catalyst to separate N2 and O2 from Air , economy will rise by using jet plasma machine and compressed gas(Air) in isolated structure in water pool with more than 80 % efficiency, it has two vertical cylinders, in first level it transfers compressed gas(hot air) temperature from engine to sea water in pool for steam electric generator, steam combines with high cold Air pressure to produce pure water and electricity , there are other source of energy that with international cooperation in coastline we can reduce effect of global warming, further more we can prevent these phenomena like cyclone and flood and wildfire , ocean water level by using this hot seasonal atmospheric condition, recent years in summer, geothermal energy happens in surface of coastline, there are many countries in coastline with seasonal hot weather and water condition in comparison with middle Ocean, its more than 12 degrees ,this differences must decrease, in sum-up, by using this energy not only is economical but also reduce global warming in countries like Japan, China, India, Mediterranean countries, Iran, Brazil, Mexico, Us, Canada, (Africa and Arabian countries....) . I invented new method base on air pressure rules and quantum physics ionization sea water minerals in strong dynamic permanent magnet(SMCO) with special frequency(1500or 3000)/minute bases on paramagnetic and diamagnetic particles and electrical microwave electron wave field and electric chemical reactions and photon wave from semiconductors with special angle Cations like(K+, Mg++, Na+, H+, H++, li+, H2, ...) are transferred to in the second level into up level by vacuum pump from storage into combustion chambers and they combine with O2 and N2 ,... as major part of fuel, they increase speed of machine, modern induct Gearbox to control speed of opposite direction, for producing electricity and fresh water (removed minerals by accelerate ionization sys from sea water) and fertilizer. this machine produces 150Megwatt/hour and 20000M3/DAY fresh water and fertilizer. 7 methods zero pollution for reducing global warming I mentioned in my profile. (G20 countries can solve these phenomena like injury and death, billions of US$ in damages).
ОтветитьThe CANDU refurbs should get more credit. Instead of throwing away tens of GW of output, Darlington, Bruce, and now Pickering - are all being (or have been) refurbished. It is a wonderful thing and even though "expensive" up front, it is a great investment which will pay off for decades, both in power and medical isotopes. Thanks to those reactors, Ontario hasn't burned coal for over 10 years for power. Amazing. Looking forward to seeing more Canadian reactors built!
ОтветитьCanada is also a major contributor to the geniva hand book. It is in all of our best intrest that hey have a good supply of beer and the hocky season runs long.
Ответитьthe nuclear industry has been technologically stagnate since its inception. It was preferable to go all in on an inappropriate design method than spend money on a better one. The old method was meant for a submarine, not a national power grid. Burning off spent fuel should be a more primary concern than producing weapon's grade material.
ОтветитьIm Canadian, but ill say this without apologizing, too many ads.
ОтветитьOntario has just announced 4 new plants on sites of old coal plants ... a full referb of Pickering & more... our power output needs to double in 50 years
ОтветитьAmerican companies are corrupt and incompetent.
ОтветитьAccording to available information, Canada is widely considered to have the safest nuclear reactor safety record in the world, with many experts stating that their nuclear industry has an unmatched safety record compared to other countries.
ОтветитьGood on you Canada
ОтветитьListen to this woke
ОтветитьAlberta is going to build SMRs to use in the oil sands to produce steam to extract oil and cause environmentalists to have a total mental breakdown.
Ответить$5000 says solars less then half the price then nuclear. so your stupid and shill for dangerous expensive tech why... dont you know it costs even way more in hundreds years future obligations of storage of the fuel... solar can be installed in theory and recycled 100% by robots in future will be 5x less .... 2 cents kwh in mexico solar... any new nuclears 10-15 cents kwh lol 4 x cost not 2x
ОтветитьIt's disgusting how we keep voting in Aholes that keep selling off our infrastructure to the direct detriment to Canadian citizens.
Canada had a closed Nuclear Energy system, i.e. not needed any other countries products for any reason.
Canada has their own, incredibly safe, design with it's own fuel, all operated in Canada by Canadians.
Now they want to purchase a foreign design that will require foreign refined fuel.
Only cheaper to heat home and water with electricity in Quebec due to electricity generated by water sources aka dams. In all other provinces it's less expensive to use natural gas.
Ответитьlot of good points but the part where electric heating is cheaper than natural gases is not accurate , atleast for the GTA
Ответитьwe have access to the best Uranium deposits... WE NEED TO BUILD NUCLEAR WEAPONS!
Ответить"I boil water for a living"
Absolutely loved that
I'm a Canadian and most (not all) of my homes both growing up and now where natural gas heated.... always an electric stove and oven though...
ОтветитьI'm disappointed. I thought they had been designing a new nuclear system. Candu is so old. And we could really contribute to reducing CO2. And they can make a fortune. Just don't sell any to countries in the ring of fire.
ОтветитьUhmm? A rather discombobulated video that has left us quite confused! Best of luck!