JAR to EXE file Bundled With JRE, The Easy Way! (Video #2)

JAR to EXE file Bundled With JRE, The Easy Way! (Video #2)


3 года назад

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@KlanBr1 - 02.09.2023 19:28

what about if it is a terminal output application? how is this work in this cases?

@sanders2strong - 17.07.2023 11:54

my left ear

@WretchedByNature - 01.07.2023 06:19

man all the audio in this video is hard panned to the left and it is killing me

@const71 - 18.06.2023 19:15

The version I downloaded looks different ... theres no way to bundle jre

@onebigsnowball - 02.04.2023 14:46

but what if the library requires natives like LWJGL? how would you do that?

@eel546 - 19.02.2023 23:50

thank you it worked, but the size of the app has changed it appears smaller how can i fix that ??

@gustavojorge340 - 06.01.2023 03:36

Thanks for your help!! Wish you the best!

@mohamedslimani2761 - 23.07.2022 08:19

thanks a lot bro you helped me more than you think

@hadjhadji3818 - 05.07.2022 01:51

thank you that was helpful

@wojtekwilusz7875 - 30.06.2022 00:18

Hi. It's very good tutorial for beginers. I have one problem. My app working with simple txt file to save data from app. When i run my app from exe file, change data and closing it, after restart i don't have any data. The app simply dont save and load data from file. Do you know possible solution? Thanks for answer. Cheers.

@jofodamofo - 26.04.2022 21:11

my left ear enjoyed this

@rostislavtelitsin828 - 06.12.2021 17:48

It’s very useful. Thanks a lot. But JDK is not JRE. As I understood Javafx cannot work with an ordinary jre, can it?

@taherrezzag9848 - 02.11.2021 18:55

thanks man you saved my ass

@oguzhantopaloglu9442 - 23.09.2021 14:53

When I first saw this video I was like "WTF even is this this guy doesnt even have an ok mic and the sound is coming from one spot" but then I watched the video and you just helped me fix my bug that has been bugging me (pun intended) for the last 2 days

Thank you!

I would appreciate it if you made another 3 video series for gradle as well, I couldn't get gradle to work so I just created an empty java project (without maven and gradle) and created my own "deploying system"

@scotty3024 - 28.07.2021 02:01

I've been struggling to find out why it won't bundle the jre with the exe. Now I know! Thank you!

@sions6720 - 30.03.2021 06:13

Thank you!! I've been struggling with this for a while. Much appreciated!

@sham3351 - 03.01.2021 19:55

amazing work but I think there should be some easier way of doing it. after all its 21st century xD
