Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Blue Dragon

Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Blue Dragon

AJ Pickett

4 года назад

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@destonlee2838 - 21.10.2023 12:21

Listed among the treasures of sharpfang i delightfully nisheard one, the goblet of seven winds. It shall find its way into my campaign as such: a goblet which is ever full and every draught causes deleterious madness as one of the seven deadly sins. It is also called 'the taming cup of Ilmater', isnt it?

@oreoninja45zen84 - 26.09.2023 08:13

I feel like next time my players meet a blue dragon it should have a super obnoxiously long name “Don Falcone the great blue terror of the south wind!” and if they don’t say the whole name while in the blue dragons presence then they will get lightning fried.

@ziusudra1729 - 19.09.2023 00:06

Hello good sir! I love your lore videos a great deal and heard you say Storm Dragon which brought me back to a monthly metal dragon mini from a long time ago. I was hoping, by request , if you could do a dedicated video on the old storm dragon lore from older DND?

@johnobrien7626 - 10.07.2023 14:30

Great video, thanks

@secondarytrollaccount - 10.07.2023 06:34

The thing that makes dnd dragons especially scary to me isnt their breathe attacks, its not their physical strength, its their intelligence. These things are gargantuan legendary monsters and they can fight on par with people in tactics and in weapon techniques. They can not only blast you with their breathe but they can cast major spells at you with genius skill levels they are one " man" armies because of that. Theyd be daunting without their intelligence but damn dude

@millerdiamond708 - 04.05.2023 21:16

poor camels have to worry death coming from the skies of the desert

know as the blue tyrant dragon king of egypt pharaohixs god of greed and evilness

@mariesmith3666 - 28.04.2023 15:13

What they do if someone attacks the people under their protection?

@boogaethje6702 - 03.03.2023 04:50

As is the usual lately: came here to get the lore before I begin painting a new figure. TYVM for the time spent gathering information, taking the time to record, edit and produce this material.

@mariesmith3666 - 15.02.2023 06:21

What would happen if one of these dragons had face-off with a dragon rider from the inheritance cycle who would win?

@robybalde5742 - 19.01.2023 11:02

We had another encounter with a Blue Dragon. Like all Chromatics, this Blue Dragon is vain, egotistical, and tyrannical. But highly unusual for an evil dragon, he's many things, but a liar isn't one of them. He's destructive and manipulative, but ironically, does not tolerate lies, backstabbing, cheating, and was mostly unwilling to kill a defenseless opponent. He'd rather let his rival/opponent arm himself with defense so he can fight him. But he still won't spare an unarmed opponent.

@kovenmaitreya7184 - 02.01.2023 02:41

Blue Dragons are narcissists?

@danielstohr6391 - 03.11.2022 14:35

I love your video. Good work.
As a new DM I I appreciate it.
Side note: Is it just me or is anyone els bothered that all chromatic dragons are stinky XD?

@feralmagick7177 - 18.10.2022 18:26

Man, Nothing will ever beat the 3.5 book design and layouts for me. They really peaked and poured So much into 3.5 edition from magazines to hundreds of sourcebooks and modules.

@rphilipsgeekery4589 - 06.10.2022 00:53

So they are just ruthless megalomaniacs like a gangster, they like to enforce law but it's their idea of lore , co-operate be useful you survive, but as soon as you are not useful you die

@100iqgaming - 04.09.2022 23:55

my favorite dragon, possibly

@dragginmeout4553 - 07.08.2022 05:31

Are you saying i can have a polymorphed Pirate blue dragon that deems its company of ships its mobile lair?

@Nizati - 31.07.2022 05:03

After hearing about this killer queen Blue Dragon, I have an urge to make a place that cranks that idea even further.... A blue dragon Queen who considers an entire city her lair, and all citizens considered part of her hoard. Everyone serves without question, true.. But everyone is also well fed, and well dressed and generally content. Weak, mewling, shabby slaves is simply unsightly her Blue Majesty. Having such servants is a show of weakness to her lair as a whole. (and honestly, those who prefers their slaves to act as such simply have a weak ego to match) She encourages her people to stand tall and proud of their kingdom because that means they stand tall and proud of Her. She has artisans from around the globe to make the city unique and breathtakingly beautiful. The outside storms have been tapped into, to provide magical lights so the city always glimmers. The people are diverse, happy, well-dressed, looking like living gems to their ever-watchful Queen. The people prosper.

From the outside, the place seems like paradise.... But... She's still a blue dragon... and still a sort of evil.

She will not stand for those who cannot actively serve her. Nor can she abide those who are clearly unattractive lest it mar the beauty of her perfect kingdom-hoard. So the lame, disfigured, diseased, and the elderly or either exiled, killed, or hidden illegally. In some exceptionally rare cases the unsightly ones are legally allowed to stay, so long as they are hidden from view. These are the people who are so exceptional at what they do, it makes up for their homely appearance.

I'd want to explore a land like that. I can see some very intriguing adventures happening in a place like that.

@dionshaewishum4179 - 30.07.2022 22:40

Cigar in my mouth, drink in my glass listening to this. Everything silky smooth. Great job Dungeon Master!

@ARreckless14 - 07.06.2022 03:41

I think blue dragons are my favorite chromatic dragons… pretty cool.

@jmd9402 - 08.05.2022 22:52

what kind of deserts have the people in wizards of the coast been to that they have violent storms? I live in a desert and let me tell you, the chances of hearing one thunder strike have become as rare as finding snow

@randyranderson690 - 28.02.2022 05:29

Again a story from one of my brother's games. This one is no less dangerous than the Black and Green dragons I mentioned but just as diabolical.

This blue dragon lives in a massive lair situated in Thunder Ridge, a collection of mountains bordering the sea. There, the dragon rules over a kobold metropolis where they worship[ the dragon as a god. There are also bands of orcs that provide the kobolds with a military force for defense in exchange for magic weapons crafted by kobold sorcerers. The kobolds mine and offer only the bluest sapphires in tribute to the dragon.

There is also a couple of human cities within its domain that pay tribute in the form of livestock, sapphires and silks from across the sea in exchange the dragon doesn't prey upon their ships or caravans, provided they display blue sails or blue Burkas in the case of caravans identifying them as his property and pity those who raid his property. It is said that he also collects Bards, which he petrifies with magic and occasionally releases them to play music for him then re-petrifies and stores them.

Our mission: Carry tribute up to him and while there, infiltrate his lair and release his captives.

We carry the tribute up and pass several checkpoints before we enter the lair. Along the way we notice that every passage and chamber has polished walls and 3 inches of water. The main audience chamber has several iron chains hanging down from the roof, the floor here is dry and of highly polished stone. There is a raised area shaped like a bowl that is lined with blue silks and filled with blue sapphires. Atop that lies the dragon, waiting. We present the tribute of more sapphires and 8 bulls and receive the dragons satisfaction. We leave and we wait until the dragon has gorged on the cattle to sneak in.

We easily make it to the vault, and within are shelf upon shelf statues of the bards with their instruments, 30 in all. We free them and after the last one is freed, we are attacked. Not by the dragon but by the bards. You see the dragon let the story out about collecting bards for his amusement but in reality he has been collecting murderers and killers. He has told them that if ever anyone frees them they are to slay them and earn their freedom. So after their initial attacks (they were all rogues) half the party is dead, the healer went first then our mage.

We ran for it, the dragon watched the entire thing unfold from the beginning. It harried us as we ran, using the polished walls and chains to ricochet his lightning breath and the water to hit all of the runners at once. He laughed as he chased us. Yelling and taunting me with names like: Gold-bane and Dwarf-friend. When we got out, we were met by 50 kobolds brandishing wands of magic missiles. They obliterated two more players as they fired at once at us.

I got out and never went back.

My brothers last dragon of vile design was a white one. See you there...

@mikecampbell7950 - 13.10.2021 11:40

What I think is cool about blues is when no meat is available they'll eat plants.
Source practical guide to dragons

@blackdove5940 - 05.10.2021 01:12

I made a dungeon with blue dragon who used to be a black dragon. He turned blue and gained electric breath after four white dragons kneeled on his neck and shot him with a taser repeatedly.

@jameslightfoot1872 - 21.07.2021 02:46

I had a character who had a random encounter with a blue dragon while traveling through the desert. As the concealed dragon burst from the sand, my charismatic elven mage/thief called out, "Stop right there! There is a deadly tarantula right on your shoulder." As the startled dragon stopped in momentary confusion, My character took the cursed potion of poison that he had just identified and hurled it at the dragon's open mouth. Naturally, the DM said that such a precise target would be nearly impossible and said that only a natural 20 would indicate successfully getting the poison into the dragon's mouth. So, I rolled a 20. However, despite this miraculous attack roll, this dragon is a very powerful beast with remarkably good saving throws vs. poison. As such, the dragon could only fail it's saving throw on a natural 1. The DM cast the die, preparing to wipe out the entire party when the dragon counterattacked, and the die came to a stop with a 1 on top. The dragon died and my dashing rogue claimed a glorious blue scaled leather jacket.

@TheRastawookie - 14.07.2021 12:42

they could also "farm" flesh golems as an easy renewable snack for when they don't feel like hunting

@newadventuresinskyrimse1750 - 14.07.2021 04:39

AJ, question. I'm an older gamer, relatively. I played DnD back in second edition, casually, and not much since. I pay attention to lore, but don't play or get immersed.

So, there is such a heavy emphasis in the video about "storm" dragons and lightening, and I cannot recall that prior. I remember them being noted as dominating deserts, and many sea and ocean areas, but not the newer storm aspect. Lightening, breath weapon, mob/more social structure than other Chromatics.

Just not the storm/lightening emphasis.

Is this a new push, something you added to the video, or something I've missed?

Chris AKA NAS (New Adventures in Skyrim)

@dwrash21 - 06.07.2021 19:13

I wanna show of DnD dragon adventures

@havokbaphomet666 - 25.06.2021 17:52

They are my favorite

@_Tzer - 02.06.2021 11:26

blue dragons lairs have a pool and with their electricity breath welll...

@_Tzer - 02.06.2021 11:22

every dragon is intelligent enough to be unique in personality beliefs and abilities
you dont have to go by the book remember that surprises are good sometimes.

@angetalelbari2196 - 16.04.2021 18:28

I think blue dragons would be the most protective of their minions out of all dragons.

@Mr_Maiq_The_Liar - 06.03.2021 12:32

I imagine they might get along quite well with storm giant quintesents

@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 - 21.12.2020 00:37

Blue and Red Dragons are part of what is known as Fire Drakes, they are by all definitions the basics of the fire breathing flying reptiles that struck fear into the hearts of men during the middle ages, the main difference is that while both the body & fires grow stronger as they age, the actual fire breath itself is a vortex of primordial arcane elemental thermonuclear plasma,
In the case of the Blue Dragon, it will take the form of arcane lighting as it reaches its full maturity but it can still spew out blue arcane plasma fires, the nature of both sky and fire drakes grant them access to both sky/air type magic and ice/frost magic, the former being the most used with, while the latter has time and place, that being said I once saw a great blue decimate a several frost giants,

@samsamsamsamsamanilla5281 - 14.12.2020 23:06

What would Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural do against a Blue Dragon?🤣🤪

@karstencrump7582 - 13.12.2020 09:00

You are awesome bro!

@marcosreed9894 - 22.11.2020 00:02

I am creating a home brew campaign and some of the background revolves around a blue dragon. This is gold for fleshing out some details. As always, Thank you for your work.

@jeramiedavis6782 - 18.10.2020 21:31

Give your blue dragons a pet triceratops dont forget flesh to rubber spells and reduce enlarge and grease.

@cassidyallengar - 09.10.2020 17:49

I’m confused on the blue dragons now. All the websites I could find state they prefer deserts as well as your previous video on blue dragons.

I could only find one website which said they prefer areas that have a large amount of storms, except it didn’t have a source, but there are multiple Blue dragons listed lairing on mountains and in deserts.

@WiIICheck - 09.10.2020 10:27

My favorite D&D dragon! Thank you for informative video! :)

@bitterzombie - 08.10.2020 01:49

It's cool that they gather together for duels outside their territory, wouldn't that leave their hoards unprotected though? Adventurers aside, I can imagine that other chromatic dragons would try to move in on a blue's lair while they were away, so details of their gatherings are probably priviledged information, even for their own minions. Even if they won their duel, I imagine they may go to their rival's den to loot it only to find that another species of dragon such as a red or green has already tried to claim it. And returning to their own lair might be equally dangerous if the fight has weakened them, and a foe has set an ambush for their return. Unless they are escorted by other blue dragons, it seems like quite a serious risk to not only their lives, but to their treasure collection as well

@Adramelk - 19.09.2020 21:28

Im surprised you did not mention Khellendros from Dragonlance, Im also curious since your looking at the Forgotten realms settings, would you have any information on Hellfire dragons ?

@Adramelk - 19.09.2020 21:28

Im surprised you did not mention Khellendros from Dragonlance, Im also curious since your looking at the Forgotten realms settings, would you have any information on Hellfire dragons ?

@Mr_Maiq_The_Liar - 12.09.2020 04:07

If there's any lore worth ignoring it's the lore that says that "fighting this creature is boring for your players"

@beastwarsFTW - 26.08.2020 09:22

I had "goodish" blue dragon who was worshiped for her ability to make rain in the desert and found considered her followers her property that she protects.

@thepallghost6443 - 25.08.2020 07:32

I had a Blue dragon as a quest giver, I love how they aren’t evil for evil sake but for vanity’s sake

@Observer31 - 22.08.2020 20:06

but deserts don't have a lot of storms. There is a lack of moisture. This lore doesn't match the existing lore...

@ginger-ham4800 - 20.08.2020 21:14

Have you heard the tale of Borak The Thunder Tyrant?

Long ago in a distant desert land there existed a massive city called Imer. Borak became infatuated with an ambitious human wizard from Imer until one day he tried to bind the dragon to his will. The wizard failed and in retaliation Borak laid waste to the city and drove its inhabitants into the desert while making the now deserted city her lair. Those who survived were required to offer yearly tithes to the thunder tyrant. Gold and gems were an obvious must have but she also demanded humans both male and female. The females became her handmaidens and snacks while the males were placed in a harem and also became snacks when she tired of them. She would often breed half dragons with her harem. The males (known as the Al-Iborak) become her centurions and emissaries while the females were cast into the desert out of jealousy and fear of competition.

It is said that the ruins of Imer contain immense riches and a wealth of obscure arcana. The risk of death is great but the riches within the city of much greater should you succeed in slaying the Thunder Tyrant and her Al-Iborak

@eldarhighelfhealermiriella7653 - 07.08.2020 17:54

So if I create a medieval fashion designer character, that's means I can be kiddnaped/be pay by a blue dragon to create her a dress?

@michaelkelligan7931 - 06.08.2020 16:34

A Blue Dragon ate my awakened horse once, and now i have a massive Blue Dragon skull bed frame and wonderful Draconic Scale armor. The lesson to be learned today? Dont mess with my pack animals!
