The Boundless Mediocrity of Gotham Knights

The Boundless Mediocrity of Gotham Knights


1 год назад

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@joekori6998 - 08.12.2023 01:28

Chick, Dick & Stick got a huge pop from me

@guccihypegaming1451 - 07.12.2023 16:39

I hate these type of biased videos because what does it looking similar to Newyork which Gotham is based off of have to do with the review of the game that’s a clear nit pick which you did half the video for more content if your gonna be a mainstream dickrider just put it in the title instead of wasting my time

@xe-u78 - 05.12.2023 09:04

Gotham knights is a good game. Better than what people make it out to be.

@samarth678 - 05.12.2023 07:16

Booty Mobile 😂😂😂

@pessimisticprofessorfarnsw3241 - 05.12.2023 04:18

To me it feels slow. The combat, grind and even vehicles just feel so slow.

@Selvokaz - 05.12.2023 02:55

i doubt there is any major metropolis in America with a speed limit above 30. So while not accurate to what batman and co do in the comics, they definitely aren't below the speed limit.

@BatCatFanatic - 05.12.2023 02:37

I played about 2 missions in Gotham knights...

It's not good. The graphics are good, designs good but my only complaint on Arkham is the city.

I see a City that recahes for the heavens. When you drive or fly into Gotham you're greeted by tge huge W on Eayne Enterprises, I see a Gotham that you can get lost in and say "What was my mission again?" A city the criminals can feel like HE'S watching. I see a Gotham that's tight, alleys are thin and streets are roomy, houses look like crap if you get what I mean.
Gotham Knights was alright, citizens weren't great and the crimes aren't much unlike Origins.

I hated the level system Gotham Knights had where it'd be this suit has low stats but this dogshit suit has high stats!

I feel like It's just not my tea. If Gotham Knights was a Juetice League game that'd be amazing! And I'll admit some usage in Knights could've been used in Arkham Knight.

And I'll admjt if this Gotham was used in Knight I feel like gliding could've been better...

@jonahkey9313 - 04.12.2023 11:23

I played Gotham Knights, and I can confirm that this video was much more entertaining than the 4 hours I spent playing it.

@dantekinkade8765 - 04.12.2023 07:47

the game is pretty good, you know average in general. I got it because the middle tier of PS+ included it and I thought why not give it a go.
It does have parts I like, but I am glad I never had to buy it either lol

@TheDonkey666 - 04.12.2023 00:07

Whos the girl in thumbnail 👀

@supermac8619 - 02.12.2023 07:07

No offense but your voice is so calm and even that im dozing off over here!❤

@bryanbrewer4272 - 02.12.2023 04:56

pure gold!!!

@AxelStrife7 - 02.12.2023 01:26

Im struggling to get through it on Gamepass right now. I just want to finish the story but ive already lost interest half way through. Im probably gonna bump down the difficulty just to speed up the process. Every enemy being a damage sponge isn't fun.

@user-jh4lx4mi3c - 01.12.2023 13:05

to think I was excited for Gotham Knights I was still disappointed

@TheKoolman89 - 01.12.2023 10:36

You can get far better games for 20 dollars. This game is not worth any money in my opinion, the game feel doesn't feel as good as it should when most of the gameplay is bogged down by lacking of actual enemy variety. The villains' writing was terrible for all of them, mainly due to the fact that all the villains in this game had no intriguing character motives or missions that added support to the their characters. This game recycles most, if not all, of it's content making it feel like a repetitive mess. The crimes in the open world being so lackluster also deteriorates any enjoyment from them when again, it's doing a slight variation of the same mission you did about thirty minutes ago, fighting enemies that don't have that many differences other than some slight move alternatives and differing models and struggling to accomplish anything with the half baked move sets given to all of the characters. I understand why each character needs to feel different from one another, but that doesn't mean they should've locked basic moves to specific characters. The better alternative is having a bigger base move set for all four and making the upgrades to the characters supply each character their own edge. Having the league of assassins being here at all ruins any story potential with the court of owls, the league could've easily been erased and the plot would've been no different. Hell, the opening scene with Ra's could've easily been an elite talon that could've stalked you throughout the entire game, similar to Azrael from Arkham City, and later be the one to kill Jacob Kane, changing the story to be as if Jacob was actually a fall guy for the real leaders of the court. They could've included story and characters from city of owls by making it that the real leader was Batman's "Brother" Thomas Wayne with the nod to Owlman. It makes more sense withe final boss too, Thomas resurrects Bruce to make it so that Bruce can lead the Court alongside him as an eternal Talon. Harley's story is boring and unexplored to the point of tedium, Freeze was only reduced to being a shallow mischaracterization of how he normally is, and Clay face was the only villain with any actual depth to his character going mad from being melted and reconfigured too many times. Tahlia is... Pathetic and not needed in the game at all. She serves no purpose other than to move the plot along and add in the poorly designed manbat fights. The scenes where she confronts the knights could easily be changed to them confronting and chasing the elite Talon who killed Bruce, hunting him down and trying to figure out who it was behind the mask. The system behind upgrading is not as good as it's made out to be, because it highly discourages keeping older and better sets of gear you've collected through out the game. It actively punishes the player for using gear that while having more mod slots and elemental strengths doesn't have a high enough damage or armor number to warrant its use as you go through the game. Even when I would purposefully build gear sets to have super high power numbers and good mods and elemental variety I was punished for even daring to use a low level set of gear. The game in that sense forces you to constantly go for higher level gear even though it doesn't reach the same power number and set up you had with your previous gear. This of course is solved by just allowing the players to upgrade gear levels. All around Gotham Knights is a bad product with middling returns for enjoyment and literally doesn't ever have a fun factor in it. Post game is nonexistent and the dlc isn't worth touching.

Go play Arkham Knight instead, or if you want something that's like Gotham Knights but functions far better as a game go play Spider-man on Ps4.

@StegoAqua - 01.12.2023 06:42

The people trained by Batman… not immediately putting the fear of God into Penguin is the most character assassination this game could of done

@williamarthurfenton1496 - 30.11.2023 14:10

Obviously a hideous producer's concept to appeal to as broad an audience as possible, and as such being a shallow experience for everyone. The design of the characters and costumes is blatantly to appeal to the Fortnite crowd.

@McNab1986 - 28.11.2023 07:32

I didn't get past the first combat sequence in gotham knights, it was shite

@Maggbba - 28.11.2023 06:56

What is a the track 2mins after the start of the video? It's hauntingly beautiful.

@alimithavayani3015 - 28.11.2023 00:29

stopped watching after bro said bussin drip

@AD3SPG - 27.11.2023 20:42

Man even mad max had an excuse the lack of population and a decent amount of cars would still be out.

@CommanderOfTheSun - 27.11.2023 19:05

it's just not possible to top Arkham City. So they don't even bother.

@shocktrooper3335 - 27.11.2023 08:48

So it's as shitty as the show

@koammudo43 - 27.11.2023 06:05

I thought people were being too judgmental about this or a little bit of bugs here and they're like every game when it first comes out. But this game genuinely sucks lol 😂

@user-tj1cm2qj1m - 27.11.2023 05:16

The twat cycle😂😂

@TheByron130 - 27.11.2023 04:24

The flash, Superman, Green Lantern, Shazam, Martian man hunter, are just a few characters I would love to see a game made of, with the same scale as the batman games. I think they could truly be incredible. But instead they gave us another Batman game, this time without Batman. This was, and still is, my biggest problem with Gotham Knights.

@lasvista2tech - 26.11.2023 16:13

it's just a video game and you spend 1 hour criticizing every conversation and action its characters have? and takes you several months to work on and publish these whinge videos? lol no life perhaps ?

@theoxymoron8793 - 26.11.2023 16:00

Excellent stuff, Whitelight.

@WakeUpUniverse66 - 26.11.2023 14:08

Why Dafuq can Robin Teleport?

@isaaccooper448 - 25.11.2023 07:01

This guy’s delusional if he thinks the combat is good…

@Redtail11 - 25.11.2023 00:07

45mph is OVER the speed limit... it’s not the friggin highway it’s city streets. Speed limit is 25-35 depending

@OlOleander - 23.11.2023 23:17

"I recommend Gotham Knights... for no more than $20."
Fair point, and a good review to back it up, but on the Internet we can see Batgirl's ass for free.

@obadiahplainman8897 - 23.11.2023 12:07

I knew this game was ass as soon as I got about 10 mins in. Sheesh, what a whiff, and they had a blueprint.

@littleaussierippa - 23.11.2023 01:34

Genius writing in this game. It sounds like bad fan fiction.

@markoholic_ - 22.11.2023 18:50

I was so hyped for this game but was ultimately disappointed I had to refund it. What a shame.

@Argonaut717 - 22.11.2023 15:44

As someone who just platinumed this game and is most of the way through the DLC my takeaway was this. It's not an amazing game, but I knew that going in. What it does get right is pretty dope and it's honestly surprising we got to a point with super-heroes being popular enough for side kicks to get their own games now, but the design around the combat (WHY THE FUCK DO ENEMIES GET INVICIBILITY FRAMES SO MUCH) and the very shallow detective minigames that weren't used to their greatest potentials were let downs. Overall though I was pleased with this game simply because I just want more super hero content. Not every super-hero game needs to be the 10/10 Arkham or Spider-Man (PS4) when you're cool with adequate games every now and then rather than requiring masterpieces every time you get to experience a lot more.

@LotarWc2 - 22.11.2023 14:23

I feel like I played the different game. Looking at gameplay, I do remember the feelings I've got from playing... but hearing a narrator making me think that this game better than I felt it was. No, this game is much worse than it looks and sounds like.

@Killerboy4141 - 22.11.2023 08:42

Chick stick or Dick

@shamalow1819 - 21.11.2023 07:57

I've been playing the game for a while and I do agree with the criticism but on my pc at least the game never really stuttered or had fps drop

@Anderson_Se7en - 20.11.2023 19:28

The more I think about Batman and superheroes in general the more ludicrous the idea becomes. These people routinely break the law, gaining confessions and information by torture and drop em off at the GPD like that case wouldn’t get thrown right out of court for illegally obtaining evidence. A simple video camera would put an end to most of these cases. Maybe if the superhero is Superman power levels the dynamic would change, but he’d simply be Homelander-esque or like the Red Son. Imagine if Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg decided to run around beating up on alleged criminals at night then dropped them off at the NYPD, how would that turn. I know it’s off topic, but seeing Batgirl torture this man for information had me questioning who is supposed to be the good guy here.

@ReficulDrakul - 20.11.2023 04:41

It was very medicore yes but not gonna lie, not having to think and just mash buttons in a game is nice from time to time. let's your brain wandert and reset, like me when I smoke an UNGODLY amount of pot and play Civ 6.

@captainchaos5705 - 19.11.2023 20:29

The only person I could buy letting Penguin just shoo them away is Tim. It's still a bit wonky but his entire arc is being insecure about his place among the batfamily, and living up to Bruce's legacy.

@vizthex - 19.11.2023 01:17

dear god, it really is fortnite gliding.

how and why?

@vizthex - 19.11.2023 01:09

i really wanna know who came up with that "rube goldberg death trap after a big-ass fall" section, because Resident Evil 4 does the same thing but executes it vastly better in both the original game and its remake.

in the original, Leon gets dropped down a giant hole and uses a grappling hook he magically gained for the duration of the cutscene to slow down his fall enough to have a rough landing on the cave floor before.

in the remake, he grabs onto a chain hanging nearby and swings back & forth with it in order to get a softer landing.

in both versions of the game, this big pit is part of a cave network that you then use to escape and continue the story. I think the remake has a few notes you can find that give some info on how the cave was discovered and why the throne room death trap leads into it, but i don't fully remember (been a while since i played RE4).

and i don't know why they didn't use that same cave network idea in Gotham Knights. It makes much more sense than some dumb deathtrap from both a gameplay and story perspective.

@vizthex - 19.11.2023 00:19

i recently got the Arkham games and although I've only beaten Aslyum so far, its upgrade system was so much more engaging than this.

and i know WB probably forced the devs to tack on the looter system "because it's popular right now", but Asylum's simple XP system connected to all aspects of the game in a really balanced way, and i really like it due to that.

you can get some XP for each enemy, but doing combos and really utilizing the combat system gives you even more. Finding Riddler Trophies also gives points, and even later on some of the story-specific stuff also gives points (alongside boss fights giving a large amount of points after each phase). In addition, you heal after combat based on the amount of points you get (seems to have a good ratio of points-to-health, so you basically never need to do 3 battles to recover from 1 or what have you)

it's simple, yet elegant and functional - and for the 20 upgrades you can unlock, it's perfect.

@Vasko560 - 18.11.2023 08:56

