Touring a Startup Fiber Optic ISP ! GoNetSpeed in Connecticut

Touring a Startup Fiber Optic ISP ! GoNetSpeed in Connecticut


1 год назад

139,012 Просмотров

See more like this: - Gonetspeed is a startup fiber internet service provider in Connecticut. They took us behind the scenes of their operation to learn about what it takes to run a small ISP in an increasingly competitive environment. We'll take a look at their fiber infrastructure and see what a point of presence (POP) looks like in a town's central office location. See more ISPs: and subscribe!

00:00 - Intro & GoNetSpeed background
01:59 - GoNetspeed Infrastructure : Trucks, Fiber, etc
04:07 - Warehouse Tour
04:53 - Technician's Day
05:23 - Building an Area Out
06:23 - Overview of a Home Installation
08:36 - outside the house
10:10 - on the utility pole
11:28 - customer install time
12:38 - on the strand / splitting cable
16:22 - point of presence transition
16:49 - Point of Presence / Central Office

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Jason C.
Jason C. - 30.09.2023 05:49

The fiber transitions to Ethernet and Wifi. Its Not fiber all the way up and to each computer and device in the home.

Shutite - 26.09.2023 05:18

Both of these guys are ridiculous. Tier 1 ISP's like Global Crossing (out of business), and Crown Castle (not a Tier 1). He also mentioned Cogent, which is horrible. Then you have this super dork that says he's not going to touch the end of fiber on a big spool... Talking about T1's (yes, they still exist, but nobody is serving Internet over them in China for US content consumers) yikes, what a mess

Evans Twineamatsiko
Evans Twineamatsiko - 24.09.2023 17:09

very informative, thanks Lov TV and GoNetSpeed

Poor Mans Electronics Bench
Poor Mans Electronics Bench - 24.09.2023 15:11

I've installed Nokia / Alcatel 7342 bays for one "Large" telecom, that looks like the 7360 offering, newer, more port outputs per card slot and higher capacity on the backplane. The sad part is, I am retired now, and that same provider hasn't covered my neighborhood with fiber, and I am stuck on an old U-Verse system until it fails or another competitor steps up and installs a fiber network. Good "behind the scenes" video, thanks for the content.

iiiDBeats - 22.09.2023 18:10

Love fiber! Got 200up/200down for 30$/mo with CenturyLink. 👍 man that test point outside was nasty for technicians. More single mode fiber to everyone! 💪

Stefan Behrendsen
Stefan Behrendsen - 21.09.2023 04:01

Ah yes, the ol' grandstream ata

Jeffery Kazimer
Jeffery Kazimer - 21.09.2023 03:26

OLT's and GPON's, are similar to a CMTS for cable modems, but for FTTH subscribers. A single fiber can feed an OLT/GPON and then multiple other customers from the GPON, like a HFC/COAX Node, like RPHY for cable modems.... Its pretty simple...Most can connect back to an access switch with either a 10Gbps link, or a LAG. Or use XFP 100gpbs, but then you need further transport gear like Cienna or Ekinops, then BOOM to the edge, and off your network.

Allez Venga
Allez Venga - 20.09.2023 02:19

Thanks for your sharing

Micke G
Micke G - 19.09.2023 22:07

100 gbit backbone, i have 10gb fibre , for 99:95 in sweden and now i got a offer of test 100 gbit to my villa., not sure why i need it but i wont have a bottleneck if i upgrade. if these just got 100 gbit it will be a bottleneck in a few years .

Everything is History
Everything is History - 18.09.2023 19:19

GoNetSpeed is the GREAT. Best change I ever made. They actually care about customers unlike Cox, Frontier, and Comcast, all of which I've had in the past. Haven't had one second of down time in over a year. Thank you GoNetSpeed.

PLC-LANDSCAPING - 18.09.2023 07:23

nice educational video CEO one day i go have my isp

Bryan Fields
Bryan Fields - 18.09.2023 00:21

Cogent is not a Tier 1 provider. Neither is Crown Castle, but at least they don't lie about it.

movax20h - 17.09.2023 11:36

BTW. GPON does not use wave division multiplexing. It is not using multiple colors. In fact GPON is using single wavelength for transmit and (other) single for receive. Signal from the CO (central office) of the provider goes via single fiber and single wavelength (thus it can be easily fitted in a standard SFP transceiver without complex optics and array of lasers on the OLE side) to all customers. Each customer traffic is encrypted with different key, so only specific customer terminal (ONU side), can decrypt it. Same in other direction. All customer terminal transceiver send using same wavelength and their encryption and signature keys. To prevent collisions, each transmitter is only permitted to transmit in a specific time window. This is accomplished using time division multiplexing, and precise clock synchronization that is part of the standard (it also includes distance estimation, so it works optimally).

movax20h - 17.09.2023 10:37

GPON is rather attractive, and cheap way to serve a lot of people. But can bite you later. Also 100Gbps or even two (for redundancy), is a bit too litle for something like 4000 customers. But as long they keep upgrading as they see consistent bottlenecks, it should be okish. Other big problem with GPON is that often transceivers and equipement on both sides must be from specific company, as there are various incompatibilities, despite GPON being technically a vendor agnostic standard. So this could lead to vendor locking, and costly replacements later. Sure, Nokia / Alcatel-Lucent are very big and probably not going anywhere, but still you never know if they will be available years from now, or if they hike the prices.

In Switzerland, in my city, the provider I use (Init7 - well known worldwide, despite being small, because they are super nerdy and were first 10 and 25Gbps providers in the world), uses a direct fiber to home. No XGS-PON, or wavelength multiplexing. So each individual strand to the socket at home, is connect directly to one transceiver in their PoP. The advantage of this is, if fiber is cut, it affects less people, and they usually do have some spare fibers here and there (i.e. between splice box and home they usually do 2 strands), and between splice box and provider (depending on a size of area, it could be spliced initially into 10 strand cable, then a bit later, into bigger cable with possibly 100 strands serving multiple buildings). Then it just goes directly to their pop basically (there might be some other splice points in-between, as same fiber could be used by some other providers, that maybe have PoP in slightly different location). Then they use cheapo 25Gbps switches. The nice thing about this is that they have no wavelength multiplexing devices in between, zero cross talk, do not need to buy hardware from specialized companies like Nokia to operate, and they have easy upgrade path to beyond 25Gbps (they could easily serve 400Gbps for example). Lack of multiplexing also allows easier sharing of fiber instracture between various providers, and customers to easily switch provider. Init7 also is really good, as they have A LOT of high speed interconnects with other providers at different levels - other telcos in area, clouds, level1 providers, other countries, and their providers, etc. I think Init7 interconnects with about 8000 other providers worldwide, not just close ones.

Obviously there are situations where XGS-PON might be better and more cost effective. Like less dense areas. And it is always good to see independent competition stepping their game, and challenging big players.

VAGALIA FOUNDATION INC. - 15.09.2023 06:21

Great video!

cjhan47 - 29.08.2023 20:29

We are finally getting affordable in home fiber in Oklahoma, infact the people are installing the backbone as I type. As a person with a smart home with many many devices I can't wait till it's completed. This for us is 100% thanks to the2021 infrastructure bill particularly the Broadband equally, Access and Development program.

Portman - 28.08.2023 20:06

Getting fiber optic broadband soon and I can't wait. DSL has been dreadful.

Eddie Grant
Eddie Grant - 09.08.2023 15:09

Thank you for this informative video. This answers a lot of questions for me because I have both Cox (Meriden) and Xfinity (Bristol) for cable internet. I’ve cut the cord on cable tv and looking for other fast speed internet options because I’m tired of the data and speed limit restraints of cable internet.

Darrin Thomas
Darrin Thomas - 08.08.2023 21:46

Really nice video. Explains everything so that anyone can see and understand what happens to light them up. Also gives them a sense of the investment this is for Gonetspeed. This is not just a lets try this area, it is a true investment that needs to payback. Every customer is important. Gonetspeed is leading in this space. VERY NICE!

muxxor - 30.07.2023 03:35

In a multi family house, can 1 fiber drop from the pole be split to two different apartments and each will have their own ONT?

Nate Barringer
Nate Barringer - 26.07.2023 04:52

Need a router for every customer?

cabwaldo - 19.07.2023 14:21

Gonetsspeed is the exact same company as Otelco. Stop trying to hide the fact that you rebranded when you got into fiber. Consolidated communications did the same thing with Fidium fiber.

ᔕᗝᒪᗩᖇ ᑭᐯ
ᔕᗝᒪᗩᖇ ᑭᐯ - 15.07.2023 19:36

Remember the fibre is 'shared' / split between customers anything from 2 - 128 meaning you share the bandwidth on that single fibre

Wicked Powder
Wicked Powder - 14.07.2023 17:40

Full disclosure before I comment - I have 25+ years working for a direct competitor of gonetspeed in CT, and I spend every day building PON networks in multiple states in the area.
First, Good job by gonet for seizing this opportunity. It’s good press, and I’m upset that my own company neglected to take this offer and show the public how things work and the very same tech is already in place on our end. I’ve said for years, that if I could show my customers the inner workings of how their mouse clicks make it to the Internet, and show them the cost of building and maintaining these networks , they would be much more understanding of their bills when it comes time to pay.
Second, fiber is not new folks. You’ve had it with all the major providers for nearly 30 years or possibly longer. It has been in place running through your neighborhoods and transporting data all this time. What is “new” is fiber directly to your doorstep, instead of fiber to your street. The way most MSOs designed their networks was a hybrid fiber - coax architecture. This is what you have if you aren’t able to get FTTH yet. It just means you are running on coax for the last few streets before it hits your house. We have the technology available to get you speeds up to 10G on that system. The problem is though, why bother. People won’t want to pay what it would cost. Over the last few years fiber tech and optics has come way down. We can switch to a PON architecture quickly now, since we don’t have to run full networks and build hub sites. And we are. For whatever reason, the MSO’s are not hyping the fact that they have been rebuilding for easily 5+ years in my case. We were doing it prior to the word Covid being mentioned. Want to see fiber to your home built quicker? Start hammering your provider with calls and emails. I assure you though, we know, and we are building fast.
Seeing gonet’s warehouse with all the coyote cases gave me nightmares. If you’ve ever worked with them you know what I mean. 😅
Competition is a good thing for consumers and businesses. My advice is look for customer service in a company, not price. As gonet grows, those intro rates will evaporate like all the other companies. They aren’t sustainable because of the simple cost of doing business. Good thing, is that fiber networks are durable and much less prone to interference and cheaper to operate over the long run, which should lead to less price hikes once they are built out. And it sounds like they are doing well on customer service, which is good for the customers as well.
I wish I could show you all how impressive and expansive our networks truly are as they sit today, even without the expansion. I assure you, they’re no joke. The redundancy designs alone (in case a pole gets hit or a weather event) are working literally at the speed of light. They reroute so fast, you never even know there is a break in many circumstances.😉

Raja Cable
Raja Cable - 10.07.2023 08:03

Good job like job

Nick 3648
Nick 3648 - 05.07.2023 06:07

An ISP for the people 🤩 👏🏻

BankruptSee - 29.06.2023 10:01

It’s good to see an executive so in touch with the process

Juan Jaquez
Juan Jaquez - 24.06.2023 03:52

Wow. Excellent explanation. Thanks

Mic_Glow - 08.06.2023 15:36

Now this is an ad I enjoyed to watch. The guy knows what he's talking about, no sugar coating or lies.

Tim Ramich
Tim Ramich - 06.06.2023 01:31

What pisses me off is that these fiber ISPs don't let you use your own equipment. I would want to have an SFP or SFP+ module that I can plug right in with their fiber into my equipment, not go through some ONT or GPON.

David Sunduah
David Sunduah - 31.05.2023 19:03

Am impressed. I must setup a similar network in my county in Kenya.

Ajay S
Ajay S - 31.05.2023 01:08

Just signed up for service the other day. Think that the fact that the CEO took the time out to talk and educate speaks volumes. 👏 Looking forward to doing business with GoNetSpeed 🤘

Daniel Laurie
Daniel Laurie - 30.05.2023 02:56

Thank you thank you thank you! I live in iowa but my parents are in CT. Actually in New Britain!!! This helps them understand their GoNetSpeed service so much. Excellent excellent excellent video!!!

Anthony - 21.05.2023 19:32

You know what would be a great video! Is how the hell this guy got started. I can only imagine the upfront cost is massive and I'm going to just assume this guy didn't fun the company out of his own pocket. With all the infrastructure money floating around I have to assume there is a way to start a company with no out of pocket cost.

Spinkey - 21.05.2023 17:40

awesome!!..... we are ready down here in florida for a "Cheaper" option compared to the 2 other thieves providing intranet!!

MaximeFcom | Cybersécurité: actualité et conseils
MaximeFcom | Cybersécurité: actualité et conseils - 20.05.2023 15:32

I'm amazed by the manager doing the presentation. His job is to manage the operations of the business but he have deep knowledge and he's good at explaining complexe things in a way that is easy to understand.

Kick Gunner
Kick Gunner - 26.04.2023 17:21

This is one of the more interesting videos you've done. Not that the others aren't good, but this was just intriguing because it's not something you really think about.

Ussul wm1
Ussul wm1 - 25.04.2023 22:35

wow this is incredible. thank you for making this.

KameraShy - 14.04.2023 02:24

I still remember my first internet connection: dial-up, 14.4k, small company started by a couple kids just out of college. It was only the college kids who knew about this internet thing.

Timothy-NH - 11.04.2023 06:12

This was great! I'm a datacom guy, I do commercial cabling, including fiber, but have been watching the buildout of Fidium in my city and I've been fascinated with it.
I switched from mechanical to fusion a few years ago, was a great choice!

Dennis Pillow
Dennis Pillow - 10.04.2023 19:25

Absoluty a great video!!!!

ITStechy - 09.04.2023 18:21

30 miles terrestrial is a good range with the power output of lasers used today over single mode. When you go subsea we start talking about EFDAs…that’s really cool tech there that not many people know about and the fiber goes hundreds of miles without a “repeater” in the true sense. That is really mind-blowing at a sub-atomic level.

Paul Davis
Paul Davis - 09.04.2023 01:48

This is what I call AMERICA FIRST company! We need one of these in every local community instead of some mega-corp. Kudos guys 👏

Clayton Moore
Clayton Moore - 07.04.2023 00:06

Very interesting video. I wonder about the energy efficiency of fiber vs. coax. It seems that fiber would be more efficient, but I haven't ever seen a comparison. Might make for a nice follow-up video.

Christians Travel Diary
Christians Travel Diary - 06.04.2023 12:50

Still not learning to get the fibre below ground like anywhere in EU. Not interference with any natural forces.

Mickey Antoncich
Mickey Antoncich - 05.04.2023 16:29

My wire is buried underground and runs under the road to each house, don't see the fiber company taking that challenge.

mmotodad - 04.04.2023 21:27

So all the talk about how you can support 64 or 128 customers on each strand but he never shows or speaks about the splitters.....

HikikomoriDev - 04.04.2023 07:54

But what if they become a monopoly?

zian z
zian z - 04.04.2023 07:01

Frontier. I never thought it possible but I hate you even more bitterly now.
