How To Coach Yourself For Powerlifting - The Complete Guide

How To Coach Yourself For Powerlifting - The Complete Guide


3 года назад

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CanditoTrainingHQ - 10.10.2020 03:25

Make sure to check out the links in the description. If we can get 20,000 lifters seeing a few quality resources they were unaware of, then that alone is a huge win.

Dusty Rolls
Dusty Rolls - 20.10.2023 07:38

Good work good stuff

Isaac Fitzgerald
Isaac Fitzgerald - 17.08.2023 07:14

In this video, he says novices need an overhead Tricep Ext because bench doesn’t hit the long head, but in his novice program, he says there’s no direct tricep work because novices get enough Tricep work from pushes. Can someone explain this discrepancy?

Flash - 09.08.2023 22:28

Hello there, can someone explain a part of the video again to me? I dont really get that part with the cumulative reps being equal to number of sets for hypertrophic effect.
I get that a 5x4 is almost the same as a 3x7 / 3x12 and so on. But how heavy needs the 5x4 to be to count. Cuz im sure as hell that just doing a 5x4 at an rpe2 wouldn't really be stimulative. So is there kind of a percentage based cutoff like at 80% perhaps or even lower?

taekler - 30.07.2023 14:29

Your eyebrows looks like 2x mustache. Still love you thoe <3

Alexander Chernoshtan
Alexander Chernoshtan - 26.07.2023 14:59

Browdito 🤣

Guru Lifts
Guru Lifts - 21.05.2023 05:23

if it works, don't change anything!
for the past 7 months i have done a simple 5x5 for S B D twice a week and each lift went up lots (+140kg total) i did minimal hypertrophy because i didn't have the work capacity. i hit a wall with bench so i tripled the volume (+18 sets of 10/wk plus heavy singles) and dropped the average 5x5 weight i did by 5kg/10lb to aid recovery. my squat and deadlift continue to skyrocket 10kg a month, but getting to the point where squats are impeding my deadlifts now.
don't change your programme if it is working, change it when it's not and before you hit the wall.

Paul Christie
Paul Christie - 12.02.2023 22:56

That new look you've got at 18 mins is very cool.

Conrad Cronin
Conrad Cronin - 15.11.2022 17:28

I have watched this video numerous times now and I think I’m closing in on 50% absorption of the information 😂

Julian Padilla
Julian Padilla - 25.07.2022 01:00

Can someone dumb this down I don’t understand shit I’m a dumbass

Andrea Doldi
Andrea Doldi - 20.04.2022 23:35

is it me or it's essentially the opposite of the 6 week program?
can we maybe get an updated version?

Yash Dahiya
Yash Dahiya - 13.02.2022 00:30

Holy shit this was too much knowledge for a beginner i don't even understand half of the things he's talking about I'll watch it in 0.75x later

QuietKelot - 12.02.2022 23:39

Do you need to have a year plus into general strength and hypertrophy training before starting powerlifting type training or is it viable for beginners in the gym aswell?

andrea barone
andrea barone - 07.01.2022 02:48

Dude you should do a face reveal

Prashant Sathpathy
Prashant Sathpathy - 12.09.2021 07:15

Can you create a video about selecting warm-up reps.

강민후 - 05.08.2021 14:35

thumbnail 😆

Kristin M.
Kristin M. - 17.06.2021 19:38

I'm late to the party but this is pure gold. Thank you!!!

Harris Ashraff
Harris Ashraff - 11.06.2021 21:27

I am a lifting enthusiast and I had an injury that forced me to quit lifting for many years (The most depressing and darkest years of my life for I didn't have an understanding of how pain worked). Then I decided to lift regardless of the pain then I learned about back pain recovery stuffs mostly from your channel and the Barbell medicine Team. Then I opted for rehab coaching from BBM crew which improved my self-efficacy a lot got me back to lifting fairly decent numbers recently. But then I realized that I want to really go through the entire process of lifting, so I am planning to compete in a powerlifting meet in the near future ( I am 27 as of now and want to do it before I Turn 30), not for the sake of competing but for the sake of going through the complete process of what it feels to lift under pressure especially during competitions.

Your videos are really helpful for persons like me who really want to get into powerlifting. Thank you so much for these really valuable videos, Jonnie. Wish me good luck for my future meets. Once again Thank you, Jonnie Candito.

Dr Wooly
Dr Wooly - 09.06.2021 15:51

Thanks bro, needed this vid

John Trains
John Trains - 19.05.2021 07:37

Bro. This is so on point and the point of finding rep ranges that you respond well to spoke so much to me.

Miley Hope
Miley Hope - 18.05.2021 14:52

Hey i got a question i use 8,6,4,3,2,1,4,12 on the bench and i go up ten pounds every set. But i want know what u think about how long should i stay on this??

Yousaf Khan
Yousaf Khan - 11.05.2021 01:12

I can’t lie dude. if I was just starting out in powerlifting, this video would make me wanna stray away from it.

Aakash Sunil
Aakash Sunil - 16.04.2021 17:52

So lucky to have this sort of analysis depth and knowledge in the powerlifting circle

tortuga - 12.04.2021 08:12

your workouts are LIMITED to three hours in the offseason??? my god

WGS 53
WGS 53 - 25.02.2021 15:17

What’s wrong with jug AI ?

Os cria do comando Sancto
Os cria do comando Sancto - 24.02.2021 03:36

Thanks Mr neo nazi

ArisGuru - 11.02.2021 05:01

Pure art. And very reasonable train of thought on top of your experience. Fantastic video.

Elite Tiling Uk
Elite Tiling Uk - 11.01.2021 23:47

This guys a legend. Telling you to download free programs instead of pushing his bullshit that won’t work on you. Respect again bro

joker28666 - 06.01.2021 19:41

Regarding the repeating cycles segment, is what i got from it correct: Always monitor how you feel, during the entire cycle, last week, did you hit PR, how did PR day feel like etc and make changes according to that? Start by adjusting the taper if only the last week feels bad, if the entire cycle felt bad try different rep ranges, (but still enough total load for hypertrophy), then as a last resort volume increase?

VoxulPvp - 03.01.2021 04:08

So how should we be structuring a training cycle? Should we start with high volume and taper down with higher intensity towards the end of the cycle? Or should we just follow one of the free programs from lift vault? Lots of scientific jargon but not much on how to actually implement them into our training, just some constructive feedback

createyourpattern - 16.12.2020 05:11


Sergio Waters
Sergio Waters - 05.12.2020 04:58


Resul Emir
Resul Emir - 27.11.2020 14:21

Can you please allow adding subtitles, I'd like to add Turkish subtitles and other people can add their own language subtitles, as well.

DTOV17 - 18.11.2020 15:50


Alex Mora
Alex Mora - 17.11.2020 15:16

The Scientist of Powerlifting

Spare Acc
Spare Acc - 14.11.2020 15:58

Any idea if this can be applied to upper body gymnastics style training, i.e. chins, dips. ring muscle ups? I've had to move away from squatting, deadlifting and lower body training in general and have no choice but to leave powerlifting/weightlifting behind. I feel like the next best style of training I would enjoy besides powerlifting is gymnastics style strength, since it's more goal orientated than bodybuilding. Obviously since this is a very niche style of training it's practically impossible to find a coach for it. Are these principles applicable to bodyweight? What would you advise on programming (splits, volume) since it's entirely upper body style training, unlike powerlifting which is a mixture of upper and lower body?

J.Garrcia - 23.10.2020 18:01

but like 6x6 squats :(

James Littlewood
James Littlewood - 23.10.2020 02:57

I don't understand what he's trying to imply in the deadlift speed section in terms of frequency/intensity/load?? Just train DL in % rather than RPE or specific reps/sets?

derukun - 22.10.2020 04:15

Question for you, Jonnie - can you do a video on weekly singles year-round? This seems to be a huge contention between various notable coaches at high levels and it would be great to see someone do a video on the pros/cons of weekly singles, the purpose of them, any literature to back up the benefits of touching singles weekly, etc.

IWalk 9
IWalk 9 - 21.10.2020 14:22


ResistanceQuest - 20.10.2020 07:57

Very, VERY interesting video. The point that resonated with me the most (I have to go back and redigest some of the technical elements) was the fact that you have to believe you're smart in order to coach yourself. After a recent back injury, my own sense of confidence has taken a beating, and now, as I'm coming back, I'm finding it harder than I did before my injury (which was not related to my programming style but rather to just plain carelessness) to get pumped up about what I'm doing. So your point was very timely and well-received. Thank you JC
