Skyrim - The COMPLETE Guide to the Altmer - Elder Scrolls Lore

Skyrim - The COMPLETE Guide to the Altmer - Elder Scrolls Lore


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CloutOG ElevatedTV
CloutOG ElevatedTV - 06.09.2023 01:17

real talk fuck these piss skinned knife ears

Thanus - 05.09.2023 06:15

Have you ever heard of the high elves?

Donte DiMora
Donte DiMora - 31.08.2023 20:26

Know thy enemy

Claire McCormack
Claire McCormack - 22.08.2023 18:50

Kill them all

Carpenter Samuel
Carpenter Samuel - 18.08.2023 03:23

Michael Kirkbride and reliable are as much opposites as light and dark or fire and water.

tocka - 09.07.2023 21:24

absolute favorite race, wish their depiction was more than just thalmor elf gestapo in Skyrim

Eragon Freedman
Eragon Freedman - 30.06.2023 03:42

they turned elves into an analogy for the japs lmao. Unit 731, The Alexandra Hospital Massacre, The Pig Basket Massacre

Xbalanque84 - 14.06.2023 12:15

All in favor of nuking the Summerset Isles, say "aye."

Xbalanque84 - 14.06.2023 12:09

The more I learn about elves in this setting, the more I dislike them. Seriously, even if you believe your ancestors were gods, you're mortal now. At least the Dunmer have learned to roll with the punches and adapt (even if their patron gods are either morally depraved or narcissistic). Either pursue the Psijic Endeavor or achieve CHIM, and get over yourselves.

theGhostSteward - 03.06.2023 01:01

*Obsidian is not strong :p

Chris Flados
Chris Flados - 02.06.2023 07:14

Dang, this description of a cold, uniform Altmer society really gives alot of room for an Altmer outlander RP to hate their stagnant ways and be a pariah amongst them.

CodeeXD - 27.05.2023 00:17

The only good knife ear is a dead knife ear

Kyle - 12.05.2023 01:53

Ah the Pissmer

Marra Sylvie
Marra Sylvie - 01.05.2023 13:25

Ah yes my favourite faction!

TheDragonDaddyDM - 20.04.2023 20:59

Altmer are meant to be beautiful but every single one in Skyrim look horrible unless you download a mod

CloudsGirl7 - 20.04.2023 09:57

Altmer: the High Elves that make me run screaming back to the Elven folk of Middle-earth. (Well, the Thalmor do, anyway.)

Gamer Girl Bathwater
Gamer Girl Bathwater - 12.04.2023 04:18

Gotta wonder, elves live for multiple centuries, and could possibly live for thousands of years, so how do they stave off boredom? I mean really, you talk to the same people, live in the same place, and do more or less the same thing for a couple hundred years, it’s possible you’ll be bored or go mad from the monotony of it all. At least that’s how I see it.

Saber - 07.04.2023 05:47

Fuck this Michael Kirkbride crap the dudes theories are NOT CANON period he isn’t “reliable” or “unreliable” he just kept making up stories after he left Bethesda but even though he worked there at one point the SECOND he left everything he says becomes complete conjecture just like the rest of us

Tessa Wicked
Tessa Wicked - 30.03.2023 21:50

You say in the house of sithis that tradition is a virtue? Isn't that the opposite?

V V - 14.03.2023 06:22

High elves are by far my favorite Elder Scrolls race, I see many similarities with Tolkiens Noldor elves and the blood elves from wow(in terms of elitist character, artistic elegance, affiliation to magic, martial prowess, etc)
They have so much RP potential , from being a divine protector of Tamriel to becoming an elven supremacist or a ruthless lord.
Dark elves are probably my second favorite race but something doesn't feel right about them being allies with the Argonians and fighting their elven brethren.

Beech - 06.03.2023 12:53

I do not like their Thalmor era at all. I hate how they renamed Summerset to Alinor as well.

Charisma Caster
Charisma Caster - 26.02.2023 20:48

Summerset for TES7

Not a Chance
Not a Chance - 03.02.2023 01:35

Staying safe

Stefan Nikolic
Stefan Nikolic - 31.12.2022 00:04

My Race!

Mike Cobalt
Mike Cobalt - 25.09.2022 09:31

:) Another great video. Skyrim wise I hate the Thalmor, the average altmer around are ok (just people) but the Thalmor... I help them to their End anytime I see one along the roads. Kill the Thalmor, strip the bodies and throw them all in a pile on the side of the road, You'd think they would have a clue when they meet a Nord wearing a Talos amulet and carrying a sword that that conversation isnt going to end well (for them).

Christopher Yannatone
Christopher Yannatone - 24.09.2022 23:02

So is anyone gonna ask about the names of the high elves being nothing more than sets of numbers?? That sounds truly cold, alien and terrifying on some matrix shit lmao. Why is this not mentioned anywhere in lore? And if so where can I read about it?

Charmine - 22.09.2022 22:23

Not all Altmer are the same, please don't compare all of us with supremacists

Banana Merchant
Banana Merchant - 02.09.2022 19:57

I don't like essentializing an entire race as "These people are like this and these people are like that". It's especially weird to essentialize when you consider how diverse Tamirel is.

Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Expression - 23.08.2022 14:40

Came back to this. Just wanna say, master race.

RAVENS BIG TRUSSS - 13.08.2022 07:40

Thxz for the video I love the high elfs

ThatOneGuy1020 - 29.07.2022 18:46

I’m new to Skyrim and don’t know if anyone else has thought of this, but did anyone else notice that all elven races start with 3 letters like dun in Dunmer, Bos in bosmer, dwe in Dwemer, and alt in altmer, and all end in mer which as I think refers the all elf-kind. Does anyone else think that the first 3 letters could mean something in an ancient elven language or something, like Dunmer (also called dark elves), because mer refers the elves do you think dun could mean dark, in altmer alt could mean high, in Dwemer dwe could mean deep, or in bosmer Bos could mean wood.

Triocha - 27.07.2022 13:21

Skyrim. You are my childhood. I love you.

CDeezy - 26.07.2022 00:13

Roleplaying a Thalmor Assassin who despises all Imperials in Oblivion. Needed to get some understanding of the character and her background lol, great vid

Meep Changeling
Meep Changeling - 16.06.2022 02:14

And how does ESO portray this place? As generic mideval europe.

JoshiJudas32 - 24.05.2022 09:22

Ah summerset isles home

Harvey Sidhu
Harvey Sidhu - 04.05.2022 03:31

All know that the Altmer are the fairest and most beautiful of all the races on Tamriel. The Elder race of elves will guide the Younger races of men and ensure that all on Tamriel prosper. I'm sorry if I sound like a snob, the high elves are my favourite race in tes and I love their lore the most.

CFL_ Finn
CFL_ Finn - 19.04.2022 16:06

Old high elves: "We need to preserve our values and culture"

Young high elves: "Ok boomer"

jefthereaper - 04.04.2022 17:55

I was slightly disappointing with the representation of the architecture and Crystal Tower.
The architecture itself is good of course, but.
What I imagined from the quote on "it look like glass shards or insect wings", would have been that every building made from marble had tiny dust particles of glass or crystal mixed into the surface (via magic or just unknown craftsman techniques from the High Elves) so that every stone radiated every color of the rainbow as you would pass by them. (much like glitter, but sharper, as if the marble were made from white crystal)

And with the High Elves you would expect them to ever be pursuing perfection, so none of the buildings would have any cracks or disrepair in them, not even crumbled stones, and would be repaired with all haste to ensure they would remain in a seemingly perfect state.

(I could even imagine them abusing time magic to slow decay of buildings)

Instead we got old cracked buildings, and even ruins around the Isles.
Something you would think they would never be able to stand for.

At the same time I believed the Crystal tower would be made from Actual crystal (but due to the thickness of the walls and floors, that of course you can't just see through them) But the interior would not require as much lighting, as sunlight would be focused and channeled through the tower naturally.
Heck I would even have taken an opaque white crystal looking tower if the first would have been too hard to make.

But the fact that it was just another default Summerset Ruin's tile disappointing me beyond words.
Not unique, not even close to deserving the name "Crystal Tower", and messy to boot.

Eertd Mathis
Eertd Mathis - 23.03.2022 23:31

Only real men can appreciate this amazing race

Symbiote Soda
Symbiote Soda - 10.03.2022 00:46

So they built massive glass towers on a tropical island near the equator and they live in these things? It has got to be BOILING hot in there.

Duncan Shaw
Duncan Shaw - 05.03.2022 03:21

My Skyrim character on the Nintendo Switch I'm currently playing is an Altmer. His name is Ortaza.

Land Strider
Land Strider - 01.03.2022 17:49

I hope the High Elven lore and mythos is expanded upon in TES VI

vynat draco
vynat draco - 20.01.2022 05:25

What if the truth was Sheogorath was their real creator, crafted from his Saints, as a Cosmic joke on them and the rest of Mundus?

LadyArchimedes - 11.01.2022 02:09

I'm watching this for lore research on my altmer dragonborn

Homo Sapien
Homo Sapien - 08.01.2022 23:31

Not all high elves are the same. The thalmore has tainted us. I believe all the races of nirn are equal in the eyes of Auri-El except the maomore.

Tri6Oraxus - 06.12.2021 00:16

It has no support, but I like to think if the high elves succeed in unmaking the world, they will be shunned and outcast by the gods for ruining their creation; and instead the sh*ty little lizards of blackmarsh get to live in paradise and everyone else gets used to make a new world

codafett - 18.11.2021 10:10

Altmer are so underrated. A lot of people probably see them as generic Tolkien ripoffs, but I want more.

Zach - 30.10.2021 22:01

Being around so many other Altmer fans makes me happy. The ES community generally dislikes the High Elves of Summerset so it’s nice to be amongst friends. Long live the Dominion!

Shu'pa'thu Medicine Eagle
Shu'pa'thu Medicine Eagle - 28.09.2021 02:10

F the high elves, all I'm saying.
