Out of Bounds Secrets | The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe - Boundary Break Ft. Narrator and William

Out of Bounds Secrets | The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe - Boundary Break Ft. Narrator and William


2 года назад

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Janya Andromeda Galactic
Janya Andromeda Galactic - 05.10.2023 20:12

i guess all the dislikes are from the offended monkey people not understanding that spoiler warning makes joke of suing for watching beyond it without buying it.

Not_aCult - 01.10.2023 10:22

I love it when the narrator said "rat paparazzi" also i didn’t get the Stanley parable on switch narrator I’m sorry please don’t sue me!

ezra cramer
ezra cramer - 01.10.2023 05:07

can the real error please stand up :D

SebTheDev - 29.09.2023 16:06

narbacular drop later evolved into portal a major franchise.

Mike Jr 77
Mike Jr 77 - 29.09.2023 10:55

Error Beep Boop

Louis Nemzer
Louis Nemzer - 28.09.2023 03:29


schockocraft - 28.09.2023 00:07

I love how he's taking the shit on anyone who actually knows this stuff with the "wormholes" lmao

"did not evolve into a major franchise" lmfao

Noooooo not at aaaallllll :D

FlameGuy - 25.09.2023 00:50

Love this game

Disambiguation144 - 23.09.2023 00:48

great video

Torquosis - 22.09.2023 16:51

Narbacular Drop's Wormholes are why we have Portal and Stanley's Parable. Some games crawl so others can Sprint

big skoot
big skoot - 22.09.2023 08:58

No Interloper here..

suicidal.banana - 21.09.2023 14:28

Winamp WITH a system shock skin? nice

Dovah_Slayer - 19.09.2023 11:49

Its so cool you got Pugh and Brighting in the video

Teatheard - 19.09.2023 11:05

Ha ha, nice.

Rohxx - 17.09.2023 14:30

"Flying photographic rat" honestly what a legend!

CommonDenomVideos - 16.09.2023 10:49

Winamp user here - i use it for my music management on my samsung s22.

Catfoe - 16.09.2023 02:04

Isn't nerbachelor drop portal before portal was made?

Gorilla monkey
Gorilla monkey - 14.09.2023 04:45

Who’s little Stanley

Kelsey - 09.09.2023 00:07

It is a straight asset port!! Davey (game writer) discussed it on DougDoug’s channel.

Schriszophrenia - 03.09.2023 22:45

If you do the confusion ending and look behind you and up to the right, a bucket is on one of the mind control monitors just like the error message, I don't know what the bucket's speech bubble says but there is one up there that you didn't cover.
It's above employee 01.

Xanana - 21.08.2023 00:23

you see stanleys face in the game when you do the endless hole.

Esah G
Esah G - 20.08.2023 13:57

Winamp really kicks the llamas @ss

YTRTea - 18.08.2023 07:55

William sounds like gman lol

Caleb Mezenberg
Caleb Mezenberg - 16.08.2023 08:27

I find it neat this game uses the same technology as portal but in different manor

Jessica Caron
Jessica Caron - 16.08.2023 03:55

Of course the choice doors aren't real, choice is an illusion

Jessica Caron
Jessica Caron - 16.08.2023 03:46


Dos Gamer Man
Dos Gamer Man - 15.08.2023 12:15

The system shock skin is sick!

Socks and Sandals
Socks and Sandals - 14.08.2023 08:36

Narrator sounds so much like Andrew Ryan it’s a bit scary

CandiedCat - 14.08.2023 01:15

Those monitor panels are actually the Unity code editor…

Philip-Antoine Chevalier
Philip-Antoine Chevalier - 12.08.2023 04:03

The constant AI breath from the intro gave it away... Good video though!

Saturn - 11.08.2023 18:22

cool vid

RealGlitchLordPlays :3
RealGlitchLordPlays :3 - 11.08.2023 13:34


Unique Name
Unique Name - 10.08.2023 17:51

Why did i read the thumbnail text as "narrating the featurer" or something

SpadeWolfo - 09.08.2023 11:52

This mf took a guest role specifically to plug his game lmao

Respect the grind

ic0nicstreams - 07.08.2023 17:08

That part about the wormhole technique was really interesting. I've always wanted to know just HOW they made Stanley Parable: UD run so smooth when there's these MASSIVE environments that you're transitioning into

MrVankog - 06.08.2023 10:26

Narbacular Drop. Very obscure, indeed 😂

Some random dude
Some random dude - 03.08.2023 04:55

The Stanley Paradox, an intricately woven tapestry of thought and speculation, beckons us to venture into the labyrinthine corridors of decision theory, causality, and the multifaceted nature of choice. Stemming from the crossroads of philosophy and decision science, this paradox unfurls a tantalizing scenario: an agent, poised at a crossroads, confronted with the weighty decision between two distinct choices, A and B. Yet, the paradox takes an audacious twist with the entrance of an all-encompassing, omnipotent being into the narrative – a celestial arbiter capable of reshaping the very fabric of outcomes based on the agent's initial choice.

In the realm of the Stanley Paradox, should the agent cast their lot with option A, the omnipotent being orchestrates an intricate symphony of events, culminating in an undeniable showcase of the superior outcome that could have sprung forth from selecting option B. Conversely, if the scales tip in favor of option B, the being intercedes, conjuring a mesmerizing display illustrating the grandeur of the alternative, option A. Thus, the paradox engenders a conundrum of cosmic proportions, ensuring that regardless of the initial choice, the omnipotent force weaves a narrative in which the unchosen alternative emerges triumphant.

But beneath the surface of this intellectual labyrinth lies a profound exploration of the bedrock tenets of human existence. The Stanley Paradox proffers poignant questions about the nature of free will, the contours of determinism, and the intricate dance between external influences and individual volition. It compels us to recalibrate our understanding of decisions, thrusting us into the unnerving terrain where the boundaries of autonomy blur, and the threads of choice unravel into a mesmerizing tapestry of cosmic choreography.

This paradox is more than an abstract enigma – it beckons to thinkers across domains, kindling dialogues among philosophers, psychologists, ethicists, and scientists. Its resounding implications echo through the annals of scholarly pursuit, whispering inquiries about the very essence of agency and the enigmatic interplay of influence that threads through our lives.

As we navigate the entangled skeins of the Stanley Paradox, we are invited to embark on a philosophical odyssey, plumbing the depths of causality and the human experience. Its enigma lingers, an ever-present reminder of the boundless mysteries that remain to be unraveled, a testament to the uncharted territories that stretch before the intrepid seeker of knowledge and wisdom.

Peering through the prism of the paradox, we encounter a cascade of philosophical quandaries that ripple across the landscape of our understanding. At its core, the Stanley Paradox invites us to scrutinize the nature of choice itself – an endeavor that traces its roots to the very origins of human thought. From the pre-Socratic philosophers who pondered the dichotomy of fate and free will to the modern-day neuroscientists unraveling the neural underpinnings of decision-making, the paradox beckons us to traverse a tapestry of intellectual evolution.

The paradox challenges us to confront the question of whether our choices are genuine expressions of autonomy or mere marionette movements guided by unseen hands. Does the omnipotent being's intervention underscore a predetermined course of events, relegating our decisions to the realm of predetermined outcomes? Or does it unveil a nuanced dance, where our choices interplay with the cosmic choreography, weaving a symphony of causality that extends beyond our immediate understanding?

In the crucible of these inquiries, the paradox finds resonance with the age-old debate between determinism and indeterminism. Philosophers from ancient Greece to Enlightenment Europe have grappled with the interplay of fate and free will, engaging in intellectual jousts that have shaped the contours of human thought. The Stanley Paradox, with its surreal interplay of agent, choice, and omnipotent intervention, resurrects these age-old musings and catapults them into a contemporary arena where cognitive science, moral philosophy, and metaphysics converge.

Delving deeper, we find ourselves immersed in the currents of moral philosophy, where the very foundations of ethical deliberation come under scrutiny. If the omnipotent being exposes the futility of our choices, does this undermine the moral significance of our decisions? Does the paradox erode the pillars of responsibility and accountability, casting a shadow over our notions of right and wrong? Or does it forge a path toward a more nuanced understanding, where the act of choice is valued not solely for its outcomes, but for the intricate tapestry of intentions and considerations that weave into its fabric?

Moreover, the Stanley Paradox beckons us to explore the contours of reality itself – a venture that resonates with the profound inquiries of metaphysics. As we navigate the paradox's intricate dance, we are compelled to question the nature of existence, the boundaries of causality, and the very architecture of the cosmos. Does the paradox hint at the existence of alternate timelines, where each choice engenders a parallel universe that unfolds in tandem with our own? Or does it hint at a deeper, more enigmatic layer of reality, where causality dances to a symphony composed by forces beyond our mortal comprehension?

In this voyage of contemplation, the Stanley Paradox reveals itself as a prism through which we glimpse the intricate mosaic of human thought, layered with hues of philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and beyond. It is an invitation to journey through the corridors of intellectual history, to engage with the profound inquiries that have captivated the minds of sages and scholars throughout the ages.

As we conclude our odyssey through the expansive landscape of the Stanley Paradox, we find ourselves standing at the precipice of human understanding, gazing into the abyss of the unknown. This paradox, with its intricate dance of agency and intervention, compels us to ponder the very essence of choice, the contours of causality, and the mysteries that continue to elude our grasp. It beckons to the seeker of knowledge, the intrepid explorer of the mind, and the relentless pursuer of truth, inviting them to delve into its enigma and emerge with new insights that illuminate the boundaries of human thought.

Was_Meep25 - 02.08.2023 19:14

how do you do that???

ItzBear - 02.08.2023 05:48

that last collectible being out of bounds makes my blood boil

planescaped - 01.08.2023 06:05

Not just a winamp player, a SHODAN winamp player.

Haha, nice...

Scout - 31.07.2023 19:41

monitors are abelton live and FL studio
