The curious young Australian Magpie!

The curious young Australian Magpie!

Nature Enthusiast

7 лет назад

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Australian Magpie (Black backed form)

Scientific Name: Cracticus tibicen

Appearance: Australian Magpies are black and white, though vary between parts of Australia. The Black backed form is found throughout the eastern side of Australia and across the centre of Australia up to up Northern ends. The White backed form is found in the southern and south-eastern parts of Australia and the Western form is found throughout the far western side of Australia. Their eyes are a chestnut brown colouration and Juveniles are a dull grey-brown.

Feeding: Magpies hunt on the ground, walking along in search of insects and sometimes eat small skinks and other small reptiles.

Habitat/Location Found: Magpies are common throughout Australia and are very Distinctive against the other birds of Australia. Many magpies are found in urban areas and can be quite easily tamed. In breeding season Magpies can be quite aggressive and actively defend their nests from intruders and threats including humans and swoop anything that ventures to close to their nest.
This footage was taken using a Nikon Coolpix P900 without a tripod. This was taken over the last few months from October to early December 2016.


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