Great vid Brad, thank you!
ОтветитьNice video Brad. I noticed in Biomes, out of the 5 biomes, 2 are set as Burnt Forest, so no Wasteland was showing. I prefer to have the Wasteland on my maps because of the better loot we get in there. As always, thanks Brad!
ОтветитьDo you have a video that shows how to make these custom maps?
Great video and have a nice day :)
I imported a flat height map and it seemingly works fine until getting to create environmental region map then it just infinitely loads but it gives no errors i let it set for 26 minutes and it still changed nothing. Nothing even appears in the console past this point I followed all the steps you showed is a flat height map causing issues? I made the height map using gimp following the steps from the kinggen height map videos. Is there a different/better way to get a completely flat map with nothing on it?
ОтветитьGreat video!!! I've also noticed that increasing the "Altitude deviation threshold" pushes back mountains and scales them slightly down. Doing this I was able to generate larger cities.
Really looking forward to your next videos.
Hi loving the teragon videos. Really helpful. Bit of a unrelated question. Sometimes I put in a seed run it and on showing the preview before creating roads teragon crashes out. Change the seed with same presets and runs no issues. Happens on any map size. Has anyone else had this issue?
Ответитьis there a way to blueprint where you want cities to spawn? i’m from USA and want to make some states and cities in game. i guess i could edit the height map and only allow cities to spawn in a certain terrain level? many of the ones i want to generate are mountainous though…
ОтветитьThanks for video! I have a question: if i import my heightmap without actual heights (got only surface level at 50 meters grey, and bottom of the sea as 5m almost black), is it possible to force map generator to draw heights of sea level, and hills-mountains where is surface?
ОтветитьHey! I hope you see this. I'm really interested in using Teragon and these videos are very helpful. does Maptoolz work with Teragon? the reason I ask is I'm interested in making my own custom map with a custom terrain of a series of valleys, custom biome locations, place towns where I want them, and make my own roads. is it possible to take on this monumental task with these two programs? Thanks for taking the time to answer.
ОтветитьHave you figured out any way to make sure the paved roads are somewhat level? I often get crazy paved roads that look like something done by Escher.
ОтветитьWas wondering is there a way to import a hight map from a generated map from the normal 7 Days to die world generator? I generated a nice 6K flat map that I like in 7 Days to die by want to know is there a way to imported into teragon?
Ответитьhi Brad, another great tutorial. could you possibly do s tutorial on using Tangram Heightmapper to import height maps ? I have tried using a height map i made for Kingen but Teragon seems to handle them differently. There doesnt seem to be enough flatish ground to add the cities. I have used GIMP to smudge areas i wanted cities but its is rather crude and the first map is generating now.
ОтветитьI Love this map. Any chance That you would share this? I am just learning how to use teragon. There is No Way I could make Suck a Beautiful Map. :) Please?
ОтветитьCan You Please Somehow Create a Taragon Map From The USA Map That was Made in King Gen? I Looked and it hasnt got a Dtm.Png It only has dtm.Raw.
ОтветитьVideo liked! Keep em coming! :)
ОтветитьNice Map..
Ответитьbah, I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. following the video from a fresh settings, put in the name and then I get this console line that basically sounds like it isint able to detect the file and then runs the file, instead I get this flat blank map with a bump in the middle. halp!
Could not access file "C:/Users/matth/AppData/Roaming/7DaysToDie/GeneratedWorlds/Heightmapimport/NOMAD.png". Maybe its path is incorrect? Process has been stopped.
"C:/Users/matth/AppData/Roaming/7DaysToDie/GeneratedWorlds/Heightmapimport/NOMAD.png" has been imported into layer "my height map" , Size: 8192
*NOMAD.png being the same thing as myheightmap.png just named changed because I kept mispelling it.
Hi Brad, How can I create maps which place lakes and\or even a city on the plateau of a mountain? And how can I create maps where the roads create tunnels thru the mountains?
ОтветитьHi, ive got a fun lil idea, have you ever thought if trying to create a flooded city or town? I do see tools in here for changing the sea lvl and know changing environments heights is a thing. Like water is slightly above ground level. Would be a nightmare to play in, but with a21's new water system in effect. it would be interesting. sewers n underground structures would be flooded or semi flooded depending on the lvl of water tight the building poi is.
ОтветитьNew viewer here! :) First off, thanks for the tutorials, they’re incredibly helpful! I’m currently trying to make a 7D2D map off my local IRL small town to use in conjunction with the new VR mod, saw in the description you asked if anyone was looking to do this lol I am! Any help would be much obliged :)
ОтветитьTerribly late to comment this question but here's hoping. I'm trying to import a custom height map in teragon, and I get it to run but every single time no matter what settings I try all the height changes in the map have a terraced "staircase" effect. I don't get smooth hills at all, every change in height is a flat sheer wall like something out of minecraft. How can I get it to smooth the elevation changes so I get nice smooth hills and mountains?
ОтветитьFor some reason the first time i tried this method it worked, now i try to make another map but he cannot find the hight map. this is the error Height map "Myhightmap.png" is unknown. List of known height maps: (Heightmapimport). Process has been stopped.
ОтветитьHi Brad, I'm creating a custom map and it has a nuclear crater in it, surrounded by a large circular wasteland. It's completely littered with trees however, which doesn't make sense. Is there an easy way in teragon to get rid of trees in that area or will I have to go into the world editor after all the map generating has finished, and then get rid of them one by one?
ОтветитьHow do you actually create a height map? Searched online and can't find anything.
ОтветитьThis program is god awful. The interface is garbage and the program itself doesn't really give any creative freedom.
Is there any simpler world editors where i can actually add stuff properly without needing a doctorate? I just want to edit the existing RWG maps add maybe proper rivers and bridges tweak some terrain :(
Great video have tried to follow but having a major issue in that Teragon is telling me "Critical Error. Could not access file" with the PNG. I'm certain I have the folder and filename right, it is renamed and is in the generation folder for the map. I have triple checked. Permissions seem fine. Any idea what may be causing this?
ОтветитьHello, I am making my own hatita and everything is ready, my altitude and biome maps are ready, I want to place a city, but I could not succeed, can you help me, I wish I could understand the language better.