Secondhand Shopping Rules Everyone Should Know

Secondhand Shopping Rules Everyone Should Know

Alyssa Beltempo

1 год назад

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@salmiyamna1336 - 22.01.2024 13:58

Baking soda is alkaline and Vinegar is acid so putting them together may reduce the effectiveness of your natural cleaning product. If I am mistaken plz correct me

@suravijoshi758 - 18.09.2023 23:05


@leashgang1 - 05.09.2023 18:08

A wonderful vendor shared with me that hydrogen peroxide is wonderful removing blood. I have found it doesn’t take the color of the fabric.

@ciloveci - 25.08.2023 10:23

Hai ,love your videos! I think i just heard you say somethinf about the bigger sizes. Im very curious about your sizing and height as well, so i know if i would also be able to fir certain pieces you talk about😊. Greetings from Holland!

@Dwynfal - 15.08.2023 23:29

I love thrifting but unfortunately where I live it's not really part of the cultural mindset. I do find a lot of books and items for the home but second hand clothes are usually sold at consignment stores which tend to be high end and pricy. Add to that the fact I'm plus sized and significantly taller than average, and I'm out of luck! I do keep looking though but I don't rely on it for my clothes the same way as I do for furniture or home goods!

@HD-ol1mc - 11.08.2023 00:53

My rule with second hand shopping is "would I pay full price for this?" - if it doesn't look good enough to pass that test, I'll pass. It's a trap to buy something just because it's a bargain because I won't end up wearing it 😊.

@gracematter - 03.02.2023 04:42

It's a treasure hunt! I love it! Thanks for the vid.

@kittycontortion3190 - 21.10.2022 02:42

Yes, a measuring tape is a must. As someone with a long torso I need to do this with any tops.

As someone who used to volunteer at an op shop, yes items are hidden. Staff may be told they can only buy things that are still there at the end of the day. So they may put items they have their eyes on in odd places.
Look in the men's section. Active tops from here may fit tall girls better (also works for new t-shirts too).

@jinxy-g - 12.10.2022 05:25

I loved this video! I am big fan of thrifting and am actually planning a trip to Croatia myself where I will be staying in Split and Sibenik. In one of your videos you mentioned that you also stayed in Sibenik, would you have any second hand shop recommendations?

@BlahBlah-sz4ne - 28.09.2022 21:50

I have second hand shopped for years. As a larger sized person and because of fit issues, I never second hand shop for clothes online - accessories and bags yes. Plus I am a bargain hunter so I also usually avoid curated vintage shops. In my area best things to look for are wool/ merino and coats/ jackets. Another tip I think is important is don't ignore the men's section. And I agree with other commenters that most stains are there to stay no matter what you do: general grubbiness can be dealt with but not stains. Another is check the lining of any lined garments - there can be wear and tears and it's not that cheap or easy to replace. Also that repair or tailoring you think you will do or pay for: it mostly just won't end up happening. And actively cycle second hand buys out - they should be provisional in your wardrobe til they prove themselves in wear.

@Odo-so8pj - 11.09.2022 19:02

All sizes everywhere even brand new sizes especially now mean absolutely nothing. I have uk size. 12 to size 20 those eco strips are way too expensive.

@myaunteffy1440 - 08.09.2022 15:07

Love the true earth laundry soap. Thank for this video. I am going to start second hand shopping for learning about it now.

@Rakealia - 08.09.2022 09:55

With my sizing I almost never find anything nice that fits me in my area from thrifting. That said I find all the amazing frilly dresses for my toddler and they're expensive name brand ones for like $5 or less. My husband and I check the one that's super close every month or so. :3

@samiansley5740 - 06.09.2022 16:35

Great tips. I strongly agree w your points about keeping clothes clean & in good shape. I want to pass on clothes bc of wearing it out, change in fit or style change not because I ruined it. I also ALWAYS encourage shopping the whole store. All sizes and genders. Im a small person and found a favorite wool sweater in the Mens section size L (I’m a Xs/S). And still consume mindfully. Its a great way to try styles out, but it is still consuming.

@KatherineRoseArt - 04.09.2022 05:46

Honestly... it's not so much regular laundry detourgent that's the problem when it comes to taking care of clothes... it's how you wash them. Certain delicate items should never go through a washing machine in the first place. I wash all my delicates by hand... actually I just soak them in the tub with woolite. I gently ring out the water and hang to dry. I wash all my other clothing in cold water and anything I really want to keep nice... i NEVER put it through the dryer. The dryer is what ruins clothes more than anything, I find. I use arm and hammer laundry detourgent and have had clothes last me for years and years, still looking really nice.

@jeanwhite2705 - 03.09.2022 20:40

Alyssa, This was such a very excellent video. I am a senior 🇨🇦 lady who raised her family on thrift shopping almost exclusively. Our family of 6 learned very early( in utero) to appreciate twice loved clothes, toys, furnishings, vehicles. Our way of living thru necessity and therefore thru choice. Second hand shopping does take much more time, patience and ingenuity to capitalize on the not quite perfect or find a way to adapt and make it work. It’s part of the price you pay for the reduced $s. It is most often the way to better quality items even if they’ve been previously owned by someone else.
Thank you from this Canadian lady for naming the game in this type of shopping. It is also So So satisfying when you score something you’ve been looking for, fo some time. Makes one appreciate our things much more than being able to spend our labour in a retail outlet of first choice.

@conselfquence389 - 03.09.2022 17:53

Just a note - mixing vinegar and baking soda does not create a cleaning solution. Vinegar is an acid and Baking Soda is a base which in chemistry cancel each other out. Because of the bubbling reaction the two create, and because on their own they are good natural cleaners, people think combining them must make for an even better cleaner, but scientifically this is just not true. Choose to do whatever you think is best, but chemically once mixed they are no better at cleaning than plain water. Just wanted to share because most people are not aware.

@rhonaklipp - 31.08.2022 01:25

Thank you for your interesting videos. Love the location shots too.

@lorenheard2561 - 29.08.2022 10:50

Very good advice!! I will also try and remember to bring a seamstress tape measure with me !! Good video!!☘️🕊️🌻

@saraortiz3160 - 29.08.2022 09:01

If I knew this was going to be a commercial for a laundry detergent I wouldn't have been watching this. Unsuscribing...

@33Jenesis - 28.08.2022 01:38

I can’t do 2nd hand shopping. I’d go crazy buying too much. This is why I only do it when travel, knowing my carry on space is very limited.

@gillianlee8514 - 27.08.2022 21:14

Some of my favourite clothes come from thrift stores.

@nicolemaddison2945 - 26.08.2022 02:28

Tru earth are the best. I've used them for years. Took an Indian oil stain out of a linen shirt. Love love

@tamaracooper5797 - 25.08.2022 18:42

I usally try to stay with brands I know fit.

@allis_o2628 - 24.08.2022 14:11

Second hand shopping for me tends to be like looking for Narnia: I can't go in and think "I'm going to get a pair of black shoes" because god knows there won't be a single pair of black shoes in my size in the entire store. So I always see shopping as a little adventure, never fully knowing what I'll get :)

@katherinerichardson1767 - 24.08.2022 01:26

Excellent suggestions! Thanks for sharing.

@Cat-ik1wo - 23.08.2022 20:14

I like to thrift because I don't like cookie cutters mass production. But, I know what I like and need, and I look at the item thoroughly. If there are any damage, stain or frays. No.

@seangann7756 - 22.08.2022 19:28

Another reason to not trust sizing is some clothing was tailored for the former owner. A friend of mine got excited finding an expensive brand of jeans in his “size” But when he tried them on at home they were tailored way too short for him to wear

@paulacopley5284 - 22.08.2022 15:41

I volunteer in a local charity shop and a word of warning if you are after vintage clothing dont not go by the size label! The sizes have changed a lot since 1970 and 1980's and even more before then x

@faithnelson6069 - 22.08.2022 01:45

as a long time thrifter too, i can see you gave excellent advice.
some of it is just experience that people learn over time, if you can save them from things like over-consumption, great!
the tip on consistancy should be pretty easy for the beginner thrifter as well.
keeping one's mind open, whilst still taking everything in, is a harder trick, but once mastered, totally interesting and fulfilling.

@seashelify362 - 21.08.2022 19:01

I prefer to cruise to other continents & then travel for about a month or so at the destination. Cruise wear & travel wear don’t always coincide so I shop for the formal wear at thrift shops, tailor them & often leave them behind because I need to travel light at the end of the cruise. There has been times I get so many compliments on the clothing piece I will drag it around with me…but it truly is a win win.

@Heyreneesews - 21.08.2022 07:32

Those are excellent tips. I especially like the one about setting a goal. Sometimes when you do that magic happens.

@doloresmcclain2555 - 21.08.2022 01:38

Your garden is absolutely lovely

@ginamarie5575 - 19.08.2022 23:34

I’ve thrifted my whole life and love it , I’m now a reseller online so I agree with you , takes time and patience for sure !!! My own closet has grown so much !! 🙊 especially from $1 days at my local thrift ! 🤦‍♀️ it’s a lot of work but I love this job 🤩 I’m half Croatian! So neat you are there ! Enjoy it all !! Always natural soap for the win !! 🏅

@LiveTilWeLaugh - 19.08.2022 23:06

I was telling my sister the other that I approach secondhand shopping like I'm renting the clothes. I get bored with my wardrobe easily and when I do, I go through everything and send stuff I have gotten bored with back to the thrift store.

@cheshirecat2641 - 19.08.2022 19:55

"taking really good care of your clothes"
And she proceeds to dry black and dark clothes in full sun! 🤬🥴🙄

@nowyouknowrealestate5703 - 19.08.2022 18:05

I love thrift shopping. I grew up on it. When I was young (57 now) there was not much selection. The selection has exploded in the last 20 years!
Here’s my top reasons I prefer thrift over new:
Price!!! It’s a fraction of the cost.
The Hunt- so much fun when you find that special unique item made just for you!!
Selection- From every age group to every part of the world, all on a few racks. You learn your style: from color preference, to form, to material.

Once you hone the skill, does not take hours looking (unless you want to on that day). You are able to look at an item and quickly determine if it’s right for you in every way. I do have a harder time buying for my husband but I’m getting better at that too.

@10teeleaf - 18.08.2022 06:14

Yes it's patience! I worked in a thrift shop for 9 years. And it's not always there on the weekend you arrive. You have to know when stock goes out and also be lucky! Some things literally sell while it's in my hand as I put them out. Or something may sit there for weeks until the perfect person walks in the door. And unfortunately, some of the best things get stolen (no matter the price tag). So luck luck luck.

Also be friendly to your store workers. I don't mean suck up and you'll get a discount.(you wont 😂) No, the workers will keep you in mind and walk you to the item they think belongs to you.

Also be prepared to spend if it is a label and quality. Just because it's thrift doesn't mean cheap. So don't walk in on a high horse when a shop ask for a price because 10/10, 1 customer will be outraged with a price. It is later sold that day for that price.

@comet3nb - 18.08.2022 05:28

I go to the same thrift store everyday…. You don’t always find things….and most of what you find boils down to donations and the timing at which it was put out on the floor. But it is really fun when you do find great things😃

@sandihunter1260 - 18.08.2022 03:41

Tru-Earth is wonderful I have been using it for years.

@sandreawhite7534 - 17.08.2022 16:38

I love second hand shopping. I am so blessed that I can alter garments because of my sewing background. I have found some beautiful things.

@sharifournier9399 - 15.08.2022 03:12

Just as a sample of how sizing goes. I bought a pure silk skirt and top in 1982 from Nordstroms in size 14. I lent it to a friend who today wears a size 6/8 and it fits her perfectly. So much for vanity. lOL

@prosie1968 - 14.08.2022 01:21

I have a rule to try on one thing that I think I won’t like or wouldn’t normally grab. I have often been surprised that the item becomes a favorite. I do try to be very selective because it’s easy to come home with items due to price that don’t work. It’s a balancing act for sure!

@bastelkiste2242 - 13.08.2022 22:52

Very, very true

@catsinq5726 - 12.08.2022 23:46

You're in Croatia? I guess I know nothing about the country - if I had to guess I would think you were in Spain - it looks so tropical and green.

@michellemcgill9328 - 09.08.2022 23:37

I carry a measuring tape. Take your measurements then compare your measurements to whatever garment you’re considering. It will give you a general idea I came up with that when stores weren’t allowing you to try pieces on.

@kelly1038 - 09.08.2022 18:39

And the musty smell and the disorganized mess. I never try on the clothing until I buy the item, after it has been dry cleaned.

@marklee1960 - 08.08.2022 20:18

But, it is "okay"?

@sylviahashimoto106 - 07.08.2022 09:23

Could you share your vinegar-baking soda recipe for soaking clothes?
My friend used that method and her clothes stayed looking new for years!
When I tried it, I got white spots in my dark clothes. );
