"Potraga" - "Search" - Marijana Zeljkovic (Mrkonjic Grad)

"Potraga" - "Search" - Marijana Zeljkovic (Mrkonjic Grad)


1 десятилетие назад

3,180 Просмотров

Jednominutni filmovi koje su pripremila djeca Bosne i Hercegovine
OneMinutesJr je mreža koju čine Evropska kulturna fondacija, Sadberg institut i UNICEF, koji pruža financijsku podršku mreži i asistira u njenom radu. Rezultat su jednominutni filmovi djece i mladih kroz koji oni iskazuju svoja mišljenja, stavove, ideje ili dižu glas o svojim i problemima svojih vršnjaka.
Radionice se organizuju u okviru programa Jačanje sistema socijalne zaštite i inkluzije djece (SPIS) . Cilj je približiti koncept socijalne inkluzije djeci i omogućiti im da i na ovaj način izraze svoje stavove, potrebe, želje i razmišljanja. Filmovi će biti iskorišteni i kao sredstvo lobiranja za nalaženje rješenja, sa predstavnicima vlasti u lokalnim zajednicama.
One minute videos produced by children in Bosnia and Herzegovina
OneMinutesJr is a network made of the European Cultural Foundation, Sandberg Institute and UNICEF, which provides financial support to the network and assists in its work. This results in one-minute movies made by children and young people through which they express their opinions, views, ideas, or raise their voice about their problems and problems of their peers.
The workshops are organised within the Strengthening the Social Protection and Inclusion System Programme (SPIS). Their goal is to bring the concept of social inclusion closer to the children and give them another tool to express their views, needs, wishes, and thoughts. The movies will also be used as lobbying tools for finding solutions with government representatives in local communities.


#Marijana #Zeljković
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