How To Draw A Perfect Cube In Perspective

How To Draw A Perfect Cube In Perspective

Drawsh Studio

3 года назад

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@Historicly - 13.11.2023 17:13

What two lines are you measuring from? Because the 45 seems smaller than the 30 degrees

@squirreldaph3577 - 26.10.2023 13:29

What is the 45 degree vanishing point and what is it used for (besides how it is used in the video)? is there a video explaining this?

@deejaybundst1671 - 22.10.2023 15:02

it is interesting that a perfect cube in 2 point perspective will appear rather stretched horizontally when it is drawn close to a vanishing point

@Mauricio.F30 - 16.10.2023 00:07

Me exploto la cabeza :'v

@bobsmithy3103 - 10.10.2023 14:06

but how did you derive this? What assumptions does this rely upon?

@elidatboi12 - 13.08.2023 16:40

Awesome vid, extremely clear and straightforward!

@wearenotthesame4689 - 05.08.2023 07:50

whar if the vanishing point is off the page?

@theapexpredator157 - 04.08.2023 19:32

I don't understand the method used to Calculate the Height of the Cube and why it works/is correct... All the Steps Used seem Arbitrary...

@may8049 - 03.08.2023 02:59

how do you do perfect 3 point perspective, do you place the third vanishing point randomly or is there some rules?

@user-lb9hv7lc1x - 28.05.2023 04:23

Drawing range?

@srtakawaii7 - 14.04.2023 21:54

Thank you so much for doing this! I noticed that your vanishing points are at a 90 degree angle from the station point I think which you can see from the flat blue square touching the station point. So then for a perfect cube would the vanishing points always need to be at 90 degree from the station point then or could you make them at a different angle and that wouldn't matter when you make the 45 degree angle to make the square?

@Tatokala - 25.03.2023 16:48

Dachte erst: "brauch ich eigentlich nicht, kenne ich ja schon... " nun bin ich erschlagen.😅

@aristokrat8467 - 13.03.2023 22:32


@nowa881 - 11.03.2023 19:44

There is more useful and easy to use measuring system with measuring points and lines

@guitarsandsuchetc - 26.02.2023 19:05

Three sides to the ground is where im lost. How do you choose this.

@JamesO512 - 29.01.2023 14:20

This is interesting. Thank you! However, I find myself wondering why anyone would actually use a method like this in practice nowadays for making art or architectural drawings or mechanical drawings or whatever. It is quite impractical in a sketchbook or even on a drawing board since you need to define points far off of your paper or canvas. This is super impractical if you need vanishing points and station points way outside the edges of a big canvas! And we have computers and free 3D apps like Blender now that allow us to mock up shapes in 3D, keeping accuracy no matter how various objects are rotated in space.

What if you have a bunch of cubes at random orientations? That would be a nightmare to try to draw using methods like this! You need different horizons for each cube and different station points. With something like Blender, it is trivial, and so, so much more powerful and flexible. You don't need to do everything in the 3D app. If you want, you can just create boxes with grids and maybe ellipses where needed to use as a guide layer for use in a 2D painting app. Or you could print it out or project it onto a canvas.

This kind of approach seems like it was useful in the time before modern tools. Of course, it's great if you just have a fascination with the math and geometry. But I can't see why I would ever actually use this for drawing or painting. Maybe some would be impressed that you didn't use a computer, thinking using a computer is cheating, or somehow not artistic. But some might also consider using a straight edge or such engineering approaches as this, or any tools or aids at all, to be cheating or not in keeping with some romantic notion of what it means to be doing something in a proper artistic manner.

It seems to me that using a 3D app, you can focus more on composing your scene, and you can be much more free with it, and even change perspective after arranging your objects if it gives a better composition. You aren't limited to what you know how to construct perfectly using such perspective techniques. I suspect that with old perspective techniques, there is a tendency to restrict everything to certain orientations that work with a single horizon line, and so on. There is a fear of rotating objects to certain orientations in space. And things must remain more simple.

Or if you want a perfect cube as a standard for other parts of a scene drawn with the usual pair of vanishing points, you could just render a single cube as you like and determine the vanishing points from its faces by projecting lines until they intersect. Or if you just do a really rough mockup with cubes and boxes, you can use rulers to find the vanishing points, centers, and whatnot, for various faces.

Furthermore, in a 3D app, you can simulate light and shadow to as detailed a degree as you like. How to cast shadows accurately using the old methods, especially with multiple light sources, especially when those light sources are at inconvenient locations? With a scene of any complexity, these old methods would turn your drawing or painting into a very time-consuming engineering project.

Sure, there is a learning curve with 3D apps, but there is also a learning curve with such methods as this. You could learn how to create and arrange boxes and do basic boolean operations and setup a camera and render a scene in Blender in an afternoon.

Maybe I missing some reason to do it this way. I am curious about your thoughts!

@W1llRoss - 19.01.2023 21:56

How did you make the square grid just from the base of the cube?

@27Pyth - 14.01.2023 07:17

Thank you. Great job.

@user-cw7cj1rd3y - 02.01.2023 12:38

Have no idea why, but this box is not looking equally sized to me :(

@awsnuaimi8749 - 06.12.2022 18:28

In 3 minutes, you explained something to us that I hadn't understood for years. Thank you

@Toxic_Eagle_01 - 27.11.2022 13:21

How to draw a perfect cube in 3 point perspective

@bradfordyorks5055 - 02.09.2022 20:21

10 out of 10 for simplifying a not-so-simple exercise!

@lapinbeau - 17.07.2022 05:32

Took me a few watches to fully understand, but aaagh. Perspective is so difficult. ;u; You explained it as simply as possible though.
I'm also trying to learn to use Blender.

@kennethleriche - 20.02.2022 11:22

Could you please explain why you take the distance from a VP to the SP and project it up to the horizon line to find the Measuring Point at 1.25? I follow what you are doing and realise it works but I don't understand WHY that should work. Everything else in the video makes sense apart from that. Please clarify.

@lil25pro - 15.12.2021 21:39

Quick question: Won’t the 45degree VP always be in centre of the two VP since it’s half of 90degrees?

@is_this_the_real_life_or - 13.08.2021 05:31

Thanks :)

@lilybay1 - 20.07.2021 16:13

How do I use this while drawing during urban sketching.

@Romope - 18.07.2021 00:37

Thanks, this is awesome.
I have trouble to rotate a rectangle and be sure if it stay the same size, really trick.

@lukigepard - 17.07.2021 23:37

Ah I wanted to ask that question but you read my mind, what is a little creepy, but still thank you :emoji_take_care_from_fb:

@rewguy8373 - 17.07.2021 22:51

I can see where this can be very useful. Lots of potential for perspective in comics and cityscape drawings. Thanks for explaining what to use it for.
