How to create dropdown menus for a discord bot in python (discordpy)

How to create dropdown menus for a discord bot in python (discordpy)

Richard Schwabe

1 год назад

10,676 Просмотров

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AstroNish - 06.03.2023 16:42

These are such confusing steps that you are teaching and very bad examples. I mean everything is just hardcoded, there is no dynamism in it. What if I want third dropdown? do I need to keep 3rd one in 2nd one's class (which itself is in 1st one's dependency) and then make everything so messy ?

Daniel - 06.02.2023 09:33

Thank you for your great video!

I load my options from a database.

I also have a command to add new options in this database. However, the new options are only displayed in the dropdown after restarting the bot .

Is there a way to reload the dropdown?
