Beyond price and features, learn four ways to evaluate HubSpot against Salesforce to make sure you are selecting the right marketing and sales software for your company.
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Hi, I'm Josh Paul from Small Marketing Teams and today, I want to talk to you about the difference between HubSpot and Salesforce and the marketing company that they bought called Pardot. This is something that people wrestle with and when they go to make a purchase as far as their marketing sales platform goes and both companies and both software sets are really, really good. They're both the leaders in what they do but there's some very big differences and it really depends on you and the size of your team and the capabilities of your team and how you see yourself growing your company.
I'm not going to talk to you today about price. You know, HubSpot will give you more contacts with the right deal, Salesforce will throw in Pardot at a deeply discounted rate to get your sales ... The price varies. That's not what we're going to talk about today. We're not going to talk about the feature set because both companies are innovating very rapidly through acquisition and through internal development. What I do want to talk to you today about is near and dear to the hearts of anybody who has a small marketing team and a growing sales force.
The first thing I want to talk to you about is mindset. With HubSpot, it's an all in one package. I do have to let you know that I have used HubSpot everyday and every inch of HubSpot since 2010. I'm much more familiar with HubSpot than Salesforce, but over the past year, as I've helped 25 plus companies with their marketing and sales strategies, about half of them use Salesforce either for sales and marketing or just for sales and they integrate it with HubSpot. So, I've become very familiar with what Salesforce is good at and what they're not so good at.
But the first thing is mindset. Are you going to grow your company through an inbound approach, creating content that's helpful to your industry and getting found that way through search engines, through social, through groups and then converting those website visitors into leads? Or, do you have a big list today or is your industry very small, you know everybody in it and you have all their contact information and you need to reach out to them through your Salesforce or through strictly an automation campaign? That's going to determine which is a better fit for you.
If you are, I call them fire starters, if you're somebody who has to create revenue from thin air and you don't have a massive list today, then an inbound approach is probably going to be the one you want to go with. If you have a big list, then Salesforce might do the job as well. The automation is pretty comparable, although HubSpot having the marketing and sales piece baked in so tightly and working off of the same database, in my opinion, can do slightly more. But there's also things that you can do in Pardot and Salesforce that you can't do in HubSpot. But it's a different conversation if you're starting from, "I have a big list, I'm well-known in my industry, I just need to be able to handle the leads that are coming in efficiently."
Mindset. Do you need it for lead generation? Do you need it for top of the funnel lead generation? If you do, HubSpot's going to be your better bet. If you don't, then that's a different conversation.
Next is customizations. Salesforce is really good if you have a sizeable enterprise or a very specific use for your CRM. If you need to customize it and spend $100,000 or $300,000 bringing in a developer or development team, customizing your CRM to your specific industry and your specific company and work with those companies everyday, then Salesforce is going to be a better bet.
HubSpot's customization is limited and they do that on purpose. In that case, HubSpot will even tell you that Salesforce is the better bet.
However, what you want to be careful of is thinking that you need to customize your CRM when you really don't. You need to evaluate the limitations. Push HubSpot to the limit, that's what I'd recommend every day and if you still can't adapt your business process to fit HubSpot, if you need those customizations, then definitely go with Salesforce.
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