How to find your Enneagram Type based on your Myers-Briggs Type

How to find your Enneagram Type based on your Myers-Briggs Type

You've Got a Type

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Peppermint Warlock
Peppermint Warlock - 25.11.2023 21:33

Interesting video. - 8w9 & ISTJ-A

Ann-Kristin Kinn
Ann-Kristin Kinn - 17.11.2023 11:59

So being an INFP 2w1 is a bit confusing 😅 At least not the stereotype! The isfj's I know are definitely not 2w1, but I guess their personal issues are making them unhealthy..

Ave Samaya
Ave Samaya - 17.11.2023 04:47

can enfp have 9w1?

D0J0P - 13.11.2023 08:50

INTJ 5w4 or ILI 5w4 I believe. Why can't an INTJ be a 5w4 and an INTP 5w6? That technically sounds like it would make the most sense. INTJs have tertiary Fi which is more centered around personal values and authenticity vs INTP's inferior Fe which is based on the emotional atmosphere, which would make sense for them to be more about security than self-expression and individuality. 5 is the core type for both in general.

Mary Osgood
Mary Osgood - 09.11.2023 21:02

This was a big job. Learning one Myers Briggs type is hard enough. I am an INFP and a 5 with a 4 wing.
You guessed INTP. Thinking over feeling. I'm guided by intuition but research everything.

Bethany Curtis
Bethany Curtis - 25.10.2023 06:10

I go back and forth between INFP and INTP. Enneagram type 1w2

Sidarth Sable
Sidarth Sable - 23.10.2023 18:06

INTJ 5w6 perfect!!!! Results on Truity

Summer - 18.10.2023 08:39

This was impressive. I'm an INFP who tested as a 9 but think i might be a 4w5?

RSAS LLC - House Flipping
RSAS LLC - House Flipping - 14.10.2023 22:52

I'm an 8w7 and an INTJ.

CircuittCyberfang - 17.09.2023 20:54

I'm an INTP 5 with balanced wings. Also, it seems like type 6 in general is common in most MBTI types with EXXJ type 6s being the rarest.

JOLED - 17.09.2023 03:43

ENTJ here and pretty sure I am a 8w9...

Annie Swalve
Annie Swalve - 13.09.2023 19:36

Mine was wrong I am an enfp and I am a 2w3 pretty close though

Diomedes - 10.09.2023 07:21

I think you're spot on with the ENFP being 4s. I'm pretty melancholy :p

wisam rohilina
wisam rohilina - 08.09.2023 15:09

Interesting video, would like to share some of my findings:
1. I am INTP 5w4
2. My husband ISTJ 6w7
3. My mom ENTJ 8w9
4. My dad ISTP 1w9
5. My godmother INFJ 9w1
6. My godfather INTJ 1w2
7. My close-friend INTP 1w2
8. My close-friend ESFJ 2w1

So you got 3 of these right.. 😊

Anne Wilson
Anne Wilson - 24.08.2023 01:25

I’m ESTP and 7w8. Spot on!

Emily Wood
Emily Wood - 16.08.2023 15:21

INFJ 1w2 here…This was interesting!

Martine Vanesser
Martine Vanesser - 15.08.2023 01:02

Some are right Some not! Enfp7w8 Istp: 5w6 entp:8(sp)w7 entj( me) 8(sx) w7 :-) i think if you use thé subtypes of enneagram ( nummer +instinct might be more spot on) but i think you are really brave for Trying this! Not an easy task!

The Queen
The Queen - 13.08.2023 22:44

INFJ but 4W5 ❤🎉😂

sk - 13.08.2023 15:42

repeatedly skeptical of my Mbti type. Enneagram confirms it..... looking no further 😅

Master Oogway
Master Oogway - 30.07.2023 09:27

I am an 8 wing 7 and an ESTJ

Joe Beckham
Joe Beckham - 29.07.2023 14:01

Strange combo, I am ENTP 2W1.

M-BOT - 28.07.2023 08:58

I'm a enfp but I'm an enneagram 9

Luīze Kalniņa
Luīze Kalniņa - 20.07.2023 13:25

Omg, I went to specialist and she told me I’m ENTP (by the way people usually tend to identify themselves with the wrong personality type so it is recommended to go to specialist rather than just take a test) and many years back I took eneagram test and found out that I’m 6w7 so this video is completely correct and accurate!

Vixx Celacea
Vixx Celacea - 15.07.2023 15:54

I get INTJ more often than anything else. Sometimes INFJ, but mostly INTJ. I have also gotten INFP and INTP in the past. Only consistency I've ever had is IN.
Enneagram tests give me 4w5. Or just solidly 4.

I've also noted a consistent likely completely bias and pseudoscientific, but weirdly common realization that I'm dichotomic, caught between opposing ideas, thoughts and modes of action. (Often on tests, MBTI, random personality tests, even my zodiac sign(even if it's silly nonsense, it's just funny that it lines up with this bias of mine) I'm right in between or near in between two sides. Even an IQ test I took years ago online and have since taken in real life as part of my psych evaluation said something to the effect of left and right brained, emotional and logical all at once) I know I'm highly emotional, but also extremely centered and regularly talk about objectivity, facts and truths, searching to find them because my aim is emotional well being, as I would assume it is for most people.

Also, almost every test I take, I rarely have a hard agree/disagree as I just think of all the various ways that it would depend on the specific situation. Tests are NOT specific enough for my liking, so I answer a lot of middle ground answers. I suppose paralyzed with indecision can be a thing for me, but I feel like it's because it's not specific enough to be answered in truth.

I feel like I'm right between 4 and 5 on Enneagram and between INFJ and INTJ.

Given that my MBTI doesn't fit with recommended enneagram placements, I really don't know at all now. I suppose however that it also doesn't matter.

Lydia - 15.07.2023 11:59

Lol I found my mbti type based on my enneagram type

Mikael Wallentin
Mikael Wallentin - 27.06.2023 19:13

I think im a four wing 5, not only because im INFP but also because i love authenticy and authentic expression like theater and writing.
Though on first try it said i was ENFP. Confused. I emphasis with looking good and succes.
Also 9 wing 1 that INFP can be I associate the empathy, avoid direct expressing negativity. Four does it in an creative way on stage though. Hm
For me they are very close related, but for now i think im a four. 🤔

Janay - 16.06.2023 23:20

I'm an INFP 9w1 sp. I love my own quiet, private space to relax and enjoy my favorite hobbies.

Cyanide - 08.06.2023 09:07

Love this! I think it’s a great way to introduce people who are into mbti into a fun and new typology system and give them a place to start. -istp 9w8

So happy i could die
So happy i could die - 07.06.2023 00:55

I was having a time deciding between being an INFP or ISFP. Putting into perspective that a 4w5 is likely to be an INFP helps me narrow that down. Thank you! :)

sad hedgehog
sad hedgehog - 25.05.2023 22:47

hey, you almost got it right for me! INFJ here, 9w1))

also wanted to comment on how i love your style and consistency in editing! thank you very much for your insight!

Truth seeker
Truth seeker - 18.05.2023 02:22

Wings makes a little difference, 16 personality is not a realiable source, E8 is literally the least compatibile possible enneatype with TE dom and ENTP SX6 is not common at all, not even nearly as much as E7 is...🗿

RedGearSolid - 07.05.2023 19:52

Socionics > Myer Briggs.

-ESTP, Social 8

Livla - 06.05.2023 20:26

I'm an ENTP type 3w4 😊

Kate Doll
Kate Doll - 15.04.2023 20:42

Love this - so interesting! ISTP 5w6 female here.

Matthew Eaton
Matthew Eaton - 13.04.2023 14:30

I am an INFJ on my good days, which is my 5w4. On bad days, I bleed into INTJ which certainly fits the 5w6

Ilija Krivokapic
Ilija Krivokapic - 08.04.2023 02:36

Greetings from ENFJ 8w7 triptych 835, choleric-sanguine temperament. Do you perhaps know someone with those combinations?

L’ Aviatrice
L’ Aviatrice - 06.04.2023 22:04

Hubby is an isfj, 9w1

L’ Aviatrice
L’ Aviatrice - 06.04.2023 22:00

I’m a solid enfj, repeatedly tested over a decade. I’m a 1w2. I am also like this weird three way split if a 1/2/3…..little of all three equally 🤦‍♀️

Sedanur Özdemir
Sedanur Özdemir - 05.04.2023 14:04

I believe Im an 8w7 INTJ people say it doesnt make sense but Ive searched and analyzed i lot both enneagram and mbti and Im sure that Im an INTJ and nothing really fits me other than type 8 in enneagram. Because Im an INTJ some people think Im a 5 but i just the core desires and fears of 5 is so not me. I really tried to improve my functions I believe thats why its complicated like I think Im an 8 but I worked on my feelings a lot so i dont really have problems with that. Im open to ideas tho if you have an opinion please share :)

slice of anything
slice of anything - 30.03.2023 17:29

Thank you for making this video you deserve more subscribers

Ewa K.
Ewa K. - 26.03.2023 14:21

Please do not use 16p when talking about MBTI, it's got it's own NERIS system based on big 5 and only using MBTI types (with added -A and -N cause they run out of letters for neuroticism) for presenting results. You can find all this info on their site, it's not actual MBTI.
- sincerely, INTJ 5w4

SpaceAngelMewtwo - 24.03.2023 09:50

Honestly, I was kind of dissapointed by this video when it got to the 8s, because it feeds into the common, but false idea that certain types, especially ENTJs, can be 8s. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised though since you used 16p as your source for MBTI, and 16p is, unfortunately, a really bad source. ENTJ is one of the most overtyped types in MBTI since it's currently the rarest type, every man who values success wants to be one when they see the 16p website call ENTJs "The Commander," and there are a lot of false stereotypes surrounding it. If I were to come up with a word to describe ENTJs, I would call them "The Achiever" since ENTJs are very good at setting and achieving goals. (And by pure happenstance, that's also the word you used for 3s, which is perfect, because ENTJs are your stereotypical 3w4 CEO type of person.) Most of the time, people who type themselves as ENTJ 8 are actually ESTPs, although some actual ENTJ 8s will mistype themselves as 8s. Some ESTJs will mistype as 8s as well, but they will usually correctly type themselves as 1s, 3s, and 6s in my experience.

So what is the issue here? It has to do with the cognitive functions of MBTI. There are plenty of great resources for them, but for now, let's just say that type 8 doesn't really work with Te and Si, and it REALLY doesn't work with Ni.

Te, or extroverted thinking, is the dominant function of ENTJ and ESTJ, and it is focused on practicality, objectivity, rationality, and arranging the world in a precise, effective fashion. Whereas Ti would be more focused on theory, you could say that Te is more focused on practice and organization. It acts as a counterbalance to the function Fi, or introverted feeling, which is all about internal emotions and values, and likewise, Fi is also a counterbalance to Te. Fi gives Te a sense of purpose and dreams to realize, whereas Te provides Fi the means to realize its lofty ideals.

Si, or introverted sensing, is the auxiliary, or second, function of ESTJ. It's actually kind of hard to explain without contextualizing it with it's counterpart, extroverted intuition, or Ne. Ne is constantly generating new ideas an possibilities, but with so many ideas and possibilities, one can become aimless and wander through life. Si serves to ground Ne by serving as a bit of a reality check, and it does this by way of remembered facts and experiences that a person has internalized. "Memory" is a pretty good word to describe Si, and you might say their motto is "learn from experience," which it should be noted includes the experiences of others and not just their own. In fact, it would be rather difficult I think to find an Si dom with no interest in history. Si users like to make decisions based on what worked or did not work in the past, and high Si users like to have a nice, comfortable routine to life. This is because what is meant by "introverted sensing" is the body's internal senses, things like pain, comfortableness, hunger, fullness, thirst, being quenched, tiredness or energy, etc. These things leave lasting impressions on memory, hence the association.

tl;dr, Si uses the past to contextualize the present.

Ni, or introverted intuition, is the auxiliary function of ENTJs, and whereas Ne is more divergent, has a lot of ideas, and tends to only explore an idea for a short time before moving on to the next one, Ni likes to take a few ideas and explore them until they cannot be explored anymore, which leads Ni users to want to know everything about subjects that they're interested in. Ni users are also often meticulous planners, and it may take them a long time to act or make a decision as a result. They can also react rather badly when something throws their plans off course. Basically, Ni dominant people are completely the opposite of everything type 8 is, so you can quickly see why Ni in either a dominant or auxiliary position shouldn't be paired with type 8.

Se is the dominant function of ESTPs, and Se is basically type 8 incarnate. Se users want to go out and experience the world with their five senses. It is also the counterpart to Ni. Whereas Ni users are meticulous people that tend to think about the world more than they experience it, Se is action-oriented and wants to experience the world rather than spend too much time thinking about it. Se counterbalances Ni by encouraging Ni users to actually get out into the world and put their plans into action, whereas Ni counterbalances Se by encouraging Se users to not rush into things recklessly.

Well, as we know, 8s are a rather thrill-seeking, in the moment, and even a somewhat impulsive and irrational type at times. They want to enjoy all that the world has to offer their five senses, they're very action-oriented and aggressive, they have a tendency for impulsivity, irrationality, and rebelliousness, and they like to overcome challenges. I said it already when describing Se, but they're basically Se incarnate. They're also the complete opposite of what an Ni user like an xNxJ would be like. 8s don't like to waste time thinking and planning their experiences out and would much rather just get out there and do it, and solve any problems that arise on the fly. They also don't really fit with Si because they don't contextualize their actions with past experiences either. An 8 or an Se user wouldn't even think to do that, and not only would they not think to do that, they may actively resist and rebel against things like routine, authority figures, and social and cultural norms. Experiencing the same thing over and over again would be boring to an 8.

As for what Enneatypes I would assign to the MBTI types, I feel like the insticutal variant is much more important than wings. A each MBTI type may have many possibilities for Enneagram types and subtypes, so here is my list.

ESTP - 8, sp 7, 3, maybe a 9 if the ESTP was very ambiverted
ESFP - 7, so and sx 8, 3, maybe so 9
ISTP - 9, 6, maybe 5, and I'm open to sp8 but would still suspect a mistyped ESTP
ISFP - 4, sp6, sp9
ENTJ - 3, 1, sx and so 6, maybe so5 sometimes
ENFJ - 2, so9, so7, 1, sx3
INTJ - 5, 1, 6, maybe sp 3
INFJ - 1, 2, 6, sp4, sx5, sx9
ESTJ - 1, 3, sx and so 6
ESFJ - 2, 7, so9, sx3
ISTJ - 1, 6, 5, sp3, maybe sp9
ISFJ - 9, 2, 6, sp4, sp1
ENTP - 7, so5, 3
ENFP - 7, 4, so9, maybe 3
INTP - 5, 6, very, very rarely sx9
INFP - 4, sp6, sp and sx 9, and I'm open to sx5 and so6

Druid Indigo
Druid Indigo - 16.03.2023 19:18

I am as ENTP as it gets. And I’m definitely a 5w4

Rider - 10.03.2023 17:10

I'm in analyzing madness right now, Imma analyze the deeper layer of both MBTI and Enneagram. It may make you crazy like me so prepare to read.
-Enneagram: My life look like both enneagram 5 and 7 description: I don't always need others for my own thing, creativity, fun and very scatter minded. Based on your 7's analyze the self above thing look like 5 and 7 also have growth of 5 but 5 got stress of 7 which is scatter.
-MBTI: either extroverted INTP or introverted ENTP, enneagram 5 are smart bc of Ti (personal logic and conclusion) (5 are logic) first and Ne (random connection) (7 are also random fun connection)
-My deeper analyze and find connection:
+INTP and 5w4: 5 stress of 7, 4 growth of 7 (yes more layer in my analyze) so does it make 7 trait of 5w4 balance.
+Cognitive function: Ti-Ne-Si-Fe, they're mind first people last, Ti and Si make them look like home body analystic lazy person but assistance of Ne to Ti make the analyze more "scattered from 1 conclusion"
+ENTP: 7's and Ne are random kinda look the same, stress of 1 (Imma kinda having problem with my group work and outburst alot lately like you 7's video) and growth of 5's (great analyzer).
+Cognitive function: Ne-Ti-Fe-Si, freedom (Ne both thought and do) and hate stable (Si tradition, schedule and facts), Ne-Ti are the one see many things and making sense and connection of everything logically but not very grounded like facts bc they kinda repress or not develop well.

Just the way I analyze connection of 5w4 to 7's trait, Ne and Ti pairing are very clear (personal conclusion from connection) and bc I still don't have a clear type and the analyzing random create this madness make me kinda irritating but analyzing for me is fun but this is not ok at all.

MARS - 07.03.2023 20:21

This makes a lot of sense for me, I'm INTP and a 5w4

pebr83 - 04.03.2023 03:26

Whoa! I’m an ENFP and 3w4. I wasn’t expecting that to be the first ENFP enneagram match! Most people seem to think that ENFPs are 7s and “too silly” to be 3s.

Marianne Hall
Marianne Hall - 26.02.2023 00:02

Wow. Right on. I'm an INFP 4w5 (Self Pres). My partner though was an ENFJ Self Pres 7 (not sure the wing)...probably 7w8. HOWEVER....maybe he really was a 3w2....that does sound like him....

Manas Misal
Manas Misal - 18.02.2023 15:05

INFJ 1w2 here!
