Finally! Old Action VFX is back!
ОтветитьRunning a business is hard and subscription services are not particularly loved by the creative community so it;s hard to balance things out. Your free offering's and your library of practice footage at least shows you care about your community but yeah a dozen different subscription levels is a pain in the butt.
The two asset services I speak fondly of are you guys and production crate.
I am a little confused ... for 60$ a month (single user ... les than 200K) on the indivdual plan I get 5 credits but that would only allow me to download 1 to 5 items per month (and the 1500 from the essentials catalogue)? I guess since the credits accumulate that makes SOME sense ... especially at that indie tier. You have no need for anything in the paid catalogue for 3 motnhs and you suddenly have 20 credits for that project that needs a bit more.
I guess I would need to see what those credits allow me to purchase. Is it just ONE waterfall animation or is it the fuill pack? Things of that nature.
But actually you have to add some others free effect like fire and boomb explosion 💥 thank you
ОтветитьReally impressed with you guys. Listening to your users and fixing how things are done to make them happy. Not many companies have the desire to do this and it makes me happy that you guys are. Thank you for caring
ОтветитьNot sure, I will ever be happy with any subscription models. But still this sounds great!
ОтветитьYes. Yes. YES! Thank you for listening! I’m so impressed with you and the team to take the time to interview the users and figure out how to best serve us that also makes sense for your company 🙌🏻🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻 so excited for this change! 🥳🥳🥳
ОтветитьSo excited!!
ОтветитьIs there any compensation for those of us that lost stockpiles of hundreds of credits by switching to AVFX+?
ОтветитьBeing able to access the VBD stuff and 3D stuff via sub model would be first prize - Long term subscriber here! Keep going guys, you have my support always.
ОтветитьI have a project coming up and was shopping around for some digital assets, def gonna sub on Sept 1 and see what the new model has to offer...
ОтветитьI have a legacy subscription and my card expired and i wanted to update my card but it said I couldnt instead i need to upgrade and i will lose all my 50+ legacy credit by December which was very disappointing cause i didnt understand why i couldnt just update my card info and keep my legacy cause thats all i could pay which is $15 monthly...i guess I'll download all my remaining assets and close it out in December
ОтветитьThanks for the honest and thoughtful video. Great to see a company listening to the community. My only comment would be, why did you guys remove the affiliate program? It was a great opportunity to give back to the many content creators who have been supporting your products for a long time. I hope you can reconsider and bring it back. Anyway, that’s my opinion
Ответитьbro can you upload a video on how to make memes. for example when they put an object in someone's hand. It's like those memes that are viral that, for example, use objects from some video games and put them inside a video.
ОтветитьSubscription models are never to the benefit of the customer in the long run, but this sounds like an improvement.
ОтветитьSo excited to hear the credit system is back! Was disappointed when it went away as I like the option of being able to grab want you want when you need it most with credits that you have stacked up. Cant wait for all these new changes to happen. Thanks so much guys your amazing!!
ОтветитьLosing all my credits whenever i unsibscribe is the biggest dealbreaker ever. At the end of the day i lost 100s if dollars, cause i never used my credits. Such a shame. :(
ОтветитьHello, my name is Vatsal. I am from India. I have been using action vfx for the last 5 months. Mostly I use free footage. I am a VFX student here in India. your plans are quite expensive. It would be beneficial if you could set pricing for India. it will be very helpful for students.
ОтветитьPour ma ma part, Action VFX a toujours été la meilleure société pour tous ce qui est "VFX Assets" Bravo à toute l'équipe!
ОтветитьA nice feature to have would be the option to download a collection as a whole rather than individually. Would be much more efficient! :)
ОтветитьSorry, you've made it worse for me, if my legacy subscription will be upgraded to the smallest individual plan. It's so bad to see more and more services like yours tend to ignore real hobbyists who are not making any money with their creative work. How should I afford 60$ per month for just one service (along to render assets, audio library,...)? You had a good tier when you started with <20$ per month that was feasible for me, but now I have to leave. I know, you need to earn money yourself, then pleas go and reduce the amount of credits or limit the lib for this hobbyist-tier, but don't kick us out. Sad.
Ответитьare you all becoming braindead? Action VFX is excellent material but this new subscription is a real scam. 5 credits for 59$??? Seriously? I got 30 each months for 49$. Where is the benefit you all rave about? Time to use my remaining 150 credits (29 months in the new system 5 months in the old one) and pack i guess.
ОтветитьWill we still be able to download assets we previously purchased in-full (not credits)?
ОтветитьI am so thankful for you guys listening and making these changes
ОтветитьYou need to provide regional pricing for countries that don't have USD as their currency.
I'm in Brazil, and the dollar is just way too high in here, compared to our currency, which makes it a lot more difficult to pay for a subscription on your website, which I REALLY WANT to do, but it's just way too expensive.
Congrats on 8 years! I recently purchased Dust Explosions V2 and Closeups... I'm using them right now. They are absolutely fantastic!
ОтветитьI'm really impressed about this. You really took the time and listened, not many people do that, especially today. Looking at you Disney (and many others). I love your work, keep up with it!
(here's still hoping for zero-G explosions)
Did you implement it?
ОтветитьLove You Folks!!! You ROCK!!!
ОтветитьBummer, if this removes the one-at-a-time system that the companies I've worked for were able to use effectively, and especially for me personally when I do illustration work and only need one or two assets at a time. I guess this just goes the way of everything else until someone else provides that service again.
ОтветитьDude, it's awesome that you're listening to community feedback and actually making changes. That is so rare these days, and it's something I've loved about AVFX. I got burned on the last switch to avfx+ and ended up canceling my subscription, but these changes look much better (incl. credits, avfx essentials, full catalogue). Keep up the good work.
ОтветитьWhat do you have planned for the future of action vfx.
Ответитьsite is not opening its is asking like vistor password
Ответитьcredits? so now i can't pay for an individual asset?
ОтветитьThe new pricing system is way too pricey for individuals. 59 BUCKS for 5 credit. In the old system i paid 50$ for 15 credits. I understand that fewer credits are enough for a whole collection than the actual number of assets in that collection, but most of us just need one or two assets for a specific shot. 50$ for 10 credits would be okay i guess. 5$ for 1 credit seems more affordable and fair.
Ответитьoddly i lost access to all the old credit tierelements after subscribing to plus i also canot download anything any more cause its not showing the free plan as a option
Ответить1. Warra Joke; Essential Catalog = 5 3D assets and 1,555 basic 2D assets that you can get for free on the net.
2. 60 credits for $699 - a fog collection is 20 credits and any decent asset costs 2 credits i.e. 30 assets and your annual fee of £699 is finished.
3. Who were you listening to and what was he smoking? I'm out of ActionVfx; gents, there are better options out there.
As a loyal customer and a legacy account holder, I must say the new price points are not an "improvement" for me at all. That you are trying to spin this announcement into something positive is strange and disappointing. I understand the need to restructure the plans, but please listen to your user base and keep the prices at a more reasonable level.
ОтветитьI am customer. And I don't like the new subscription system.
ОтветитьJust a quick heads up before you consider buying a subscription from Action VFX if you do run into any problems, customer service is not their strong suit. I'm not the one to write a bad review, but I've been receiving automated emails about simple questions I have (talking to a robot) regarding my subscription. Not only do you spend $60 for the base monthly subscription that does come with assets you can probably find online for free, but you have to pay even more for the other assets that you'll probably want more than what they have to offer in their essentials catalog. $75 for 5 credits ( 5 asset clips or a couple 3d objects) is unique... I recommend Pro Create subscription wise which is about the same when it comes to assets, but $20 cheaper and 50 daily downloads instead of 20. 50 is a lot, but better than 20. Video Co-Pilot also has packs of assets you can purchase in bulk. Action VFX is the way to go if you have money to burn :). Hope this helps anyone that comes across this post.
ОтветитьReally missing the ability to buy the licenses for individual assets now that everything is exclusively managed through a subscription service. That is definitely gonna increase costs for a lot of regular people, especially freelancers or individuals who do compositing more as a hobby/personal interest than a career
Ответитьwhat are you trying to do?
I appreciate that you make a video where you talk about the current developments, but you try to solve problems that you caused yourself.
So far this was the best site for me. Not only because the 2D VFX footage has a very good quality, but above all because of how uncomplicated it is.
For example, if a customer wanted rain in their video, you could buy the assets quickly and easily.
Now you have to buy these assets with any credits that first have to be collected. This makes everything much more time-consuming, complicated and, above all, more expensive.
Why can't everyone just buy every asset, depending on the price?
I will definitely look for alternatives and hope that I find something that has the workflow that made you so popular in the past
I will never ever support a subscription business model to buy assets. They should always be a 1 time permanent purchase with 0 barriers to buying them. Absolute nonsense that your business model is credits hidden behind a subscription service. Milking your userbase monthly while trying to spin that into a good thing is hilariously tone deaf but unfortunately our society has made the evil subscription model normalized.
ОтветитьSuch a shame actionvfx went down the path of greed
ОтветитьCreo que la gente tiene mala memoria, pero hace unos años, ustedes las personas que trabajan en action vfx, regalaron cientos de activos, y los planes eran minimos, apenas unos dolares y llegue a tener 1000 activos de forma legal, y si apenas unos dolares, 15 a 20 fue increíble que lo hayan echo por nosotros los cienastas independientes pero se agradece y se valora lamento que todos no hayan tenido esa oportunidad pero para los que estuvimos desde el primer dia sabes que ustedes han sido muy generoso con nosotros y eso no tiene precio 😊
ОтветитьMaybe a student plan ? Like student need to complete a verification test and get like -50% on the subscription ?
ОтветитьI used to be subscribed for just $15 monthly for 5 credits which was affordable for me and then I sent a notification that I would lose all my credit if i didn't upgrade. I lost almost 100 credits and the new monthly subscription is $59 monthly for only 5 credits? yeah I am sorry brother I don't see how this is supposed to be better. Anyways I am sure others would love your new plan but my journey with ActionVFX for the past 2 years ends here.
ОтветитьIm helping a friend with a project. I can't get a subscription and buy the amount of credits needed to get the few assets i need. Before i could buy what i needed and then leave. Dealing with this new sub. no thank you. Like your stuff but nothing in the essential plan was what i need.
ОтветитьAs a new vfx artist just trying to learn, I wish there was a subscription tier for someone just starting out not making an income from vfx. I bought the essentials plan a few days ago and wanted to follow along with your great tutorials but none of the assets used were from the essentials plan. such as the rain on ground and rain on glass from your car rain tutorial.
I do feel mildly disappointed that I bought a plan with you but had to go to other sources like fx elements and production crate just to follow along with the tutorials.
I hope that a beginner subscription with more assets than the essentials plan would come out in the future. I really appreciate the tutorials and the free stock footage that you guys made, although I wish I could follow along with your tutorials without having to go elsewhere.